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Literary Memoir of Dr. Percy, compositions of all times and dates, late Bishop of Dromore. from the ages prior to Chaucer, to (Concluded from p. 8.) the conclusion of the reign of The work to which we refer ap- Charles I. This MS. was shewn peated in 1765, and was so well to several learned and ingenious received that a fourth edition was friends, who thought the contents published in 1794, which having too curious to be consigned to oblibeen long scarce, a'fifth is in the vion, and importuned the possessor press. It is entitled, Reliques of to select some of them and give Ancient English Poetry, consisting them to the press. As most of them of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and are of great simplicity, and seem other Pieces of our earlier Poets, to have been merely written for together with some few of a later the people, he was long in doubt, date, 3 vols. 12mo. From his whether in the present state of im Preface we subjoin Mr. Percy's proved literature, they could be account of the origin, design and deemed worthy the attention of arrangement of his work, and of the public. At length the im. the encouragement under which portunity of his friends prevailed, he first brought it before the and he could refuse nothing to public. such judges as the author of the "The reader is here presented Rambler and the late Mr. Shenwith select remains of our antient stone. Accordingly such speciEnglish Bards and Minstrels, an mens of ancient poetry have been order of men, who were once selected, as either shew the gra greatly respected by our ancestors, dation of our language, exhibit and contributed to soften the the progress of popular opinions, rougliness of a martial and un. display the peculiar manners and lettered people, by their songs customs of former ages or throw and by their music. The greater light on our earlier classical poets. part of them are extracted from They are here distributed into an ancient folio manuscript, in Volumes, each of which contains the Editor's possession, which con- an independent Series of poems, tains near 200 Poems, Songs and arranged chiefly according to the Metrical Romances. This MS. order of time, and shewing the was written about the middle of the gradual improvements of the En last [17th] century; but contains glish language and poetry from



sacred; their attendance was so licited by kings, and they were every where loaded with honours and rewards." (p. xxii.) It is then shewn how "the poet and the Minstrel early with us became two persons. Poetry was cultivated by men of letters indiscriminately; and many of the most popular rhimes were composed amidst the leisure and retirement of monasteries. But the Minstrels continued a distinct order of men for many ages after the Norman conquest; and got their livelihood by singing verses to the harp at the houses of the great." (p. xxiij.)

the earliest ages down to the present. Each Volume or Series is divided into three Books, to afford so many pauses, or restingplaces to the reader, and to assist him in distinguishing between the productions of the earlier, the middle and the latter times. To atone for the rudeness of the more obsolete poems, each volume con. cludes with a few modern attempts in the same kind of writing; and to take off from the tediousness of the longer narratives, they are every where intermingled with little elegant pieces of the lyric kind. Select ballads in the old Scottish dialect, most of them of the first- The second part of this Essay is rate merit, are also interspersed employed "to collect from hisamong those of our ancient En. tory, such particular incidents as glish Minstrels; and the artless occur on this subject-related by productions of these old rhapso- authors who lived too near the dists are occasionally confronted Saxon times, and had before them with specimens of the composi- too many monuments of the Anglotion of contemporary poets of a Saxon nation, not to know what higher class; of those who had was conformable to the genius the advantages of learning in the and manners of that people ;" and times in which they lived, and who thus proving "at least the existwrote for fame, and for posterity. ence of the customs and habits Yet perhaps the palm will be fre- they attribute to their forefathers quently due to the old strolling before the conquest." In this Minstrels, who composed their collection, Alfred's adventure in rhimes to be sung to their harps, the Danish camp is not forgotten; and who looked no farther than and it is fairly argued that for present applause and present the Saxons had not been accussubsistence."(Pref. pp. xiii.- tomed to have minstrels of their xv. Edit. 4th.) own, Alfred's assuming so new Prefixed to the first Volume, and unusual a character, would is An Essay on the Antient Min- have excited suspicions among strels in England, deducing their the Danes." The Essayist adds, succession from the Bards who, that "the minstrel was a reunder different names, were ad. gular and stated officer in the mired and revered, from the ear. court of our Anglo-Saxon kings : Hiest ages, among the people of Gaul, for in Doomsday Book joculator Britain, Ireland and the North; regis, the king's minstrel, is exand indeed by almost all the first pressly mentioned in Gloucesterinhabitants of Europe. -Their skill shire; in which county it should was considered as something di- seem, he had lands assigned him vine; their persons were deemed for his maintenance." (p. 25-27.)




