

28. BLACK CAP, 79. 12. Motacilla atracapilla, sings.
+WHITE THROAT, 77. Motacilla sylvia.

Juniper, 444. 1. Juniperis communis, f.
Raspberry bush, 467.4. Rubus idœus,
Quince tree, 1452. H. Malus Cydon, f.


Crowfoot, sweet wood, 248. 1. Ranunculus auric. F.

29. Bugle, 245. Ajuga reptans, F.

Bay, 1688. II. Laurus nobilis, f.

Peas and beans, f.

[blocks in formation]



1. Grosswort, 223.2. Valantia cruciata, F.
Avens, 253.1. Geum urbanum, F.

Mugwort, 191. 1. Artemisia campestris, E.
Bay, 1688. H. Laurus nobilis, L.

3. Lilly of the valley, 264. Convallaria Maialis, f.
Violet, water, 285. Hottonia palustris, F.

4. Lettuce lambs, 201. Valeriana locusta, F.
Tulip tree, Liriodendron tulipifera, L.

Hound's tongue, 226. 1., Cynoglossum officinale.
Cowslips, 284. 3. Primula veris, F.

Valerian, great wild, 200. 1. Valerian officinalis, F.
Rattle, yellow, 284. 1. Rhinanthus cristagalli, F.

Thermom. 8. The lowest this month.

Fir, silver, buds hurt by the frost.
5. Twayblade, 385. Ophrys ovata, f.
Tormentil, 257. Tormentilla erecta, F.
Calendine, 309. Chelidonium majus, E.
Betony, 238. 1. Betonica officinalis, E.

6. Oak,440. Quercus robur, F. et L.
Time for sowing barley.

Saxifrage, white, 354. 6. Saxifraga granulata, F.
Ash, 469. Fraxinus excelsior, f.
Ramsons, 370. 5. Allium ursinum, F.
Nettle, white, 240. 1. Lamium album, F.
Quicken tree, 459. 2. Sorbus aucuparia, F.

7. Fir, Scotch, 442. Pinus sylvestris, F.
8. Woodruffe, 224. Asperula ordorata, F.
9. Chesnut tree, 1382. H. Fagus castanea, f.
10. Celandine, 309. Chelidonium majus, F.

Solomon's seal, 664. Convallaria polygonat. F.
Thorn, white, 453.3. Cratægus axyacantha, F.

The black cap is a very fine singing bird, and is by sɔme in Norfolk called the mock nightingale. Whether it be a bird of passage I cannot say.

+ I have some doubt whether this bird be the Sylvia of Linnæus, though the description seems to answer to Ray's, and to one of my own, which I find among my papers. Vernal heat, according to Dr. Hales, at a medium, is 18,25.

11. Maple,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

12. Barberry bush, 465. Berberis vulgaris, F.

Chesnut, horse, 1083. H. Esculus hippocas, F.
Bugloss, small wild, 227. 1. Lycopsis arvensis, F.
13. Grass, water scorpion, 220. 4. Myosotis scorpioid, F.
Quince tree, 1452. H. Pyrus Cydonia, F.
Cleavers, 225. Galium aparine, F.

14. Mulberry tree, 1429. H. Morus nigra, L.
Asp, 446. 3. Populus tremula, 1.

Crowfoot, bulbous, 247. 2. Ranunculus bulbo, F.
Butter cups, 247. Ranunculus repens, F.

15. Young turkies.

Lime tree, 473. Tilia Europea, f.
Milkwort, *287. 1, 2. Polygala vulgaris, F.
Crane's bill, 359. 10. Geranium molle, F.
Walnut, 1376. H. Juglans regia, F.

16. Mustard, hedge, 298. 4. Erysimum officinale, F.
20. Bryony, black, 262. 1. Tamus communis, F.

Many oaks, and more ashes and beeches, still without leaf.

Violet, sweet, 364. 1. Viola odora, D.

Stitchwort, 346. Stellaria holostea, D.

