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May it please the Prince, Seeing that in consequence of the lamented affliction of our beloved sovereign thy father, thou art called to the high office of administering the regal government of this country, we his dutiful subjects, the religious Society of Friends, are desirous of representing to thee a subject, in which we believe the welfare of our country is deeply concerned.

It is now many years since war has been spreading its desolation over great part of the civilized world; and as we believe it to be an evil, from which the spirit of the gospel of Christ would wholly deliver the nations of the earth, we humbly petition thee to use the royal prerogative, now placed in thy hands, to take such early measures for the putting a period to this dreadful state of devastation, as we trust the wisdom of thy councils, as they seek for divine direction, will be enabled to discover.

Impressed with a grateful sense of the religious privileges we enjoy under the present government, we submit this highly important cause of suffering humanity, which is peculiarly near to our hearts, to thy most serious consideration; that thus thou may'st become an honour. ed instrument in the hand of the Almighty, in promoting his gracious designs respecting the inhabitants of the earth.

Signed in, by order, and on behalf of the Yearly Meeting of the said people, held in London, this 29th day of the 5th month 1812, by


Clerk to the Meeting this year. To which address his Royal Highness was pleased to return the following most gracious answer:

"I am deeply sensible of the calamities which necessarily attend a state of war.

"It would, therefore, be most grateful to my feelings, to observe such a change in the views and conduct of the enemy as would admit of the cessation of hostilities, consistently with a just regard to the important interests which have been committed to my charge, and which it is my indispensible duty to maintain.

"I reflect with great satisfaction on the religious privileges secured to you by the wisdom and benevolence of the laws, and you may rest assured of my constant protection."

The Epistle from the Yearly Meeting, held in London, by Ad journments from the 20th of the 5th Month, to the 30th of the same, inclusive, 1812.

To the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends, in Great Britain, Iveland, and elsewhere.


Being permitted at the present time to investigate the state of our religious society, and participating together in that love, which, we believe, takes its origin in the boundless mercy of God through Christ our Holy Redeemer, through Him who died for us, and who ever liveth to make intercession for us, we have found this love to extend to you our brethren. We have considered your situation, whether in your larger or smaller meetings; and as we have again been impressed with the belief, that in renewing the written salutation of our love, we shall be found in the way of our duty; we have desired to be directed to impart to you such information and counsel as may tend to your increase in the fear of the Lord, and in the consolations of his presence.

Seeing therefore the infinite value of love, that indispensible qualification of a true disciple, we are desirous of press. ing it on every individual, to examine impartially how far he feels it to flourish in his own mind, and to influence all his actions, thus inducing others to follow him, as he is endeavouring to follow Christ. And we believe that nothing will be so favourable to the preservation of this holy disposition as humility of heart, a temper in which we constantly see ourselves unworthy

of the least of the Lord's mercies, and dependant only on his compassion for our final acceptance. Seeing also that no awakened mind can be without a view to a better and an enduring state, and that no one knows how soon he may be called to put off mutability; let us bear in perpetual recollection that, in the state to which we aspire, there is nothing but eternal love, joy, and adoration, in the presence of Him through whose love we were first awakened.

In contemplating this copious subject, though we are not apprehensive of more symptoms of deficiency than in former years, we feel disposed afresh to encourage friends to be prompt in undertaking, and prudent in executing, the blessed office of peace-maker. And we believe the patient endeavours of faithful friends will be generally crowned with success, in proportion as their own minds are seeking to Jesus, for assistance in performing an office on which he has pronounced his blessing; and in endeavouring to lead the minds of any contending persons, to a sense of the absolute necessity for all true disciples to live in peace one with another, and to forgive one another, even as God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven them.

Before we quit the subject of Christian love, let us remind you that no limit of name can bound its influence. In this instance of almost unprecedented pressure on some of the poorer classes of our countrymen, we deem it particularly desirable, that our dear friends every where should not be backward in exam ining into their distresses; but liberal in contributing a due proportion of relief. Many are llowed to have temporal possessions sufficient to do this with comparative ease. Let these therefore remember that they are but stewards, and let them seek to be good and faithful stewards. And it is probable that others, not equally abounding in the good things of this life, may find that in using moderation in their own expenditure, they may have wherewith to supply the wants of others, and to make the heart of the poor man sing for joy. O, the blessing of clothing the naked and feeding the hungry! who would not desire to be entitled to a share in it ?

