
us was a Calvinist; and conse- foundation, even on the rock Christ. quently the whole body of that I entirely concur with your cor sect was included in it. respondent, as to the futility of the objection against the Catholics before-mentioned; but surely the Catholic cause can be defended without having recourse to misrepresentation and falsehood.

To endeavour, therefore, to resist a wrong impression which may possibly be made on some of your readers, respecting the religious creed of so large a portion of professing christians, I beg leave to observe, that the account, as given of it by your "Old Correspon. dent," in his "stage.coach conversation," is false. The Calvi

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I remain, Sir,

Your constant Reader,
Bark Money.

nists do not "maintain that whatSIR, ever crimes they commit, they have Though your pages are dedica only to confess them, and believe ted to much more important conthat another person was punished cerns, than the financial arrange. in their stead, and that by his ments of a kingdom, yet as the righteousness they are made per- nature of paper-money is, by the fectly righteous, and are perfectly circumstances of the times, forced safe." They do, indeed, consider upon every man's consideration, their own righteousness of so little the following document relative to account, that they cannot depend it may deserve attention. The upon it for everlasting felicity; and middle bark of the mulberry tree therefore apply to the "fountain served the purpose of paper in Engopen for sin and uncleanness," and land, but the difference between depend upon the righteousness of the two systems consisted in this, "Him who was made sin for" that the government of the country them, "who knew no sin, that" in the East, derived all the advan they might be the righteousness tage of its bark-money, whereas of God in him;" but at the same in our country the profits, and time, they are of opinion that re. immense they are, are enjoyed by pentance and an abhorrence of sin, the proprietors of the Bank, and are as absolutely necessary to sal- the bankers of country towns, by vation as faith; and those who whom the paper money is issued. abhor sin, I should apprehend, are Should any of your readers happen not "dangerous to society." to be in possession of any farther Your Old Correspondent," information respecting this bark. may, perhaps, consider himself as money, namely, as to the mode possessed of every virtue in its high- of its fabrication, the preventives est degree; though some, from the from forgery, its gradual effects specimen here given, may not have on the kingdom, and its present a very exalted idea of his candour state; I shall be obliged to them or veracity. He may feel consci- to communicate it, through your ous of superior worth and excel. Repository, or inform me from lence, and may place his trust in what quarter I may derive it. his own righteousness. I envy him I remain not his security: I would rather mine should be placed on a firmer

Your constant reader,

Extract from the Voyages and Travels of Marco Polo, page 135. In Pinkerton's Collection of Voyages.

work by Fox, mentioned page 220; in the valuable library of Dr. Williams. It is in one folio volume. The following is an exact copy of the title page, which may be acceptable to some of your readers.

"The money of the great Khan, is not made of gold or silver, or other metal, but they take the middle bark from the mulberry Rerum in Ecclesia gestarum, tree, and this they make firm and quæ postremis et periculosis his temcut into divers round pieces, great poribus evenerunt, maximarum que and little, and imprint the king's per Europam persecutionum, ac mark thereon: Of this paper-mo- sanctorum Dei Martyrum, cætera. ney therefore the Emperor causeth rumque rerum si que insignioris an huge mass to be made, in the exempli sint, digesti per Regna city of Cambalu, which sufficeth' & nationes Commentarii. Pars Pri. for the whole empire, and no man ma. In qua primùm de rebus per under pain of death, may coin any Angliam et Scotiam gestis, atque other or spend any other money, or refuse it in all his kingdoms and countries, nor any coming from another kingdom, dare spend any other money in the empire of the great Khan.

in primis de horrenda, sub Maria nuper Regina, persecutione, narratio continetur. Autore Joanne Foxo Anglo. Bailee. 1559. It appears from Fox's Life in Biog. Brit. (iii. 2022) that the 1st Book of his Commentarii was published at Strasburgh in 8vo. in 1554, while the author was an exile during the persecution under Mary. From

"Hence it follows that merchants after coming from remote coun. tries unto the city of Cambalu, bring with them gold, silver, pearl, and precious stones, and receive the folio volume I quote the 1st the king's money for them; and because this money is not received in their country, they change it again in the Empire of the great Khan, for merchandise, which they carry away with them. He also payeth stipends to his officers and army, in the above mentioned money; and lastly, whatever thing he needs in his court, he buyeth with this money. Wherefore there is not a king to be found in the world who exceedeth him in treasure, not expended on the mint as elsewhere."