Anemone, wood, 259. 1. Anemone, nemorosa, D.
Cuckow flower, 299. 20. Cardamine pratensis, D.
Earth nut, 209. Bunium, bulbocast, F.
Mulberry tree, 1429. H. Morus nigra, f.
21. Nightshade, 265. Atropa belladonna, f.
RYE. 288. Secale hybernum, in ear.

23. Pellitory of the wall, 158. 1. Parietaria officin. F.
24. Bramble, 467. Rubus fruticosus, f.

25. Money wort, 283. 1. Lysimachia nummul. F.

Columbines, 173. 1. Aquilegia vulgar. F. in the woods

26. Tansy, wild, 256. 5. Potentilla anserina, F.

Henbane, 274. Hyoscyamus niger, f.

27. Campion, white, 339. 8. Lychnis,dioica, F. Clover, 328. 6. Trifolium pratense, F.

28. Avens, 262.1. Geum urbanum, F.

Chervil, wild, 207. Chærophyllum temulent, F. 30. Bryony, black, 262. 1. Tamus communis, F. Brooklime, 280. 8. Veronica beccabunga, F. Cuckow flower, 338. Lychnis flos cuculi, F. Cresses, water, 300. 1. Sisymbrium nasturt. F. Thermom. 32. Highest this month.

31. Spurrey, 351, 7. Spergula arvensis, F.

Alder, berry bearing, 465. Rhamnus frangula, F.



2. Elder, water, 460. 1. Viburnum opulus, F.
Lilly, yellow water, 368. 1. Nymphæa lutea, F.

Flower de luce, yellow water, 374. Iris, pseudo-acor, F.
Mayweed, stinking, 185. 3. Anthemis cotula, F.
Pimpernel, 282. 1. Anagallis arvensis, F.

3. Arsmart, 145. 4. Polygonum persicaria, F.

3. *Thyme


3. * Thyme, 430. 1. Parsnep, cow, 295. Quicken tree, 452.

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Sorbus aucuparia, D.

5. Radish, horse, 301. 1. Cochlearia armorac, F.

Thorn, evergreen, 1459. 3. H. Mespilus pyracantha, F.
Bramble. 467. Rubus fruticosus, F.

+ GOAT SUCKER, or FERN OWL, 27. Caprimulgus Europeus, is heard
in the evening.

6. Vine, 161. 3. i. Vitis vinifera, b.

Flix weed 298. 3. Sisymbrium sophia, F.

Raspberry bush, 467. 4.

Rubus idaus, F.

Mallow dwarf, 251. 2. Malva rotundifolia, F.

Elder, 461. 1. Sambucus

nigra, F.

Stitchwort, lesser, 346. Stellaria graminea, F.

Tarc, everlasting, 320. 3.

Lathyrus pratensis, F.

Gout weed, 208.3 Egopodium podagra, F.
Bryony, white, 261.1, 2. Bryonia alba, F.

Rose, DOG, 454. 1. Rosa canina, F.

Bugloss, vipers, 227. 1. Echium vulgare, F.
7. Grass, vernal, 398. 1. Anthoxanthum odorat, F.
Darnel, red, 395. Lolium perenne, F.

Poppy, wild, 308. 1. Papaver somnifer, F.
Buckwheat, 181. H. Polygonum fagopyrum, F.

8. Pondweed, narrow leaved, 145. 9. H. Polygonum amphib. F.
Sanicle, 221. 1. Sanicula Europæa, F.
Eyebright*, 284. 1. Euphrasia officinalis, F.
Heath, fine leaved, 471. 3. Erica cinerea, F.
Saxifrage, bugle, hyacinth, D.

Broom, 471. 1. Spartium scoparium, podded.
Nettle, hedge, 237. Starchys sylvatica, F.
12. Wheat, 386. 1. Triticum hibernum, in ear.
Meadow sweet, 259. 1. Spiræa ulmaria, f.
SCABIOUS, FIELD, 191. 1. Scabiosa arvensis, F.
Valeriana officinal. f.
Valerian, great water, 200. 1.
Cinquefoil, marsh, 256. 1. Comarum palustre, F.
Orchis, lesser butterfly, 380. 18. Orchis bifolia, F.
13. Willow herb, great hairy, 311. 2. Epilobium hirsutum, F.
Parsnep, cow, 205. Heracleum sphondyl. F.

