
it, Why hast thou made me thus ?" full and glorious and happy ac Let it once be allowed (as seems complishment, for a solution of most consistent with reason, and all the difficulties at present atwith scripture well interpreted), tending it? At the same time, as that a Being of infinite power and no one can certainly know what wisdom and benevolence, cannot are the divine purposes respecting reasonably be supposed to have himself, till the event shall have brought into existence countless manifested them; will it not be millions of creatures, with the de- the part of wisdom, to attend to sign that they should be vicious the declared will of God, by seriand miserable for ever, but rather ous meditation, to give a prepon➡ with a determination of forming derating influence to those great them all to rectitude and goodness, motives which recommend a piand of making them all finally ous and virtuous conduct, and ferand everlastingly happy :-and vently to pray unto him, who then, we may feel ourselves on knoweth the human frame, that he firm ground, when adding,-Hath would impress these motives on the he not a right, to observe a variety mind, with a power which shall in his moral as well as his pro- cause them to overbalance every vidential dealings with them and other influence? to conduct some or very many of them to their final happiness, by methods, which at present seem indirect and intricate? Do we not evidently perceive, that the crimes of the wicked may, in many instances, be the means of displaying, yea, of improving and perfecting the excellencies of the good? and

To the attentive consideration of your correspondent and of all. who feel themselves pressed with doubts like his, I submit these observations; and am, Sir, Yours sincerely,

J. T. E.

that they themselves may, in the An old Daventry Pupil on Mr.

Belsham's Letter.


end, be more thoroughly attached to rectitude of conduct, by the Dec. 10: experience they have had of a neI do not feel myself disposed to cessary connection between vice occupy many lines in your Reposi and misery, than they would other. tory, by replying to Mr. Belsham's wise have been? If then the plan sarcastic remarks on my letter. The of moral government, which God subject, I allow, is of no great is actually pursuing, is even at importance; yet, if the facts which present attended with important Mr. B. introduced were worthy of advantages, which could not other. a place in his Memoirs, it appearwise have been secured; and if ed to me desirable that they should there is reason to believe that all be correctly stated. Whether the evils which now make a part of it, are to be finally brought to an end, and made to issue in a degree of happiness which could not other wise have been produced; ought we not to acquiesce in it, and paiently to wait the period of its

Mr. B. has proved my statement to be incorrect, I leave any impartial reader to judge, who will think it worth his while to review my former letter. I have only to add, that several persons, who read the Repository, are of opinion

that Mr. B. would have done well 18, and 52. 16, must pay reif he had written only the first spectively,--and he told me exparagraph in his letter. So I think, actly to so many stivers and who am, respectfully yours,


Arithmetical Prodigy; from the
Philosophical Transactions.
[Vol. xxii. No. 272. p. 893.]



I asked him how he came by that knowledge; he said by selling sea-snails and muscles, for which he received nothing but doits, but never could tell how much money they amounted to, till he asked his father how many doits made a guilder, and being 160, then he reckoned how many in 10 and 100 g, and so from one thing to another.

SIR, Nov. 30th, 1812. I observed in your number for September last, (p. 550) an interesting account of that American prodigy, Zerah Colburn, of whose wonderful arithmetical powers I "He has a table of multiplication have been a frequent witness. A in his head, of half-a-yard long friend has since communicated to or more, I tried him by a table Ĭ me an account, of a similar kind, have and he answered me as reaextracted from the Philosophical Transactions, which, from its ex- table of multiplication; and he dily as you can, upon the ordinary traordinary nature,must be thought divides almost with as much ease worthy of a place in the same volume. Nothing can be farther as he multiplies, and reduces things from my intention, than to make a disparaging comparison between the powers of a boy of eight years

and one of seventeen.

"An Account of a Person who could neither Read nor Write, yet could reckon Sums to great exactness. Communicated by Mr. Locke, dated Rotterdam, March 25, 1701.