Sketch of English Protestant

Persecution. Letter IH.
SIR, April 29, 1812.
Since I sent you my last letter
I have procured a sight of the latin

page, of which I gave Mr. Peirce's very correct translation (P.220). Quod ni fecisset, sunt qui putant episcopos ultimum ei supplicium molituros. Nam ita audivi a famulo ipsius, Ducem Suffolcia clam Hoperum, qui eorum conatusnon ignorabat, præmonuisse. The Duke of Suffolk was likely enough to be well informed, being uncle to the king, by his marriage to Mary, the sister of Henry, and Queen Dow. ager of France. Fox afterwards refers to Edward's protection of Hooper, against the bishop, in the following terms, Eum nec regis voluntas nec cause equitas tueri possit. There is also preserved, the authority given to Ridley by the King in council to consecrate Hooper, without incurring a Pre

godlye historye throughout. But that which was not than perfourmed in hope of theyr amendement, maye by chaunce lyght upon them herafter, whan no gentyll warnynge will seme to be regarded."

This priest of the reformation, who had been a protege of Lord Cromwell, on whose fall he retired into the Low Countries, appears to anticipate a Hecatomb, if I may be allowed the expression, of popish victims, as a burnt-offering to protestant ascendancy, on the accession of Edward. By those who really governed, in the name of that Prince, Bale was recalled, beneficed in England, and at length made Bishop of Ossery in Ireland; where, according to Dr. Leland, the historian, he became "a violent and acrimonious impugner of popery." The advancement of

munire, should he "omit and let pass certain rites and ceremonies offensive to his conscience." (Ridley's Life, p. 312.) In justice to the memory of Ridley, who appeared prominent in this persecu. tion of Hooper, it should be mentioned that they afterwards became intimate friends as hinted by Fox, before they were united by the sufferings of martyrdom. The author of Ridley's Life (1763,) quotes the following passage from his let. ters to Hooper, when they were both in prison. "My dear Brother, I understand by your works that we thoroughly agree, and wholly consent together, in those things which are the grounds and substantial points of our religion, howsoever in time past, in smaller matters and circumstances of religion, your wisdom and my simplicity made us to think differently." such an avowed fierce polemic, (p. 324). At page 220, I ventured to describe the Reformers, as wanting nothing but a safe op. portunity to burn popish idolators as well as idols. As this is And now, before I return to the a hard saying for Protestants, sufferers under the commission, an even now, to hear, I beg leave account of which concluded my to sustain my opinion, with a last letter, I shall mention some passage which I have since met earlier instances of protestant perwith in Bale's account of Lord secution, which then escaped my Cobham, first published 1544, of notice. which I have a reprint in 1729. During the first year of EdAt the conclusyon (P. 109) he com- ward's reign, there appear to have pliments Kynge Henrye the been expectations of Gardiner's VIII. now lyvyng," who "after eventual conformity to the new the most godlye example of Kyng faith, which had been established Josias, vysyted the temples of his by a new Head of the church. He realme," and "utterlye, amonge was now joined with Ridley, in a other, destroyed the synnefull protestant crusade against the Anashryne of Becket." Bale adds, baptists. Strype is my authority "If he had upon that and soche for this rather curious fact, in his other abhomynable shrynes brent Eccles. Mem. (ii. 68,) where he those ydolatrouse prestes, which observes, at the end of the year 'were, (and are yet,) theyr chefe 1547, "At this time Gardiner maynteners, he had fulfylled that and Ridley, were appointed to deal


shews what the papists would probably have suffered from protestant persecutors, had time and opportunity matured their purpose.

with two Anabaptists of Kent.-votion and honour, and affirmed So at the same time that Ridley that in it there was truly and verily exhorted Gardiner to receive the the body and blood of Christ, effectrue doctrine of justification, a- tually by grace and spirit." Ridgainst which he was very refrac- ley's biographer, the Rev. Glocestory, he prayed him to be very ter Ridley, even writing so lately diligent in confounding the Ana- as 1763, commends the bishop baptists in his diocese; and that he (P. 664,) for having "always be would be steady in the defence lieved and maintained a real preof the sacrament against them." sence by grace to faith, and not a Thus Pilate and Herod were made mere figure only: although there friends, that Jesus might be effec- were some English fanaticks, such tually persecuted. This coalition as John Webb, George Roper, and of papist and protestant, was surely Gregory Paske, who believed that nothing better than an union of the sacrament was only a bare sign guides, alike blind to the rights of of Christ's body, and nothing more conscience and the requirements than a remembrance of it;" the of religion. These scrupulous, and very doctrine maintained with great probably conscientious churchmen, ability, but I know not with what could warmly differ, in expound- consistency, by a late successor of ing a conundrum of the schools, Ridley's colleague, in the see of and yet cordially agree to perse- Winchester. I refer to Bishop cute-strain out a gnat and swal- Hoadley's Plain Account of the Nalow a camel; violate mercy, one of ture and Design of the Lord's Supthe weightier matters of the law, per. It will here be not uninterand yet pay tithe of mint and an- esting to add, that these three En. ise and cummin. glish fanatics, as to whom bigotry and superstition may still account their lives madness, and their end without honour, after escaping the fire of protestant persecution, were burned together at Canterbury, in the reign of Mary. Clarke, in his Martyrologie, (P. 159,) having mentioned the burning of Ridley and Latimer, in 1555; says,

