
higher dignitaries, for the body at large, Mr. Whitbread, and signed by upwards if polled, would be decidedly in favour of nine thousand persons, chiefly cler yof religious liberty. The Deputies of the Dissenters in London have had a meeting on the occasion, in which it was thought prudent not to stir, but the body of Dissenting Ministers of the Three Denominations are impressed with the necessity of considering the question more at large, and have come into the measure of that worthy clergyman of the Church of England, Mr.Wyvill, and have addressed the legislature to purge the statute book of all its enactments on the subject of religion, which tend to set one sect against another and to embitter Christian affections.

Three Dissenting Ministers at Norwich, have been refused a licence on the ground of not having procured the certificate of their appointment, said to be required by the Toleration Act. In.this interpretation the magistrates are justified by a Dissenting Minister, who, in notes to a Fast Sermon published this month, has given his own interpretation of the act, which is in unison with the high church party, and totally opposite to the opinion of his brethren, and of the last century. Whether the judges are of the same opinion we shall soon learn: but surely the question might have been left to their decision, without affording arguments or advantages to the opponents. It is obvious that, if the interpretation contended for is granted, the Dissenters have no alternative but to preach without licence, or to apply to the legislature for an interpretation of the act. The early Christians took the former course; and when meetings take place upon the same Christian principles the interference or support of the legislature will be unne


Whilst the Papists and the Dissenters are thus claiming our attention, it is with pleasure that we see a party rising, which we trust will increase rapidly in numbers from all the sects. It has been raised by the prudence, the industry and the zeal of a distinguished member of the establishment, a clergyman of considerable fortune and independent principles. We need not mention the name of Wyvill, the true friend of civil and religious liberty. He circulated copies of his petition, through a very large part of the country, and he has had the satisfaction to see it presented to parliament by

men, gentlemen, and the higher orders of merchants, manufacturers and tradesmen. This petition goes upon true Christian principles, and prays for the removal of all religious tests and penalties, that every man may adopt what religion he pleases, and be accountable to the state not for matters of conscience but for civil crimes. If the Catholic Emancipation is rejected, this will afford matter for another debate, and the principles of the Established Sect, will undergo a severe discussion. It will be seen how far the experience of the past has operated upon them, and whether they can embrace in their true extent the doctrine of love, the genuine maximis of the gospel.

The Lancasterians have had a triumph in a very extensive district of London, around the line from Black friars Bridge to Clerkenwell Church: and the Bellians have met with success in Dorsetshire. In the former district, a very respectable meeting was holden, over which Alderman Smith, late Lord Mayor, presided, whose plain and inartificial speech on the influence of knowledge on morals, aided by his own experience in the magisterial chair, of which he gave very important instances, pointed out in the strongest manner the necessity of educating the poor. The resolutions were introduced by Mr. Waithman in a very eloquent and impressive manner,and supported by Mr. Quin, in a speech that would do honour to any assembly. They were resisted by a gentleman, who threw out the most illiberal and unfounded assertions that could be devised, representing the Quakers as Soci nians, and the opposers of Lord Sidmouth's Bill, as ready to support their opinions by force. For the honour of the meeting, he had on the shew of hands only two to support him in some resolutions, and in others he stood alone. A Committee was formed and a liberal subscription commenced. Of the Dorsetshire meeting we know nothing but by the advertisement, from which it appears that the bishop of the diocese was appointed president, five peers, one right honourable and two honourables, a dean and an archdeacon, vice presidents, and these with five baronets, seventeen esquires, and nineteen without any distinction to their names form a committes.

The chief people therefore of the county requisition for a meeting, for a complimay be considered as the supporters of the plan for educating the poor, according to their first resolution in the principles of the establishment, and in schools for such purpose formed on Dr. Bell's system." This society by another resolution connects itself with the Antinational Society, to which an account of the state and progress of the Dorset society is to be annually transmitted by the president. Thus the Bellian system will have a fair trial in Dorsetshire, where we trust our friends will not be inactive; and indeed we have not the least doubt, that the better education that is given to the poor, the greater success we shall have in instructing them in the principles of Christianity; and whatever anti-scriptural terms they have learned by rote in their schools will casily be erased from their memory or at least cease to have any impression on their minds, when they come to compare the three creeds in their prayerbook with the simple and easy faith of the gospels.

