The Councillors' Handbook: A Practical Guide to the Election and Business of a County CouncilHadden, Best & Company, 1888 - 435 oldal |
Részletek a könyvből
1 - 5 találat összesen 88 találatból.
9. oldal
... expense of poor relief over a still larger area than the union . The above changes will not take place until ... expenses being met by means of a highway rate made and levied throughout the parish by the Surveyor . Other parishes ...
... expense of poor relief over a still larger area than the union . The above changes will not take place until ... expenses being met by means of a highway rate made and levied throughout the parish by the Surveyor . Other parishes ...
14. oldal
... expenses to a certain extent . Instead , however , of the county rates being levied within them the sum they are liable to contribute to county expenses is paid over by the Town Council to the Quarter Sessions of the county . All ...
... expenses to a certain extent . Instead , however , of the county rates being levied within them the sum they are liable to contribute to county expenses is paid over by the Town Council to the Quarter Sessions of the county . All ...
15. oldal
... expenses in respect of the area which has been added to the borough . Quarter Sessions Boroughs are , however , exempt from contributions to the county expenses in respect of the following matters , if they themselves transact the ...
... expenses in respect of the area which has been added to the borough . Quarter Sessions Boroughs are , however , exempt from contributions to the county expenses in respect of the following matters , if they themselves transact the ...
16. oldal
... expenses which may in the future be incurred by the county on behalf of the borough , particularly in the following cases . Where separate assizes are not held for the borough the borough must contribute a proper share of the expenses ...
... expenses which may in the future be incurred by the county on behalf of the borough , particularly in the following cases . Where separate assizes are not held for the borough the borough must contribute a proper share of the expenses ...
21. oldal
... expenses of Urban Sanitary Authorities are met— ( 1. ) By the income of their property and undertakings . ( 2. ) By ... expenses which , under the Public Health Act , 1875 , are , or may be declared , private improvement expenses ...
... expenses of Urban Sanitary Authorities are met— ( 1. ) By the income of their property and undertakings . ( 2. ) By ... expenses which , under the Public Health Act , 1875 , are , or may be declared , private improvement expenses ...
Más kiadások - Összes megtekintése
Councillor's Handbook: A Practical Guide to the Election and Business of a ... N M Herbert Nincs elérhető előnézet - 2018 |
Councillor's Handbook: A Practical Guide to the Election and Business of a ... N. M. Herbert Nincs elérhető előnézet - 2017 |
Gyakori szavak és kifejezések
46 Vict 52 Vict administrative county aldermen alteration Amendment apply appointed day assessed boundaries bye-laws candidate certificate chairman City of London Commissioners Contagious Diseases Animals Coroners costs county borough county council county councillors county fund county of London county or borough county purposes court of quarter declaration deemed election court electoral division enactments expenses Government Act Government Board grant highway illegal practice incurred Inspector justices liabilities licences Local Government Board lunatic asylums main roads manner mayor Metropolis metropolitan police district municipal borough Municipal Corporations Act municipal election notice offence Overseers paid parish Parliament parliamentary borough parliamentary voters payable payment peace person police force poll poor law Privy Council provisions pursuance qualification Quarter Sessions Borough rateable value Registration Act relating respect returning officer Sanitary Authority Schedule Sect standing joint committee thereof town clerk Town Council transferred union urban sanitary district vote ward
Népszerű szakaszok
237. oldal - Subject to the foregoing provisions the ancillary receiver and his deputies shall have the same powers and be subject to the same duties with respect to the administration of such assets, as a receiver of an insurer domiciled in this state.
354. oldal - ... to or for any voter, or to or for any person on behalf of any voter, or to or for any other person, in order to induce such voter to vote or refrain from voting, or shall corruptly do any such act as aforesaid, on account of any voter having voted or refrained from voting at any election.
340. oldal - Commons for the said county or borough, and if he has been elected, his election shall be void ; and he shall further be subject to the same incapacities as if at the date of the said report he had been convicted on an indictment of a corrupt practice.
320. oldal - Whether any corrupt practice has or has not been proved to have been committed by or with the knowledge and consent of any candidate at such election, and the nature of such corrupt practice...
266. oldal - money Bill" means a Bill which, containing in the opinion of the Speaker of the House of Representatives only provisions dealing with all or any of the following matters, that is to say — (a) the...
323. oldal - Part, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds for every day during which the default continues.
260. oldal - Expenses Acts, 1869 and 1871, shall apply accordingly as if they were herein re-enacted and in terms made applicable to the above-mentioned costs and sums.
315. oldal - Where an equality of votes is found to exist between any candidates at an election for a county or borough, and the addition of a vote would entitle any of such candidates to be declared elected, the returning officer...
326. oldal - Where after the commencement of this Act any action, prosecution, or other proceeding is commenced in the United Kingdom against any person for any act done in pursuance, or execution, or intended execution of any Act of Parliament, or of any public duty or authority, or in respect of any alleged neglect or default in the execution of any such Act, duty, or authority...
301. oldal - ... any investigation, legal proceeding or 'remedy in respect of any such right, privilege, obligation, liability, penalty, forfeiture or punishment as aforesaid, and any such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy...