

Northern Unitarian Society.

was well filled both parts of the day, It had long been lamented by the friends of rational religion, that in so populous a town as Brighton, no eligible house for Unitarian wor ship had been procured. By the advice and assistance of several friends this desirable object is at last obtained. The above house is small, yet neat and commodious, will hold from 150 to 200 people, and present circumstances seem to promise considerable success.

The Annual Meeting of the NORTHERN and MIDLAND UNI TARIAN MINISTERS was held at Chesterfield, on Wednesday the 1st of July, at the chapel of the Rev. T. Astley. The service commenced at eleven o'clock, when the Rev. E. Higginson, of Derby, conducted the devotional part; and the Rev. D. P. Davies, of Makeney, delivered a sermon on the subject of Toleration. After the service was It is thought proper to state, that concluded, the Secretary of the the purchase money and other exNorthern and Midland Unitarian pences will amount to nearly 200 Book Society presented his ac counts for the last year, which were audited by two gentlemen present; and it appeared that the Society's finances were in an improving and flourishing state. Mr. Davies was desired to continue in his office of secretary; several new works were voted into the cata logue; some new members admit ted; and a few resolutions passed for the better conducting the society's affairs. It was resolved, that the next annual meeting of the ministers be held at Mansfield; when the Rev. E. Higginson is appointed to preach, and the Rev. T.Ö. Warwick, M. D. to conduct the devo tional part of the service.


Unitarian Chapel, Brighton. On the 22d. July, 1812, was opened a Meeting-house for Unitarian Worship and public instruc tion, situate in Cumberland Street, BRIGHTON, Sussex. Two Sermons were preached on the occasion by the Rev. R. Aspland: that in the morning from 1 Tim. ii. 5. on the Existence and Unity of God; and that in the evening, from Rom. xiv. 5, on Christian Liberty. The house VOL. VII.


pounds. About two thirds of this sum is raised by the voluntary subscriptions of friends in the neighbourhood of Brighton, Lewes, and Ditchling; and if other friends to rational Christianity think this case worthy their notice, their aid is hereby solicited. Any donation for the purpose of defraying the above expence, transmitted to Mr. Bennett, Ditchling, Sussex, or to Mr. Thomas Vine, Sen. Brighton, will be thankfully received and duly B. appropriated.

Annual Meeting of the General

Baptists in South Wales.

The Annual Meeting of the Gr NERAL BAPTISTS in SOUTH WA VALES was held this year, at Panteg, in the county of Carmarthen, on Tuesday and Wednesday in Whitsun week. It commenced on Tues day, at 8 o'clock, by Mr. William Morris reading a portion of scripture; then Mr. John Griffiths preached from John xviii. 20; and on Wednesday it began at 11 o'clock, by reading and prayer, by Mr. J. Griffiths; then Mr. W. Morris preached from 1 Peter ii. 7, and after him Mr. Evan Lloyd from Matt. xxiv. 14. They afterwards

took some refreshment. At six in the Association closed, having been well attended, and it was conducted with its usual peace and harmony.

the evening, Mr. William Thomas preached from 1 Tim. vi. 16. Thus


Died, July 1, 1812, at his house, Elliot Place, Blackheath, JOHN BRENT, Esq. in the 83d year of his age. He was born in the year 1729, at Portsea, in the county of Hants, of pious and excellent parents, who, knowing the value of religion, brought up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. He served his apprenticeship to a shipwright in his Majesty's Yard at Portsmouth, and in the year 1762, removed to his Majesty's Yard at Sheerness, where he filled the situation of foreman of the new works, along with the late Sir John Williams. About the year 1768, he was appointed assistant surveyor to the East India Company, under the late Gabriel Snodgrass, Esq. In the year 1770, he entered into partnership with John Randall and John Gray, Esqs. in the ship-building line, at Rotherhithe. Here he continued for many years, maintaining a high and deserved reputation in his profession. His mind was active and his body strong, whilst his skill in naval architecture exceeded that of most men, and few did more for its extension and improvement. The comprehensiveness of his views and the promptness of his conceptions have been the subject of general admiration. The blessing of Providence descended on his superior knowledge and honest industry, by which means he was enabled to retire about twenty years ago to the enjoyment of ease and comfort for the remainder of life. He had erected a small but neat mansion at Elliot Place, Blackheath, where he lived beloved and revered by all who knew him. His venerable appearance, his cheerful looks and his kind address will not be forgotten by those who had the happiness of his acquaintance. His was a patriarchal dignitythe contemplation of which excited the mingled sensations of love and esteem.