The third part of this Essay is shews which in the dark ages, designed to shew, "that the Nor. were usually exhibited on the man Conquest was rather likely to more solemn festivals," when as favour the establishment of the the most mysterious subjects were minstrel profession in this king frequently chosen, such as the dom, than to suppress it.” (P. 29.) incarnation, passion and resu In the fourth part are given various rection of Christ, these exhibitions instances of the consequence to acquired the general name of which this order of men" at- mysteries." (P. 128.) As these tained; the Priory and Hos. "frequently required the repre pital of St. Bartholomew, in Smith sentation of some allegorical per field," being founded by the sonage, such as Death, Sin, king's minstrel in 1102." And, Charity, Faith, and the like, by about a century after, another is degrees the rude poets of these celebrated as a favourite courtier unlettered ages began to form of Richard the First, whose place compleat dramatic pieces, conof captivity he discovered by sisting entirely of such personifi means of the liberty of access cations. These they entitled allowed to his profession.

Moral Plays, or Maralities. (P. 130.) We subjoin, as a curiosity, Mr. Percy's" short analysis," of one of these moralities, "print ed early in the reign of Henry the Eighth."

The following parts bring down the history of English minstrelsy to the age of Elizabeth, who "was entertained at Killingworth castle, by the Earl of Leicester, in 1575;" when," among the many devices "It is entitled EVERY MAN. and pageants," was contrived the The subject of this piece is the representation of "an antient summoning of man out of the minstrel; minutely described by world by death; and its moral, a writer there present," and since that nothing will then avail him reprinted in the "Collection of but a well-spent life and the com Queen Elizabeth's progresses." forts of religion. This subject The Essayist adds that "towards and moral are opened in a monothe end of the 16th century, this logue, spoken by the messenger class of men had lost all credit, (for that was the name generally and were sunk so low in the pub given by our ancestors to the prolic opinion that, in 1597, a statute logue on their rude stage). Then was passed, by which minstrels God is represented; (the second wandering abroad were included person of the trinity seems to be among rogues, vagabonds and meant) who, after some general sturdy beggars." (P. 51.) complaints on the degeneracy of

The second book of the first mankind, calls for death, and volume is devoted to "Ballads orders him to bring before his that illustrate Shakespeare," in- tribunal Every-Man, for so is troduced by an Essay "on the called the personage who repre Origin of the English stage." sents the human race. Every This Essay displays a variety of Man appears, and receives the learned research, tracing the summons with all the marks of origin, or at least revival, of confusion and terror. When death dramatic poetry, to those religious is withdrawn, Every-Man applies

for relief in this distress to Fellow. With five words he can consecrate

ship, Kindred, Goods or Riches, but they successively renounce

God's body, in flesh and blood to take,

And handleth his Maker between his hands.

and forsake him. In this discon- The priest bindeth and unbindeth all solate state he betakes himself to

Good-Deeds, who, after upbraid ́ing him with his lang neglect of her, introduces him to her sister Knowledge, and she leads him to the holy man Confession, who appoints him penance; this he inflicts upon himself on the stage, and then withdraws to receive the sacraments of the priest. On his return, he begins to wax faint, and after Strength, Beauty, Discretion and Five. Wits, (the five senses) have all taken their final leave of him, gradually expires on the stage: Good-Deeds still accompanying him to the last. Then an aungell descends to sing his requiem, and the epilogue is spoken by a person called Ductour, who recapitulates the whole and delivers the moral.

This memorial men may have in mind, Ye hearers, take it of worth, old and young,

And forsake Pride, for he deceiveth you in the end,

And remember Beauty, Five- IV its,

Strength and Discretion,
They all, at last, do Every-Man forsake;
Save his Good Deeds, these doth he take;
But beware, for, and they be small,
Before God he hath no help at all.

