
While the New Translation

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lations shew, as the translator ob- the following, the last of them, serves "that the poetry of the especially, not very cogent:Scalds chiefly displays itself in That this fine eastern pastoral images of terror," In a note to was designed for a vehicle of rethe Dying Ode of Regnar Lod- ligious truths, is an opinion handbrog, attributed to the 9th cen. ed down from the earliest antiquity. tury, the translator, in the expres. That it may be so, has been clearly sion of “*-a mass of weapons," de- proved by one of the best critics tecis 66 a sneer on the Christian of the age (Dr. Lowth): and that religion," which they considered as it is so, may be strongly presumed, the religion of cowards, because not only from that ancient and it would have corrected their universal opinion, but from its savage manners," or rather be. being preserved in a book, ali cause they had not witnessed the whose other contents are of a diCrusades into the East, or the vine religious nature." wars for "religion and social order" in Christian Europe. was in the press, appeared a In 1764, was published, in one new edition of the Prælectiones, small volume, 12mo.' The Song with notes, by Michaëlis," who, of Solamon, newly translated from according to our translator's postthe original Hebrew, with a Com- script, (p.103) differs from Lowth, mentary and Annotations. This as to the Song of Solomon "being translation has been long ascribed a sacred allegory, and is inclined to Mr. Percy, and we apprehend, to look no further than the literal may be now confidently regard meaning. Yet allows it to be a ed as the production of his pen. production not unworthy the ceThe translator describes his work lestial muse, and thinks it was as "an atttempt to rescue one of inserted in the great code of sathe most beautiful pastorals in cred and moral truths, to shew the world, as well as the most that wedded love has the express ancient, from that obscurity and approbation of the Deity." It is confusion, in which it has been surprising that the learned profes. involved by the injudicious prac. sor could discover any recommentice of former commentators. The dation of marriage, in the story generality of these," he complains, of an amorous prince, possessed "have been so busily employed already of "threescore queens in opening and unfolding its alle. and fourscore concubines," yet gorical meaning, as wholly to neg- inclined, like a modern grand lect that literal sense, which ought seignior, to add another bride to to be the basis of their dis. his seraglio. It is yet more to coveries." On the contrary, it is be admired that our translator his "sole design to establish and could conjecture (p. 103), “that illustrate the literal sense;" pro- this elegant description of conposing," in a future attempt, to jugal love is, after all, only a enquire, what sublime truths are veil to shadow that divine and concealed under it." The trans. tender regard which subsists belator's reasons for expecting to dis- tween the Redeemer and the souls cover"sublime truths," conceal- of men; a subject," he adds, ed in the Song of Solomon, are so much importance as to deserve


a particular and distinct inquiry, lator regrets as "the assistant and and therefore reserved for a fu- companion of his studies, the inture undertaking." structor of his youth, and the correspondent of his riper age."

Dr. Watts has hinted at the progress of good sense and sobermindedness as to the religious use of the Song of Songs. In a later edition of the Preface to his Lyric Poems, first published in 1709, he has this note:-" Solomon's Song was much more in use amongst preachers and writers of divinity, when these poems were written, than it is now, 1736." Whiston, about this time, in a Discourse on the subject, had called in question, not only the divinity, but the moral decorum of the book, alledging "the general character of vanity and dissoluteness, which reigns through the Canticles, in which there is not one thought that leads the mind toward religion, but all is worldly and carnal, to say no worse." At the date of the "New Translation," it had become quite safe for a clergyman, without incurring scandal, to consider the Canticles merely as a work of human genius, prudently reserving the point of a spiritual sense. In thus consider ing it, the translator adopted the scheme of Bossuet, who divides the book into seven parts, each comprehending one day of the nuptial festivities.

In 1768, appeared "The Outlines of a New Commentary on Solomon's Song, drawn by help of Instructions from the East." The author, the late Mr. Harmer, since well known by his "Observations on Divers passages of Scripture," commends" the learning, the candour and the elegance displayed in the New Translation.” Of this he makes large use, if indeed his own work were not occasioned by its publication. He however, differs from Bossuet and the translator, and contends, in opposition to the latter, that the Song of Songs was occasioned by Solomon's marriage with Pharaoh's daughter, introducing among the characters a former wife degraded on occasion of that marriage. This work of Mr. Harmer being, we believe, little known, in comparison with his "Observations," we subjoin from his preface the following explanation of his plan.


