COPYRIGHT, 1920, BY MORRIS EDMUND SPEARE AND WALTER BLAKE NORRIS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 422.3 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY GIFT OF BOSTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE LIBRARY ΜΑΕ 23 1932 The Atheneum Press PREFACE The present volume owes its origin to the increasing recognition of the value of current events in education, as evidenced not only by the inclusion of readings in current events as one possible unit in fulfilling the uniform college-entrance requirements in English but by the widening use of current literature in English courses in school and college. Teachers are realizing as never before the vitalizing influence which a study of distinguished contemporary writing can create. In compiling a book of selections to assist in making such work feasible and effective, the editors have sought for articles with four qualities, all of them desirable in material of this sort. Each selection should present a vital issue, a question of real importance to America and the world. Each discussion should deal with fundamental ideas such as are likely to hold good through the changing current of events. An analysis of the style and structure of each article should disclose the best qualities of present-day writing, clearness and interest. And, lastly, so far as possible the student should be brought into stimulating contact with some leader of thought or action today who can speak with the authority of public recognition. The editors have taken advantage of similarity of aim of the two volumes to use considerable material from their "World War Issues and Ideals," and wish to express their appreciation of the kindness of the contributors to that volume for the opportunity to use again the material so generously granted them there. Though the field covered by the two books is somewhat different, the general purpose has remained the same -to present contemporary problems and ideals, national and international, as they are seen by men of light and leading today. THE EDITORS |