
Dr. Priestley's Dying Senti- state of punishment, but that his.


punishment will not be so severe or so lasting as that of greater sinners! See the writer's own words, page 11. "Is there no difference in the DEGREE of punishment which in all probability will await the Doctor, and that which shall be inflicted on the veriest wretch that died unpardoned?" What is this but representing Dr. P. as holding the popish doctine of pur gatory?

SIR, Aug. 3, 1812. Having seen an advertisement on the covers of your Repository, of" Scrutator's Letter on the consoling Influence of Unitarianism in a Dying Hour," I have been led to peruse that tract, but find myself disappointed by it. Though the author has given Messrs. Bogue and Bennet a deserved chastisement for their bigotry, I cannot think it is done in a manner adapted to Though it is true he believed answer any good end, either to that those who live and die wicked them or their admirers; nor do I will be purified and reformed by apprehend that the friends of Dr. the sufferings of a future state, Priestley will be much gratified and that even the most abandoned with the writer's zealous defence of mankind will all be happy at of that distinguished character. last, (which I deem an error, I have always thought it a strange though I do not think they will and unfortunate mode of expres live in eternal torments,) I ask sion, which the Dr. used in his whether there is a passage in all last hours, with respect to Simp. the Dr.'s works, which counte son's piece on the duration of fu- nances the idea, that the virtuous ture punishment, and am inclined and pious will need any punishto question whether it be correct. ment in a future world to fit them ly or fully reported: viz. that the for the heavenly felicity? I never belief of its temporary nature met with any thing like it in his, "had been a great support to or indeed any other Unitarian him that we shall meet finally, writings. Nor can I see any only we require different degrees thing in the above expressions of of discipline," &c. The the Dr. on his death bed, which which Bogue and Bennet have any candid writer could interpret made of these expressions, (though as implying his apprehension that natural enough to persons of he was going into a state of suffertheir cast,) is highly unwar. ing. The utmost that I think rantable and infamous, having can fairly be made of the unhapinferred from hence, that the Dr. py expression respecting the comwas sensible that he was going fort he had in believing a final to hell, and all the comfort he had restoration was, as it affected was, that his suffering there would those who live and die in sin. not be eternal.


As to himself, though I mateBut how does Scrutator answer rially differ from him in some this injurious interpretation of the points of doctrine, I have a better Dr.'s language? Strange to tell! opinion of him than to think that by admitting the fact, that the he needed the "discipline" of Dr. thought himself going, (yea, a future world, and that what he that he is actually gone) into a suffered in this was abundantly.

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ly sufficient to fit him for the cases of suffering for conscience rest which remains for the people sake." It is composed of Friends of God. That, I doubt not, was under the name of correspondents his own idea. His dying words residing in or near the city, who appear to me to express a cheer- are chosen by the Quarterly ful expectation of awakening from Meetings in the several counthe sleep of death to an everlasting ties, out of a list of names selected life. If any can doubt of this, I by the elders and overseers of the would refer them to the habitual several Monthly Meetings in Lonstate of his mind, expressed in don. These "elders and overseers several of his letters, written in are to meet together annually and the closing scenes of his life, which make a list of such Friends' names, Mr. Belsham has annexed to his as shall be by them approved for "Memoirs of Mr. Lindsey. Some this service, and leave the said quotations from these would be list with the clerk of the Meeting edifying to your readers, and for Sufferings, for the information might convince Scrutator of his of the Friends in the country. mistake and I could almost hope they would cure Messrs. Bogue and Bennet of their bigotry; or, at least, make them ashamed of ⚫ their gross reflections.

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I remain

Respectfully yours,

H. P.

Mr. Harrison's Letter to the ·Quakers, on Mr. Wyvill's Pe


August 10, 1812. The following letter, from a most respectable member of the Society of Friends, appears to me well deserving a place in your Journal, and as I imagine most of your readers are unacquainted with the constitution of the body to whom it was addressed at so seasonable a time, and in so impressive a manner, however the ill-success of such an appeal is to be accounted for, I will give a brief account of its origin, &c.

In the year 1675, a time of very severe persecution, the Yearly Meeting in London appointed a Meeting to be held in that city, in order" to advise and assist in

The same meetings also appoint members of their own in the country as correspondents, who are to attend as occasions shall require. The names of all these correspon. dents previously to their being recorded as such, are submitted to the approbation of the Yearly Meeting. Such men as are approved ministers, wherever they may reside, are also members of the Meeting for Sufferings, which as a standing Committee of the Yearly Meeting is intrusted with "a gen. eral care of whatever may arise during the intervals of that meeting affecting the Society, and requiring immediate attention: particula:ly of those circumstances which may occasion an applica tion to government."

Such is the constitution of the meeting which declined to take any part in opposing Lord Sid. mouth's Bill, on the selfish plea that it did not contain any thing which particularly affected Friends, and on whom as a collective body Mr. Harrison's letter appears to have made no impression. How is such an apparent relinquishment of the generous feelings and

exist in the code of a Christian country, and the force of which is only repressed by the leniency of the times; but whilst they do exist the mouster of persecution may be rather said to be dormant than to be defunct.

noble principles of their predeces- and bigotry, which ought not to sors to be explained? Does this meeting, in so perseveringly forbearing to emulate their example, truly exhibit the general sense of the society they represent? I believe not, and may at some future time offer you my reasons for think. ing so, provided no person better qualified should take up the subject. It ought to be understood whether such marked supineness is the real character of the Society, and of an offensive nature take or only of those who are at present its representatives, chosen out of a list prepared as above mentioned by the elders and overseers of London, in secret conclave assembled.


