

I might mention other parts of facts, without, as I hope, any America, in which I think it will colouring or exaggeration. be found that your friend's ac. such, as a friend of truth, I think count is very incorrect. In New, you cannot object. I only wished York, and especially in the city, to show, as I trust I have done, where there are several distinguish without offence, that in Boston, ed ministers, there is a great at- in New England and in America tachment to Calvinism; and this, at large, we ARE NOT, and permit as we study the though I am not so well acquaint me to add, as long ed with particulars, is the general scriptures, I believe, WE SHALL Southern NOT, become converts to your spirit of our 66 new doctrine."


churches. Indeed in the Caroli nas, in Tenessee, in Georgia, Methodism very much prevails; and in the Presbyterian churches of any note, the ministers, as far as I know, are most decided Calvi. nists. In Philadelphia, where Dr. Priestley used to preach to a very few hearers, there is an Unitarian

church. But this is really the only one, that I know of; and in general I would say, that multitudes, who reject the doctrines of Calvinism, are equally opposed to those of Unitarianism.

But I really beg pardon, my dear Sir, for this very long letter. From a stranger I feel that it needs apology. But I have only stated

I am, dear Sir, with respect, F. P. yours,

Report of the Progress of the
Lancasterian System in Ireland.
[From the Freeman's Journal, Dublin.
March 25, 1812.]

Early in November, Mr. Lancaster arrived at Shrewsbury on his way to Ireland, and lectured in that town. He exerted himself it appears with much success, for after the lecture the Mayor took the chair, and not only proposed the establishment of a school according to the plan he heard set down and explained, but liberally offered ground for the building. and Massachusett's clergy, is so very im- Some persons who were enemies probable, that I think your friend must to the system (and whose hostility have referred to the Annual Convention no doubt derived its birth from the of Massachusett's congregational ministers, which takes place in Boston, the liberality of Mr. Lancaster's views last week of every May. It is composed on religious topics) disapproved of ministers of very various and opposite of the proposition, and manifested sentiments. They are, however, united much dissatisfaction; they were fund, for the relief of poor widows of however soon put out of countetheir deceased brethren, very much in nance, and they even retired leav the same manner, as the three different ing the philanthropist enjoying the dissenting denominations in London. acclamations of the entire assemBut when you consider that it is formed of men of such varieties of opinion, that bly. The Mayor's proposition many are Hopkinsians and many are was of course carried nem. dis. Calvinists, you will think that such a and thus the invaluable benefits conversion to Unitarianism, as your of education were secured to the friend and yourself seem so much to rejoice in, is quite as improbable as poor children of Shrewsbury, by would be the same conversion among an adventitious effort of our inde the United Presbyterians, Independants fatigable traveller, in whose very and Baptists in London.

in the care and distribution of a common


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journey to serve one fellow crea- Street, in the Liberty of this City.

ture, a contrivance is made to be. Twenty-eight thousand poor chilnefit another. When Mr. Lan- dren have been already instructed caster left Shrewsbury he was not here; and though it is an irreleforgotten by his opponents. Those vant fact, it is not at the same meritorious individuals who would time unworthy of notice, for quiet. keep the human mind in the darkness ing the imaginations of Mr. Lanof ignorance unless its intelligence caster's opponents, that at this come blended with the poison of school no proselyte has ever been bigotry, renewed their clamour made to any religious opinions(with a zeal that has latterly be- yet it is notorious, it has sent thou come no novelty) about "the dan- sands of pupils into "the great ger of the Establishment ;" but the world," from the first steps of superior persuasion and influence knowledge, who have never been of the Mayor, and his enlightened coadjutors, put down the illiberal efforts of their adversaries, and Mr. Lancaster was left the consolation of reflecting that his visit to Shrewsbury was not unavailing.

reproached for any laxity in their attachment to their king or the constitution. Nay, it has sent away many who are at this day respectable citizens of this city, and who if they have been distinguished for any thing, it is for exemplary loy. alty and unaffected social virtue.

