
of qualification in the persons preaching and reaching.

Lord Holland said the Bill had his support as it went to extend the system of Toleration, and, as far as it was re strictive in its nature, he disapproved of


The Lord Chancellor did not say that he could altogether agree with the clause, granting exemption in favour of every person who was a teacher or preacher that, however, would be best judged of in he Committee.

Earl Stanhope said however the Bill might come out of the committee, he never meant to object to its passing. The Bill was then read a second time, and committed for to-morrow.

HOUSE OF LORDS, JULY 24. The House of Lords resolved itself into a committee on the Toleration Bill.

The Lord Chancellor objected to the clause, granting exemptions to preachers and teachers exercising any other profession or occupation, contending, that complete justice was done to the principle of the Bill by the exemption granted in the preceding clause to preachers and teachers, not exercising any other profession or occupation, e cept that of a schoolmaster, and that if persons of this description resorted to secular occupations, they ought, in return for the advantages derived from their secular occupations, to be liable, in the same manner as other persons, to secular duties. He therefore moved to strike ou the clause. t

The Earl of Liverpool and Lord Viscount Sidmouth concurred in opinion with the Lord Chancellor.

Lord Ho land was disposed to acquiesce in striking out this clause, but doubted how far, if the clause was struck out, Dissenting Ministers in the possession of land, although following no other occupati n, might be deprived of their


The Earl of Lauderdale also entertained the same doubt, and proposed to insert words to the effect, that a Dissenting Minister should not be deprived of his exemptions on account of the occupation of from 25 to 30 acres of land.

The Lord Chancellor was of opinion that the same rule in this respect would apply to Dissenting Ministers as did to the clergy, namely, that although a clergymen could not take land to farm, yet that his being in possession of a lease

of land in consequence of the death of relation, or his holding 1 nd in fee simple, was not considered in law a tak ng to firm. This construction of the law would also, he conceived, be applied, under this Act, to Disse ting Ministers, so that their possession of land under such circumstances, would not deprive them of exemptions. With respect to amendments, he thought some caution should be used, lest all the benefits sought to be conferred by the Bill should be risked.

The clause was struck out.

Earl Stanhope contended, that under the words of the Bill, assemblies for religious worship, not consisting of more than 20, exclusive of the family and servants of the occupier of the premises, the doors being required not to be fastened, would be liable to be intruded up n, and that two or three more coming in would make an illegal assembly, the place of meeting not being certised. He therefore moved an amendment to confine the non-asten.ng of doors to certified places of meeting

The Lord Chancellor contended against this construction of the Act, and observed, that if any dispute arose as to the number of the congregation, it could be easily settled by any inquiry into the fact

The Amendment was negatived.

Earl Stanhope moved another Amendment in the Proviso, saving the ecclesiastical jurisdiction, to confine that jurisdiction to the ministers of the church, complaining, that he could not learn from any one what was meant by the ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the church

The Archbishop of Canterbury observed, that over the church, meant over those who belonged to its communion, and contended, that to save the jurisdiction of the church was of great importance in a Bill like this, in which considerable concessions were made to those who dissented from the Church.

The Earl of Liverpool stated, that this proviso left the ecclesiastical jurisdiction, exactly where it was, and that if any alteration was wished to be made, it ought to be brought forward as a substantive measure.

Lord Holland agreed in this opinion, and observed, that the question of the ecclesiastical jurisdiction was one of great importance and very complicated, which required much consideration, and that to use an expression of his noble friend's

[blocks in formation]

timents upon which this measure was
founded: a measure with which he was
perfectly satished. He had on a former
occasion presented a great number of
petitions against a bill relative to this
subject, brought in by a noble viscount,
but he had no doubt that the noble vis-
count, in bringing forward the measure
to which he alluded, was actuated by
the best intentions. He was pe fectly
satisfied with the present Bill, and should
only now observe, that the established
church, so far from being in any dan-
ger, would stand as upon a rock, by
granting the most liberal toleration to
all manner of persons.

