
Mycelium-Roots, or their equivalent.

Mycology-The science of moulds.

Mucedinous-Having the appearance of moulds.

Osteolum-Mouth or opening through which the Apothecia in lichens shed their spores.

Oval-Having the figure of an ellipse.


Peridium, and


Vessel in which stand the Asci, or different kinds of envelopes of the reproductive organs of fungi.

Parasie -A plant growing on other plants.

Protoplasm-The Endochrome, or unimpregnated sporules of a spore cell.



Pycnidia-Enlarged joints in fertile threads, filled with Stylospores.

Pileus-The umbulla, top of agarics or common mushrooms.

Prothallus-A peculiar body produced from some Cryptogams, which is capable of producing spores like those from which the original plant sprung. It is an intermediate body between the plant and the spore.

Fustule-Cavity that contains spores or fruit.

Paraphyses-Threads arising often with asci, leaving spores sometimes on their summit. They are abortive.

Saccate-In the form of a sack.

Spermatagonia-Bodies developed at the joints.

Spermatozoids-The sperm or male cells of cryptogams or flowerless plants.

Sporidia-Spores contained in asci.

Spores-The seed or reproductive bodies of flowerless plants.

Spermatia-Spores of a second order.

poropharous-Those fungi which produce naked spores.

Sporangium-Spore cases, or vessels in which spores are produced.

poridangia-The minute sporidia in what is called a vesicle. The vesicle takes the place of

an ascus.

Sari-A form in which the spores are arranged.

porophore-A large body, or spore that produces spores on its summit.

Spermatia-Sperm cells

Bylosphores-Spores of a second order.

erigmata-The threads or peduncles rising from the sporophores, and on the terminus of which are produced spores.

Aroma--A vessel, or capsule, which springs from the mycelium, and contains the asci, utricles ar perithecia.

Se rileeya is--Those threads that do not produce fruit.

Stomates-Little mouths or openings on the under side of leaves.

Thalamium-Hymenium of lichens.

Trichotamous-Branches divided into threes.

Tubular-Like a tube.

Vesicles--Hollow sacks resembling bladders.

Volva - Sheath around the base of the stem, or basidium in "mushrooms."

Zoospores-Vitalized cells or spores, armed with cilia or filaments, and having the power of independent motion.

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a. Cross section of a portion of the twig of a quince bush, showing spiral fibers, which appear to be fungoid. This section is the outside layer of wood, in the portion of the limb at the line of demarkation, between the dead and living tissues.

b. Cross section of a portion of the same twig, at the point where the blight first attacked it, and at the time of examination perfectly dead and dry. The limb was cut off and examined on the 14th of July, 1862. The blight struck the bush about the 15th of June. In the open spaces in the cellular tissue, are seen fungoid growths; also outside, at c and d, are seen similar growths. From the boundary walls of the interstices, are seen numerous fungoid vegetating points. On the plant at d, is seen something like sporangia. This appears different from the growth in the interstices.

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