
by men of the first character and honourable resignation, had not respectability, who uninfluenced at once succeeded in defeating his by any personal consideration, great plan of academical improve. were anxious for the improvement ment, and in cutting off the sources of the youth committed to their of his support in the University. charge. A formidable opposition, Engaging, therefore, in the study however, was soon exci ed, in of medicine, he removed to Lonwhich Dr. Powell, master of St. don, in September, 1776, and after John's College, whose own society two years probation, and a diwas distinguished by the advan- ploma from St. Andrews, com. tages of superior discipline, and menced practice as a physician. some other heads of houses, unfor In the interim Mrs. Jebb had tunately took the lead. In the accompanied him in an excursion controversy which arose on this to Harrowgate, from whence they occasion also Mrs. Jebb engaged, visited the justly celebrated Archand after a few articles in the deacon Blackburne at Richmond Whitehall Evening Post, she pub. on the Swale. From their first lished separately a Letter to the establishment in the metropolis, Author of an Observation on the they had regularly frequented the Design of establishing Annual Ex- congregation formed by Mr. Lindaminations at Cambridge. In this sey in Essex-street, for the exlittle tract, she ably repelled the objections of Dr. Powell, the supposed observer, and his adherents, and demonstrated the important benefits which must arise from the adoption of so salutary a scheme.

press worship of one only God; associating also with this eminent. seceder, and with. Dr. Priestley, his coadjutor in the cause of scrip. tural enquiry, on the most triendly terms. And as in the midst of his professional engagements. Dr. Jebb was still anxiously alive to all that might concern the public welfare, Mrs. Jebb, with, equal ardour seconded all his views.

As Mr. Jebb, in his Theological Lectures, had never disguised his belief in the Divine Unity, as opposed to the received opinions, he grew uneasy under the dis- With him she reprobated the de charge of his clerical duties, and sign of coercing the American was as little satisfied at the thoughts colonies; with him she rejoiced in of converting his benefices into a the tailure of the unprincipled at kind of lay estate. After suffering tempt. She also joined in his exmost sensibly in, his health and ertions to procure a reform in the spirits, he resigned his preferments, representation of the people in in September, 1775; and, in this Parliament, as the only effectual conscientious proceeding, he was safeguard of their sacred rights; cheared with the hearty concur. and took a leading part with him. rence of Mrs. Jebb, who deemed in the discussion of all, the great no duty superior, in such delicate constitutional questions, which circumstances, to preserving the were agitated in the public prints. integrity of his own mind. He would still, however, have continued at Cambridge, if his oppo nents availing themselves of his

Amongst these the liberties of the Irish nation, were pre-eminent, from the formidable attitude which that nation had of late assumed ;

and they were amongst the first to in which the opposing parties point out the propriety of admit were engaged, and saw much ting the Roman Catholics to the stronger grounds of alarm than of full enjoyment of the elective fran- satisfaction in the conduct of either chise, as a means of consolidating side. And they were consequently its recently acquired independence, very desirous that the real friends and of interesting every portion of liberty should withhold their of the inhabitants in pursuit of support from any administration the much wished reform.

which might be formed, until the members should decidedly declare their resolution to bring forward. and carry into effect a substantial reform in the constitution of the House of Commons.

For a time they concurred in applauding the principles and conduct of Mr. Fox; and again in condemning his apparent deser. tion of those principles, on the ill. fated coalition with Lord North, Mrs. Jebb's sentiments on the in 1783. And yet, when Dr. transactions of this important crisis Jebb, in a desponding moment, have fortunately been preserved, was lamenting that great man as in her correspondence with Major irretrievably lost to the cause of Cartwright, the steady and consis freedom, his wife encouraged him tent advocate of the people's never to despair; for Mr. Fox, rights. she was convinced, on some happier occasion would prove himself still worthy of his former fame."

But they were very far from being deluded by the specious pretences of Mr. Pitt,, whose sincerity they doubted, and whose new connections they deemed on the whole as objectionable as those in which his rival was involved. As a reformer, indeed, Dr. Jebb had approved Mr. Pitt's early exer. tions, and, on his first appearance as a candidate to represent the University of Cambridge, had given him a decided support: but afterwards, on his elevation to the premiership, he saw so much to disapprove in his proceedings, that he was actually hesitating to vote for him, when Mrs. Jebb observed, that " as he promised fairly, she thought a fair trial at least should be given him."