About the 6th of November, Mr. Lancaster landed in Ireland, and shortly after commenced his With the School-street commit. lectures in this city. His notice tee Mr. Lancaster naturally beof his first lecture at the Rotunda came acquainted. There was a immediately caught the public congeniality of sentiment and feeleye, and insured him a full and ing that attracted the parties torespectable attendance. His se. wards each other; but there was cond night attracted a larger a stronger impulse to bring them throng than the first, but his third together. Mr. Lancaster, ever arcollected together a greater multi. tude, consisting of persons of the first distinction (many of whom came a considerable distance from the country) and of people of all religious persuasions, than we ever saw assembled before. It is need. less to say we never witnessed at tention so marked, or interest so fixed upon any occasion as this, except when they were interrupted by bursts of acclamation from the entire auditory.

dent in advancing his objects, waited upon the committee to ar range a plan he understood they meditated, of not only adopting his system in toto (having already partially availed themselves of it) but of extending its benefits to other parts of the kingdom. The committee had already a good idea of Mr. Lancaster's plan-indeed, they were the only persons in Dub. lin who were in any degree practically conversant with it; the It is well known that the La communication with Mr. L. exTouche family, Mr. Leland Ma- panded their views, and it was ulquay, and some others (among timately resolved to convene a whom are some benevolent Mem- meeting at the Exchange by pubbers of the Society of Friends) lic advertisement, in order to form have established a school in School a society "for the extention of the

Lancasterian system of Education different schools of the city, Mr. in Ireland." The meeting took Lancaster contrived to find leisure

children at the Collieries. The neatness and general appearance of this village exhibit already gratifying specimens of the benevo lence of a most munificent patron ess; but what will it be when the effects of education are fully exemplified in the demeanour of so many hundred children!

place, and a society was formed; to visit Castlecomer, and to superand the first resolution entered in intend in person a school opened to was an approval of the Lancas- there by a teacher of his own trainterian system, on the ground of ing at the expense of a lady, whose its affording "on the smallest name will be long endeared to the scale of expense the means of a youth of that neighbourhood, we seriptural education, by which mean the Countess Dowager of the Bible could be read without Ormonde. Mr. Lancaster had invidious commentary; and chil. reason to feel much satisfaction at dren could be instructed without the state in which he found this the mischievous influence of sec- benevolent institution, and his tarian catechisms and controver. visit to Castlecomer was further sial tracts."-The society further remunerated by learning it was resolved to aid the progress of her Ladyship's intention, to still education by procuring properly further his views by the establishqualified school-masters, and fur- ment of a school for One Thousand nishing schools with all the articles necessary for their out-fit and establishment on the economical principle, and they are now in correspondence with Mr. Lancaster for information on those interesting subjects. Thus the society are proceeding, and such are their broad, liberal and philanthropic Mr. Lancaster's attention was views. Donations for their patriotic purposes are received at the next directed to the populous city Bank of La Touche and Co. There of Kilkenny. He had not been can be little doubt of their meet- disappointed in the calculations he ing the warm support of the public made upon the benevolence of Lord His lecture was atat large. Their objects are strikingly Ormonde. national, and admirably calculat- tended by the Countess of Ored for the adoption of all sects and monde, Lady Carrick, and several persuasions. To the community persons of the first respectability. in general, they must render the It is needless to add, that by Lord most important benefits; and if Ormonde's liberality, a school is Mr. Lancaster's visit to this coun- to be established at Kilkenny. In try had been productive of no this neighbourhood alone, 2000 other advantage than giving life children are likely to be educated. and energy to this society by his Tullamore afforded another scene presence in Dublin; this alone of pleasure to our unwearied trawould entitle him to the thanks veller, having enabled him to witness a gratifying example of Lord and gratitude of Ireland. and Lady Charleville's zeal in the advancement of his system. It appears that Lord and Lady Charleville, who rank among

Though constantly employed in
Dublin during the intervals of
public duty, having among other
Occupations devoted much time to

his warm

est patrons, were at Weymouth at their gradations with nearly the

the time the king and the royal family honoured Mr. Lancaster with so much attention in 1805. They expressed a desire to see him, and he was favoured by an invitation to become their guest. "It was then," said Mr. Lancaster, on some occasion, "I first learned the character of Irish hospitality." Lord and Lady Charleville availed themselves of this opportunity to procure the instruction of a schoolmaster, to be sent to Ireland; and the success of this teacher was the source of the satisfaction Mr. Lancaster felt at Tullamore.