Moderation in personal and domestic expense, every way becomes the followers of a lowly hearted Saviour. We are therefore engaged to press it upon our

young friends just setting out in life, to beware of needless expence in the furniture of their houses, and in their general domestic habits. Even those who think their property may entitle them to abundance or to elegance, by indulging in costly habits are setting but an ill example to those of more contracted means; and as we are but too apt to copy that which coincides with our natural disposition, our want of circumspection may prove an excitement to extravagance in others, and prompt them to use exertions for supporting an appearance, which may divert them from the true business of life-the daily study to be approved in the sight of God.

And, dear youth, in general, especially you whose period of life may not be so advanced as that of those whom we have just addressed, even you who have left, or are about to leave, the protection of a parent, and to enter into the busy scenes of life; some of you, probably, in populous towns, far different from the retirement of your paternal abodes: we beseech you to guard against the new temptations which may now assail you. Oppose the first incite ment to any liberty inconsistent with your principles, and be willing to seek the society of experienced friends in the places where you may be situated, and to receive their admonition with meekness and attention. Never forget that the season of early youth is a season of peculiar danger; and if you grow up under this sense, you will from time to time be led to cry for preservation to Him, who has said (and his words are Amen for ever,) " Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."

The usual accounts of sufferings, brought in this year, chiefly for tithes and those called church rates, and for military demands, amount to thirteen thousand, six hundred and forty-five pounds. Five young men have been imprisoned for refusing to serve in the local militia. Besides these and other accounts which we have received from our several Quarterly Meetings, we have an epistle from Ireland, and one from each of the Yearly Meetings on the American continent. The Yearly Meetings of our American brethren seem vigilant in their attention to the support of our testimonies, and to purposes of general benevolence. The dueedu. cation of our youth still forms a part of the concern of the Yearly Meeting of Penn

may stray from the path of safety, it leads to universal benevolence and as it is the origin of every good work, so through the grace of our Lord and Savi. our Jesus Christ, it will be the reward of a life passed in his service, in its na tive region, the realm of unmixed love, with him for ever. Amen.

sylvania which has also, together with prompt to lend a hand of help to such as those of Maryland and New York, continued to care for the native inhabitants of the wilderness, and those of Carolina, Virginia and Maryland, testify in their eristles, their unremitting concern for the state of the enslaved Africans in their land. Although in our count y, as well as in theirs, the infamous traffic with Africa in slaves has been abolished by law, we desire friends not to forget that slavery ill exists within the British empire, and o uffer their sympathy stili o flow towards is op, ressed


Thus, dear friends, we trust we may say that both abroad and at home. the Lo'd is influencing his servants to remain on the wa ch. Though the subjects of our concert may be somewhat various, it is still pleasant to reflect, that all are aiming at the same object. nd all looking to the same Lord for his gracious assistance. Having the same faith, and being baptized with the same bap. tism, even those plunges into cxercise and conflict which wash us from confidence in our own exertions; how can it

be otherwise than that we should rely, as we have just hinted, on the same Lord? May this unity of travail encou. rage us all to abide stead ast in our alle. giance to him, that in due season we may reap the unfading reward of his holy peace.

Having touched on some of the subjec's which have warmed our hearts in desire that we may be built up a spiritual house, we entreat you to consider that it is by means of individual exertions, under the direction of the omnipo tent Master-builder, that the work is to be effected to his praise. Be vigilant, therefore, we beseech you; be constant, when cases require it, in faithful and tender admonition. Neglect in this point gives countenance to defects and in creases them, whilst the faithful admonisher may hope to partake of the reward of those who "turn many to righ. teousness" who, saith the prophet, shall shine as the stars for ever and ever."

Now, dear friends, in conclusion, let us observe, that love, Christian love, is the parent of every virtue it restrains our immoderate gratification of personal indulgence; it expands our hearts to every class of society, and to every modification of the human species; it makes us

Signed in and on behalf of the meet ing, by

Clerk to the Meeting this


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Dublin. July 2.

