
of some land in Jamaica; whither with his two sons he

immediately repaired.

LEWIS and ARCHIBALD, whose education had furnished them with resources of which no chance could deprive them, and which enabled them to live contented in any sphere, sympathized most sincerely in the afflictions of their father, and by their dutiful and unremitted attention endeavoured to lighten them, but poverty presented not itself to them in a form so dreadful; they were willing and able to support themselves by active industry, and they possessed sufficient resolution to make their wishes subservient to their power gratifying them.


On their arrival in the West Indies, they remained for a few days at a friend of Mr. JEFFRIES, and then repaired to their own dwelling. This was small, and had been built, not for purposes of luxury, but from motives of convenience; it was sweetly situated, and presented to the eye the most beautiful and romantic scenery that can be imagined.

It is impossible to describe the sensations which the beautifully picturesque views of Jamaica occasioned in LEWIS and ARCHIBALD, for their father was too much absorbed in sorrow, to be sensible of such pleasures. They ascended a neighbouring hill to contemplate at leisure the lovely scene. From this eminence they beheld rivers winding in a majestic course along the rich plain, and in some places skirted by woods decked with perpetual verdure. Their rich savannahs opened to distant scenes, where the foot of European had seldom trode.


thing which could please the eye, all that could satiate avarice, and gratify luxury, were here combined! But ah! dreadful were the means by which the latter were accomplished. Here poor toiling wretches dragged on a miserable existence, to contribute to the artificial wants of others; and while plenty smiled around them, they were


obliged to satisfy the cravings of hunger with a piece of dried fish, their common and scanty fare!

In the generous, the humane, the well-formed minds of LEWIS and ARCHIBALD, such an abuse of power could create no other sensations than detestation of the oppressor, and pity for the oppressed; and they resolved, if Providence should so far prosper their industry as to place them in a higher station, their dependents should sweeten the bread of

labour with the smiles of freedom.

They were soon employed in cultivating the little ground their father possessed, and this so far from considering as a degradation, was the source of their highest pleasures: they were giving the strongest proofs of filial affection, they were returning some part of the debt they had contracted with their late munificent father.

In a country so bountiful as Jamaica, the necessaries of life were easily procured; but LEWIS and his brother sought for their father those luxuries to which he was still but too much attached.

Their little plantation flourished beyond their most sanguine expectations, and bestowed an ample reward on t their pious industry. The next year they increased their quantity of land, and had again the most abundant crops. They now found it necessary to employ more servants, but slavery contaminated not their labours. The generous youths gave them emancipation, and then hired them, leaving them so far masters of themselves, as to be able to leave their situation whenever it became unpleasant.

In the course of twenty years, by their industry, upright integrity, and the blessing of heaven, they acquired a very large fortune, and now with their father returned to England. There they lived, not to squander, but to enjoy their wealth; to taste the only real delight wealth can impart, that of assisting the needy, and comforting the afflicted.


Mr. JEFFRIES lived not long after his return to Eng land, and on his death-bed, calling his sons and friends around him, he spoke to them thus: "Twenty years have I been supported by the industry of my sons; who have much more than repaid whatever they may have received from me. They have been resigned in adversity, cheerful in the midst of affliction, have patiently borne with all my infirmities, and have been the unshaken props of my old age. Heaven has looked upon them with its most favouring eye and has amply rewarded their exemplary virtue. May their sons deserve, and receive from them such praises, it is my delight to bestow! In the midst of plenty, even when fortune smiled upon me, I never experienced half the real pleasure the worth of my children has imparted to my heart. Oh, deserving objects of my fondest affection, receive my blessing; accept all the gratitude a parent can bestow!" Here he ceased, the shades of death closed his eyes, and he sunk to repose.

as even now,

As soon as LEWIS and ARCHIBALD had paid the last duties to their father, they hastened to Mr. BRIANT, whom they considered as a second parent, to testify to him that gratitude which warmed their bosoms. It was to him they owed the early culture of their hearts; it was he who had first led them to the paths of virtue, and taught them those useful exercises which, as they are conducive to the support of man, no one ought to be ashamed to perform. The mutability of human affairs may convince us, that he who is born to riches is not always secure of their possession. Some unlooked for storm may blast his fairest prospects; some unexpected misfortune destroy his dearest hopes. How helpless, how contemptible is the state of that man, who is bereaved of pleasures whose loss he has not fortitude to support, nor knowledge sufficient to regain! Ignorant of every thing useful, of every thing which makes the real


boast of man, he sinks to the grave unpitied and unlamented. But, on the contrary, what can misfortune take from those, who like LEWIS and ARCHIBALD, are capable of supporting themselves under every adversity; who are not influ enced by that false shame which disdains what is useful, because it is menial. Poverty can take but little fram those who are temperate and industrious. Heaven seldom fails to reward the labours of virtue, and its blessing is more peculiarly promised to those, who, in all trials, pursue the road of integrity and honour."

The Brothers of North-Berwick. IN the town of North-Berwick, in Scotland, lived an eminent merchant, who had acquired a considerable fortune in trading to Holland and the Baltic; and, as he had only two sons, he resolved to give them an education that would enable them to make a proper use of what fortune he intended to bequeath them.


Accordingly they were both sent to the same school, and the progress they made in learning was nearly equal. They seemed both qualified with such natural talents as were fit for trade; for neither of them took any great pleasure in reading: nor did they discover any remarkable attachment to the reigning follies.

JOHN, the eldest, was kept as a clerk in his father's compting house; and THOMAS, the youngest, was sent up to London, and bound apprentice to an eminent grocer in the Strand. Soon after the expiration of THOMAS'S apprenticeship, the father died; and his fortune was equally divided between his two sons, whose behaviour had given him the utmost satisfaction. THOMAS opened a shop in London;

London; and JOHN, not chusing to remain any longer in Scotland, packed up all he had, and set out for London, where he was kindly received by his brother; and, by his interest, was taken into partnership by an eminent merchant near Towerbill.

It was not long, however, before some difference arose between him and his partner, and they mutually agreed to dissolve the partnership. JOHN then opened an office to transact business on his own account, and married the daughter of a merchant, with whom he got a considerable fortune.

In the mean time, THOMAS, the youngest, went on in his business with success, and married the daughter of an honest industrious tradesman, who, instead of bringing her up a fine lady, had instructed her in all the duties of domestic life. She had been taught to believe, that a stuff gown, a plain head-dress and a few guineas in her pocket, were of much greater value than a silk-gown of the newest pattern, a head dress in the fashion, or a pretension to credit while a person is twenty pounds in debt. She had as much pride as kept her above contempt, and procured her the respect of those of her own station.

On the other hand, the wife of JOHN, who had been brought up in the country, began gradually to discover the ruling passion of his mind.

The pleasures at the places of public diversions appeared to him of much more importance than a regular attendance on his business; and his spouse told him, that none but vulgar, low-minded fellows would spend their evenings in the city. "Leave business to be minded by your clerks," said she; "for, unless you appear like a man of fashion, I will never own you as a husband. I was brought up as a lady, and I will live as such."

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