
most judiciously directed, but the CURE of RABIES, hás been left, as they found it, HOPELESS, and perhaps the Recovery of Mrs. LACASE, under the Management of Dr. MOSELY, in 1807, is the only Case, on Record, of COMPLETE HYDROPHOBIA, from the BITE of a MAD DOG, having been SUCCESSFULLY treated. Under these Circumstances the COMPILER, repeats his anxious Wish, that the PRACTICE of, Worming Dogs, may become UNIVERSAL with the SPORTSMAN, and with ALL who choose to have DoGs, in or about, their Dwellings. HE acknowledges, that Medical Gentlemen, have argued very learnedly, against the POSSIBILITY of its having any Influence, in Preventing the Disorder, or upon the Subsequent Actions of a Rabid Dog, and also, whether it is properly a WORM, a NERVE, or a GLAND; Dr. HAMILTON, in particular, from the Narrative of a Man, who wormed Dogs, was convinced the Operation, only put the Animal to Extreme Pain, and was useless, as to its intended Effect. Against these Arguments, He has to oppose FACT. Upon this Topic, He has previously mentioned, various Evidences of its Mode of Acting, and where the WORM has been ALL extracted (for, to save themselves Trouble, FARRIERS, &c. if they get out a Part, suppose the Remainder will rot away,) He never knew it fail to produce STUPOR, and SOMNOLENCY, and that ENLARGEMENT of the TONGUE, which effectually hinders the TEETH, from being closed together. Those, who have been most Sceptical upon this Point, and have for Years laughed at the Idea, have been compelled from Ocular Demonstration, to confess, that the Animal was rendered, from the Causes above-mentioned, TOTALLY HARMLESS.

An Incident similar to that which befel the Compiler's

Hounds after they were sold to the late Mr. PANTON, (and which is noticed, in the 183d Page, of the first Volume,) occurred in 1811. A Mad-dog got amongst and bit many of the Harriers of Mr. HODDEN, of Fountainstown, in IRELAND, the CANINE MADNESS was communicated and the Hounds in a short Time, were biting and tearing each other to Pieces, but it was particularly remarked, that such of the Dogs, as had been WORMED, died, without any Symptoms of that FURY, which actuated the Others. If then, by the Loss of this WORM or NERVE, call it what you please, the ACTIVITY and FIERCENESS of the Dog in a Rabid State, can positively be restrained; surely the Practice ought to become universal, and if possible, compelled, to be adopted. The POLICY of COMMUNITIES, has ever deemed, the Safety and Health of its POPULATION, One of the most essential Objects of their Attention. IN THIS COUNTRY, the REWARD bestowed upon Dr. JENNER, was highly proper, even if the Cow-Pock, had merely rescued MAN, from the MORTALITY of a Disorder, that was in many Seasons and Places, a Scourge like the PLAGUE, and in its Stead, produced a MILDNESS in the Distemper, that required neither Medicine, nor Alteration from the Patient's usual Course of Living; and however PLINY may be sneered at, for what is styled his Credulity, in recommending the WORMING of DOGS, as a Preventive against the Dangers, their Madness might excite; the Principle is founded in TRUTH, and EXPERIENCE will, there is no Doubt, confirm its VALUE. So far as the Dog itself is concerned, the WORMING has this Ascendancy, that let Two Dogs, the one WORMED, and the other NOT, be fed the same, have similar Care as to their Lodging, &c. and the Dog that has undergone the Operation, will carry a Coat, of more glossy Texture and

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Appearance. This, probably, is not extensively known to Sportsmen, and may be a STIMULUS, to try an Experiment, whereby the Personal Safety of the HUMAN, will go Hand in Hand, with the increased Beauty, of the DoG, SPECIES. This precautionary Remedy, whereby the Mischiefs of a DISEASE, for which No CURE is yet ascertained, may be of such momentous Benefit, that the COMPILER hopes it will have its due Appreciation. To explain how the Worm is situate, a PLATE is given of the Dog's Tongue, with the WORM in its natural State, and also after Ertraction.

The COMPILER has now brought his Labours, to a Conclusion. If He has concentrated a Variety of Materials, and so arranged them, as to Entertain the SPORTSMAN, or been enabled to give a Hint to the NATURALIST; that has before escaped his Enquiries, and superior to ALL; if his SETTLED SENTIMENT, respecting the UTILITY, of WORMING DOGS; should, by its Adoption, preserve ONE HUMAN BEING, from the deadly Ravages of HYDROPHOBIA; He shall experience the most consoling Reflections. FAVOURED he has largely been, by an indulgent PUBLIC, in THEIR SANC

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