They were also sufficiently aware, that it was a contest for power rather than for principle,

been such confusion or such conduct,
"Never," she observed, "has there
since Charles's time
every body has
been alarmed. Such folly mismanage-
ment, and Stuart-like behaviour, was
again, nor can I see how any ministry
very near bringing in the old ministry
can stand, as things are at present. un-
less they will come to the people.
Cæsar has friends, and Pompey has
friends, but few are friends to Rome.
the above. I hope the counties will
every hour of the day am I reminded of
awake out of their sound sleep some
time; but at present I see not the least
disposition, and what is worse I do not


them One party wants to call the at see any set of men inclined to rouse tention of the people to the unconstitu tional interference of the king which, by the bye, the people here are ready have the people join the king to deliver enough to notice; and the other would

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him from a faction. But I see every day more and more the necessity of forming an association of the friends of the people, independent of any party whatever an association which should make their own terms before they joined either Cæsar or Pompey. From the conversation of many independent people, I think the time is approaching which would be very favourable to this idea, for the cry is, Cæsar is wrong and Pompey is wrong,' and surely if the people would but know their own consequence, they might in time make their own choice, and dictate to either.-What have we been doing all this time, but endeavouring to effect what the Revolution did not do-to restore the constitution. The Revolution pulled down one sovereign and set up another. Both parties talk of supporting the coustitution, and of their Revolution principles. But it is the busines of the friends of liberty, at this important crisis, to do something for the people, and to make future revolutions unnecessary. We, therefore, who mind a reform more than any party disputes, and think nothing gained un less we restore the constitution, must do what we can to keep the affair alivet. I am determined if possible never to despair of the commonwealth: and I always endeavour to persuade others to make the same resolution. If a particle of despair was in my nature, it would, not fail to shew itself at such a time as this. The whole attention of the public is taken up with the wranglings of the two parties, the doubts of a dissolution, and now also with the idea of a general coalition. But what can we expect from a grand coalition of all the abilities in the kingdom, meaning you know the abilities of the two Houses, but that, when they feel their own strength, they will plunder the East, and enslave this nation at their leisure? For as to the two Bills, Mr. Fox's was a subversion of the constitution, and Mr. Pitt's will certainly put it into the power of the king to subvert it. If we have no more coalitions, I think we shall be able to persuade one party that it is their interest to reform and indeed, I do not see how Pitt can attempt to stand upon any other idea; for the majority being against him, his only excuse is

* 14th Jan. 1784. ↑ 17th Jan, 1784.

that such majority does not speak the voice of the people.-The Doctor took some steps this morning about a meeting here; but our party are a rope of sand, and we do not know where to find them, nor whether any one would support us: and if it failed many would throw all the blame on the Doctor, for their conduct gives us no reason to expect favourf.—We are endeavouring to revive the cause of the people, by getting a meeting of the Delegates called for Monday morning, and after that to call a Quintuple, but if the people do not come to their senses before that time, I shall tremble for the consequence. As yet, I am not without hope, that if the Union should take place, for so it is to be called, because the word Coalition has become odious, there are many who will see that the two parties having joined for their own interest, are not very likely to pay any regard to that of the people, and therefore that it will be highly necessary for them also to form a union in support of their own rights. And as at the best we may expect that the upper regions will be very clouy, and that the sun will shine very little upon us, without a storm of some sort or other, our only hope is that it may be of such a nature as to purify St. Stephen's before there is too great a calm.-If Parlia ment should be dissolved, and the people, for fear of disturbing the elections, or hurting a favourite candidate, or some such nonsense, do not call out for a reform, we are ruined and undone. We think that if the Parliament be dissolved the king should say, it is because it does not speak the sense of the people.||General Cunningham, it appears, has assured the Irish House of Commons that the present ministers would be found as unfriendly to a Parliamentary reform as their predecessors had been, at which the House seemed well pleased. The Doctor transcribed the whole passage from an Irish paper, and sent it to Mr. Pitt, with his own sentiments upon it, and gave him to understand that many persons would be very indifferent who was minister, if the septennial bill was not repealed, and a substantial reforma

* 22d Jan. 1784. +26th Jan. 1784. I 29th Jan. 1784. 23d Feb. 1784. 3d March, 1784.

in the representation procured. The lerance, they deprecated the conIrish House of Commons have given tinuance of the slave-trade, and leave to bring in a Bill for a reform; but the imposition of any restraints or it is thought it will be thrown out: for they say the crown as well as the penalties for a difference of reli. parliament has shewn its disapprobation gious faith. No disappointments, of the measure. The idea of letting the no illiberal aspersions could narRoman Catholics have some share in the choice of representatives is gaining row the philanthropy of their ground; and if they do take them in, no hearts: looking forward in the administration can stand long against firm persuasion that under the such united force. But with us the care of a presiding providence all king's name becomes too common, and the majesty of the people is almost for things would ultimately and ingotten. I tell you then once more, we fallibly terminate in good.

must push the association with all our might it is the grand specific for the disorder of the times; it must be taken or we die."+

These passages, selected from a very interesting series of Mrs. Jebb's letters, sufficiently display the accuracy and justice of her views, and their strict accordance with those plans of constitutional improvement, which her husband was labouring to advance.

