

discourses, and proposed a practical im- lages. Fifteen ministers were present, provement of the whole, by explaining and inculcating the religious regards due to Jesus Christ, on the ground of his character and offices; previously observing that they rose from the Divine commission under which he acted, and terminated in the glory and honour of God the Father, from whom he received all his powers, and whose counsels of love and grace he executed. These religious regards were stated to consist in obedience to his precepts, in the imitation of his example, in che ishing sentiments of love and gratitude towards him, in an attachment to his cause and zeal in promoting it, in a prevailing view to him, as the minister of the divine mercy, in all the acts of religious worship, and in entertaining the expectation of his second coming. The venerable Dr's. attractive simplicity, and truly Christian and devotional strains through the whole of his discourse, especially towards the close of it, excited great interest in the audience, if the writer may judge from his own feelings, and the fixed attention of all around him. Thus the conclusion of this Anniversary was highly pleasing, for, as strongly expressed by one of his hearers, the good Dr. " in troduced us to heaven."

After the morning service the business of the Society was transacted, and there was an addition of several new members. The ministers and members dined together, and the afternoon was spent in agreeable conversation on the general interests of religion. Dr. Toulmin, not without emotion, gave a short history of the rise and progress of Unitarian Tract Societies, which are now so extensively established; and the account was received with marked attention and pleasure by the company.

Evesham, June 19th, 1812.

Annual Meeting of the Western

Unitarian Book Society. "The Annual Meeting of the WESTERN UNITARIAN SOCIETY "for the diffusion of Christian Knowledge, by the aistribution of Books," was held on Wednesday, June 17th, at Bridport in Dorsetshire, in the chapel of the Rev. Thomas Howe, Notwithstanding the showery state of the weather, many friends to this important and good cause, assembled from the neighbouring towns and vil30


and a most respectable and attentive auditory. The morning service was introduced by the Rev. Joseph Hunter, of Bath, who offered up the introductory prayer, and read the 121st Psalm, and the 2nd chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. The general prayer was given by the Rev. Michael Maurice, of Lowestoffe, in Suffolk, and the Rev. Robert Aspland, of Hackney, delivered a discourse upon that great Protestant principle, right of private judgment in religious matters;" clearly showing, that the fullest liberty of thinking, speaking and writing ought to be allowed, not only to the various sects of Christians, but also to sceptics, and even to the opposers of the Christian faith: the text was Romans xiv. 5. "Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind." The hymns were read by the Rev. Thomas Madge, of Norwich. After the morning service the Society met for business. The Rev. Edmund Butcher, of Sidmouth, was called to the chair: the minutes of the meeting held at Exeter, the preceding year, John Rowe, of Bristol, and confirmed: were read by the Secretary, the Rev.

other business was then transacted:the meeting for next year appointed to Hunter fixed upon as the preacher : be held at Taunton, and the Rev. Joseph More than twenty new members were admitted, and together with the old members who were present, and some visiting friends, par ook of an economical dinner. Fifty five persons sat down to table, and after the cloth was removed, a great deal of interesting conversation, relative to the objects and plan of the Society took place; several useful hints were thrown out, and much future good may be expected from the exertions that will be made, if they, in any tolerable degree, correspond with the ardour and unanimity with which all present appeared to be animated.

In the evening service the Rev. Robert Aspland prayed; the hymns were given ton, and the Rev. Thomas Madge deliout by the Rev. Henry Davies, of Taun vered a truly scriptural illustration of the words of the Apostle Paul, which occur in the Epistle to the Ephesians, i 8, 9.

through faith; and that not of your-
"For by grace are ye saved,
selves: it is the gift of God, not of works,
lest any man should beast." The main
object of this discourse was, to show that
the human race, though holiness is in-


dispensably necessary as a qualification Matthew xix. 17, on the goodness of for happiness, are indebted for salvation, not to the merits of Christ," a phrase no where to be found in scripture, nor to any other merits, but solely to the free mercy or favour of Almighty God. This service, as well as the preceding, was well attended. Christian unanimity, charity and cheerfulness pervaded the whole of this happy day, and the friends of pure, uncorrupted, scriptural Christianity may congratulate themselves upon the encreasing success of their labours.

