SONNET ADDRESSED TO HENRY COWPER, Esa. On his emphatical and interesting delivery of the Defence of WARREN HASTINGS, Esq. in the House of Lords. COWPER, whose silver voice, task'd sometimes hard; Thou wast not heard with drowsy difregard, Like thy renown'd Forefathers, far and wide THE MORNING DREAM. Twas in the glad season of spring, In the steerage a woman I saw, Such at least was the form that she wore, Whose beauty impress'd me with awe, Then raising her voice to a strain こ She sung of the flave's broken chain Thus swiftly dividing the flood To a flave-cultur'd ifland we came, Where a Demon, her enemy, ftoodOppreffion his terrible name. In his hand, as the fign of his sway, A fcourge hung with lashes he bore, And flood looking out for his prey From Africa's forrowful shore. But foon as approaching the land That goddess-like woman he view'd, The scourge he let fall from his hand, With blood of his subjects imbrued. I faw him both ficken and die, And the moment the monfter expir'd Heard shouts that ascended the sky From thousands with rapture inspir'd. Awaking, how could I but muse At what fuch a dream should betide? But foon my ear caught the glad news Which serv'd my weak thought for a guideThat Britannia, renown'd o'er the waves For the hatred the ever has shown To the black-fceptred rulers of flaves, Resolves to have none of her own. VERSES PRINTED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE YEARLY BILL OF MORTALITY OF THE TOWN OF NORTHAMPTON, Pallida Mors æquo pulfat pede pauperum tabernas Pale Death with equal foot strikes wide the door WHILE thirteen moons saw smoothly run Was man (frail always) made more frail Did famine, or did plague prevail, No; these were vigorous as their fires, This annual tribute Death requires, Like crowded foreft-trees we stand, 4 Green as the bay-tree, ever green, Read, ye that run, the awful truth |