

In revising the catalogue of peaches, there was much discussion in regard to the names and characters of different varieties, of which the Secretary took the following


BARNARD'S YELLOW, and Yellow Red Rareripe, also Yellow Rareripe, of many catalogues-Mr. Batebam and several others remarked that these names are applied to one and the same peach, (see Kenrick,) a fine large round peach, with deep yellow flesh, skin mostly covered with purplish red, ripening about with Crawford's Early. But the Yellow Alberge, also sometimes called Yellow Rareripe, is a smaller and earlier peach, less red outside, sometimes called "Honest John," but this name is oftener applied to the large Early York. It is very productive and profitable for market.

CRAWFORD'S LATE-Complaints were made of this variety, that it was not very profitable for market, being rather a shy bearer. The same was said in regard to Bergen's Yellow, though a very excellent peach for quality, and ripening at a time when a first rate yellow peach is needed-a week later than Crawford's Early.

COOK'S SEEDLING-Mr. Hill and one or two others expressed doubts as to this being identical with Crawford's Late. The question was left open for further observation.

EARLY YORK (Serrate) was condemned by nearly all present as an unprofitable variety; tree tender and liable to mildew; not wanted now we have Hale's Early. HAINE'S EARLY was declared identical with large Early York, and some regarded Early Newington as the same.

HALE'S EARLY was pronounced the best of all early peaches, and a great acqui sition. Complaint had been made that the fruit was liable to rot on the tree in some seasons, but not more so, it was believed, than others of the fine early varieties. It was also stated that it lacked sufficient firmness of flesh for distant transportation, but this is only because of its juiciness and fine quality.

HEATH FREE-Dr. Warder remarked that this was distinct from Kenrick's Heath, and not identical with Morris White, though similar to it, and desirable for the same purposes.

Several varieties of peaches were proposed to be added to the catalogue, viz: President Free, Large White Cling, White Imperial, Sturtevant (of Elliott), Gardner's Seedling (of Toledo), and Crocket (of New Jersey). Mr. Bateham also spoke of a peach resembling Bergen's Yellow, said to be a seedling of Warren county, called Orange Freestone; but none of these were generally known by the members, and the matter of extending and correcting the list was deferred for next year.

The Secretary remarked that the confusion that exists among nurserymen and others respecting the names of peaches, was often a source of vexation and disappointment to fruit growers, hence it was important that this matter should be attended to. He had often been asked to name an assortment of ten or twelve varieties of peaches, ripening in succession, for market purposes, and not feeling satisfied with his own knowledge he had asked the opinions of several extensive peach growers on this point, the result of which he read to the Society, and with some additions, are here appended:


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Remarks." Hale's Early is the best and earliest. I know of none better than Troth's to follow. We have need of none ripening between Large Early York and Crawford's Early, as there is not a week's difference in time. Oldmixon Free is the best market peach to ripen between Crawford's Early and Crawford's Late. Bergen's Yellow is too shy a bearer. Scott's Nonpariel is unprofitable with me as an orchard variety-it ripens too unevenly. Stump the World has produced well the past two seasons, and bears carriage remarkably well. Beer's Smock is new as yet, similar to the old variety, but grows larger and brings a better price in market; both are very good and profitable. Crocket's is a fine late white peach. Heath Cling is the latest of all. These together occupy about one week to each number, making our peach season last about nine weeks, one full week having been added by the Hale's Early."

1. Hale's Early.

2. Troth's Early.

II. By George M. Beeler, Indianapolis.

3. Cooledge's Favorite.

4. Large Early York.

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5. Barnard's Early and Crawford's Early 10. Heath Cling.


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"Our next peach, after Hale's Early, is Wheeler's Early (small and poor); then Troth's, followed by Cooledge's, "Honest John," (yellow), and Crawford's Early, and five or six days later comes Bergen's Yellow, the best of all yellow-fleshed peaches, but a shy bearer; next Oldmixon Free, Ward's Late and Crawford's Late; and last of all, Keyport White, (freestone,) which stands at the head of all late peaches in this region for market purposes, ripening after frosts come in October."


CATAWBA-Dr. Taylor said it did not ripen well with him the past season; frait was generally well colored, but was not sweet; he had formerly thought warm sandy soil the best, but found the best grapes this year on clayey soil.

Mr. Elliott thinks the Catawba ripened about as well as in the average of seasons around Cleveland; the must was from 75 to 80° by the saccharometer, which is the usual average for that region, and makes fair wine. One vineyard, five miles back from the lake, on clay soil, had better grapes than any other in the county the past season. There were about 500 acres of vineyard in bearing in Cuyahoga county, and 500 more planted the past 2 or 3 years-1,000 in all.

Mr. Powers, of Perrysburg, said the Catawba ripened pretty well with him the past fall, on the east side of Maumee river, 16 miles from the lake, and 8 miles from Toledo; but back from the river, on the prairie, it did not ripen. The vineyard of Mr. Neely, on the west side of the river, ripened well.

J. Austin Scott had the Catawba ripen well for more than twenty years, 7 miles from Toledo, at Fort Miami, on stiff clayey soil; vines never killed but once; fruit very good, perhaps not quite as sweet as on lake shore.

