


The Bible Prohibited!



THE following Curious Document from D'ISRAELI, serves to show the uncommon pains taken by the popes of former times, in order to rivet the chains of darkness more firmly upon the necks of our forefathers, and cannot but be interesting to many of your readers at the present


September, 1813,


THE following are the express words contained in the regulation of the Popes to prohibit the use of the Bible.

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As it is manifest by experience, that if the use of the holy writers is permitted in the vulgar tongue, more evil than profit will arise, because of the temerity of man; it is for this reason all Bibles are prohibited (prohibentur Biblia) with all their parts, whether they be printed or written, in whatever vulgar language soever; as also are prohibited, all summaries or abridgements of Bibles, or any books of the holy writings, although they should only be historical, and that in whatever vulgar tongue they be written."

It is there also said, That the reading the Bibles of catholic editors may be permitted to those by whose perusal, or power, the faith may be spread, and who will not criticise it. But this permission is not to be granted without an express order of the bishop, or the inquisitor, with the advice of the curate and confessor; and their permission must first be had in writing. And he who without permission presumes to read the holy writings, or to have them in his possession, shall not be absolved of his sins before he first shall have returned the Bible to his bishop.'


A Spanish author says, that if a person should come to his bishop, and desire liberty to read the Bible, and that also with the best intention, the bishop should answer him from Matthew, ch. xx. ver. 20. You know not what you ask. And indeed (he observes) the nature of this demand indicates an heretical disposition.

I shall leave the reader to make his own reflections on this extraordinary account. It would be curious to sketch an account of the probable situation of Europe at the present moment, had the Popes preserved the singular power of which they had possessed themselves.




THE enclosed is a copy of a Letter sent from an affectionate Father to his Son on entering upon his apprenticeship, dictated by a heart truely warm towards his interest and welfare. If you consider it worth a place in your valuable miscellany, you may insert it at your conveniency.

Dunbar, 27th August, 1813


I am, &c.


PREVIOUS to your leaving us the other morning, it was my intention to have recapitulated to you the several injunctions that I have of late been endeavouring to fix upon your mind; but upon a second thought, I judged it preferable to communicate them to you by letter, in order that you might have an opportunity of perusing them at your leisure moments, and that they might thereby make a more lasting impression on your memory.


As you have now, then, entered upon your apprenticeship, I must inculcate upon you to pay every possible attention to your master's interest, whether he be present or absent not only by performing those things that may be particularly pointed out to you, but every other duty that you know to be incumbent upon you to do, holding always that golden maxim in view, "Do to others what you would that they should do unto you." At same time, strive to acquaint yourself thoroughly with the nature of the business you have made choice of, in all its branches, that you may be able at a future period, if God shall spare you, to follow it out for a livelihood to yourself.

By your having been hitherto brought up in the country, where you have had an opportunity of knowing only a few school companions, you must, of course, be ignorant of the dangers that you may be exposed to in a great city, where characters of all descriptions are to be found. Unexperienced youth, on their first outset in life, are more apt to be decoyed into bad company, than to fall in with opposite characters; and habits acquired in youth are not easily eradicated.

Let me assure you, that not only your happiness and prosperity in the present life, but even your eternal interest, greatly depend upon the conduct you now pursue. The dangers arising from associating with bad company are incalculable; many have been the late fatal instances of the truth of this assertion.-Petty crimes lead imper ceptibly on to greater, till by degrees they arrive at such a height of wickedness as often to terminate in some direful issue. Great rivers often originate from very inconsiderable fountains.

It is, no doubt, pleasant and agreeable to have a good companion to associate with, and particularly so to one removed from his relatives and former acquaintances; but


the characters of those around you cannot be ascertained at first sight; fix not, therefore, too suddenly, lest you should be deceived;-far better be without a companion, than to be corrupted by a bad one. Occupy your leisure hours in reading such books as are entertaining and instructive, this will not only amuse you while employed, but the nstructions that may be derived from them will afford weet meditation, and greatly supply the place of a friend. Another very essential particular I have to recommend o your attention, is a proper observance of the Sabbathlay. The neglect of this duty has greatly tended to the ain of many. The Sabbath being a day, freed from the oils and affairs of a present life, it is too often, and by too nany, spent in a very unbecoming and disadvantageous nanner; that, in particular, of frequenting tippling-houses, and shamefully indulging in riot and drunkenness, which lot unusually lead into many other vices, is dangerous in he extreme. I, therefore, most earnestly beseech you to ›bserve the Sabbath, and keep it holy, by duly attending he public worship of God, and conducting yourself in every >ther respect with prudence and propriety. On no occa ion allow yourself to encroach upon that day, by doing any hing you are sensible is wrong; for, as I have already said, he indulgence of little crimes lead on insensibly to the ommission of greater, and for one who has once swerved rom the path of rectitude, to retrieve his former innocence › no easy matter.

Gambling is another evil I beg you to guard against, articularly that of betting for money. It is an amuseent, which, though at first sight may seem innocent, yet he consequences resulting from its indulgence, have, in any instances, given proof of its ruinous tendency. It is ell calculated for waste of time, loss of money, and nelect of business; dissipation, too, is one of its usual at


tendants; and amongst its votaries, abusive language, private hatred, and even open war, are not altogether strangers. Avoid, therefore, such dangers; there are many innocent and entertaining amusements to beguile a heavy hour, without interfering with those, which are too often attended with such mischievous consequences.

Many other observations I might also particularize to you, in order to encourage you in the path of virtue, and to incite a hatred of the ways of vice; but these now pointed out, I think, are leading principles, and, by your attending to them, I flatter myself, every other desirable quality will spring of course. Your adhering to, and practising this line of conduct, you will never have cause to regret. The performance of it will infinitely benefit yourself; will confer one of the greatest pleasures on your parents that this world can afford; and will make you beloved and respected not only by your friends, but by every good man. R. P.

Causes and Cure of Discontentment. IN the early periods of life, when we begin to emerge from obscurity, and step forth into the world, to act our respective parts on the public theatre of life-when our passions are boiling and impetuous, our understandings raw and untutored, and our experience scanty and imperfect-we form ideas of felicity, too lofty and exalted. Reason, a cool and sedate principle, has not yet gathered strength; imagination introduces her flowery prospects; every object of delight, is painted beyond the truth; and every capacity of enjoyment, much bigger than the life from which crude and sanguine notions, eternal disappointments must ensue-because the simplicity of nature, will never quadrate with the extravagance of the imagination nor the enjoyment ever correspond, to the


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