We had just written to the close of the preceding article, when we received information, from the best authority, that the Catholics of Ireland,' with that nobleness of mind and of action which has hitherto distinguished them, and with all the liberality and wisdom worthy men acting for a great and generous people, had resolved to sink the question of Catholic emancipation, and "tó petition upon the principle of the Dissenters for the removal of all disabilities!! We have not time or room now fully to express our approbation of this enlightened policy on the part of our Catholic fellow-subjects, it goes to a sincere," a complete union of all sects and parties

to that Christian and constitutional union; before which 'no intrigue no ca.” bal, no witchery can stand; before which Bigotry must melt into an airy nothing," and Intolerance become dumb fo efer,-(Dublín Evening Post.)" v

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The Christian's Survey of the Political World.

The Bill of Earl Stanhope has reseived the fate we expected, but the proposal of it has not been unattended with good. It could not be imagined, that a bill of so extensive a nature, so contrary to the strange prejudices that have been cherished for upwards of a century, and one so agreeable to sound sense, true Christianity and liberal philosophy should be immediately entertained, and received with universal approbation. Suffice it, that the opposers could not bring any solid arguments against it; that they could not deny, that the statute book contained laws on the subject of religion, which at this time of day no one could propose to the legislature The Earl also made such an exposition of the absurdities in the statute book, that it is not likely that any one hereafter will act upon them or speak in their defence. This is the way in which truth gradually advances in the world. She is persecuted by ancestors, goaded on by an interested priesthood: this creates discussion: by degrees the points of contention lose their interest at last the descendants wonder how the r forefathers could suffer themselves to be worried, and worry each other on accout of some stupid nonsense, invented by stupid churchmen, and defend. ` ed by the sophistry of those, who thought that the people ought to be kept in ignorance to be the more easily duped by priesteraft.

The rejection of the bill gave birth to the following admirable protest of enlightened nobles who declare, that "the toleration hitherto granted to Dissenters by law is incomplete, amounting to nothing more than a partial and conditional exemption from penalties and persecutions; whereas the bill now rejected, by recognizing the rights of private judgment in matters of conscience, would have placed religious liberty on its only true and legitimate basis." This admirable protest is signed by Lord Holland, Earl Stanhope, Marquis of Lansdowne, and the Duke of Norfolk, and thus a record is fixed in the House of Lords, which may serve as a land-mark in fuBute attempts; and many more must be made before men professing to be Christians grant that liberty to their brethren, which cannot be denied but by the injury of those who deny it, and a forfeiture of their claim to be the disciples of him, VOL. VIL.

who laid it down as a fundamental law? that we should not do to our neighbour what we do not wish to be done to our selves,

The introduction of this bill gave rise to an extraordinary correspondence between Mr. Smith, one of the members for Norwich, and Earl Stanhope. The latter had in his opening speech made some allusions to the conduct of the former, who is connected with the body of Dissenters, under the name of the Deputies of the Three Denominations, and representing him as entertaining very imperfect views of toleration. In consequence Mr. Smith wrote a letter in the public papers, representing this part of the speech as deficient in decorum, and not giving him an opportunity of reply. To this the Earl replied, by asking Mr. Smith some questions, and he in his answer stated, that a communication had been made with Mr. Perceval in the spring, chiefly on the subject of the Conventicle Act, and in consequence, a bill was sketched to remedy the inconveniences that had arisen from some late interpretations of that act and the Toleration Act in several counties: and the bill would have left remaining on our statute book those absurdities which it was the intention of the Earl's bill to remove. The Earl rejoined, and triumphed on the acknowledgment that Mr. Smith's attempts were so confined, and in the grand principles maintained in his bill: namely, 1st, Liberty of conscience is an unalienable right of all mankind, and which ought ever to be held most sacred. 2nd, A man can only enjoy a thing law, fully, when no man lawfully can hinder his enjoying it.

