
that Jesus Christ would provide for him sufficiently, not only in this life, but for ever. Finding him determined, they vilified his character, representing him as a drunkard and a glutton, and ultimately as insane. I conclude that these absurd stories were believed by some of the officers of his corps; for I learn that a court of enquiry was instituted into the man's conduct. The result was, however, the most satisfactory evidence of his having ever conducted himself, not merely well, but in a most exemplary manner, and that he was a particularly smart and fine soldier. He was baptized by me, at his own unsolicited request, (which I beg your lordship will have the goodness to observe) on the 20th of October, in the presence of the other native Christians, and one or two friends of mine, previous to his departure on some regimental duty, being apprehensive he might not return to Meerut; and here the business ended. The Brahmins ceased to trouble him; but he now eats his meals by himself, barred from admission within the magic circle with which the Brahmin entrenches himself. He is, as he was before, a steady man and a good soldier ;but he now reads his Bible, and prays to the one Eternal Jehovah through Jesus Christ.

(From the Life of Bishop Middleton, by the Rev.

C. W. Le Bas. Sent by L. P.)


ONE of the commandments given to the Jews from Mount Sinai, and enforced upon all Christians by the frequent repetition of it in the Gospels, is this, "Honour thy father and thy mother," and though we are, through the blessing of God, instructed in our duty, and are constantly reminded of it by hearing God's word read every Sabbath-day, yet we must all be aware how much we fail in the performance of it in this important point. Our Saviour "Left us an ex

On Duty to Parents.


ample that we should follow his steps," and we read, in the second chapter of St. Luke's Gospel, that " He was subject unto his parents." What a lesson of submission and obedience do these words contain!To honour our parents, means that we must love, reverence, obey and succour them; the first of these (to love them) will lead us to do them all the good in our power, and to avoid every thing that may grieve or trouble them in any way, and to pray for them; this love is founded on the principles of common gratitude, as parental affection is constantly exerting itself in all the beneficial acts it can invent, supplies all the wants of helpless infancy, and bears all the waywardness of childhood. How dreadful then will be the fate of those who shew or who feel unkindness towards their parents! Let them remember the sentence of the Lord under the Mosaic dispensation, "he who curseth father or mother let him die the death."-The next duty children owe to their parents is Reverence,-children must shew respect to their parents, and pay them external honour and civility, and never behave rudely in looks, words, or deeds."Hearken," says Solomon, " unto thy father that begot thee, and despise not thy mother when she is old."

Another duty of children is Obedience. At an early age, when children want understanding to direct themselves, they should submit to the will of their parents, who must be allowed to judge what is proper for them, being so much older, wiser, and more experienced. But should the parent command his child to lie or to steal, or to break any of the laws of God, the child must refuse, for “ we must obey God rather than man;" but, even when we are on this account obliged to disobey, we must do it with the greatest modesty and submission, and never for a moment forget the respect due to our parents.

Children must succour their parents.-What a

hardened wretch must he be who can bear to see a father or mother in distress, and not do all in his power to relieve them! We ought to minister to all their wants and infirmities, and endeavour by our attention and tenderness to repay them for the constant care and anxiety which we were to them when helpless infants. One of the greatest pleasures our nature is capable of, is the knowledge that we are a comfort to our parents; and the reward that is promised to those who love and obey them should induce us all to keep the fifth commandment. The author of " Ecclesiasticus," says, "My son, help thy father in his age, and grieve him not as long as he liveth; if his understanding fail, have patience with him, and despise him not, when thou art in thy full strength: for the relieving of thy father shall not be forgotten, and instead of sins, it shall be added to build thee up; in the day of affliction it shall be remembered." These hints which have been given "On duty to Parents," will, it is hoped, enable all who read them, to judge of the importance of the fifth commandment. More especially as it is enforced by the example of our Saviour on two memorable occasions. The first has already been named, "He was subject unto his parents," and the second is, whilst he was hanging upon the cross, and suffering the greatest agonies with the utmost patience and resignation, that he might purchase our redemption with his blood, even whilst he was in that suffering state, he did not forget his mother (who was present at this trying scene, beholding the death of her Son, and her God,) but said unto John his beloved disciple, " Behold thy mother; and from that hour that disciple took her to his own home."

The Scriptures are given to us as the guide of all our actions; and we should always set before us the example of our Saviour. If we do this, and pray for the assistance of his Holy Spirit to enable us to follow his steps, we may be assured that the blessing of God Almighty will be with us, and not only give us an

A Walk in the Country in the Month of May. 297 anxious desire to perform our duty to our parents, but aid us in our endeavours to live according to all the commandments of God.


To the Editor of the Cottager's Monthly Visitor.

A WALK IN THE COUNTRY IN THE MONTH OF MAY. IN the lovely month of May, what can be more delightful than a walk, to admire the beauties of the country?-Some pleasures are only attainable by the rich, here is one open to all. First let us step into the garden, and in our mind's eye survey its opening treasures in May, the China rose begins to bloom, after its holiday caused by the frost in the beginning of the year, for these lovely roses are generally seen at Christmas, looking indeed melancholy;-but yet a rose is a delight at that season, though it should droop a little; the next frost, however, generally puts an end to all the bloom, and we have no more till May, when they come forth better than ever, fresher, and more luxuriant. What can be prettier than a white cottage, with a cluster of roses adorning its walls? In May, wallflowers are in full beauty and sweetness ;— the deep bloody reds are the best; the light amber too is pretty, both in itself, and as a contrast:-the family of stocks, scarlets, ten-weeks, Bromptons, are now in their pride; the double white saxifrage makes a pleasing variety, uniting its white blossoms with those of its darker neighbours ;-the heartsease, with its multitude of names, spreads about in no tidy order, making up, it would seem, by its gay attire, for breaking bounds,—an excuse, however, though allowable to a flower, quite out of the question to the flowers of the human race; indeed smart flowers have much the advantage over smart young women,-their gaudy attire is natural and suits them, which cannot be said of the attempts at finery one sometimes sees disfiguring what

would be a pretty country girl, if she did not try to look like a lady.-But come, this has nothing to do with our walk. We must leave the garden, for, inviting though it be, I see even greater beauties beyond it,-Nature's own works unaided by cultivation; the hawthorn with its snowy garland, sweet in its scent, lovely to the eye, and a very paradise for the birds-indeed our pleasure in a walk is by no means dependent entirely on what we see; hark to the thrush! what variety of notes, and how sweet! the blackbird too gives us his aid, the lark, the linnet― in some counties, the stranger nightingale with his sweet notes and his long pauses, leaving you in doubt what the next variation will be, for hardly ever is it twice the same :-then there is the cuckoo repeating the same tale over and over again-the rook incessantly busy; a thousand other sounds, making good the poet's assertion :

"Not rural sights alone, but rural sounds
Exhilarate the spirit, and restore

The tone of languid nature."

The cowslips are almost over-but the little blue veronica, called in country phrase, bird's cowslip, and the pink geranium, bestrew the ground with gaiety— the lily of the valley is now in flower; it grows wild in many places, chiefly in woods, where too, may be found the wild columbine: the old name of the lily of the valley was "conval lily;" a corruption from its Latin name, convallaria; it is a pity the names of flowers are so difficult to remember; but there is generally an English one, always for the wild flowers; and surely that may be remembered, and, being so, will render the country walk more agreeable. Much more too, may be learnt of the uses of plants, for uses they all have; our merciful Creator, in delighting our eyes, has ever in view permanent good as well as a transient gratification, and so, well applied, may the country walk be; it is a recreation; we admire the

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