He had been married TWICE; by his first wife who died January 23d, 1793, and who was distinguished for the mild

ness of her disposition and the softness of her manners, he had eleven children, two only of whom, Mr. Samuel Brent and Mr. Daniel Brent, live to cherish the virtues of a parent whom they loved and revered. At the time of his death he had nine grand children and eleven great grand children. Lo! Children are (Psalm 128) an heritage of the Lord. As arrows in the hand of the mighty, so are children of the youth. Yea, thou shalt see thy children's children and peace upon Israel. By his second marriage he united himself to the eldest daughter of the late truly respectable and reverend John Sturch, of Newport, Isle of Wight, who not only proved a suitable companion in his declining years, but by her constant kindness and attention smoothed his descent towards the tomb.

Of his religious character much might be said. He was only 18 years of age when he joined the General Baptist church in St. Thomas's Street, Ports mouth. Upon his removal to London in 1763, he became member of the Ge neral Baptist church which, in the year 1688, met for religious worship in Fair Street, Horsleydown, but has now, for some years, assembled in the Old Meeting House, Church Street, Deptford, under the pastoral care of the Rev. William Moon, by whom he was interred in the adjoining cemetery, and who afterwards improved the mournful event by a discourse suited to the occasion. of the deceased it may be remarked with truth, that he adorned the doctrine he professed. His views of cligion were enlarged and liberal. The goodness of the Deity in nature, providence and grace had made a deep impression upon his mind. I have heard him more than once expatiate on this his favourite topic with tears of joy. Indeed univer. sal redemption and its legitimate concomitant, universal restoration, were themes on which he dwelt with rapture. And the benevolent disposition which he che

tished in consequence of this belief (so of that criminal indifference which is to remote did he deem it from any kind of be found even in some professors of licentiousness) rendered him happy in Christianity. A bigot is the dupe of his himself, useful to his fellow creatures, prejudices and the enthusiast is a slave and a blessing to the world. His faith to the reveries of his own undisciplined and practice went hand in hand, he never imagination. But THE CHRISTIAN, even in thought separated them; for in rational, serious and cheerful, rejoices him they formed a delightful and edify- in the progress of true religion, as a pering union throughout life. Of the manent source of individual happiness, scriptures he might justly exclaim, Thy as the firmest cement of society and as statutes have been my songs in the house of the best preparation for eternity! In my pilgrimage! As to public worship, the journeys that my aged friend took nothing but indisposition could prevent annually during the summer season (and his attendance, for his language was- this was his practice for many years) he How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord would often tell me, upon his return, of Hosts-I love the habitation of thy how gratified he had been to observe house and the place where thine honour large and flourishing congregations. dwelleth. Nor was it the regularity This feeling was in unison with the of his attendance only that deserves experience of the Palmist, when he to be mentioned, but the serious and says-l'alk about Zion and go round devout manner in which he conducted about her; tell the towers thereof; mark himself during the whole of the service, well her bulwarks; consider her palaces, He listened to the accents of religious instruction with delight, and his features glowed with a heart-felt satisfaction. Indeed he often reminded me of the picturesque description which Dr. Watts gives of the true worshipper:

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Not like a stranger go and come, But like a child at home!' And with respect to prayer, it was an exercise in which he delighted, as an appropriate homage to the Supreme Being and a principal medium of moral improvement. Indeed, with as few imperfections as any man 1 ever knew, he was anxious to do the will of God in his day and generation. As to his benevolence and zeal, his contributions to charitable objects and to charitable institutions were cheerful and prompt, agreeable to the ability which Providence had bountifully given him. His ready support of the General Baptist Education Society from its commencement in 1794, is deserving of particular mention. He knew that by means of this institution, several churches had been supplied with young men of ability and learning, who are assiduous in promoting the cause of truth and righteousness. The interests of religion lay near his heart. He had nothing of that constitutional apathy or

Though he enjoyed not the advantages of a liberal education, yet he was anxious to have his mind well informed, especially on religious subjects. He employed his leisure hours in reading, and took the Monthly Review almost from its commencement.

that ye may tell it to the generation following for this God is our God for ever and ever, he will be our guide even unto death.

