
young person was excited to come hastily out of the house where he was, to inquire what was the mat. ter. Mr. Le Clerc in his French Testament, has an useful note upon this place. He observes the natural simplicity of the Evangelists' narration; which, as he justly says, confirms the truth of their history."

Luke iv. 16. ". as his custom was, he went into the synagogue, on the Sabbath-day."

events unusually interesting), then there is the greatest probability that he was customarily present at those religious meetings.

refers to their ability of speaking foreign languages, without having learnt them, and of imparting this faculty to others. The proposi tion, therefore, "God giveth not the spirit by measure unto him,"

John iii. 34. "-God giveth not the spirit by measure unto him.” The miraculous powers bestowed on Jesus, did not differ in nature from those of many preceding messengers of the Divine will. And he himself declares concerning his first disciples that some of their miracles would, at least in In some passages of the gospels, human opinion, excel his, (John Christ is said to have discoursed, xiv. 12) "He that believeth on in others to have taught, and in me, the works that I do, shall he others, again, to have performed do also, and greater works than miraculous cures, in the syna. these shall he do, because I go to gogues of that part of Judæa the Father;" in which words he where he happened to be travelling. And these statements, when taken together, constitute a strong presumption that he habitually attended such assemblies. However, lest any person should suppose that he repaired thither only on must import that our Lord's su extraordinary occasions, it is recorded, naturally and incidentally, though distinctly, that it was his custom to go into the synagogue on the Sabbath-day. Now there is a harmony between these words of Luke's and the more direct re lations, by himself and the other evangelists on this subject, which prevents all suspicion of imposture on either side. If the practice of Jesus was to go into the synagogue on the Sabbath, we are not sur prized that at some of these seasons he proved himself to be "mighty in word and deed :" and, on the other hand, if in more instances and more places than one, we find him in the Synagogue (a circumstance, by the way, which they who wrote memoirs of him, would never think of specifically noticing except in connection with

pernatural gifts dwelt in him during the whole of his ministry, and could be employed, in some de gree, if not altogether, conformably with his own judgment, principles and feelings.

To this doctrine, for which I might quote other parts of the New Testament, especially John xiv. 11. 2 Cor. viii. 9. Luke viii. 46. Philipp. ii. 6., and which may also be inferred from our Saviour's office and from some of his titles, as well as from his temptation and from other, events in his life, the following objections have been advanced :

We are told that it cannot be reconciled to the dependence of

* Monthly Repository, Vol. VI. 674, 675 and See Tucker's Light of Nature, Vol. V. (1805) 565.

Jesus upon Heaven: it is saying ability of working miracles. If

that he who was ordained by the counsels of God to be the Messiah, "might or might not have fulfilled the purpose for which he was selected."

implying that we have not, popu. larly speaking, the power of procuring it: we simply make an acknowledgment of the power being bestowed.

then it be asked, "Why did he perform this act of devotion ?” Let us take the answer from himself, "because of the people which stood by I said it," that I But where, I ask, is the diffe. might express, in their hearing, rence in this respect between a my persuasion of my dependence being who has only the common on thee, and lead them to admit powers of man, and one who, in my credentials as the Messiah*. addition to them, possesses extra. In like manner, when we petition ordinary gifts. and has a specific for daily bread, we are far from and most important destination? Do we not all receive our endowments from above? Speaking after the manner of men, is it not pos. sible for us to pervert and misapply them? Nevertheless, do we Lastly, it is objected that "the hesitate to declare that God will humility of Christ did not consist fulfil his purposes both concerning in his neglecting to use the mira. us and by our means? Shall we culous powers which accompa allow nothing in general, nothing nied him in the progress of his in the case of our divine master mission, for his own purposes; supereminently, for strength of but in the most perfect contentedpiety, tenderness of compassion and warmth of zeal? The objec. tion seems to arise from confounding popular with correcter language. It is evident, moreover, from 1 Cor. xii. xiii. xiv. that the early believers had a controul over the miraculous powers bestowed upon them. Nor is the fact discordant with the analogy of Providence and nature.

