
discourse so bold an assertion of great mass of people whom the religious liberty. This eminent preacher wishes to reclaim? The scholar seems to have a clear in- instructors of the Methodists unsight into the free constitution of Christianity. He is equally the enemy of superstition and of intolerance, and his principal object is the resistance of the inquisitorial spirit and oppressive tendency of Methodism. In his Notes, he declares himself an advocate for the Catholic claims, subject to the proposed Veto.

derstand human nature better than their opponents: they address the multitude by means of small, and often gratuitous, pub lications and familiar extempore preaching; and while the Church of England and other rational sects content themselves with well-written volumes and decently-read sermons, they must ever wage au unThe publication will, no doubt, equal war. The people are the be extensively read and make con- prize for which all parties are siderable impression, in the upper contending, but they will be won classes of society; but what chance by those only that make their suit has a five-shilling sermon, with to their plain understandings and learned notes, of reaching that unrefined affections.


Sonnet to Joseph Lancaster.

Right onward Lancaster, in that bold track
And true, which thou hast chosen, go, my friend,
Undaunted, instant, heedless of the pack,

The pampered curs that on thy steps attend,
In snarling insolence. And may'st thou move,
Supported by the still small voice within,
That spake of duty, truth and christian love,
And bade thee first thy glorious task begin.
For thou hast loosed the floodgates on mankind
Of a new dawn to hope and feeling dear.
And who shall check the swelling stream of mind,
Or curb the tide of knowledge thundering near?
Blest be thy labours, may their sphere increase:
And knowledge travel through the world with Peace.

J. B. A.


Dec. 1811.


Extracts from Mr. Wright's Jour- friends, but other persons disposed nal of his Missionary Tour in

to attend to the most free discussi Scotland, 1812. on of theological subjects. I was This Journey employed Mr. expected and desired to preach Wright 103 days, being commenc- much on controversial points, as ed June the 24th, and terminated many strangers would come exOctober the 4th: during which, pecting to hear such points stated he travelled about 1200 miles, and argued. On my arrival in and preached 74 times, besides Glasgow, I found two societies, holding many meetings for con- and two places open for Unitarian ference on theological subjects. worship The one is the Trades' In going down, he preached once Hall, which is very large and ele at Peterborough, and two Sundays gant. Our friends give 50. per at Chester. Mr. Lyons being absent annum for the use of it on Lord's on his Mission in Wales; and in re- Days only. In this I always turning, he preached once in York. preached on the Sunday. He spent 80 days in Scotland, and other is Provan's Hall; in this I preached 68 times in that country. preached on week day evenings; The following is the account he it was not opened on the Lord's gives of the places he visited. Day while I was there, nor has it

Lanerkshire. In this county been re-opened since I left. Both Unitarianism is making considera- the congregations attended the ble progress, and there is good same place during my stay; and reason to hope that the endeavours I hope their re-union will become of our friends to promote it, by permanent, as they all think highthe circulation of books and the ly of, and are much attached to establishment of small libraries in Mr. J. Yates and his ministry. different places, will be successful. Before I left this city this able and I visited the following places in zealous young minister had comthis county. menced his labours with much 1. Glasgow. In this city Unita- prospect of success. It gave me rianism may be considered as firmly high pleasure to see so respectable established. Its progress has been a congregation formed at Glasgow, rapid, its advocates are numerous, by the assistance of our missionaand well-informed. I preached ries, and so suitable a minister here 19 times. We had always placed, for one year at least, very good, generally large and among them. From this circumdeeply attentive audiences. Our stance much good to the cause largest congregations were esti- may be anticipated; and I hope mated at 7 or 800 persons. I had Mr. Yates's success will be such opportunity of bringing before as to render his residence in that them a considerable variety of populous city permanent. subjects, and availed myself of The last Sunday I spent in it. I found not only our own Glasgow, I shali deem one of the

best days of my life. At eight in sons in the course of the day, and the morning we met at the public arrived about 4 o'clock in the afterbaths, where I baptized several noon at the new town of Wishaw. persons, and delivered an address 3. Wishaw. Here I preached on on the occasion. In the forenoon, the Monday evening, in a stone Mr. Yates preached an excellent quarry, to about three hundred sermon preparatory to the Lord's persons, who were very attentive; Supper being administered in the a large party followed us to our afternoon; at the close of it the inn, for books, which we distriLord's table was declared free. buted among them. We knew no In the afternoon, I preached the person in this town prior to our Annual Sermon for the Scotch arrival. Several spent the evening We found them quite

Unitarian Fund, which was nu- with us. merously attended. Then again dissatisfied with the popular systhe declaration of the freedom of tem; consequently they had ceased the Lord's Table was publicly a regular attendance on public made. Then the Lord's Supper worship. They were open to conwas administered. By the request viction and athirst for information, of Mr. Yates, I presided at it. which they received with evident We had about 150 who united in joy. We advised them to form a it, and I suppose about 250 spec. small library for their mutual betators, who stayed after the public nefit, and to meet with each other service to witness our proceedings. for reading, conversation, &c. We This was a great triumph of Chris- gave them some books to begin tian liberality over bigotry their library. An intercourse is and narrow plans of discipline; opened between them and some of we rejoiced greatly in seeing it ef- the brethren at Glasgow. On the fected. In the evening, we had a Tuesday morning we proceeded to fellowship meeting, which was 4. Carluke. Here I preached numerously attended, and con- in the evening to about 500 peo-ducted with much zeal and Chris- ple, who were remarkably attentian affection. This meeting was tive. A chamber window was attended by friends from different taken out at the inn, and I stood parts of the country. in the opening this made and ad2. Pollickshaws. Here I preach. dressed the congregation who were ed once, in the town hall, to a in the street. After the preaching, small congregation. about 40 persons spent a long even