The following evening, Jude 18, at a lecture, the Rev. Samuel Fawcett, of Yeovil, conducted the devotional part of the service, and the Rev Robert Aspland addressed a considerable auditory from that part of Paul's speech before Felix, which is found Acts xxiv. 15, 16 "And have hope towards God, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust; and herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men." In meetings like these, attended from proper motives, and conducted in a truly liberal and candid spirit, the social nature of Christianity is exemplified, the power of religious principles invigorated, the bond of affection between all sincere enquirers after truth, rendered more firm, and that "refreshment from the presence of the Lord" experienced, which is the solace and joy of the devout soul. May these "fruits of the spirit" be multiplied in our churches, and more and more acted upon in the lives of individual professors!!

Southern Unitarian Society.

The Anniversary Meeting of the SOUTHERN UNITARIAN SOCIETY, took place at Chichester, on the first of July.

The morning and evening services were well attended; the former was opened by the Rev. J. W. Morris, after which, the Rev. W. Hughes delivered an excellent discourse from John i. 18, from which words he took occasion to shew, that the ascription of the titles and attributes of Deity to Christ, formed no ground for the belief that he was a Divine Being. As the sermon will probably be printed, it is not here necessary to enlarge upon its design. In the evening the Rev. R. Scott began the service, and the Rev. R. Wright preached, from

It having been reported to the Society, that the Unitarian cause, at Brighton, was apparently flourishing, and that a place had recently been purchased by its patrons, in which to perform public worship; it was agreed that the next general meeting of the society should be holden at that place, when the Rev. J. W. Fox is expected to preach.

The members of the Society were gratified in finding that whilst from the changes incident to human affairs, some names were obliged to be erased from the list of subscribers, new members were obtained to fill the vacant places.

A present of books was voted to the Unitarian Fund, and to the Welch Unitarian Society.

After dinner the following toasts, among others, were drank:

Joseph Lancaster, whom the Chairman described as an able coadjutor in the cause of truth,-as the more knowlege is diffused, the more must truth prevail.

The York Academy was proposed by W. Cooke, Esq. as a seminary which had produced many able and enlightened defenders of true Christianity.

The Secretary, adverting to a custom which formerly prevailed in the Society, of drinking, in silence, the memory of Dr. Priestley, suggested the propriety of classing with it the names of Wakefield and Lindsey. He considered these three men were nearly equal in talent: equally ready to brave the storms of adversity, in defence of what they deemed the truth, and of having equally contributed to the support and spread of the Unitarian cause. And in rising to return thanks, when his health was drank, he took occasion to press upon the company the necessity of adding exertions to wishes, for the furtherance of the object for which the Society had then met: and particularly insisted on the useful tendency of the MONTHLY REPOSITORY. He characterised this publication as the only work devoted to the Unitarian doctrine, as the only one open to free enquiry, and of course not only worthy of support, but that it would be a dishonour to the friends of civil and religious liberty if it were not extensively supported, and concluded by giving as a toast, The Monthly Repository, and may it receive such support from the friends of free enquiry, and particu larly from Unitarians, as shall afford

ample satisfaction to the Editor, and reflect honour upon themselves.

to specify, where the whole was so creditable, it might be said that the students of the fourth year afforded particular satisfaction, by the clear and unembar

Manchester New College, removed rassed manner in which they went

to York.

On Wednesday and Thursday, the 24th and 25th of June, the Annual Examination was held in the presence of Samuel Shore, Esq. Samuel Shore, jun. Esq. President, Robert Driffield, George Strutt, T. B. W. Sanderson, Samuel Philips, Esqrs. Messrs. Robert Kay, George Hampson, G. W. Wood, Treasurer, and T. H. Robinson, Secretary, and the Rev. Messrs. Astley, Davies, Dean, Hawkes, Higginson, Kentish, Lee, Roberds, Severn, Yates and Turner, Visitor; who were, throughout the whole, highly gratified with the proficiency made by the students under the able direction of their tutors. The examination commenced each day at nine, and continued, with a short intermission for refreshment, till half past five: the several classes being carefully led through the subjects which had come before them in the course of their studies, during the preceding session, by a series of questions concerning the nature of which they had not the slightest previous information; and by the reading of passages, chosen at the moment, from the Greek and Roman classics, and from the originals of the several books composing the sacred volumes the whole interspersed with orations, critical discourses and sermons, by all the students, except those in their first year, on subjects chosen by themselves, and none of them corrected, or even seen, by any of their tutors, previous to their delivery*.—If it were fair

through their long examination on the sources and rules of Biblical Criticism, and the practical exemplifications which they gave of each, out of the several books of the Old Testament, with the original language and contents of which they shewed themselves to have attained a degree of acquaintance, which could scarcely have been expected at so early a period; but which afforded a pleasing earnest of their being well-prepared for entering on the study of the more perfect dispensation of the gospel in the ensuing session.