On their return from an excur

Mrs. Jebb's affection for her husband, thus identified with her love of freedom and of virtue, was unimpaired by the lapse of years. But a union of this deep and intimate nature was too soon unfor

tunately closed. Dr. Jebb, whose professional and public exertions had brought on a premature decay in his constitution, was sinking fast in a decline, and his afflicted

wife, after attending him in a fruitless excursion to Cheltenham

sion to Buxton in the autumn of for relief, watched over his pillow 1784, their attention was again with most anxious solicitude, and directed to the great cause of par- received his last sigh on the evenliamentary reform, whilst from

As Mrs. Jebb's strength of mind was only equalled by the tender. ness of her sensibility, few can justly estimate her grief. She had lost not merely a husband, a partner in a common interest; but her guardian and protector, her guide, philosopher and friend.' Yet she had the remembrance of his talents and his virtues to con

the alarming proceedings of the ing of March 2, 1786. government in Ireland, they were induced to form no very favourable presage of the intentions of the ministry at home. They were led into a discussion of the RIGHTS OF JURIES and the LAW OF LIBELS, from the memorable casc of the Dean of St. Asaph; and the important questions which that case involved. They took, if possible, a still more lively interest in the benevolent design of improving the construction and spirit could enjoy. this consolation she rose superior management of prisons, and of to her loss, whilst through life she mitigating the severities of the penal code. And as the decided invariably spoke of him, though penal code. And as the decided still without repining, in language nemies of oppression and into- of the deepest regret.

6th March, 1784.

↑ 24th March, 1784

sole her, which few but those who like her possessed a congenial

And with

She continued, however, on terms of the strictest intimacy

with his surviving friends; with ral canse of parliamentary reform, Mr. Brand Hollis whom he highly By degrees, as she formed new esteemed; Dr. Disney his like. quaintance, she also gained new minded and faithful biographer; Dir. Lofft his much devoted pupil; Mr. Lambert his strenuous adherent in the affairs of the Univer. sity; Mr. Jennings one of his earliest associates in the Unitarian and humanity, when duly recom. congregation; Major Cartwright mended to her notice, were always his supporter in the scheme of welcome guests. equal representation; and Mr. Wyvill his coadjutor in the gene

friends; for few persons were at any time introduced to her society without wishing to cultivate her esteem. She was ever easy of access, and the friends of freedom

[To be concluded in our next.]


Penal Laws which aggrieve the alone bears the whole burden.

Catholics of Ireland.

[From A Statement, &c. Part II. continued from our last No. p. 549.]


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Of the Laws which disqualify the Catholics from voting at Parish Vestries.

Now, the proprietors, or lords in fee, of the lands in Ireland, are (as to about four-fifth parts) pro. testant noblemen, gentry, and corCatholics, Dissenters, and others. porations; the residue belongs to Next, the holders of the interme diate tenures between the propriThe lands of Ireland are almost etors and occupiers are, probably universally occupied by tenants in pretty equal portions, Protes holding separate tracts, under tants, Catholics, and Dissenters. leases, generally subject to con- These intermediate tenures have siderable yearly rents, and for necessarily arisen from the state terms of lives or years. There is of Ireland during the last one probably no instance (although hundred years; its provincial sinot uncommon in England) of a tuation; the absence, the indofarmer, cottager, or peasant, in lence, or the prudence of the proIreland, being also the absolute prietors: the industry, skill and owner (whether in fee-simple, or by copyhold, or otherwise) of the land which he cultivates. Be sides his yearly rent, he is also chargeable with all tithes, parish rates, county cesses, public taxes, and other outgoings. No part of these taxes falls upon the proprie tor of the soil, or upon any of the persons deriving intermediate in terests between the proprietor and the actual occupier: the latter

intelligence of the resident lessees. They are of considerable value; fluctuating according to local cìrcumstances, the duration of the lease, &c. They are very pro ductive of profit rents; especially if granted previously to the general rise in the value of lands in Ire. land: and, in the instances of very early date, they are intrinsically more valuable than the interests which the very proprietors enjoy

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