The amendments were agreed to.
Adjourned till Monday.



The Christian's Survey of the Political World.

believe the first time that a Protestant bishop has received such a compliment, and particularly from any part of the Catholic clergy.

To record the deeds of a day of battle, the intrigues of a cabinet, the despotism of princes, the revolutions of kingdoms, has been the favourite occupation of the writers of history, The address of the Catholics was and for such an employment the world warm, affectionate, and grateful, and has afforded them too many oppor- the bishop returned an appropriate tunities. To us the triumphs of bene. answer, expressing "that devoted atvolence, the enlargements of mind, tachment to their just cause, which the conquest of reason over prejudice, no man in the United Kingdom felt and the advance of Christian philan- more strongly. I consider (said he) thropy, are topics of far higher impor- your cause as the cause of civil and tance: and we are happy in recording religious liberty, neither of which can one, which cannot but make a favour- be said to exist in perfection in any able impression on every sect in this country where thousands of individuals kingdom. The truly venerable Bishop are excluded, on account of their reof Norwich has been upon a visit to ligions opinions, from those offices of Ireland, and his arrival in that island bonour and emolument, to which every naturally suggested to the Catholics one that gives an adequate security for the propriety of addressing him, and good conduct as a civil subject, ought expressing their thanks for the assist- to be equally eligible. In a few months ance they had received in his truly I trust every clause, every line, every Christian exertions in their favour. syllable of these penal laws will be For this purpose a deputation was ap- repealed, of which with so much rea pointed, of which Lord Fingal was the son you complain-laws which appear head, and in it were several other to me as unwise, as impolitic, and as peers, and titular archbishops and uncharitable, as they are unjust and bishops, and the procession consisted oppressive." The sentiments of this of nearly sixty carriages. It is we venerable bishop have, we are happy

to find, taken fast hold of the nation, tures, that one party exceeds the and it is said, that in the cabinet those other by having a number of objects who remained hostile to the emanci- of subordinate worship? A union of pation, no longer intend to oppose it: the two sects is not so difficult as might so that the next session of Parliament be expected: at present a popish will remove from our statute-book clergyman becomes an established many of those disgraceful enactments, clergyman without fresh ordination, which proved that Protestants in part- if he makes a certain recantation. ing with Popery, retained too much of its spirit. Happy would it be for the kingoom if the legislature in revising these laws, would examine also its own established religion, would see how far it is compatible with scripture; but if anti-scriptural tenets were expunged from the prayer-book and the articles of the established sect, may it not be dreaded that religion would be come still more a matter of form with multitudes than it is at present? True Christianity, let it be impressed on our minds, is the worship of God in spirit and in truth, with the heart and its affections. With this acts of Parliament have no concern, nor can any one found a claim to the heavenly citizenship upon terms prescribed by the state.

At a dinner given to the bishop, at which were present the chief nobility and gentry of Ireland, Catholic and Protestant, the utmost cordiality prevailed, and every speech breathed the spirit of conciliation. The master of the Rolls of Ireland particularly dis. tinguished himself. He thanked God, that he had lived to see the day "when venerable prelates, the difference of whose sects was lost in the identity of their religion, assembled as the shepherds of their respective flocks, obeying the spirit of their respective mis sions, and giving the force of their united authority in favour of social affection and benevolence." Why, indeed, should the bishops of the two sects be kept at such a distance as they have been from each other? We agree with the Master of the Rolls, that the difference of their sects is lost in the identity of their religion. They have exactly the same creeds; the same clause of damning every one who is not of their sect, forms a part of the most solemn services in their places of religious worship. And of what little consequence is it, when both parties have added to the worship of the One only true God, that of the Trinity, a word unknown to the Scrip

Let the popish bishops return the compliment, and allow to English orders a similar validity. The next step might be to let the livings aud bishopricks be in common to both parties, the common prayer-book being used in the places where it is now used, and the mass-book in the popish districts; and it would be of great use to translate the latter, that the conformity between the two books might be made striking. By degrees the mass-book and the prayer-book would be carried indiscriminately by both parties to their places of worship, and their union would be complete.