To the Meeting for Sufferings, to be held the 1st of 5th Month,



Many Friends, doubtless, may be disposed to make their minds easy on the subject, if no new enactments affecting the society,

place; but such Friends must have read the history of the society with very little attention, if they have not perceived that our predecessors were zealously affected, not only for the interests of the society particularly, but also for the interests of Christianity gene rally, by being the undaunted advocates of religious liberty; and it is for such Friends to consider how far they are discharging their duty by confining their views to present ease and accommodation, at a juncture when the exertions of all those who are on the side of virtue and truth are peculiarly called for.

I do not wish to obtrude upon your attention a matter of slight moment, but there is a subject now before the Commons House of Parliament, and likely soon to come before the Upper House, by way of petition, which at. The worthy and respectable taches most closely to the princi- character who has taken the most ples of the society, as they were active part in bringing this subject zealously professed and acted before the view of Parliament, I upon by our ancient Friends. I mean Christopher Wyvill, is anximean the subject of universal to- ous to obtain the co-operation of leration, or perfect liberty of con- sincere-hearted Christians of every science in matters of religion, for denomination, and from the which our ancestors, almost exclusively among the people of these realms, and under the heaviest temporal discouragements, contended.

No Friend, acquainted with the statute books, will say, that there are not many acts trenching upon the rights of conscience, and formed in the times of darkness

known principles of the society, is willing to reckon upon that of Friends. In one of the communications lately received from him, he expresses himself thus: "Your predecessors in past times, were long the only avowed advocates for liberty of conscience in these countries. At least the honourable exceptions in other classes of

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Christians were few indeed. Their responding solicitude attends my mind that his expectation may not be disappointed.

doctrine, in this respect, is now avowed and pressed upon Parliament by Christians of every other Having now relieved my mind, denomination. It is not the time, by discharging what I have conI think, when your benevolent ceived to be my duty on the subsect will perseveringly refuse their ject in this department, a subject concurrence. Other considera- which I decm of higher moment tions will give way to the sense of to the civil and religious well. duty; and the example of our being of the inhabitants of this virtuous supporter of the rights of country, and of human society in conscience, after a few equally general, than any thing that has virtuous, equally consistent friends, engaged the public attention in have joined him, will be followed modern times, I refer it to your by the rest of his Christian com- serious and deliberate consideramunity." tion, and in so doing I have no motive, I can have no motive but what respects universal good. to promote which is the sincere wish of your respectful friend,

What an honourable testimony is this, in these more enlightened times, to the principles and conduct of our ancient Friends. Such is the solicitude of this good man, that our society should not give


away their crown, or desert the West Hill, Wandsworth, standard which our early Friends

27th, 4th Month, 1812.

so consistently set up, and a cor



Midst scenes where zeal, by Calvin's lore inspir'd,
The Christian's God, in wrath, had long attir'd,
Wrath, ever-glowing o'er man's hapless race,
Save the predestin'd, favourite, sons of grace,
There wakes a lyre, nor meanly skilled to move
The gladsome strain celestial, God is love.

Distinguish'd Bard! to whom so early giv'n
To vindicate the high behests of Heav'n,
See love o'er guilt and woe triumphant rise,
And judgment just, but mercy in disguise;
Each path be thine to trace He whilom trod,
Prophet of Nazareth-approv'd of God;

His faith explore that he who ran might read,
Ere whelm'd in mystery's pedantic creed.

For lo! the night far spent, with influence bland,
Behold the promis'd latter-day at hand,
Again to illustrate Heav'n's eternal plan
To shew the Father, not the foe of man.

And, as thou rov'st by Cam's time-honour'd stream,
A Newton's haunt, a Milton's classic theme,

Of Learning, Science, the choice gifts be thine;
Yet humble offerings at Religion's shrine.
Clad in her panoply, nor fear to assail
The sceptic foe, or rend the mystic veil
By fraud and folly wrought, of various dies
That shrouds her form divine from vulgar eyes.
Thus shall thy manhood, grateful as thy youth,
Pay votive homage in the fane of truth,
Where erst they worshipp'd, Cam's enlighten'd sons
Nor envied mitred favourites of thrones:
With Jebb, with Wakefield, thus to enrol thy name,
A meed beyond all Greek, all Roman fame.

J. T. R.



By Heaven! it is a pleasant sight to see

(For one who hath no friend, no brother there,) Their rival scarfs of mix'd embroidery,

Their various arms that glitter in the air!

What gallant war-hounds rouse them from their lair,
And gnash their fangs, loud yelling for their prey!
All join the chase, but few the triumph share;
The grave shall bear the chiefest prize away,
And havoc scarce for joy can number their array."

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Three hosts combine to offer sacrifice;
Three tongues prefer strange orisons on high;
Three gaudy standards flout the pale blue skies,
The shouts are France, Spain, Albion, Victory!
The foe, the victim, and the fond ally
That fights for all, but ever fights in vain,
Are met as if at home they could not die,—

To feed the crow on Talavera's plain,

And fertilize the field that each pretends to gain.

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