"That two wives of Solomon, the one just married, and another whose jealousy was greatly awakened by that event, are referred to, and indeed introduced speakers, which is the ground-work of the whole of what I have offerThe Annotations," annexed ed, and, for aught I know, a to the New Translation, discover thought perfectly new, is a point a critical acquaintance with the about which I have very little customs and phraseology of the doubtfulness in my own mind, Hebrews, and are interspersed with though perhaps I may not be so apposite quotations from the Greek happy as to have the generality of and Roman Classics. In the my readers adopt the sentiment. preface, the notes marked B. are When I speak of my sketching ascribed to "the Rev. Mr. Binnel, out the interpretation of this veneof Newport, in Shropshire," who rable Song, I would be underdied while the sheets were stood to mean, as to the literal printing off," and whom the trans- sense of it, the giving of which the

author of the New Translation, with an Introduction, containing very judiciously observes, is the some remarks on a late New first duty of an expositor, without Translation of this Sacred Poem: which it is impossible to discover also a Commentary and Notes, what other truths are couched Critical and Practical. Written under it, though it has been terribly neglected."

in the year 1769." This work is dedicated to Bishop Lowth, and introduced by a letter to an unnam. ed reverend triend, in which the writer acknowledges his obligations to the New Translation, but proceeds to shew, that it is, in his

which he had just met with, as well as Harmer's Outlines. To both works he frequently refers.

Mr. Harmer communicates his plan in Remark xii. and xiii. of the Outlines. Dr. Priestley remarks on this poem, (Notes ii. 92.) that every attempt made to give a spiritual meaning to it, apprehension, both defective has only served to throw ridicule and faulty, in several respects." on those who have undertaken it." This commentator is certainly Yet Mr. Harmer found the gos- more at home, in the spiritual pel-state adumbrated in the Song sense of the Canticles, than his of Songs, adducing "the likeness precursor, a disposition likely to be we may observe between Solo. encouraged by "Dr. Gill's Ex. mon's marrying a Gentile princess, planation of the Divine Song," and making her equal in honour and privileges with his former Jewish queen, and in her being frequently mentioned afterwards in history, while the other is passed over in total silence, and the conduct of the Messiah towards the Gentile and Jewish churches." This learned Biblicist was still further satisfied with his plan, because "the universal church is spoken of under the notion of a bride, and the Messiah as her hus. band, Ephes. v. He found also support in "St. Paul's method of explaining the history of Sarah and Agar," and at length arrived at all the determinateness that can be expected, in a matter that has been so perplexed by the learned, and," as he added, unlike a fierce polemic, "of no greater consequence to our salvation."

The New Translation gave occasion to another work which appeared some years after. It was published anonymously at Edinburgh, in 1775, and entitled "The Song of Solomon, Paraphrased,

He not only speaks "of Christ the heavenly bridegrom, whom Solomon, in this poem is certainly meant to represent," but his fancy runs riot upon this notion, till he presently adds, "The author of the book of Canticles, (for Solomon, as the rest of the prophets, was only the instrument,) the author, I say, was not a man, but he who judges right; not from appearances, nor from any irregu lar motion in his own breast, as man does, but who knows the inmost thoughts of his frail imperfect creatures. The threescore queens and fourscore concubines," are considered as a sort of heir looms, descended to Solomon, the spoils of war in his father's time, the purchase of his own treasure, or fallen to him as his regal inheritance." Having thus disposed of these bosom slaves, Whom eastern tyrants from the light of Seclude