In London the Anti national Society has opened a school on Holborn Hill, and are preparing another in Baldwin's Gardens, Grays Inn Lane, as the central school They do not intend to open any more in the metropolis, being of opinion that their funds would be exhausted in partial efforts, and that it would be more adviseable for parishes either separately or in unison with others to provide schools for themselves, which if constituted on the system of exclusion are to be considered as parts of the general Anti national body. The committee however promise to afford assistance towards the building of these schools: but more particularly in providing proper persons to inspect them, or in training persons for that purpose. We are not surprised at these resolutions, which manifest the first falling off from their original plan,

Parturient montes, nascitur ridiculus


Tumults have arisen in various parts of the country, and we are sorry to say that, in one part, they have been owing to the injudicious conduct of men, who ought to have considered better the danger of occasioning a ferment in the public mind. At Manchester between one and two hundred persons signed a

mentary address to the Prince Regent; and, in consequence, either themselves, or their more injudicious friends, issued papers, in which were severe reflections on the Catholics, and insinuations of the danger threatening us by a Pope Buonaparte. These were answered with asperity by papers on the opposite side of the question, and the appearance of things seems to have produced a wavering in the councils of the agitators of this unfortunate meeting. People, from all sides, crowded into the town, where they learned that the meeting was put off, but, as might be expected in such a multitude and on such an occasion, a riot ensued, and the hall of meeting was broken into, and soon presented a scene of devastation. Happily no great mischief was done, indeed not more than the callers of the meeting can easily make up out of their own pockets. These individuals met afterwards in some other place; where they agreed on an address, which was left for signatures in various parts of the town: but the Prince will take it but as a poor compli ment, that an address must be in such a manner smuggled; and, if the ministers did not devise the original scheme, they will not thank the planners of it for their officiousness.

The East India Company has applied for a renewal of its charter, and has also published a correspondence with ministers on the subject, by which it appears, that the public is likely to be more consulted than it has been, and the strange anomaly of foreigners enjoying an intercourse with the east, from which our own countrymen are excluded, will be set aside. The state of India is unparalleled in history. A company of merchants, from being mere traders, has taken possession of immense territories: but their right to trade depends on charter, and, consequently, their whole authority will cease on the expiration of that charter. To whom then would the territories acquired by them under the charter belong? evidently to the sovereign of this country; for a subject cannot possess dominion exclusively of him. Hence it becomes a matter of great political prudence, if a new charter should be granted, to make proper regulations respecting the commercial concerns of the proprietors of India stock, and the dominion to be exercised


over a vast territory. The subject beginning to develope themselves.
branches out into an immense discus- is supposed that he will soon head his
sion, and it will be ably treated in both immense army which is to give law to
houses. Numerous petitions have been the north. The lofty Autocrat will
prepared from commercial towns for probably be humbled, and Sweden,
the opening of the trade, against which though protected by our fleets, must
the East India Company plead, that it tremble for its existence; though we
will be injurious to those who embark should rather suspect, notwithstanding
in it: but of this question we cannot an envoy from us with dollars is said to
We be in Sweden, that the French heir to
allow them to be fair judges.
doubt, also, whether their Mameluc the crown will not forget that he is a
system is beneficial; and whether it Frenchman, nor withdraw himself from
would not be better for all parties to al- the politics of the great nation.
low Englishmen to possess landed pro-
perty in India, and engraft themselves,
with the natives of that extensive coun-

The dispute on the right of the Livery of London to be received by the sovereign on the throne, has been revived; for they had a meeting, in which an address to the Regent was agreed to, containing many severe remarks on the conduct of ministers. This address was not allowed to be presented but at the levee; and, in consequence, at the next meeting several resolutions were entered into, which were directed to be conveyed to the Prince by However, the substance the sheriffs. of the petition and resolutions will be laid at the foot of the throne; for, at a meeting of the Common Council a similar address was carried, and this is to be presented by the Mayor and Common Council, who are always received in state, their address being read and answered. Thus the City of London has expressed its sentiments fully; for the Common Hall was nearly unanimous, and all the exertions of power and commercial influence could not produce a majority in favour of ministers in the Common Council.