Throughout the whole of his long life he was blest with an uncommon share of health and strength. It was only within two years of his decease, his constitution began to be shaken by the slow but certain approach of old age. But he was still cheerful in the social circle and active to the last period of his existence. He had been on a visit to his younger son in Essex, but returning home was immediately taken ill, and after a few days indisposition, expired without a groan! All the days of Me thusaleh were nine hundred and sixty nine years and HE DIED! But the hoary head is a crown of glory when thus eminently found in the way of righteousness.

I beg leave to conclude with the men. tion of a circumstance which may not be unworthy of preservation. It was my honour and happiness, not only to be introduced to my excellent deceased friend upon my first settlement in the metropolis, but to share largely in his kindness and esteem In return for many acts of friendship and early patronage, I inscrib. ed to him my Sketch of the Denominations of the Christian World. The Dedication of the last and twelfth edition, which was published only six months ago, had this additional and closing pa. ragraph.

"And now, my dear Sir, at your advanced age of upwards of fourscore years, this is probably the last time I shall have the opportunity of addressing you. I have therefore done it at some length

and with freedom. I congratulate you that Providence has spared your life to witness the success of a work, in the diffusion of which, from your known characteristic love of candour and charity, you were pleased deeply to interest yourself. May your NUMEROUS DE SCENDANTS adhere stedfastly to that religion which you have professed and adorned for more than half a century! And may you continue to experience its abundant con olations, raising you by the good hope through grace above the fear of death and rendering your last endPeace. Farewell, my venerable Sir, till we meet in that luminous sphere of being where neither error nor infirmity

will rema to exercise our mutual forbearance and where the universality of Divine Love in the redemption of the human race by JESUS CHRIST shall be the theme of eternal triumph expressed in the glorious and long suspended hal. lelujahs of the heavenly world!”

youth, a pulmonary consumption, which she bore for many months with great and exemplary patience. About two years ago she attended the funeral of her youngest brother, who died of the same disorder, and last November, she followed her honoured and highly belo ed father to the grave; and, alas, in the 20th year of her age, she ceased to breathe, and is now sleeping in the regions of the dead. As far as her charater was formed, it may be denominated virtuous, which gives her dis tressed and affectionate parent a well grounded and cheering hope of seeing her beloved daughter rise to glory, honour and immortality in the world to come. In this hope the deceased was in erred in the General Baptist Burying ground, Southover. Mr. Bennett, of Ditchling, preached a sermon on the mournful solemnity, from Job xvii. 11, My days are past, my purposes are br. ken off; and Mr. Morris pronounced the address at the grave. May we all stand ready, for in such an hour as we think not, the Son of Man may come.

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The above account is an Extract from SERM N, preached by the Rev. J. Evans, at Worship Street, from Luke xxiii 50. HE WAS A GOOD MAN, and which, by particular request is now in Lately died, at Clifton Hot Wells, of the press, as a tribute of respect to A a rapid decline, PHILIP MALLETT, GOOD MAN'S memory. The General Esq. Barrister at Law, and formerly of Baptists have, within the short period Trinity College, Cambridge. Mr. Malof these last two years, lost three of their lett was respected by all who knew him, best friends in the deccase of Stephen as a man of distinguished abilities and Lowdell, William Kingsford, and John of the most upright, independent prinBrent, Esqs. Their joint ages amount ciples, He was the editor of a philoso ed to 239 years, and their character was phical work of Mr. Hobbes, just pub. such, that they would have proved an lished, to which he has prefixed a very ornament to any denomination of the valuable life of the author, which he Christian world. just lived to finish. Mr. Mallett also edited Lord Bacon's Advancement of of Learning, together with a Life of that great Man, and an Abridgment of Locke's Essay on the Human Under

Died. 15th July, 1812, Miss SARAH
MARTEN, of K ngston, near Lewes,
Sussex. Her illness and death were
occasioned by that common scourge of standing.



