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" I would not have a slave to till my ground, To carry me, to fan me while I sleep, And tremble when I wake, for all the wealth That sinews bought and sold have ever earn'd. "
Poems - 40. oldal
szerző: William Cowper - 1800
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The New annual register, or General repository of history, politics, and ...

1786 - 828 oldal
...human feelings, does not bhifli And hang his head, to think himfelf a man ? 1 would not have a (lave to till my ground| To carry me, to fan me while I lleep, And tremble when I wake, for all the wealth That finews bought and ibid have ever earn'«!....

The Task: A Poem. In Six Books. To which is Added, Tirocinium: Or, A Review ...

William Cowper - 1787 - 230 oldal
...him, and talks him, and exacts his fweat With ftripes, that mercy with a bleeding heart Weeps when fhe fees inflicted on a beaft. Then what is man ? And...And tremble when I wake, for all the wealth . That fmews bought and fold have ever earn'd. .. No : dear a* freedom is, and in my heart's Juft eftimation...

An Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species: Particularly the ...

Thomas Clarkson - 1787 - 164 oldal
...Your Lordfhip's much obliged, and obedient fervant, Extraft from Cowper's Poem, called, THE TASK. f " I would not have a flave to till my ground, " To carry me, to fan rne while I fleep, " And tremble when I wake, for all the wealth " That finews bought and fold have...

Poems, 2. kötet

William Cowper - 1788 - 376 oldal
...him, and tafks him, and exa&s his fweat V/ith ftripes, that mercy with a bleeding heart Weeps when fhe fees inflicted on a beaft. Then what is man ? till my ground> To carry me, to fan me while I deep, And tremble when I wake, for all the wealth That finews bought and fold have ever earn'd. 5 No:...

Poems, 2. kötet

William Cowper - 1790 - 300 oldal
...him, and tafks him, and exacts his fweat With ftripes, that mercy with a bleeding heart Weeps when fhe fees inflicted on a beaft. Then what is man ? And...would not have a flave to till my ground, To carry me, or fan me while I fleep, And tremble when I wake, for all the wealth That finews bought and fold have...

Poems: By William Cowper, of the Inner Temple Esq. In Two Volumes ...

William Cowper - 1793 - 384 oldal
...and tafks him, and exacts his fweat With ftripes, that mercy, with a bleeding heart, Weeps when fhe fees inflicted on a beaft. Then what is man ? And...not blufh, And hang his head, to think himfelf a man ? 1 would not have a Have to till my ground, To carry me, to fan me while I fleep, And tremble when...

An Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of ..., 3. kötet

William Winterbotham - 1795 - 558 oldal
...thoufand dollars. Vote him a triumph, crowa him with laurels, and let the millions liften while he fings " I would not have a flave to till my ground, To carry...fleep, And tremble when I wake, for all the wealth That finevvs bought and fold have ever earn'd. No : dear as freedom is, and in my heart's • Juft eftimation...

The Bee: A Selection of Poetry

1796 - 218 oldal
...and talks hirn, and exrfls his fweat With ftripes, that Merey with a bleeding heart Weeps when fhe fees inflicted on a beaft. Then what is man ? And what man feeing this, And having human feelings, d«es not blufh And hang his head, to think himfelf a man ? I would not have a flave to till my ground,...

Medical Extracts: On the Nature of Health, with Practical ..., 4. kötet

1797 - 332 oldal
...exacts his fweat with ftripes, that mercy with a bleeding heart weeps when fhe fees inflicted on ./ beaft, Then what is man ? And what man feeing this,...not blufH and hang his head, to think himfelf a man ' 1 would not have a flave to till my ground', to carry me, to fan- me while I deep, and tremble when...

The Politician's Creed

Robert John Thornton - 1799 - 854 oldal
...welfare and happinefs of the human race. How beautifully does COWPER exprefs himfclf on this fubjedt — I would not have a flave to till my ground, To carry me, to fan me while I flcep, And tremble when I wake, for all the wealth That fincws bought and fold have ever earn'd. No...

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