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4 Letter of the late Rev. Dr. the celebrity of the preacher who James Fordyce, to his Brother dictated it. It exhibits, indeed, in London, on the Death of an example of Christian fortitude Professor David Fordyce, with in the immediate view of death, a Biographical Notice, by Dr. that claims admiration and it Toulmin.

Birmingham, April 6, 1812.

affords a specimen of an elevated resignation, that is edifying and pleasing. Should you, Sir, look on it with these sentiment, you will be inclined to give it to the public, and to preserve it in your Repository. If you judge otherwise of it you will let it rest with yourself.

The name of Fordyce can scarcely be unknown to any of your numerous readers; as in the memory of many of them, it was that of several eminent men, who by their talents and fame, in the different departments of medicine The title of it explains the af and theology, gave a lustre to it. flicting event which occasioned it. The letter which offers itself, with Dr. James Fordyce, the writer, this, for a place in your miscel- and Professor David Fordyce, lany, cannot fail to be interesting, were the sons of Provost Fordyce as it came from the pen of one, of Aberdeen, and both received and refers to the death of another their education at the Marischal of those gentlemen who bore the college of that city. The Proname, He who transmits it to fessor was born in 1711: the you, was allowed, as far as he re- Doctor in 1720. In 1750 the collects, to transcribe it from a Professor, who had been elected copy in the hands of a fellow stu- in 1742, to the philosophy chair deut, at the beginning of his aca- of the Marischal college, made a demical course; when the writer tour on the continent, to examine of it had preached, on his visits to the remains of ancient art at London, with distinguished popu. Rome; on his return to his native larity, to crowded audiences: and country, in the following year, this letter was handed about, in when his talents and learning had some private circles, as a curious raised the highest expectations, morceau, deriving interest from he lost his life in a storm on the its subject and sentiments, and coast of Holland. His "Dia2 T.


logues on Education," a treatise on "Moral Philosophy," first given to the public in Dodsley's "Preceptor," and which has passed through several editions; "Theodorus, a Dialogue concern. ing the Art of Preaching," and an essay entitled, "The Temple of Virtue, a Dream," published by his brother 1757, remain as monuments of his genius, abili. ties and literary attainments, and witnesses of his manly and fervent piety.

The Letter.

Oct. 3. 1751.


I presume that by this time it will be no surprise to you to hear, that we have now the certain account of the worthy Professor's death. A death to us mournfulto him glorious. There is a letter come to town by this day's post with the same account; which I write to you with a mixture of grief and exultation.-After hav ing been tossed about for three Dr. James Fordyce, after he days in the ship bound from Rothad pursued a course of studies terdam to Leith, the Captain find necessary for a minister of the ing her just ready to stave upon a gospel, was appointed second bank near the coast of Holland, minister in the collegiate church called the crew and passengers of Brechin, in the county of into the cabin to consult what Angus; and after some years they should do. Our dear friend, spent there, accepted a call to having been a quarter of an hour Alloa, near Stirling. In 1760, by himself, joined the rest; pray or 1761, he was invited, on a ed with them; commended him. visit at London, to be co-pastor self and them to heaven; took a with Dr. Lawrence, to a respect- solemn farewell of all; told them able congregation of Dissenters in he was perfectly resigned to his Monkwell Street. In 1782 he fate, and that he resolved to meet discontinued his public services: it with the greatest composure; the remainder of his life was spent, then went to bed soon after the first in the vicinity of the Earl of cabin bursted. Oh! my friend, Bute, in Hampshire; and then at what greatness! what dignity was Bath, where he died, October 1, here! He died, as he lived, with 1796, in the 76th year of his age. a noble, with a superior mind! "Sermons to Young Women," What an eternal lustre must such and Addresses to Young Men," an exit throw upon his memoryd besides smaller productions of his How must it silence detraction pen, perpetuate the celebrity of for ever, and convince all that his name; shew the powers of his nothing but the truest virtue and genius, imagination, taste and sincerest piety can produce such as eloquence; and attest the ardent decency and magnanimity in cir piety and the zeal for the in- cumstances naturally the most terests of virtue, with which his tremendous and shocking to hu heart glowed, and which diffused manity. It was about two o'clock force and animation through his in the morning; quite dark; they. discourses and writings.