Both parties, we are convinced, wish equally well to religious liberty, but they may differ in the paths each choose to obtain it. We are inclined to prefer the mode pursued by Lord Stanhope, which comprehends and unites all bodies dissenting from the church, and all in the church, who are affected equally with Dissenters by its ridiculous enactments. Every day adds vigour to the general principle, but the parties, contending for objects affecting only a few persons, have quite as much difficulty in obtain ing their petty advantages, as if they had aimed at more general good I instead of aiming each sect for itself, all will join in the general principle, de3 P

State of Public Affairs.

Sirin nothing for itself which it would
grant to others, religious liberty will,
we believe, be obtained, after a few strug-
gles, to the general joy of all parties, in
which we include a very gieat majority
of the established church.

But Lord Stanhope in his last letter questions Mr. Smith very closely upon another point, on which we have long expected some enquiry, though we had not the least idea from what quarter it would come. It is generally understood that Lord Sidmouth complains of having been misled by certain Dissenters, who gave him, some of them spontaneously, their advice upon the subject of his bill, and led him to believe that they carried great weight with, and represented truly the feelings of the Dissenters. This report Lord Stanhope brings very pointedly home to Mr. Smith, asking him "whether he does or does not know that it is a current report that he, Mr. Smith, encouraged Lord Sidmouth to bring in his bill of the last session? Whether the Dissenters and Methodists did not decline, positively, to meet Mr. Smith afterwards, upon Lord Liverpool's invitation ?" The fact is, that certain Dissenters were much too officious upon this occasion, and gave themselves a credit, to which they were by no means entitled. They affected to speak for the whole body of Dissenters, without considering how little weight they really possessed in that body. It is not easy, we are happy to say, for any man to carry great weight with the Dissenters: for the body is not so manageable as the church; it will think for itself, and to know their thoughts, an acquaintance with a few gentlemen is not sufficient. The Dissenters are divided into bodies, of which that of the Methodists is now by far the most numerous: whilst that of the Presbyterians is dwindling to nothing. The mixed class, consisting of those who are Dissenters in town and Churchmen in the country, we ascribe to neither class: for inasmuch as they cannot bear their testimony to dissent among their country neighbours, we may generally look upon their connection to be very slight with the meeting house; and their children, naturally forgetting it, will slide with ease into that body, which affords greater resources to the fashionable and the opulent.

The bill of Lord Stanhope, though not successful has been of use. Admimistration itself has brought in a bill, and we are credibly informed, that the manner in which Lord Stanhope's speech was received in the House of Lords, prevented the insertion of many things into

this bill, which otherwise might have found their way into it. Every thing now it was certain would be more accurately examined, and though there might be some solicitude not to grant too much, still the administration would not be willing to introduce any thing, which should expose it to the wellmerited censures of the thinking and enlightened, whose eyes are now every where opened to this subject. We shall be curious to see the changes introduced, but look forward to the advocates for Catholic emancipation and Mir. Wyvill s Petition for some effectual good to be operated in the next sessions. The bill of administration has passed the Com mons.

The Catholic question stands upon very good grounds, for the House of Commons has determined to take it up early in the next sessions, and to grant every thing which is not incompatible with the Protestant interest. In the House of Lords, the question against the Catholics was carried by a majority of only one. The ministers were divided upon this question, which is not to be considered, according to the vulgar phrase, as a government question, that is in other words, each member of Pard liament is to exercise his own judgment upon the question, acting according to his own views, and each member of the Cabinet will do the same. This implies, that in other questions the members of the House of Commons do not exercise their own judgment, but are led by some influence, whether of government or of any other person, and this distinction ought to be clearly ascertained, and each member marked by the character which belongs to him, and each question by the support which it receives. We should then form a true estimate of every divis sion. Thus if there were seven honest and independent members on one side and six on the other, we might be convinced, that there was some ground for difference of opinion, which it would become us to examine: but as to the numbers on either side, who are not honest and independent, they should be considered as nothing, though their speeches may throw great light upon a subject, and be of use to the honest and independent mind,

The honest and independent members of Parliament will in the recess have any opportunity of examining the Catholie question in all its bearings, and to ascert tain precisely what is meant by the Pro testant interest. This is not confined a to the established seats either in England or Scotland, which both together, it

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