Mr. Dewey, of Sandusky, said crop ripened well the past season, though frost killed the leaves quite early (October 12th) in many vineyards, but did not injure the fruit. He presented samples of wine made from the crop of the past season, the must of

which weighed 90°. It was pronounced good, though too new to be fairly judged. He said frost did not injure well ripened Catawbas; one year ago he left some on the vines till the 20th of January, and they were sweet and fine; ice was on the bay them. Mr. Barney, of Sandusky, said his crop had done well, considering the severe test of frost. When fruit is ripe, with a bloom, it is not injured by frost. Tops of the vines were badly eut by frost (October 12th) in some vineyards, but fruit not injured; picked some in December, sweet and good.

Mr. Lum, four miles from Sandusky, had a few vines of Catawba not well pruned; fruit did not ripen; leaves killed by frost 12th of October.

Mr. Kelly, of the Island, said crop ripened well, no frost till 1st to 10th of November; no injury to the grape; must as sweet as ever; season two or three weeks longer than on main shore. Vegetation on the Island starts when the water in the lake reaches 40° of temperature, (about two weeks later than on the main land,) then no frosts occur.

Mr. Boalt said the Catawba had not done well at Norwalk; soil sandy and gravelly, not as favorable as heavy soils, if well underdrained; had seen grapes pretty good at Berlin, three miles from the lake.

Mr. Woods, of Jefferson county, Ohio, said near the Ohio river the Catawba ripens well, but not so well a few miles back.

Mr. Bateham, of Columbus, did not think the Catawba often ripened perfectly around Columbus, and yet it was called ripe, and made a fair sort of wine; he thought other varieties would supersede it in a few years.

Dr. Warder said around Cincinnati the rot was the great misfortune of the Catawba; the crop of the past season was not over one-third to one-half a fair average; he expected a yield of 800 gallons, and only got 50; others were more fortunate. A wine grape that shall prove equal to the Catawba, and exempt from the rot, is the great desideratum there.

Messrs. Lyon, Scott, and Adair, of Michigan, spoke of the Catawba as seldom ripening well there.

Mr. Nelson, cf Fort Wayne, Ind., said it generally ripened so as to be called good, and sells well, but is not very sweet.

Mr. Beeler, of Indianapolis, said it did pretty well there, especially on limestone soil.

Mr. Emery, of Ill., said on river-bluffs the Catawba was found pretty good; other parts not much value.

CLINTON.-Mr. Elliott and Mr. Bateham were of the opinion that this variety might be dispensed with, now that so many better hardy varieties can be had.

Mr. Storrs, of Painesville, considered it worth cultivating, so hardy, vigorous, and productive; fruit pretty good after a frost, and ladies like it for pies.

Mr. Scott liked it better than Isabella fer eating, but some doubts were expressed as to his being the Clinton.

Mr. Dewey had made wine of it, strong and harsh, with three pounds of sugar to the gallon, and one-half water; was pretty good.

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Mr. Barney thought it was worth growing for wine where the Catawba will not ripen.

Mr. Emery, and others, thought it valuable at the North, but might be generally displaced by Concord and H. Prolific.

Dr. Warder liked the Clinton when fully ripe; and it makes pretty good wine, (better than the Oporto,) which may be found valuable for mixing with other wines. CONCORD. Dr. Taylor considered this the grape for the farmers, or those who will not take the pains to cultivate finer varieties.

Mr. Elliott and Mr. Powers expressed similar opinions; called it the people's grape; hardy, vigorous, early, productive and good, though not first rate.

Mr. Campbell said, without being a very good grape, it had many good qualities; not very good to carry or to keep; good for home use and home market only; he would cultivate it for its hardiness, earliness, and productiveness.

Mr. Fahnestock, of Toledo, said it was very hardy and reliable, and the grape for the million.

Mr. Scott, of Adrian, and others, from Michigan, also spoke highly in its favor. Mr. Nelson, of Ind., said the Horticultural Society of that State had recommended it as the best single variety for the million.

Mr. Emery said it was more disseminated in Illinois than any other variety.

CUYAHOGA -Dr. Taylor referred to his remarks at the meeting of the Ad interim committee, and said the fruit did not ripen as well as he had hoped the past season, bence he had some misgivings as to its reliability in his climate, still he had hopes that it would improve as the Diana and some others had done. The leaf sometimes mildewed.

Mr. Barney had the fruit ripen well, but late; quality better than Lydia, but three or four weeks later.

Mr. Campbell said it did not ripen with him, nor did the Catawba; he thought the one would ripen where the other would.

DELAWARE.-Mr. Storrs and Dr. Taylor called it the best of all grapes, especially for amateurs; grows strong enough with proper soil and culture; thinks it will also prove a good wine grape.

Mr. Elliott coincided, and said it bears carriage finely, though he thought it was liable to crack if not picked soon after ripe.

Mr. Powers and Mr. Lum found it the best of all grapes.

Mr. Boalt the same, and said he considered it just as much a farmer's grape as the Concord; for he did not see why the best grape was not the best for farmers as well as for other people.

Mr. Nelson said he was a farmer, and he liked the Delaware grape, but he would venture the prediction that it would never be as extensively planted or approved by the million as the Concord.

Mr. Campbell spoke of the Delaware as keeping remarkably well till Christmas or later.

Mr. Dewey expressed surprise at this, and said, with him it was the poorest variety

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