Abroad, the eyes of Europe have been fixed on the motions of armies in the north. The French have overrun Prus sia, but are received there as friends, and the King in his edicts proclaims them such, received them in his capital as such, lodged their generals in palaces, and gave them royal entertainments. His troops also are enrolled with those of the great nation. Yet we doubt very much whether this visit of his friends is by any means acceptable to the unfortunate sovereign. He has no means of resisting the torrent. His royal existence depends on the nod of the mighty Emperor, whose plans are

The war between the Turks and Russians is thus held in suspense, and it is evident that if the French attack the former, the latter will easily overrun again the territory that he has lost. Austria is to be cordially united with France in its new undertaking, and the two emperors are to have a meeting to plan together, most probably, a new division of territory. Thus the mighty ones of the earth go on their accustomed course, and the reign of peace is retarded; but as light overcame the primeval darkness, so out of this horrible confu.. sion shall a new state arise, in which the heroes and great men of the present day will be considered in no berter light than boxers and prize-fighters. Sicily is not completely tranquillised. It was not likely that the late change would take place without leaving bitter remembrance in the minds of those who have lost their accustomed power and influence in the government.

A melancholy day has passed in Cadiz, though in the account of it the joy of the inhabitants was expressed by every manifestation that could be devised: in illuminations, splendid dresses, masses and feastings. The afflictions of the Spanish nation have not yet impressed upon it a due notion of liberty; they retain their slavish despotism, and willingly devote themselves to the worst of slavery. They have completed the great work of the constitution. This they have sworn to defend and, to make the whole more solemn, the Regency and the Cortez, and,,,with great concern we add, the British ambassa dor, went to one of the churches to solemnise that ceremony which is called the mass, in which the whole assembly present kneels down to adore the wafergod. The Regency swore to defend and maintain the catholic, apostolical, and Roman religion, without permit


out of Portugal and are besieging Badajoz, which is defended by an able engi neer. An outwork has been taken, and our troops are only three hundred yards from the walls, but still the place is expected not to surrender without much loss on the part of the assailants. The report of the Spanish colonies is more favourable to the mother country, for the insurgents at Mexico are said to be completely subdued; but little depend ence can be placed on accounts from these distant possessions. The United States continue their warlike prepara tions, but there is every reason to hope that they will not give up their love of peace on account of the inconveniences that have befallen them from the folly and wickedness of Europe.

ing any other in Spain." Adieu to all tinue their usual occupations, but the hopes of this country. Better to bend French interest is gradually strengthenunder the severest yoke of political tying itself. The English have marched ranny with religious freedom, than to enjoy the utmost possible civil liberty under such an abominable ecclesiastical thraldom. We cannot expect a country to be crowned with success which thus devotes its inhabitants either to groan under a superstition which debases the human mind, or to sink into an apathy and contempt of all religion. Fine speeches were made on the occasion by the Regency and the president of the Cortez, magnifying the prospects of happiness and glory under the new system, looking forward to it for the pre servation of true religion and real liberty; but, alas! these are all pompous words, and when divested of their glare, they proclaim the melancholy tale Spaniards, ye are doomed to be the dupes of your priests; the words of our Saviour and eternal life shall not reach your eyes or your ears, but under the contaminating hands of the Inquisition. No man shall dare to utter his thoughts on religion, without exposing himself to the rancour of priestcraft. We quit this melancholy subject, impressed with the sincerest regret for the unhappy nation, and trusting that if this wretched constitution should succeed in Spain, still the colonies will think for themselves, and separate from a country which imposes such a yoke upon its subjects. In the interior of the country, the guerillas con

In parliament many questions have been agitated; among them the flagel lation of soldiers was peculiarly inter esting: the allowance to the Princesses brought forward many pertinent re marks on a book, said to have been printed, but not published, by Mr. Perceval, relative to the conduct of the Princess of Wales: but the most inportant question is that relative to the Catholics, which has been decided against them by the house of Lords and is expected to occupy the House of Commons for two nights with the same success.