Flattering as this union may be, a sad cloud has burst over the clergy of the established sect. At the assizes of York, a beneficed clergyman has been attacked on the score of non-residence at either of his two livings or his prebend. The jury found a verdict against him to the amount of between six and seven hundred pounds It is the first trial under the late act for regulating the residence of the clergy, and is likely to produce important effects on the value of ecclesiastical property. Should the profane laity interfere in this maner in prescribing residence to their ministers, the next stop may be to inquire farther into the duties to be performed by them. Who knows that in a short time it may not be required that every clergyman should be able to read his Bible in the original languages? And may not livings cease to bear a higher value because they are in sporting countries?

A subject considered as of far greater importance has occupied the public mind. This is a dissolution of Parliament, a circumstance which creates a lively sensation over the whole kingdom. The parliaments were formerly called once a year; the idea of prorogation was an innovation introduced in the reign of Henry the Eighth; and a fatal act in the reign of George the First gave a permanent duration of seven years to the existing

Parliament, and since that time a Parliament once met does not cease its functions tilthe expiration of seven years, unless it is dissolved by the sovereign. Few Parliaments have however reached this term, it being thought expedient on various causes to curtail it; but it must be apparent that representatives who return to their coustituents only once in seven years, will form a very different body from those who meet them once in every year. This has been sensibly felt of late years, and has given rise to the very frequent discussions we have heard of a reform in Parliament, the wish of whose advocates is that the duration of Parliaments should be shortened, and that the people should be better represented in them. At present the number of persons sent by boroughs with a small population, is so great that a question may be carried in the House of Commons, though nine tenths of the people should reprobate the measure.

It is the great object of parties to secure a majority in the representation. The existing administration naturally has considerable influence, and where there is a real independence in the voters, much wil depend on the opinion formed of its wisdom. Success will indeed contribute greatly to their support, and they have lately had it in Spain; but still a reverse might take place to dispirit their adherents, and conseque tly make the returns less favourable to them. The boroughholders will be influenced by the various causes which operate on so large a body, and a dissolution is a matter therefore of much deliberation and calculation. As the administration only knows the precise time, when the dissolution can take place, it has certainly the advantage over its opponents, which would be lost if the Parliament were suffered to die a natural death. All these different circumstances excite the usual conjectures, when a dissolution is near: but we fear that the electors are not suffici. ently attentive to the duties imposed on them at such a conjuncture. They have an office to perform in which the worldly-minded will be guided by a variety of worldly motives; but they who consider the apostolical precept, which belongs to all men, not to ser.

vants only, will perform this duty not with eye-service, as looking merely to the opinion of men, or their own per sonal advantage or aggrandizement, but as living under the al-seeing eye of God. They are called upon to perform a duty to their country, a very important duty; and if they send to the House of Commons an unworthy representative the guilt is upon their shoulders. If the electors do their duty, we may, under the blessing of God, entertain a hope that the repre sentatives will also perform their duty, and act as becomes those who are chosen by a free people.

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Russia is well known to adopt the faith of the Greek church, but the debasement of the country in religious matters is scarcely exceeded by that of our allies in Spain. An iden will be formed of it by the correspondence that has lately taken place, and been published, between the Emperor of Russia and the Archbishop of Moscow. The latter addresses him in the usual clerical stile, calls Buonaparte a vaunting, insolent Goliath, whose end is predicted by means of the "holy faith, that sling of the holy Russian David, which will suddenly sit the forehead of his blood-thirsty haughtiness. As a proof of the prediction, and a certain guard to the empire in jeopardy, the old prelate sends his sovereign a consecrated image. "This Consecrated image," he says, "of the holy Sergius, the ancient champion for the welfare of our native country, is presented to your imperial Majesty." To this trash the emperor sends a most respectful answer, accepting the image with great veneration: speaks of it in the following manner. "The sanctified image of the holy protector of the Russian armies I have commanded to be given to the armed population of Moscow, which are training for the defence of their native country. May he obtain it through his intercession before the throne of God, and may he by his prayers lengthen the term of your years, which are ornamented with honour and renown." Whether the emperor and archbishop placed any confidence or not in this image, we do not know; but it is evident that they trusted in its acceptance by the population of the country. We read in the Holy Scriptures;


"Confounded be all they that put their trust in graven images:" and if the time is come for the eyes of Russia to be opened, however in a political view this country may deplore the success of its enemy, no one can hesitate in rejoicing, that the chains of so disgraceful and base a superstition should be broken.