The examination closed, as usual, with an address from the Visitor, which, at the request of the gentlemen present, is sent for insertion in the Monthly Repository.

"Gentlemen, I now come to discharge my part, which I am happy to say continues to be to myself a highly pleasing part of this day's business. In the name of this assembly I congratulate your tutors, as well as yourselves on the result of this long and satisfactory examination. We, each of us, have it now in our power to attest to our several friends the excellent state of this institution; for students who are able to give so good an account of the course of study in which they have been engaged, and to exhibit such pleasing specimens of their talents for composition, on subjects connected with it, must have been very carefully instructed: and it is a high satisfaction that we can carry with us the further report, that its discipline continues to be no less commendable than its proficiency.-If this should have been promoted, in any degree, by the more collegiate form in which you have this year resided, it will be a gratifying circumstance to those

* Mr. Wallace, on the different Effects of Arguments on the Judgment, as a Ground of Candour, and mutual Forbearance; Mr. Howse, on the Character of Richlieu, Mr. Holland, an Examination of Hume's Essay on Miracles; Mr. Brettell, on the Divine Authority of of Christ; Mr. Lewis, on the Evidences Moses; Mr. Strutt, on the Advantages of of the Resurrection of Christ; Mr. Man the Study of Natural History; Mr. Cook, ley, a Sermon on Christian Union, from on Liberty of Conscience; Mr. Bakewell, John xvii. 20, 21. Mr. George Kenrick, on the Causes which tended to infuse a on the Christian Sabbath, from Gen. ii. Spirit of Freedom in the British Consti- 2, 3, Mr. Henry Turner, on the Sanc tution, and an opposite Spirit into that of France; Mr. Ashton, on the Destruction of the Canaanites; Mr. Sanderson, On the State of the World at the Coming

tions of the Mosaic Law, from Exod. xix. 3-8. and Mr. Hutton on the Duty and Benefit of Searching the Scriptures, from John v. 39.

the dead languages, and the elements of mathematical science, history, ethics and jurisprudence, the maxims of politi cal economy, the useful application of natural history and philosophy, to agriculture, the arts and manufactures, these, with various other subjects of obvious use and importance, began to be introduced, particularly into that semina y of which several of us entertain a grateful recollection, and of which this is the direct successor, by that excellent person* who has thrown light on almost every subject of human enquiry, but who has, more especially, contributed to free from corruption the important doctrines of the Christian revelation: and his example has been followed, more or less, by several of our Universities.

who have, in so handsome a manner, youth might properly be led to those effected the purchase of the academical studies which might fit them for civil baldings; and may stimulate others life. In addition to the rudiments of to contrib te their aid towards the liquidetion of the debt which yet remains upon them. In the mean time it has created a pleasing difficulty with regard to the adjudication of the prizes; the report of good and orderly conduct, having been found so general, that in this respect, for want of prizes for you all, we must request that you will accept in general our testimony of high approbation; which will operate as an effectual encouragement to your perseverance. As a select.on, however, must be made, I am commissioned to deliver the first prize for diligence, regularity and proficiency to Mr. Samuel Robinson, of Woodlands near Manchester, the second to Mr. Benjamin Mardon, of Exeter, and to present a testimony of approbation, equal in value to the third prize, to each of the three following gentlemen-Mr. Lewis, of South Wales, Mr. Holland, of Manchester, and Mr. Smith, of Westminster. The eminence of the two latter, in their respective pursuits, may seem to have entitled them to a higher prize; but their superior attainments, previous to their entrance into this institution, though greatly to their credit, and carrying in itself its own reward, were not to be taken into consideration, i calculating the proficiency of the present year.