I am, Sir,

Yours respectfully,

* Dr. Rees New Cyclopædia, vol. xv. Part 1. Dr. Watkin's Biographical Dictionary, under the name Fordyce.

but not lost; gone before us a little while; the separation will not be long, and we shall meet again in a happier region never to part again for ever.

knew not where they were: no brother, and had him so long, doubt our brother thought it was rather than repine that we had absolutely in vain to swim, or at- him no more. He is gone indeed, tempt to conflict with the winds and waves, and chose rather quietly to wait his destiny than violently to struggle against it to no purpose. Only one more, a brother of Lord Cromartie, who was sick, stayed behind in the at Brechin. cabin; nine others, among whom was Sir Alexander Forbes' son, a stripling, swam; but they all perished except a carpenter. The master and two or three of the men hung on the stern till morn. ing, and were saved: some of the dead bodies were soon taken up and buried.

Mamma received the fatal news She has felt, she still feels all that such a mother must feel for the loss of such a son in such circumstances; you will conceive her grief better than I can describe; yet her composure and decency are great, and do her and religion honour; and time, I hope, joined with God's grace and her own principles, will gra. The manner of David's death, dually heal the deep wound in her so worthy a Christian and philo. heart. May God in the mean sopher, so truly gallant and he time support the_good woman's roic, swells my soul with sensa- afflicted soul. You need not tions I cannot express; but ought doubt of our contributing all we Inot to join praise, joy, and gra- can to soothe and comfort her: we tulation? However, I may and came from Brechin along with must mourn, and deeply mourn her for that very purpose. May our loss; a loss which earth can- God preserve her precious health not compensate. Let us rejoice and valuable life; I hope he will, and triumph in his unspeakable She sleeps little and eats less; yet gain, who has so happily escaped is tolerably well: much better from this scene of vanity and sor- than could have been thought. row, quitted it with such ease and Our sisters, poor souls! are deeply majesty, and is now a flaming, afflicted, and no wonder; they enraptured and adoring spirit be have lost their best brother; and fore the throne of the Eternal. I have my share of sorrow, I have And, O my dear friend, let us lost my most intimate friend, follow his footsteps, who through with whom I had of late years, enfaith and patience, and sublime tered into a peculiar degree of goodness, is now inheriting the confidence and friendship. But promises; while the thoughts of we loved him too well, and pro his death extort from us the tears mised ourselves too much and too of nature and friendship, let us certain satisfaction from him at be inspired with the sacred am. his return; but God, it seems, bition of imitating him in the vir. would not suffer a rival in our tues of his life, that we may at affections, and has shewed to each last resemble him in the peace and of us, in the school of affliction, honour of his latter end. Let us the instability and uncertainty of be thankful that we had such a human pleasures and human pros

pects. What sort of scholars we Edinburgh, taken from the So. shall be in this way I do not ciety's minute book, and oral know; but I am sure the lesson testimony, be thought worthy of is loudly inculcated and strongly a place in your miscellany it is at enforced. your service.> 1

I remain, yours, &c.

