No present health can health.infure No med'cine, though it often cure, And oh! that (humble as my lot, These truths, though known, too much forgot, I may not teach in vain. So prays your Clerk, with all his heart; Begs you for once to take his part, * John Cox, Parish Clerk of Northampton. ON A SIMILAR OCCASION, FOR THE YEAR -. Virg. -Placidiq; ibi demum morte quievit. "Он most delightful hour by man "Experienc'd here below; "The hour that terminates his span, "His folly and his woe. "Worlds should not bribe me back to tread "Again life's dreary waste; "To see my days again o'erspread "With all the gloomy paft. "My home, henceforth, is in the skies, Thus spake Afpatio, firm poffeft He was a man among the few Sincere on Virtue's side, And all his strength from scripture drew, To hourly ufe apply'd. That rule he priz'd, by that he fear'd, For he was frail as thou or I, And evil felt within, But when he felt it, heav'd a figh, Such liv'd Afpatio, and at last, Call'd up from earth to heav'n, His joys be MINE, each reader cries, Such ONLY be your lives. FOR THE TOMB OF Mr. HAMILTON. PAUSE here, and think: a monitory rhime Confult Life's filent clock, thy bounding vein; THE POPLAR-FIELD. THE poplars are fell'd, farewell to the shade And the whispering found of the cool colonnade; The winds play no longer and fing in the leaves, Nor Ouse on his bosom their image receives. Twelve years have elaps'd since I last took a view The blackbird has fled to another retreat, My fugitive years are all hasting away, |