Betony, water, 283. 1. Scrophularia aquat. F.
Cockle, 338. 3. Agrostemma githago, F.
Sage, 510. 7. H. Salvia officinalis, F.

15. Mallow, 251.1. Malva sylvestris, F.
Nipplewort, 173. 1. Lapsana communis, F.
Woodbind, 458, 1, 2. Lonicera periclymen, f.

16. Fir, Weymouth, 8 dend. Pinus tæda, F.
Hemlock, 215. 1. Conium maculatum, F.
Nightshade, woody, 265. Solanum dulcamara, F.
Archangel, white, 240. Lamium album, F.

17. Vervain, 236. Verbena officinalis, F.
Agrimony, 202. Agrimonia cupator, F.

Hemlock water, 215. Phellandrium aquatic, F.

*Pliny, lin. 11. § 11. says, the chief time for bees to make honey is about the solstice, when the vine and thyme are in blow. According to his account then these plants are as forward in England as in Italy.

+ This bird is said by Catesby, as quoted by the author of the treatise De Migrationibus Avium, to be a bird of passage.

17. Acacia,


17. Acacia, 1719.

18. Yarrow, 183.

II. Robinia pseudo-acacia, F.
Achillea, millefolium, F.

19. Thermom. 44. 25. Highest this month.

20. Orache, wild, 154 1. Chenopodium album, F.

Solstice. About this time ROOKS come not to their nest trees at night.
Wheat, 386. 1. Triticum hybernum, F.

RYE, 388. 1.

Secale hybernum, F.

Self-heal, 238. Prunella vulgaris f.

Parsley, hedge, 219. 4. Grasses of many kinds, 22. Horehound, base, 239. St. John's wort, 342. Parsnep, 206. 1.

[ocr errors]

Tordy lium anthriscus, f.

as festuca, dira, agrostis, phleum cynosurus, in ear.
Stachys Germanica, F.
Hypericum perforatum, F.
Pastinaca sativa, F.

Mullein, white, 287.
Poppy, will, 308.

Verbascum thapsus, F.
Papaver somnifer, F.

23. Larkspur, 708. 3. H. Delphinium Ajacis, F.
Marygold, corn, 182. 1. Crysanthemum seget, F.
24. Rosemary, 515. Rosmarinus officinalis, D.
25. Vine 1613. II. Vitis vinifera, F.

Bindweed, great, 275. 2. Convolvulus arvensis, F.
Feverfew, 187. Matricaria parthenium, F.
Woad, wild, 366. 2.

Rocket, base, 366. 1.

Reseda luteola, F.

Reseda lutea, F.

Archangel, yellow, 240. 5. Galeopsis galeobdolon, F.
Wheat, 386. 1. Triticum hibernum, F.

Thermom. 20.

27. Clover mowed.

The lowest this month.

Pennyworth, marsh, 222. Hydrocotule vulgaris, F.
Meadow, sweet, 259. Spiræa ulmaria, F.

28. Oats, manured, 389. Avena, sativa, F.
Barley, 388. Hordeum, tulgare, F.

Midsummer shoots of apricot, oak, beech, elm.

SUCCORY WILD, 172. 1. Cichorium intybus, F.
Blue boules, 198. Gentaurea eyanus, F.

Knapweed, great, 198. Centaurea scabiosa, F.

29. Currants ripe.

According to Dr. Hales, May and June heat is, at a medium, 28. 5.

The groves, the fields, the meadows, now no more

With melody resound. 'Tis silence all,

As if the lovely songsters, overwhelm'd

By bounteous nature's plenty, lay intranc'd
In drowsy lethargy.

