But relaxation of the languid frame, Was bliss reserv'd for happier days. So flow The growth of what is excellent; so hard T" attain perfection in this nether world. Convenience next suggested elbow-chairs, The nurse sleeps sweetly, hir'd to watch the fick, Whom fnoring she disturbs. As sweetly he Oh may I live exempted (while I live Guiltless of pamper'd appetite obscene) From pangs arthritic, that infest the toe Of libertine excess. The SOFA fuits The gouty limb, 'tis true; but gouty limb, Though on a sOFA, may I never feel : For I have lov'd the rural walk through lanes Of graffy fwarth, clofe cropt by nibbling sheep, And skirted thick with intertexture firm Of thorny boughs; have lov'd the rural walk O'er hills, through vallies, and by rivers' brink, E'er since a truant boy I pass'd my bounds T' enjoy a ramble on the banks of Thames; And still remember, nor without regret Of hours that forrow fince has much endear'd, How oft, my flice of pocket store confum'd, Still hung'ring, pennyless and far from home, I fed on fcarlet hips and stony haws, Or blushing crabs, or berries, that imboss The bramble, black as jet, or floes austere. Hard fare! but fuch as boyish appetite Disdains not; nor the palate, undeprav'd By culinary arts, unfav'ry deems. No SOFA then awaited my return; Nor SOFA then I needed. Youth repairs As life declines speed rapidly away, Some youthful grace that age would gladly keep; And that my raptures are not conjur'd up Has flacken'd to a pause, and we have born The ruffling wind, scarce confcious that it blew, While admiration, feeding at the eye, And ftill unsated, dwelt upon the scene. Thence with what pleasure have we just discern'd The diftant plough flow moving, and beside His lab'ring team, that swerv'd not from the track, The sturdy swain diminish'd to a boy! Here Ouse, flow winding through a level plain Of spacious meads with cattle sprinkled o'er, Conducts the eye along his finuous course Delighted. There, faft rooted in their bank, Stand, never overlook'd, our fav'rite elms, That screen the herdsman's folitary hut; While far beyond, and overthwart the stream That, as with molten glass, inlays the vale, The floping land recedes into the clouds; Displaying on its varied fide the grace Of hedge-row beauties numberless, square tow'r, Tall spire, from which the found of cheerful bells A Just undulates upon the lift'ning ear, Please daily, and whose novelty survives Long knowledge and the scrutiny of years. Nor rural fights alone, but rural sounds, Exhilarate the spirit, and restore The tone of languid Nature. Mighty winds, تم |