The Christian's Survey of the Political World.

The Dissenters are no longer subject to the bigotry of petty magistrates, who finding fault with the increase of rel gion among the people, wished to restram it by their interpretation of the late Act of Toleration. A new one has passed with the unanimous consent of the

members of the legislature. Neither in
the Lords or Commons was any opposì.
'tion made to the principle of the bill,
and all parties seemed to be drawing
nearer to the Christian precept of al-
lowing to their neighbour what the
would wish for themselves. Several

ridiculous penalties remain still on our statute book which affect the members of the established as well as tho e of the other sects; but the good sense of the times has got rid of the folly by which they were enacted, and it may perhaps be as well that they should be retained, if it were only to shew to what excesses the pride and the intolerance of priest craft will run.

The Conventicle and the Five Mile Acts are repealed, but the vo aries of dissipation and riot have the advantage over the sons of religion. No more than twenty persons are to meet under this act for the sake of prayer or religious exercises, in any house without a license. The Lady Bettys and Lady Marys of the age would have created no small tumult in the legislature, if an attempt had been made to res rain their assemblies for cards or dancing or music to the same number We cannot see the propriety of this distinction. Wherever there is a public meeting it may seem to be liable to the cognizance of the public, though even here we do not see why religion should be put under peculiar restraints; and in such meetings, as decorum is most likely to be preserved, it is sufficient to guard them only from the intrusion o evil-minded persons, who love to disturb the peace of society. Let us be thankful, however, for what is granted and trust to time for future improvement. The established sect is so much on the decline, that it may stand in need itself, in no long time, for that toleration which it has so long denied to others.

The body of Methodists in the Wesleyan connect on has, at a meeting of their general committee, thanked Lord Stanhope for his " unwearied exertions in behalf of religious liberty; to which his lordship returned an admirable answer, In this it is observed, that "the already tottering tower of intolerance could not any longer stand in opposition to the power of argument, aided by the force of ridicule. That rotten and despicable system has at last given way, and it is only necessary to attack it properly and with united efforts, directed by the light of principle, to cause it totally to disappear like an empty dream." The principle of the Methodists respecting the rights of conscience is een in their circular letter, dated July 31, 1812. "It is the unaienable right of every man to worship God agreeably to the

dictates of his own conscience: he has
a right to hear and to teach those Chris-
tian truths which he conscientiously
Echeves, without any restraints or u-
dicial interference from the civil magis
trate, provided he does not hereby dis
turb the peace of the community This
is firm ground to stand upon, and we
congratulate our country, that so large
a body as that of the Wesleyan Mecho.
dists has come forward in the mainte-
nance of this great and essential right in
every Christian society. There is, how-
ever an unnecessary preamble to the
resolution, of which we must take notice;
namely, "All well regulated societies
and denominations of Christians will
exercise their own rules for the admission
of public or private teachers among
themselves." Societies, professing to
be Christians, have, it is to be lamented,
exercised their own rules in the admis
sion of teachers, and every nation almost
exhibits the fatal consequences of the
injudicious exercise of this right, and
the impudent assumption of power on one
side and the base acquiescence of mind on
the other to rules not founded on the scrip-
tures, but on the vain and idle traditions
of men. A society may be independent
of others, yet in itself may be far from
that liberty with which Christ has made
us free. Its burden may be heavy, its
proceedings intolerant. Having laid
down a set of rules, it may be so rigidly
attached to them as not to permit any
inquiry into the reasonableness or truth
of them. The members may become
slaves to the tenets of a former age, to
which they bend the scriptures, instead
of examining the scriptures themselves
and bringing every opinion to the test of
divine truth. The difference between a
Christian and a worldly socie y is this;
that the former cannot lay down any
rule in opposition to the scriptures and
is ever ready to give an answer in meek-
ness to the doubts of any inquirer. It
will not turn away from exantination.
It will not say, such was the faith we
received from our fathers; but, on the
contrary, our forefathers have been in
error, they were once heathens, then
papists, afterwards Church of England
men, many of them extremely bigoted
to the fallacious opinions they held. Let
us, convinced by the example before us,
beware of placing implicit confidence in
any men or any set of men or any set of
rules, which have not the seal of divine
truth, and above all, let us be upon our

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