The Anabaptists who were thus subjected to the ecclesiastical censures of Gardiner and Ridley, ap. pear to have professed more rational and truly scriptural views of that religious usage, unhappily entitled the sacrament, than even the latter prelate entertained. Ridley had, in 1544, been converted from a belief in transubstantiation, "About the same time, John chiefly by meeting with "the Book Webb, was brought before the of Bertram, or Ratramnus, priest Bishop of Dover, Doctor Harpsand monk of Corbey, concerning field, and some others, where such the body and blood of the Lord;" common articles were objected to written in latin, about 840, a trans- him as against others, to which he lation of which, by Ridley, or un- answered, that he did believe that der his direction, was printed in the sacrament of the Lord's Sup1549. Thus, as Strype remarks, per, was left in commemora though Ridley were not for that tion of his death, and not that it gross corporal presence in the sa- was transubstantiated into his bo. crament, yet he approved of treat- dy. After which he, with George ing that holy mystery with all de- Roper and Gregory Paske and

two other godly men, were all protestant council, who, as Luther brought forth together; who all said of himself, should be always constantly adhering to the truth, learners," to put an end to all were condemned, and carried to controversies in religion." to the place of their martyrdom. We presently find a goodly com By the way they said divers psalms, pany of Protestant persecutors, Roper, at the stake, putting off his among whom were Cranmer, Lati gown, fetched a great leap. And mer, and, Sir Thomas Smith, sit so they all three were consumed in ting in judgment, April 27, 1548, the flames, at Canterbury, abiding "in the chapel of the blessed Mary their torments most patiently, and in St. Paul's," upon one John rejoicing that they were counted Champnies, of Stratford on the worthy to suffer for Christ's gospel Bow, in the county of Middlesex sake." This clergyman appears, by Strype's

These were probably Anabap- narration of his opinions, to have tists, and two of them might be refined upon the doctrines of those with whom Gardiner and grace, as the harsh and exclusive Ridley were appointed to deal, in dogmas of Calvin are improperly 1547. There was, about the same called, till he published a book in time, one Robert Cook, expressly favour of the system called Anti called an Anabaptist, by Strype, who" denied original sin, and concerning the Lord's Supper dispersed divers odd things," by which he created trouble to Parkhurst and Coverdale.'

nomian. He was, however, now brought "utterly to abjure the said errors, and all other heresies, false doctrines, and damned opi nions contained in his book, and all other Anabaptists' errors, and all other heresies in general, con trary to the faith of Christ.". Jortin has remarked (Eccl. Hist.

By the assistance of the same industrious enquirer, Strype, I find that in the next year, 1548, an attempt was made to engage the as

growing mind of the young king, field quoted by Wake

1. "Men

now eleven years of age, on the will compel others, not to think side of persecution. "William with them, for that is, impossible, Thomas, Esq. (afterwards execu, but to say they do, upon which ted for treason in the reign of they obtain full leave not to think Mary)" drew up for the special use or reason at all; and this is called of Edward, a large collection of Unity"

thoughts, on civil and ecclesiasti- With such unity, persecutors of cal government, entitled " Ques- every age and description have tions of State Policy." Of these, been obliged to be content, though the following is the tenth. "Whe- no doubt, they have often regretted ther religion, beside the honour of the imperfection of, "human laws." God, be not also the greatest stay, that, as Young well, expresses it! of civil order, and whether the they cannot "take, vengeance on unity thereof be not to be preserved the mind." Cranmer and his as with the sword and rigour ?" (Id. sociates accepted the submission ii. 101.) This useful hint was of their prisoner, imposing the fol soon followed by a proclamation lowing sentence. First, a prohis set forth, most consistently by a bition, to preach these errors.

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