"Yesterday I had here a young lad of seventeen years old, that can neither read nor write, yet by his head will reckon any of the most difficult sums you can give him, even to the utmost fractions. I gave him an average to make of a ship run ashore: to save ship and goods, were worth 13679, 14; the charges on the salvage 2931, 16; I asked him how much that was per cent? he told me, after a little talking to himself, that it was 21 guild. 9 st. and a small fraction. I asked him what 4943.3, 2848. 4, 2244. 7, 544. 19, 351.

to the least denomination in frac tions. He wanders from town to to cypher, and so gets some money, town, to see who has any thing

but he would fain learn to read and write. This I mention because it is so prodigious; I have a great mind, could I be assured of his fidelity, to take him into my house, and teach him to read, write and cypher."

To the extract the following note is subjoined:—

"It does not appear that this was the great Locke, as, according to the accounts of his life, Mr. Locke never was in Holland after the revolution in 1689, and besides, the style and writing of this paper seem not like Locke's."

Among Locke's Familiar Letters, the last to Limborch, is from Rotterdam, dated 16th Feb. 1689. The next, to the same correspondent, is from London, 12th of March, the same year. We find him, afterwards, residing at Oates,

[merged small][ocr errors]

Search the Scriptures.

Five Guineas Reward.
Five golden guineas will be giv.
en in the following prizes.—

To the boy who first points out
the chapter and verse in the Bible,
wherein is found the phrase
God the Son:

see the Catechism:

Two Guineas.

Dissenters' Estate at Kirkstead.
Νου. 17,
I understand that an attempt
which has been made, to get the
estate at Kirkstead, out of the
hands of the Dissenters, was frus- see the Catechism :-
trated at the last Lincoln Assizes.
I think the facts relating to this

To the boy who first produces
the chapter and verse in the Bible,
wherein is found the phrase
God the Holy Ghost:

business should be put upon record
in the Repository, as they must
be interesting to the Dissenters in
general, and they would derive an
additional interest, from the cir.
cumstance of Dr. John Taylor
having been the minister of the
place previous to his removal to
Norwich. I believe that Mr.

Two Guineas.


To the boy who first produces the chapter and verse wherein is found the word


or the phrase
Holy blessed and glorious Trinity:
see the Liturgy:


One Guinea.

N. B. The parents of the chil

Meadows Taylor, a grandson of dren are permitted to assist them in the Doctor's was present at the the search. trial; perhaps he would furnish what particulars come within his knowledge, which would much oblige

Your humble servant,

School Premiums. SIR, In one of the National Schools not far from London, the following premiums were offered to the children. I copy them from the paper which was stuck up in the school, and as several clergymen are members of the Committee, it may be hoped that they will be circulated, but still, I wish them to have a place in your Repository,

[blocks in formation]

Illustrations of Scripture.

[From an Interleaved Bible.]
Daniel viii. 3.

[The following paragraph should have
followed that under the same title, in
P. 701.]

The people of Bijore had likewise a high idea of Alexander's extensive authority, and they too de nominated him the Two Horned, agreeably to the striking emblem of power, in all the Eastern languages. Ayeen Akbery, xị. 194. Many instances of this emblem being used, will occur to every person accustomed to read the Robertson's sacred, scriptures. Hist. Disq. concerning India. 8vo. Notes and Illustrations. Note 8. p. 348-350.


Resolutions of the Deputies, Aug.

11, 1812.

an important amelioration of their condition and as an advance to.” wards the repeal of all penal laws which infringe on Religious Free dom.

At a General Meeting of the Deputies appointed for the Protection of the Civil Rights of the Three Denominations of Protestant That the thanks of this Deputa Dissenters, held at the King's tion be presented to the RightHead Tavern, in the Poultry, Honourable the Earl of Liverpool, London, the 11th of August,



The following Resolutions were unanimously agreed to, viz.

"That it is the natural right of all men to worship God agreeably to the dictates of their own consciences."

First Lord of the Treasury, for the politeness and attention which their Committee experienced in the communications with which he honoured them, for the kindness and conciliation which he manifested in all the intercourse that took place, and for the effectual support which he gave to the said act.