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our commentator can bring him- sometimes in a pleasing transport self to believe that "however crim. agitate the whole frame. If you inal Solomon became in his old love me, keep my commandments, age," this early purchaser, if not saith our blessed Saviour. And inheritor, of queens and concubines, an excellent rule it is, whereby to still retained the simplicity and judge of the reality of our affec innocency of his youth, at the time tions. But then on the other side, this poem was wrote." He can, let us not fancy we do this where however, express himself in a man- there are no affections at all." ner more creditable to a sber Mr. Percy, as we have seen, projudgment. Having maintained posed to follow his New Transla that "a mind untainted by.vice, tion, by a search after "sublime will find in the Song of Solomon, truths," concealed in the Song of solid instruction," he adds:- Solomon. This he reserved for a "If we examine the lives of future undertaking. Mr. Harsuch as have been noted for en- mer, expressed a wish to see thusiastic flights, we shall find, "what allegorical sense he would that, if they have not lived in the put on this antient poem," and in practice of vice, (though too many the Commentary, published at of them have,) yet have they Edinburgh, hopes were entertained, been persons of wild and wanton "of seeing such a work performed dispositions, careless of their con- by him." Mr. Percy, however, duct, and more careless of their to the credit of his maturer judg conversation and studies, such as ment, appeared not to have purhave had strong passions, and sued the subject further. If he been only kept from indulging ever addressed himself to the them by the restraints of consci- "particular and distinct inquiry" ence, fear, regard for reputation, or by having met with cruel disappointments. Such persons, when they take a turn to devotion, love God with the same sensual affec. tions they were wont to feel for an human object, and find their own warm ideas in places of scripture, where no such are really to be found. And though in all this they may not be absolutely crim. inal, yet are they too apt to deceive themselves and others. The love of God is not a sensible pas. sion, nor to be judged of by the seeming pious affections which possess the imagination, and which

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he had proposed, he probably soon
found it a labour more herculean
than he had expected, to assimi.
late the sensual Solomon to the
pure and holy Jesus. Their cha-
racters would no more amalmagate
than the iron and the clay," in
the image presented to the imagi-
nation of the king of Babylon,
Our industrious scholar soon at
tempted another subject, to his
successful prosecution of which
he was principally indebted for
that reputation he has acquired
among the writers of his time.
[To be continued.]

Died, October 5th, at Bewd. stitutions and numbers, with those ley in Worcestershire, SAMUEL of his own day, of which he reKENRICK, Esq. This excel- tained a most accurate remem. lent man was the third son of the brance. It was at college that Rev. John Kenrick, Minister of his acquaintance began with Dr. the Dissenting Congregation at Wodrow, who was also studying Wrexham in Denbighshire, and under Dr. Leechinan, and who was born at Wynnehall, in the has given so interesting an account same county, in the year 1728. of his master, in the Memoir preHaving received his preparatory fixed to his Posthumous Sermons. education in that neighbourhood, Similarity of temper and pursuits he was sent, in the year 1743, to soon ripened their acquaintance the University of Glasgow. This into the closest friendship, which circumstance gave a colour to all only the death of Dr. Wodrow the events of his succeeding life: interrupted. (Sec M. R. vol. vi. p. and he always regarded it as most 122). They were accustomed to kindly ordered for him by Provi- meet after the hour of lecture, to dence. Having passed through compare and correct the notes the classes of languages and phi- which they had taken, and to purlosophy, he entered the Divinity sue the ideas which their teacher Hall, and attended the lectures of had suggested. Mr. Kenrick the celebrated Dr. Leechman, never spoke of Dr. Leechman but who had been recently elected to with enthusiastic affection; rethe theological chair, after violent garding himself as indebted to him opposition from his orthodox for those rational and animating brethren. Time past lightly on views of God and of the Christian with Mr. K. while he pursued his Revelation, which he early emstudies. The period of academical braced and cherished to the end education and the place where it of life. has been carried on, seldom fail to be remembered with regret and affection by an ingenuous mind,being endeared by two of the highest pleasures which a human being can enjoy, the acquisition of knowledge and the formation of friendship. In the mind of Mr. K. these feelings were peculiarly strong-being heightened, perhaps, by the contrast between the studies of his youth and the business to which his later years were de voted. Even when he was on the verge of eighty, accident having renewed his connection with the University, his affection for his Alma Mater revived with unabated strength; and he was de. lighted to compare its present in.


His vacations were spent with his near relation, the Rev. Rob. Millar, minister of the Abbey Church, Paisley, the learned author of the History of the Propagation of Christianity.

Mr. K. continued at Glasgow till the year 1750, when he was engaged as Tutor to the two sons of James Milliken, Esq. of Milliken, in Renfrewshire. With the elder of these young men he set out in the spring of 1760, to make a tour on the Continent. At the Hague, he became acquainted with the learned translator of Mosheim, who gave him much valuable information respecting the route which he was to pursue. From Holland (as we were at war with France) they past through part of


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