1812. Feb. 8th. died at Woolton, Mr. THOMAS LLOYD, assistant teacher at the Rev. W. Shepherd's school. He was a man of singularly extensive acquirements, being well versed in the Latin, French and Italian languages, and possessing a tolerable acquaintance with the German and the Greek. In mathematics he was profoundly skilled. His integrity was unimpeachable, and his manners were at once simple and cheerful. About fourteen years ago the exercise of his poetic talent unfortunately became to him the fruitful source of dis tress, and in its consequences brought him to an untimely end. Having composed a song, which was pronounced,

by a jury of his country, to be seditious, he was sentenced to suffer two yeats im prisonment, and to pay a fine of 50% Soon after he was conveyed to the House of Correction, at Preston, which was appointed as the place of his confinement, his brother addressed to him a letter in which he expressed himself in terms of strong indignation at the result of his trial. This letter was opened by the jailor, and by him transmitted to a magistrate, who, instead of proceeding against the writer, gave orders that the unconscious prisoner, to whom it was addressed, should be put into close confinement. These orders were but too well obeyed. Every morning Mr. Lloyd

left with me, one was to write to you, to settle all arrears to Unitarian socities and funds. He more particularly enjoined me to say, that from the time he first began to think upon the subject, and quitted the church, the con. victions of his mind upon the truth of those doctrines that Jesus Christ taught, had been more and more strength. ened and confirmed; that they had promoted his great happiness in life, and given him unshaken, though humble, confidence, in the mercy, justice and goodness of the One only

was conducted from his sleeping cell to a solitary apartment, totally destitute of furniture he not being allowed even a chair to sit on, nor any book except the book of common prayer. Here he was locked up till bed time, when he was carefully guarded back to his place of rest. This process lasted for six months, during which time he was on no occasion suffered to quit his day room, to open the only window of his apartment, or to hold intercourse with any one, save his keepers. At the end of that time he was, in consequence of the remonstrances of Councellor Scarlett, put on the same God. On his sick-bed, he was more footing with his fellow prisoners. It was soon evident, however, that his health was dreadfully impaired-and though during the remainder of his confinement, he was treated with humanity, and was promoted to the confidential situation of acting clerk to the prison-he left Pres. ton at the expiration of the term of his imprisonment with a confirmed asthma, which yearly becoming more and more oppressive, for the last 12 months rendered the prolongation of existence a painful toil, and finally terminated his mortal career with acute suffering. The magistrate, in consequence of whose interposition Mr. Lloyd was so harshly treated, has by a few months preceded his victim to that "bourne" from whence "no traveller returns." In this circumstance perhaps he was fortunate: for had he lived to read this record of the mischief which he has done, its perusal would, in all probability, have by no means tended to dissipate the horrors of the grave.

Addition to the Account of the
Rev. E. Harries, p. 118. (Au
Extract from the Letter refer
red to, p. 272.)

"Amongst some injunctions he

than usually animated and eloquent, speaking to all who visited him of the unspeakable satisfaction he had derived from the opinions he had adopted, and how bright they made his way as he approached the nearer to eternity. He further wished me to express his sentiments upon what we owe to the Great Founder of our Religion, the Prophet sent from God, the Messiah, the man Christ Jesus. Nice shades of difference he never entered into, as believing them not of that impor tance that some do, though he did not believe him to form any part or portion of the Indivisible, Omniscient Being, who made heaven and earth and all things they contain, yet he thought our warmest gratitude, love, veneration and esteem, for all the good things he had done and suffered in his life, death and resurrection, for his brethren of mankind, were most justly his due, and unless we feel them in our hearts we cannot shew our love for him as we ought by keeping his commandnients."


A Collection of Hymns, primarily designed for the use of the congre. gation assembling in George's Meeting, Exeter, is in a state of con. siderable forwardness, and will be ready for publication early in Jane.

It consists of somewhat more than three hundred hymns, of which about twenty have never before been intro. duced into any collection-As the names of the authors are not given, the Editors have felt themselves at

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