(Pp. 130-132.) Mr. Percy, in another place, remarks how the author of this Morality "takes occasion to inculcate great reverence for old Mother Church and her super. stitions," and instances "his high encomiums on the priesthood."— There is no emperor, king, duke, ne


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Thou ministers all the sacraments seven,
Though we kiss'd thy feet, thou wert

Both in carth and in heaven.


Thou art the surgeon that cureth six
No remedy may we find under God
But alone on priesthood.

God gave priest that dignite,
And letteth them in his stead among us

Thus be they above angels in degree.

(ii. 114.)

In the second part of this Essay, the author describes "the fondness of our ancestors for dra

matic exhibitions of this kind,”

and shows from the Northum. berland Household Book, 1512," that " My Lordes vi Chapleyns in

Household" were accustomed to


play the Play of the Nativite upon cristymnes day," and the lay of the Resurrection upon esturday in the mornynge, in my lordis chapell befor his lordship, and for each had in rewarde xxs." (i. 135.) "The day origi nally set apart for theatrical er hibition, appears to have been Sunday; probably because the first dramatic pieces were of a re ligious cast. During a great part of Queen Elizabeth's reign, the playhouses were only licensed to be opened on that day." (p. 151.)

The editor of the "Reliques;" was not content to gratify mere antiquarians. He appears to have had a higher object, even to mark the progress of the mind in pur suits the most important. Thus the second book of his second volume, commences with A Ballad of Luther, the Pope, à Cardinal and a Husbandman,"

prefaced by some remarks on " the [Peter] the Plowman," publishedviolent struggles between expiring about 1350. Also of Pierce the Popery and growing Protestant- Plowman's Crede." "The auism," when "the followers of the thor feigus himself ignorant of his old and new profession (as they creed, to be instructed in which, were called) had their respective he applies to four religious orders. bailad-makers; and every day At length he meets with Pierce,

produced some popular sonnet for or against the Reformation." The Editor adds, that "in this ballad, Luther is made to speak in a man ner not unbecoming the spirit and courage of that vigorous Reformer." (ii. 114.) The following lines comprize the pope's greeting from

Doctor Martin Luther.

Thou antichrist, with thy three crowns,
Hast usurped kings' pow rs,
As having pow'r over realms and towns,
Whom thou oughtest to serve all hours:
Thou thinkest by thy juggling colours
Thou mayest likewise God's word op-
i press;

As do the deceitful fowlers,
When they their nets craftily dress.
Thou flatterest every prince and lord,
Threatening poor men with sword and

All those that do follow God's word,
To make them cleave to thy desire.
Their bookes thou burnest, in flaming
Anno fire:

Cursing with book, bell and candle,
Such as to read them have desire,
Or with them are willing to meddle.
Thy false power will I bring down,
Thou shalt not reign many a year,
I shall drive thee from city and town,
Even with this pen, which thou seest

Thou figh ́est with sword, shield and

But I will fight with God's word;
Which is now so open and clear,
That it shall bring thee under the board.
(p. 117.)
The same subject of the Refor-
mation is continued by our editor,
in bis introduction to Book 3d
of this second volume, which be-
gins with The Complaint of
Conscience." We have here some
account of the " Visions of Pierce,


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a poor ploughman, who resolves his doubts." (P. 275.) The ati. thor of the "allegoric satire," entitled "The Complaint of Conscience," is severe upon the legal profession; and not unjustly, if barristers then would lend themselves to advocate any cause not legally infamous, and either to shield the accused from the veninvoke their penalties on his head, geance of sanguinary laws, or to with no conscientious discrimina tin, but just as they happened to receive a retainer. Conscience is complaining of bis unsuccessful progress in search of a patron, and thus describes his rception Then Westminster-hall was no place for among the sons of Themis :

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The silly poor clerkes began for to tremble;

I showed the my cause and did not dis-

So they gave me some noney my
But swore me on a book I must never
charges o bar,
come there.
(P. 292.).
The third volume of the Rel.
iques, is
chicily devoted to, ro.
Arthur and St. George Lave no
mantic subjects," in which King
inconsiderable place. Proaxed is
an Essay in the antient. Metrical
Romances; analyzing one
tioned by Crater 1,"cnttled Libius
Disconius, on The Fan Unknown,
and giving the utles and supposed
date 4 of such old metrical-ry.
mances as are still extant, amount-


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