The influence of the holy image of Sergius is likely to be tried. The great conqueror is advancing with rapidity towards Moscow. The last bulletin states that his army has reached Hasma, and is directing its course to this ancient metropolis. In its way the town of Smolensko, has been laid in ashes in the sight of the two armies, between which was a very sharp conflict, and the Russians were defeated. During the engagement, the guns of the French were playing upon the town, spreading five and desolation in every quarter, and the ravages of the flames were increased by the Russians themselves, when they found that they were obliged to quit the place. We may judge of the hor rors of this night by a passage in the bulletin, describing the battle and the siege; for the city is represented to have exhibited to the armies a sight similar to that of Vesuvius, during an irruption, to the inhabitants of Naples. Ye who have husbands, wives, parents, children, friends and relations, conceive to yourselves a moment a city in flames, and a shower of balls falling in every direction upon the devoted in habitants. If the blood of Abel cried out to God for vengeance, is not the blood of so many thousands to be accounted for? Little do the men of this world accustom themselves to contemplate war in its true aspect. The proud trappings of an army dazzle the sight, but we do not think of the shrieks of the dying virgin, the wailings of the orphan, the groans of the wounded. When will man contemplate himself as a reasonable being, an heir of God, joint heir of the promises?

A fine town is erased from the catalogue of cities. It is no longer of use but in a military point of view. It serves as a depot for ammunition, and its palaces are converted into hospitais. How many towns and villages must share the same fate, before the ambition of the conqueror is gratified. The

Emperor of Russia is distant from his
armies, and has been employed in an
interview with the Crown Prince of
Sweden at Abo in Finland. There, it
is supposed, that they have been ad-
justing matters for a diversion, as it is
called, to be made by Sweden in the
rear of the French armies. In this
they are to be assisted by the Englisht
fleet: but such a service will hardly be
rendered by the Swedes without a com
pensation, and this is to be made them
in the restoration of Finland and the
Time will
recovery of Pomerania.
discover the result of this interview,
but in the mean while the French
emperor will have obtained Moscow,
in spite of the holy image of Sergius,
and we may thence expect a manifestó
in grand pompous terms, displaying
the abuses in the government of the
Autocrat, aud proclaiming a new era
of liberty, and the breaking of the
chains of the slaves of Russia.

But if the great conqueror is so suc-
cessful in the north, his pride must
receive a check by events in the south,
where the brother whom he establish
ed on the throne of Spain, has been
obliged to abandon his capital, and is
now wandering in his provinces. After
the decisive victory over the French
at Salamanca, the fall of Madrid was
inevitable, and the English marched
in with Lord Wellington at their head,
and took possession of the seat of go-
vernment. In consequence, Ferdinand
was announced as the sovereign, and
the authority of the cortez was esta
blished. Still the force of the French
though mutilated was not overthrown,
and we write this in considerable sus-
pence on the fate of future events.
Soult had a considerable army in the
south of Spain, which was increased
by the troops who were withdrawn
from the camp before Cadiz, and Su-
chet has an army in Valencia. Ano-
ther battle must be fought before the
British arms have the complete ascen-
dancy, and the fate of Spain will pro-
bally be settled before the end of next
month. The rejoicings at Cadiz may
be easily conceived on the withdrawing
of so troublesome a neighbour.

The intelligence from America fills us with the deepest concern: We have always lamented the disposition that has led to war on both sides of the water. We are willing to give to the

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