ness with his lot, and in resignation to the will of his Father for the good of mankind." In these qualities, no doubt, it in part consisted: yet the perusal of his history may convince us that his humility was also composed in no small degree of his benevolent and disinterested application of his very superior endowments. Thus it was that he made himself of Another objection is built upon no reputation." His exercise of "what took place at the resurrec- the spirit which God gave unto tion of Lazarus." It is attempt him without measure, was as ed to shew that Christ then prayed much a trial, an improvement of for assistance of which he was his religious habits, and therefore previously destitute. But his of his humble temper, as the words imply the contrary, "I right exercise of the talents which knew that thou hearest me al- Providence, in its ordinary dis ways," i.e. not, as some would pensations, puts into the hands of paraphrase his language, "when- men, is a trial of their faith, ever the purposes of my mission piety and virtue. require it," but through my whole ministry, thou hast given to me the

John xii, 41, 42.


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Anno Quinquagesimo Secundo another Act of Parliament, made

Georgii III. Regis.


An Act to repeal certain Acts, and amend other Acts relating to Religious Worship and Assemblies, and Persons teaching or preaching therein.

in the twenty-second year of the reign of the late King Charles the Second, intituled An Act. to prevent and suppress seditious Conventicles; shall be and the same are hereby repealed.

II. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing (29th July 1812.) of this Act no congregation or Whereas it is expedient that assembly for religious worship of certain Acts of Parliament, made Protestants (at which there shall in the reign of his late Majesty be present more than twenty perKing Charles the Second, relating sons besides the immediate family to non-conformists and conventi- and servants of the person in cles, and refusing to take oaths, whose house or upon whose preshould be repealed, and that the mises such meeting, congregation, laws relating to certain congrega- or assembly, shall be had) shall tions and assemblies for religious be permitted or allowed, unless worship, and persons teaching, and until the place of such meetpreaching, or officiating therein, ing, if the same shall not have and resorting thereto, should be been duly certified and registered amended; be it therefore enacted under any former act or acts of by the king's most excellent ma. Parliament relating to registering jesty, by and with the advice and places of religious worship, shall consent of the lords spiritual and have been or shall be certified to temporal, and commons, in this the bishop of the diocese, or to present Parliament assembled, the archdeacon of the archdea. and by the authority of the same, conry, or to the justices of the That from and after the passing peace at the general or quarter of this Act, an Act of Parliament sessions of the peace for the counmade in the session of Parliament ty, riding, division, city, town, held in the thirteenth and four- or place, in which such meeting teenth years of his late Majesty shall be held; and all places of King Charles the Second, inti- meeting which shall be so certituled, An Act for preventing the fied to the bishop's or archdeacon's Mischiefs and Dangers that may court, shall be returned by such arise by certain Persons called court once in each year to the Quakers, and others, refusing to quarter sessions of the county, take lawful oaths; and another riding, division, city, town, or Act of Parliament, made in the place; and all places of meeting seventeenth year of the reign of which shall be so certified to the his late Majesty King Charles the quarter sessions of the peace shall Second, intituled An Act for re. be also returned once in each year straining Non-conformists from to the bishop or archdeacon; and inhabiting in Corporations; and all such places shall be registered

in the said bishop's or archdea- whose place of meeting shall be con's court respectively, and re- duly certified according to the corded at the said general or quar- provisions of this Act, or any ter sessions; the registrar or clerk other Act or Acts of Parliament of the peace whereof respectively relating to the certifying and reis hereby required to register and gistering of places of religious record the same; and the bishop worship, shall be exempt from all or registrar or clerk of the peace such pains and penalties under to whom any such place of meet any Act or Acts of Parliament reing shall be certified under this lating to religious worship, as any Act shall give a certificate thereof person who shall have taken the to such person or persons as shall oaths, and made the declaration request or demand the same, for prescribed by or mentioned in an which there shall be no greater Act, made in the first year of the fee nor reward taken than two shil- reign of King William and Queen lings and sixpence; and every Mary, intituled "An Act for person who shail knowingly permit or suffer any such congregation or assembly as aforesaid to meet in any place occupied by him, until the same shall have been so certified as aforesaid, shall forfeit for every time any such congregation or assembly shall meet contrary to the provisions of this Act, a sum not exceeding twenty pounds, nor less than twenty shillings, at the discretion of the justices who shall convict for such offence.

III. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That every per. son who shall teach or preach in any congregation or assembly as aforesaid, in any place, without the consent of the occupier thereof, shall forfeit for every such offence any sum not exceeding thirty pounds, nor less than forty shillings, at the discretion of the justices who shall convict for such offence.

IV. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act, every person who shall teach or preach at, or offi. ciate in, or shall resort to any congregation or congregations, assembly or assemblies, for religious worship of Protestants,

exempting their Majesty's Protestant Subjects, dissenting from the Church of England, from the Pe. nalties of certain Laws, or any Act amending the said Act, is by law exempt, as fully and effectually as if all such pains and pe nalties, and the several acts enforcing the same, were recited in this Act, and such exemptions as aforesaid were severally and separately enacted in relation thereto.

V. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That every person not having taken the oaths, and subscribed the declaration herein-after specified, who shall preach or teach at any place of religious worship certified in pur suance of the directions of this Act, shall, when thereto requiredby any one justice of the peace, by any writing under his hand or signed by him, take, and make and subscribe, in the presence of such justice of the peace, the oaths and declaration specified and contained in an Act, passed in the nineteenth year of the reign of his Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act for the further Relief of Protestant Dissenting Ministers and Schoolmasters; and

no such person who, upon being sence of such justice accordingly;

and such justice shall attest the same to be sworn before him, and shail transmit or deliver the same to the clerk of the peace for the county, riding, division, city, town, or place for which he shall act as such justice of the peace, before or at the next general or quarter sessions of the peace for such county, riding, division, city, town, or place.

so required to take such oaths and make such declaration as afore. said, shall refuse to attend the justice requiring the same, or to take and make and subscribe such oaths and declaration as aforesaid, shall be thereafter permitted or allowed to teach or preach in any such congregation or assembly for religious worship, until he shall have taken such oaths, and made such declaration as aforesaid, on VIII. And be it further enpain of forfeiting, for every time acted, That every justice of the he shall so teach or preach, any peace before whom any person sum not exceeding ten pounds nor shall make and take and subscribe less than ten shillings, at the dis- such oaths and declaration as cretion of the justice convicting for such offence.

VI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That no person shall be required by any justice of the peace to go to any greater distance than five miles from his own home, or from the place where he shall be residing at the time of such requisition, for the purpose of taking such oaths as aforesaid.

aforesaid, shall forthwith give to the person having taken, made, and subscribed such oaths and declaration, a certificate thereof under the hand of such justice in the form following: (that is to say),

'I A. B. one of his Majesty's justices of the peace for the coun ty, [riding, division, city, or town, or place, as the case may be] of


VII. And be it further enacted, hereby certify, That C. D. of, &c. That it shall be lawful for any of [describing the Christian and Surhis Majesty's Protestant subjects name, and place of abode of the to appear before any one justice party] did this day appear before of the peace, and to produce to me, and did make and take and such justice of the peace a printed subscribe the several oaths and or written copy of the said oaths declaration specified in an Act, and declaration, and to require made in the fifty-second year of such justice to administer such the reign of King George the oaths and to tender such declara- Third, intituled [set forth the tion to be made, taken, and sub- title of this Act]. Witness my scribed by such persons: and hand, this One thereupon it shall be lawful for thousand eight hundred and such justice, and he is hereby authorised and required to adminis. And for the making and signing ter such oaths and to tender such of which certificate, where the declaration to the person requiring said oaths and declaration are to take and make and subscribe taken and made on the requisition the same; and such Persons shall of the party taking and making take and make and subscribe such the same, such justice shall be oaths and declaration in the pre- entitled to demand and have a fee

day of

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