[blocks in formation]

I heard no birds after the end of this month, except the STONE CURLEW, 108. 4. Charadrius Cedicnemus, whistling late at night; the YELLOW HAMMER, 93. 2. Emberiza Aava; the GOLDFINCH, 89. 1. and GOLDEN CRESTED WREN, 79. 9. Motacilla regulus now and then chirping. I omitted to note down when the cuckow left off singing, but, as I well remember, it was about this time. Aristotle says, that this bird disappears about the rising of the dog star, i. e. towards the latter end of July.

4. Silver


4. Silver weed, 256. 5. Potentilla anserina, F.

Betony, 238. 1. Betonica officinals, F. Nightshade, enchanters, 289. Circæa lutetiana, 6. Lavender, 512. Lavendula spica, F.

Parsley, hedge, Tordylium anthriscus, F.
Gromill, 228. 1. Lithospermum officinale, F.
Furze, 473. Ulex genista, D.

Cow wheat, eyebright, 284. 2.

Euphrasia odont. F.
7. Pinks, maiden, 335. 1. Dianthus deltoides, F.
8. Tansey, 188. 1. Tanacetum vulgare, f.

Bed-straw, lady's yellow, 224. Galium cerum, F.
Sage, wood, 245. Teucrium scorodonia, F.
Spinach, 162. H. Spinacia oleracia, F.

Thermom. 22. Lowest this month.

9. Angelica, wild, 208. 2. Angelica sylvestris, F. Strawberries ripe..

Fennel, 217. Anethum faniculum, F.

10. Beans, kidney, 884. H. Phaseolus vulgaris, podded. H. Apium petroselinum, F.

Parsley, 884.

Sun dew, round leaved, 356. 3.

Drosera rotundifol. F.

Sun dew, long leaved, 356. 4. Drosera longifol. F.

Lily, white, 1109. II. Lilium candidum, f.

11. Mullein, hoary, 288. Nerbascum phlomoid. F.

Plantain, great, 314. 1. 2. Plantago major, F.

WILLOW, SPIKED, of Theophr. 1669. H. Spiræa salicifol. F.
Jessamine, 1599. H. Jasminum officinale, F.

Rest harrow, 332. Ononis spinosa, F.
Hyssop, 516. H. Hyssopus officinalis, F.
Potatoes, 615. 14. H. Solanum tuberosum, F.
Second shoots of the maple.

Bell flower, round leaved, 277. 5. Campanula, F.
LILY, WHITE, 1109. H. Lilium, candidum, F.
Raspberries ripe.

Figs yellow.

13. LIME TREE, 473. Tilia Europœa, F. Knapweed, 198. 2. Centaurea jacea, F.

Stonecrop, 269. Sedum rupestre, F.

Grass, knot, 146. Polygonum aviculare, F.
Grass, bearded dog, 390. 2. Triticum caninum, F.

15. Thermom. 39. Highest this month.

16. Asparagus, 267. 1. Asparagus officinalis, berries. Mugwort, 190. 1. Artemisia vulgaris, F.

18. Willow herb, purple spiked, 367.1. Lythrum salicaria, F. YOUNG PARTRIDGES.

Agrimony, water hemp, 187. 1. Bidens tripart. F. 20. Flax, purging, 362. 6. Linum catharticum, F. Arsmart, spotted, 145. 4. Polygonum persicaria, F. Lily martagon, 1112. H. Lilium martagon.

HENS moult.

22. Orpine, 269. Sedum telephium, f.

Hart's tongue, 116.

Pennyroyal, 235.

Bramble, 461. 1.

Laurustinus, 1690.

Asplenium scolopendra, F.
Mentha pulegium, F.

Rubus fruticosus. Fruit red.
II. Viburnum tinus, f.

24. Elecampane, 176. Inula helenium, F.

Amaranth, 202. H. Amaranthus caudatus, F.

27. Bindweed, great, 275. 1. Convolvulus sepium, F. 28. Plantain, great water, 257. 1. Alisma plantago, F.

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