R. W.
A Short View of the Origin and
Progress of the Unitarian
Church at Edinburgh.

I sympathize with you and our London brother, weil knowing what such friendly hearts must suffer on this sad occasion; but religion and philosophy will apply their gentle and healing remedies. As introductory to the history Every body seems to lament the of the church, now Unitarian, in Professor greatly; indeed, more the northern capital, it is stated than any man, young or old, in the minute book, that several that I remember. In all who societies in the Merse* had joined might have felt it envy has no the reformed Presbytery. Soon effect. Merit, standing no longer after this union it appears, andiin the light of opposition, is vision took place in the Presbytery praised and acknowledged. respecting the extent of the death


Mamma expects to hear from of Christ, i.e. whether he died you by the first occasion. All for the whole or for only a part of the Professor's papers that were mankind. To that branch which with him have perished. It is a maintained that Christ died for pity: they would have been a all, the said little societies adnoble fund of entertainment and hered. The date of these events knowledge. But God, taking the is not mentioned, though they greater, chose likewise to take the may be regarded as the commenceless, that the trial might be more ment of a series which has led con complete and thorough; a trial to important results already, and indeed, to lose him with all his may be expected to produce ef newly acquired ornaments, just fects of greater extent and magni. upon the point of enjoying both: tude. but not our will, O heavenly Father, but thine be done.

I remain, &c.

History of the Unitarian Church,

SIR, Oct. 12, 1811.
A correct view of the rise and
progress of Christian Societies,
especially such as have attained
to rational views of Christianity,
and are imbued with its liberal
spirit, must be interesting to the
friends of truth, and pleasing to
readers in general. If the follow.
ing account of the origin and pro
gress of the Unitarian church at

From the branch of the Presbytery to which they adhered on the question respecting the extent of the death of Christ, they also separated in the year 1755, on the ground of their not preaching faithfully against the sins of the age, and their allowing such things as were inconsistent with their professed testimony.....

*The Merse is a track of country south of Edinburgh.

The reformed Presbytery, a party of Dissenters, which became such because they thought the Scotch national church did not strictly adhere to the exclusive headship of Jesus Christ,

These societies then formed a equally suitable to be set apart for separate connection, met every the study of languages, and that first day of the week for the wor- they could enable but one to deship of God and mutual edifica- vote himself to this work, they tion, kept up a correspondence agreed to decide by lot which of with each other, and held occa- the three should be the person. sional general meetings, to con- A general meeting was holden, sult how they might best bear June 8, 1769, which commenced their testimony as the followers of with prayer, after which a presiChrist, so far as circumstances dent was chosen. The minutes of would admit. It does not appear the last meeting were read, and that as yet they had any minister bamong them..

each of the three candidates de livered a discourse; but the final decision as to the person who should be separated to the work of the ministry and the study of the original scriptures, being

6 In the year 1763, they sent a person to Ireland, to consult with some Dissenters there, who, it appears agreed with them in their vreligious views; and a minute of thought a most weighty concern, their mutual agreement and good bewill was signed at Colraine.

was postponed till the last Thurs. day in the following month, and it was resolved that the said day should be observed as a day of fasting and prayer, and that then the above important affair should be decided. In the mean time all the brethren were exhorted seriously to consider and weigh these matters, that they might be prepared for a day of such solemnity.

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After this time several useful members of these small societies Lowere removed by death, and various other discouraging circuma) stances took place among them, which diminished their numbers, and, it appears, in the year 1766 they were brought very low; still, however, they persevered, and determined on adopting, if possible, On the last Thursday in July such measures as might enable 1769, the proposed solemn meetthem to have the ministry of the ing was holden. All the company sword and the ordinances of the avouched the Lord to be their no gospel regularly among them. God, as he is revealed in the Three of the brethren were ap. scriptures, and declared their pointed to deliver discourses in purpose and resolution to main. To the societies, as a trial of their tain his truth and ordinances as abilities. They further concluded, he shall direct. The three cananafter due deliberation, that a didates were Thomas French, knowledge of the Greek and He Alexander Brown, and James brew languages would be very use. Purves. The lot fell upon the ful, in enabling them to defend last; consequently he was the the doctrines they held, should person appointed to study the lan they be opposed, by quotations guages, and to examine the scripfrom the original scriptures, and tares in their originals. It was in helping them to correct their also thought expedient that an own opinions, so far as they abstract of their principles and might be erroneous. Finding that designs should be published to the three of their number appeared world, before they appointed any

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