I will give a more particular ing with us in the free discussion of account, in order, of one week religious doctrines. In Carluke, spent in this county, as a specimen there are a number of well-inform. of the manner in which my time ed and zealous Unitarians, and if was spent in the West of Scotland. they had not the pure and simple The Fund Committee at Glasgow gospel in the parish Kirk, there had deputed one of the brethren, would be a congregation of Unita who was excellently suited to the rian Dissenters in this place. No purpose, to go a circuit with me where have I found so small a vil at their expence. We set out on lage as Carluke that contains so the Monday, had conversation, on many well-informed and judicious religious topics, with several per- Christians; this is in no small de

gree owing to the labours of their together to worship the One Gad, aged and worthy minister Dr. and edify one another, also to Scott. At Carluke the Unitarians form a library, both which they have established a library. On gave us reason to think they would the Wednesday we proceeded to de. On the Saturday we returned 5. Lanerk. This is the county to Glasgow, where I preached in town. Here we found a few Uni- the evening. I have given this detarians, and others favourable to tailed account of one week as a the cause. I preached in the specimen; it would render my acevening on the Castle-hill; we bad count too voluminous to be as par about 500 hearers, who were very ticular in describing every part of attentive. Afterwards a large party this journey. I can hardly express spent the evening with us at our how much I was indebted to Mr. inn, and we had much interesting Plenderleith, the zealous friend conversation. Several times I was who attended me in this little circalled from the company to con- cuit, for his ready and able assist. verse with persons in a separate ance in the conversations we had, room, who would not join a large and in procuring congregations. party, but wanted to ask me ques- Before I quit the subject of tions in a more private way, and Lanerkshire, it will be proper to hear some passages of scripture mention the exertions of the breexplained. I answered as speedily thren at Glasgow for the promoas I could, and then returned to tion of the cause in their own and the more public discussion. We the neighbouring counties. The advised the friends to the cause at library they have established in Lanerk to establish a library, and their own city, is in a good state some books were sent from Glas- and has been of much use. It is gow for them to begin with. On hoped it will be still further im the Thursday we crossed to proved, and its usefulness much 6. Strahaven. Here we had no extended by the assistance of Mr. previous acquaintance with any Yates. From this library they person. I preached in an open have sent parcels of Unitarian place by the side of the street, to books to a number of public li. about 300 people, who heard with braries in different parts of the the most serious attention. A par- country, which have been well ty followed us to the inn, we had received. They made my preachmuch conversation with them; ing known before I arrived by pub we found one already an Unitari. lic advertisement, and printed an, and others favourable to the bills which were posted in different doctrine. We sent them some parts of the town. The week be. books. On Friday we came back fore I went the above circuit they sent out bills by the common car.. riers, to be posted in the different towns which I had to visit, and where it was intended for me to preach.


7. Hamilton. Here I preached in a garden to about 150 attentive hearers. We had a party together afterwards and conversation on several theological subjects. There are several Unitarians at Hamilton; we advised them to meet regularly

Renfrewshire. Next to Lanerk shire, Unitarianism has made most progress in the county of Renfrew;

and there is a good prospect of its further spread and success. I preached at the following places in this county.

4. Renfrew, the county town? Here I preached in a large hall, and had a respectable audience. To the above places I was attended by several friends from Paisley. 5. Port-Glasgow. Here are a

1. Paisley. In this town there is a society of liberal, judicious and well-informed Unitarians. I few Unitarians. I preached in the preached 12 discourses in Paisley. We had always good and frequent ly very crowded congregations. Our largest audiences were sup

Freemasons' Hall, to a small, but attentive audience.

6. Greenock. Here I preached in the Gardeners' Hall, to a small posed to consist of 4 or 500 peo- but very serious congregation. One ple. The last Sunday I preached Unitarian family which resided in here, it was said some hundreds this town is removed to America, of people went away because they and one remaining. could not get into the place of Ayrshire. Had certain ministers meeting, nor near enough the door in this county, now many years to hear any thing. Many of our since, imitated the conduct of the own friends deprived themselves of venerable Lindsey, and not hesithe pleasure of hearing in the tated in the day of trial, they would evening to make room for stran. have greatly promoted the Unitagers. The society has established rian cause: their want of firmness, a library. No where have I met and of a fearless avowal of their with Christians better informed, sentiments at every risk, spread timore simple-hearted, more liberal midity around them, and there is in their sentiments, or who disco- reason to think there are Unitari. ver more Christian affection than ans in Ayrshire who will not avow our friends at Paisley. In no themselves. I preached at the part of the island have I found following places. persons who possess so much va- 1. Dalry. Here are a number ried information, urbanity of man- of well-informed and zealous ners, and even taste, in the same Unitarians, who have assisted in class in society, as many I have forming a respectable library, in the pleasure of knowing in Paisley. which are many Unitarian books. 2. Kilburchan. Here I preached I preached once, in a public hall, twice; we had very good and atten- to an attentive audience. tive audiences. Our place of much to be wished our friends at meeting was a large room. There Dalry would hold regular meetare several well-informed Unitari. ings among themselves; they are ans in this village, and they have able to edity one another, and lately established a book society. bear by their conduct a practical I hope they will soon hold a meet- testimony to the worship of the ing among themselves, as they are One and Only God. 5 miles from Paisley.

3. The Brigg of Johnston, This is a new and populous village, about 4 miles from Paisley. Here I preached once. We had a good congregation.

It is

2. Kilwinning. Here I preached in a hall, to an attentive congre gation. Our friends in this town meet regularly to worship the One God, and edify themselves, though their number is small.

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