
what pleasure does the master communicate! But the great misfortune is, that while the master endeavours to keep peace, good harmony, and friendship, among his scholars, they are generally taught the reverse at home. It is indeed but too common for children to encourage one another, and to be encouraged by their friends in that savage and brutal way of contention, and to count it a hopeful sign of mettle in them to give the last blow, if not the first, whenever they are provoked; forgetting, at the same time, that to teach children betimes to love and be good natured to each other, is to lay early the true foundation of an honest man.. Add to this that cruel delight, which some are seen to take, in tormenting and worrying such poor animals and insects as have the misfortune to fall into their hands. Children should not only be restrained from such barbarities, but should be bred up from the cradle with an abhorrence of them; and at the same time be taught that golden rule of humanity: To do to others as we would they should do to us.

It is highly necessary that children should be early made sensible of the scandal of telling lies. To this end parents must inculcate upon them betimes that most necessary virtue the virtue of speaking truth, as one of the best and strongest bonds of human society and commerce, and the foundation of all moral honesty.

Injustice (I mean the tricking each other in trifles, which so frequently happens among children, and is very often countenanced by the parents, and looked upon as the sign of a promising genius,) ought to be discouraged betimes, lest it should betray them into that vile sin of pilfering and purloining in their riper years; to which the grand enemy of mankind is ever ready to prompt them by his suggestions, whenever he finds their inclinations have a tendency that way.


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Immoderate anger, and love of revenge, must never be suffered to take root in children. If any of these be cherished, or even let alone in them, they will, in a short time, grow headstrong and unruly; and when they come to be men, will corrupt the judgment, turn good nature into humour, and understanding into prejudice and wilfulness.


While speaking of the education of children, I beg leave to add a word or two relating to the fair sex. It is a general remark, that they are so unhappy as seldom to be found either to spell, write, or cypher well; and the reason is obvious, because, in a great measure, they are overlooked in their education, especially among the lower orders of society. For instance, in a promiscuous school of 70 or 80 children, you will seldom find above 20 or 25 girls: nor are they allowed to continue till they have acquired a competency of useful learning-the parents generally reckon ing it sufficient, in the meantime, that they should receive a smattering of education, and reserve it to be finished at some future period, when they arrive, perhaps, at the age of 18 or 20 years. Of all seasons, a little consideration must reader it obvious, this is the most improper. For instance, at that age they are apt to be too forward, imagine all things will come of themselves, without any trouble, and think they can learn a great deal in a short time; and when they find they cannot compass their ends as soon as they would, then every little difficulty discourages them; and hence it is that grown persons seldom improve in the first principals of education so fast as younger ones. For a proof of this, I appeal to every woman whether I am just in my sentiments or not. The women who have had jus tice done them in their education, know the advantages arising

arising from the ready use of the pen and cyphering. Girls ought, therefore, to be put to the school as early, and continued as long as boys, and then it may be reasonably expected that both sexes will be equally informed. In a word, the education of youth is of such tast importance, and of such singular utility in the journey of life, that it visibly carries its own recommendation along with it; for on it, in a great measure, depends all that we hope to be ; every perfection that a generous and well disposed mind would gladly arrive at. 'Tis this that stamps the distinc tion of mankind, and renders one man preferable to ano ther-Is almost the very capacity of doing well, and remarkably adorns human life. And as the great end of learning is to teach man to know himself, and thereby fit him for the kingdom of heaven, so he who knows most, consequently is enabled to practice best, and become an example to those who know but little, or are quite ignor ant of their duty. I shall conclude with the words of an inspired parent and teacher: Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. AMICUS.

June 5, 1813.

Advice to Youth



As soon as you are capable of reflection, you must per ceive that there is a right and wrong in human actions. You see that those who are born with the same advantages of fortune, are not all equally prosperous in the course of life. While some of them, by wise and steady conduct, attain distinction in the world, and pass their days with comfort and honour; others of the same rank, by mean and vicious

vicious behaviour, forfeit the advantages of their birth, involve themselves in much misery, and end in being a disgrace to their friends, and a burden on society. Early, then, you may learn that it is not on the external condition in which you find yourselves placed, but on the part which you are to act, that your welfare or unhappiness, your honour or in famy, depend. Now, when beginning to act that part, what can be of greater moment, than to regulate your plan of conduct with the most serious attention, before you have yet committed any fatal or irretrievable errors? If, instead of exerting reflection for this valuable purpose, you deliver yourselves up, at so critical a time, to sloth and pleasure; if you refuse to listen to any counsellor but humour, or to attend to any pur suit except that of amusement; if you allow yourselves to float loose and careless on the tide of life, ready to receive any direction which the current of fashion may chance to give you; what can you expect to follow from such beginnings? While so many around you are undergoing the sad conse quences of a like indiscretion, for what reason shall not these consequences extend to you ?Shall you only attain success without that preparation, and escape dangers without that precaution, which is required of others? Shall happiness grow up to you of its own accord, and solicit your acceptance, when, to the rest of mankind, it is the fruit of long cultivation, and the acquisition of labour and care?Deceive not yourselves with such arrogant hopes. Whatever be your rank, Providence will not, for your sake, reverse its established order.-By listening to wise admonitions, and tempering the vivacity of youth with a proper mixture of serious thought, you may ensure cheerfulness for the rest of your life; but by delivering yourselves up at present to giddiness and levity, you lay the foundation of lasting heaviness of heart.


On the Danger of keeping Bad Company.



Being so much gratified with reading in your valuable Miscellany the reflections, &c. by the grateful Magdalen, I have been induced to make the few following observations on the danger of evil company: the insertion of which will greatly oblige one, who has, and will continue to wait with impatience for each succeeding number of your Magazine; which, in my opinion, is exceedingly well calculated to raise a spirit of enquiry in the breasts of young persons, and am sensible of its being read with great avidity by many in this place, who have hitherto been but very indifferent to reading of any description. Md.

A. M.

MANY are the temptations to which we are exposed as trials of our virtue, all of which may be the occasion of sin. We are subject to inclinations which may easily be perverted: We are surrounded with objects which are apt to excite in us criminal desires, and lead us from the path of rectitude. But of all the temptations to which we are exposed, none is more dangerous in its nature, and fatal in its consequences, than that of EVIL EXAMPLE. In this snare more unwary mortals have been taken and led captive, than by any other stratagem that the grand enemy of mankind has devised for their destruction. Yet however strong this temptation may be, we ought to rejoice that its power is not irresistible.


How then are we to conduct ourselves so as to obtain a victory over such devices, and avoid that rock on which so many have split ? In almost every case it is the surest antidote against vice, to shun every appearance of evil. We are in many places of Scripture strictly commanded to


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