"That all human laws, which That the thanks of this Deputa. restrict them in the exercise of tion be presented to the Right this right, are unjust in their principle, and in their tendency and operation highly injurious to the best interests of religion."

"That we regard, with deep Concern, the existence of several laws of this decription," but trust that the time is not distant when laws so repugnant to the spirit of Christianity and so hostile to the welfare of society, will be completely abrogated, and Toleration be superseded by Religious Liberty.

Honourable Lord Castlereagh, the Right Honourable Nicolas Van sittart, and the other Members of Administration, for the support which they gave to the said act.

That the thanks of this Deputation be presented to the Most Noble the Marquis of Lansdown, the Right Honourable Earl Grey, the Right Honourable Lord Hol-* land, and the Right Honourable Lord Erskine, for the essential services which they have rendered on this and on every occasion to the cause of Religious Liberty.

That we receive the act which has lately passed, intituled, “An That the thanks of this Depu Act to repeal certain Acts and tation be given to Samuel Whit amend other Acts relating to Reli- bread, Esq. M. P. for the able gious Worship and Assemblies and support which he gave to the said Persons preaching or teaching act, and particularly for the therein," with feelings of plea promptness and zeal with which sure and gratitude, as an instance he stood forward, unsolicited, to of increasing liberality in the le- relieve the Protestant Dissenters, gislature, and of just confidence when the security, which they had in the Protestant Dissenters, as long enjoyed under former acts of

Toleration, was endangered by

Circular from the Protestant So. ciety to Protestant Dissenting Ministers.

London, July 30, 1812. DEAR SIR,

We again execute the directions of the Committee of "The Pro testant Society for the Protection, of Religious Liberty," and address you with sincere delight.

That the thanks of this Depunovel and injurious constructions. tation be given to Ebenezer MaitThat our Chairman, William land, Esq. the Chairman of this Smith, Esq. M. P. by the ardent day, for his attendance. zeal for and indefatigable attention to the interest of Religious Liberty which he has manifested in the various communications which have taken place with his Majes ty's Ministers relative to the repeal of the Five Mile and Conventicle Acts, and the amendment of the Toleration Laws; by his able support in parliament of the act which has lately passed, and by his unremitting attention to the affairs of this Deputation, has en- The same good Providence, titled himself to the warmest gra. which before enabled us to invite titude ofthe Protestant Dissenters. your heartfelt praise to a gracious That the thanks of this Depu. God for the success with which tation are peculiarly due to our he rewarded our resistance to Deputy Chairman, John Gurney, measures calculated to diminish Esq. for the great services which the limited toleration which we he has rendered to the cause of enjoyed, has again produced efReligious Liberty in the late pro- fects which must renovate our graceedings, and for his constant and titude, and at which every friend zealous attention to the important to the progress of piety, to reliobjects of this Deputation. gious freedom, and to the welfare of posterity, must rejoice.

That the thanks of this Depu. tation be given to our Treasurer, Joseph Gutteridge, Esq. and the other members of the Sub-Committee, for the great attention they have bestowed on the important subject of their late deliberations and proceedings.

That the thanks of this Deputation be given to the Committee, for its valuable services in the late proceedings.

That the Secretary do communicate the Resolutions of this Meeting to the respective parties.

That the above Resolutions be printed in such public papers and monthly journals as the Committee may think proper.



That you may perfectly partake the satisfaction which we feel, we must recal to your recollection the laws which existed inconsistent with religious liberty, and therefore incompatible with the honour and happiness of mankind. We will not indeed detail the history of the Dissenters-the Test and Corporation Acts-or the Penal Laws which, from the Reformation to the Revolution, during the reigns of the successive monarchs from Elizabeth to James II. were enacted to prevent nonconformity, and to punish those who were compelled by their consciences to dissent. But we must remind you, that, as to the dissenting laity, by the Statutes 1 Eliz. c. 2.

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