"It has been usual, on these occasions, to address a few words of adv ce to our young friends who are to leave us; particularly to those who are ent ring on the important office of public religious instructors. As none of this class are expected this year to dissolve their connection with the College, I wish to take the opportunity of addressing a few words more particularly to those young gentlemen, who are designed for some or other of the departments of civil and active life. It is a great advantage, my young friends, which you possess, over your predecessors in former ages, that you have the opportunity of a much more enlarged and liberal education, Formerly none but the clergy, or, at most, the learned professions, were considered as having any occasion for learning, and if others offered themselves for instruction, they were obliged to submit to the plan of scholastic discipline, traced out for the former classes. But of late it has been justly thought that

"You, my young friends, have been enjoying, in these respects, such advantages as this institution could afford you; and your improvement of them we have had a satisfactory opportunity of witnessing. Those of you ho return to us will eturn, I persuade myself, with a full determination to avail yourselves of the further opportunities which it will be in our power to offer. Those of you who leave us will persevere, I trust, in those habits and courses of study which you have here begun, so far as your respective circumstances will adnut. For I hope you will keep it always in mind, that you will still continue to have much to learn, beyond what your tutors have here been able to teach you. You will remember, that "schools and colleges are not the only places of education." + You will find the world itself to be the greatest theatre of instruction; and you will continue to learn by acting in it. If we have only succeeded in inspiring you with a love of truth, and the sense of virtue and public spirit, you will be "ready to every good work," as you shall be called to it. You will discharge the relative and social duties, as members of families and of civil society, and, at the same time, you will not forget that you are members of the larger society of mankind, and should therefore feel an interest in whatever respects truth

* Priestley on Education, p. 185--230.

+Priestley's Sermon at Hackney, p. 6.

liberty or general happiness. You will probably have a vari ty of duties to perform some of you will be called on to act a part in commercial and civil life; some, perhaps, in a still more extended sphere. It is of great importance that you should be qualified to act your parts well for in times so eventful as the present, and those which follow are not likely to be less so,, a favourable issue of things very greatly depends upon the principles and conduct of those who are to be the actors. If you here imbibe a Christianity of an enlarged and liberal form, you will have an infallible guide in every emergency; having been duly instructed in its evidences, you will be in less danger of being laughed, or scoff ed, or persecuted out of it; having learned its genuine principles, you will be grateful for them, and steadily attached to them; you will securely depend upon the providence and government of such a Being as it represents the Father of mercies to be; you will be furnished with precepts ready for application to every circumstance and event, with an example of spotless purity, invincible integrity, and unlimited benevolence, and with motives beyond all others, animating you to an excellent and honour able conduct.

"But in order to maintain the proper influence of this most excellent gift of God upon your memory, let me recommend it to you to be particularly careful that you continue to observe a regular attendance and devout behaviour in regard to public worship. Your conduct in this respect is of great importance, not only to yourselves, but to society. It may be thought that those who are engaged in the service of the sanctuary are obliged in decency to respect its ordinances. But, as you have lately heard it ably and convincingly argued, the obligation is not confined to then; it is for you also to "search the scriptures," and profess the truths which you find in theni: and if you also shew by your conduct, that you consider yourselves under an equal obligation to attend to the duties which they inculcate, by no means neglecting the instrumental duties, you will not only secure your own happiness, but you will adorn the religion which you profess, and the stations in life which you may be called to fill; and you will contribute most effectually to promote among

others that general regard to virtue and religion, which is the best security for the well-being of society.

"It has given us the hi hest pleasure to observe, that those of you who, on this occasion, have exhibited specimens of your proficiency in composition, have, in general, chosen such subjects as shew that you have paid great attention to the evidences of natural and revealed religion and to learn, that during your residence here, you have duly and respectfully attended the services both of family and public worship. We trust that we may take ths for a suffi ient security, that in the spirit with which your fellow-student has so well pleaded the cause of the Christian Sabbath, you will carry with you into the world those principles and habits which you have here been forming, and in this, and every other instance, do honour to the institution in which you have been educated."

The whole was concluded, as usual, with a short devotional exercise, and the Committee adjourned to dinner at Etr.dge's; where much interesting conversation took place on the business of the two days -A minister from one of the midland counties, who had now for the first time attended, expre sed a wish that every congregation in the kingdom, interested in the successtui education of ministers on enlarged and iberal principles, would send a deputy to the Annual Examination; he was convinced that nothing more would be ne dful to insure the effectual support of the institution. Several additional applications having been made for the admission of students on the foundation, and some apprehension having been expressed, that the inte.est on the debt on the newly purchased buildings, together with the annual instalments for its gradual liquidation, might cramp the exertions of the Committee in this way, at a period when they were likely to be so much called for, a conversation took place, on the very handsome conduct of several subscribers to the loa., and the Secretary reported at the close of the meeting, that twelve gentlemen had agreed to give up their respective sums to the Permanent Fund, on condition of an Address being drawn up and circulated among the friends of the institu tion; which was immediately prepared accordingly, and ordered to be printed.

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