
chiding, ii. 366; vii. 216, 291; clipt, i. 78

[blocks in formation]

close, vii. 95

closely, v. 66

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

compact, ii. 372; iii. 244; iv. conjects, x. 355


companies, vi. 11

companion, iii. 425; iv. 285;

viii. 201; x. 393
companion-ship, viii. 13
company, iii. 396; viii. 273
comparative, v. 285; ix. 44.
compassed, vii. 283
compassed cape, iv. 84
compassionate, v. 123
competitor, i. 149; ii. 76; iii.

25; vii. 120; viii. 359, 395
complements, iii. 11; vi. 35
complexion, x. 152
comply, x. 182, 275

compose, viii. 369

composition, ii. 192; x. 304
compost, x. 225

composture, viii. 82

comptible, ii. 21

conjecture, ii. 269

conjure, vii. 383

consanguinity, vii. 356

consent, iii. 89; iv. 341; v.
114, 355; vii. 311, 313
consider, ix. 39

considerate, viii. 373
consign, ix. 95
consigned, vii. 359
consist, v. 409; ix. 258
consort, i. 172; x. 114
constancy, ii. 373
constant, ix. 341
constantly, ii. 164
construction, iv. 325
contemptible, ii. 243
content, vii. 289

continent, viii. 452; x. 236

continents, ii. 323; ix. 40+

continuate, x. 375

compulsion, v. 87

con, iii. 399

concealed, v. 90

conceit, iv. 278; v. 53; vii.
74; ix. 283; x. 58, 223
concent, vi. 19.

conclusion, viii. 457, 479; ix.
23; x. 366

conclusions, iii. 131; x. 226
concupy, vii. 385
condemned, viii. 131

condition, iii. 123, 125; v.
418; vi. 78, 113; viii. 8,
70, 276; ix. 283
condolement, x. 138
conduct, i. 101; v. 183; vi.

286; x. 63, 114.
coney-catched, iv. 96

coney-catcher, i. 209

contraction, x. 220

contraries, viii. 62

contrarious, ii. 166
contrive, iv. 37
controul, i. 30

convented, vii. 241
convents, ii. 95

conversation, vii. 77 ; viii. 392 ;
ix. 259

converses, viii. 139

converse, iii. 99; ix. 360
conversion, v. 13

converted, ii. 190
convertite, v. 83

convey, viii. 420; ix. 355
conveyed, vi. 15

conveyers, v. 189

conveyance, vi. 145, 430

convinces, iv. 394; vii. 313;
ix. 20, 254

[blocks in formation]

copy, iv. 292

coragio, i. 102

Corinthian, v. 253
corky, ix. 421
corollary, i. 77

coronet, vi. 231
corporal, iii. 38

corrigible, viii. 453

costard, iii. 34; vii. 38; ix.


coster-monger, v. 350
coted, iii. 54; x. 180
cotsale, i. 208

covered, iii. 273
covetousness, v. 67
could, viii. 351

council, i. 206

count, x. 271
count-confect, ii. 276
countenance, ii. 189
counter, iii. 246; x. 242
counter-caster, x. 292
counterfeit, iii. 162; vii. 88
counterpoints, iv. 51
counties, ii. 276
counts, viii. 389

county, ii. 26; x. 84
courage, viii. 46
course, ix. 422

courser, viii. 354
courses, i. 7

court-cupboard, x. 29
court holy-water, ix. 403
courtship, x. 72

cousin, v. 239

cowers, ix. 302

cowl-staff, i. 261

[blocks in formation]

craven, iv. 47; vi. 195; ix. 66;

x. 235

create, vi. 31

credent, ii. 182; iv. 121

credit, ii. 80; iv. 264

crescive, vi. 11

cressets, v. 273
crest, iii. 61
crestless, vi. 169
cries on, x. 283

crisp, i. 10; v. 232; viii. 72
Crispian, vi. 90

critical, x. 324

critick, iii. 57; vii. 383

crone, iv. 148

Crosby-place, vii. 19

cross, iii. 237
crossed, viii. 24

crosses, iii. 17; v. 352
crow, v.90

crow-keeper, ix. 441
crown, iii. 407; vii. 337
crown'd, viii. 37, 75; ix. 322

crownet, viii. 448
cruel, ix. 388

crush, x. 19

crushed, vii. 280

cruzadoes, x. 369

cry, viii. 191, 215; x. 209
cry'd game, i. 248

cub-drawn, ix. 400
cuckoo, viii. 388

cue, ii. 340; vi. 65; vii. 73;

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

date, iii. 321; vii. 288; ix. delay, viii. 129

[blocks in formation]

dear, vii. 40, 386, 387; viii. depart, iii. 27

[blocks in formation]

detected, ii. 157

determined, v. 429; vi. 210;

viii. 230, 430

Diana, vii. 382

dibble, iv. 181
Dickon, vii. 137
die and drab, iv. 173

diet, i. 130; iii. 424; vii. 10
difference, viii. 352; x. 245
diffused, i. 287; vi. 116; vii.
14; ix. 360
dight, vi. 51
digress, iv. 60
digression, iii. 19
dig-you-den, iii. 40
dilemma, iii. 384
diminutives, viii. 449
dint, viii. 303
direction, vii. 125

disable, iii. 280; vi. 222
disappointed, x. 158
disclosed, x. 266
discontenting, iv. 197
discontents, viii. 360
discourse, ii. 80; x. 235
disdained, v. 235
disease, iii. 305; vi. 173
disgrace, viii. 108

dismembered, x. 76

dislimns, viii. 450

dismes, vii. 309

[blocks in formation]

dividable, vii. 293

division, v. 280; x. 80
doff't, viii. 437

dogs of war, viii. 296

dole, i. 267; iv. 23, 122; v.

dolphin, iii. 352
dolts, viii. 449
donation, viii. 45
don'd, viii. 367; x. 239
done, vi. 204, 439
dotant, viii. 233
double, iii. 201
double-tongue, ii. 330
doubt, viii. 172
dough, iv. 98
dout, vi. 86; x. 152
dowle, i. 71

down-gyved, x. 166
drachmas, viii. 305
dragon, ix. 38
draught, viii. 89
draw, v. 300
drawn, ix. 117
draws dryfoot, iv. 276
drew, v. 89
dribbling, ii. 111
drink, viii. 9
drive, ix. 171

driven, x. 313

drollery, i. 68
drowned, ix. 321
drugs, viii. 75
drug-damned, ix. 64
drumble, i. 261
dry, i. 13

ducdame, iii. 243
dudgeon, iv. 342
due, vi. 202

duello, ii. 70
dull, v. 426; vi. 41

dullard, ix. 129

dumb, ix. 48

distractions, viii. 415

dumb, i. 169

distraught, x. 97

dump, x. 103

diverted, iii. 236

dupped, x. 239

divided, vii. 65

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