usual rapidity, but they had beside learned a decent and modest demeanour. It has been recently observed, that amongst 600 chil dren admitted this year, there has not been discoverable a single instance of truantism. Mr. Lancaster gave two public lectures while he was in Belfast, which were attended by the Marquis of Donegal, Sir Edward May, Gene ral Mitchell, and an in.mense crowd of the most respectable inhabitants of the town. He lectured in Newry on his way back to Dublin; and in this city he arrived time enough to receive an invitation to the celebrated dinner given to the friends of religious liberty, at the Rotunda, on the 19th of December.

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Alr. Lancaster's next visit was made to Belfast; and its object was merely to inspect a school established there for five hundred children. He found this institu- We have followed Mr. Lancaster tion in the highest state of perfec⚫ over a vast tract of country, comtion. The utmost order prevailed, prehending several hundred miles, and to such a state of tractability which he traversed, lecturing, and were the children reduced, that propagating his principles of eduall acted under the directions of cation, as he went along, with a their teachers, as if they were sti- rapidity which would appear almulated by one impulse. The most incredible to those who know boys appeared contented, and even not how speed is winged" by a cheerful and happy, in the midst sincere ardour to serve mankind. of all this subordination; present- Mr. Lancaster did not arrive in ing a captivating illustration of Ireland until the sixth of Novem the superlative excellence of Mr. ber; his first lecture was not deLancaster's discipline, under which livered in this city for some time a rapid progress is made in the ac- after; there was an interval of a quisition of knowledge, and an week between each of his three almost incredible controul obtain. lectures, yet he was able to leave ed over the mind, without the ap- Dublin, in a bad and unfavourpearance of irksome restraint or a able season, visit the distant quar loss of mental enjoyment. It is ters we have alluded to, exclusive worthy of remark, that some of of his numberless bye-journeys, those children were the sons of and return to this metropolis before seafaring people, whose early ha- the 19th of December. An early bits had given them a marked encomiast, whose fancy was made rudeness and ungovernability of a little creative by observing the manner; yet those very boys had extraordinary exertions of this sinnot only been brought through gulan character, remarked, that

"Lancaster is here now. The next tigues, from all his sacrifices and instant he is in the east. We hear losses? Is it to be inferred from of him there, and he is presently his plain and humble demeanour, in the south. He is expected in from his unostentatious habits, the west, but next day he is found from his contempt of parade and in the north!" We will not go show? Is it to be inferred from so far as the warmth of this gen- the entire tenour of his life, from tleman's enthusiasm has led him, the rigid uniformity of his conduct, but we will with sincerity say, that has left him the same man in that if the colouring of this pic- 1812 that he was in 1805? But ture be pencilled down to the scope forgetting our narrative, we are of human exertion, it will exhibit arguing the point on a question, a faithful portrait of Joseph Lan- upon the merits of which there is caster. Commendation, when it never a dissentient voice, except is employed to compliment any where envy and malice make their man who disinterestedly sacrifices combination to prove that no ef his property and his repose for the fort of man can obtain the meed good of the human race, never of universal suffrages. fails to run into exaggeration: but if there ever was a man on whose behalf there was least danger of its running into excess, that man is Joseph Lancaster. Mr. Lancaster has been now several years at his present pursuit, without a relaxation of zeal or energy. All kinds of bodily fatigue and mental anx. iety he has suffered in his career of philanthropy, and he has never yet either looked for or enjoyed the slightest reward, except the approbation of a benevolent heart. We have never known an instance in which the gratuitous efforts of any man have been so ardent or so in defatigable. There is no man whom the shafts of calumny have not reached; even Joseph Lancaster can describe their malevolence. "He certainly has been profuse in his contributions for the good of his country," say the envious, to whom the fame of others is ever insupportable," he has been laborious and active without premium or compensation, but he is-vain!" By what criterion is his vanity judged? Is it deducible from all his hardships and fa

We have already observed, that Mr. Lancaster arrived in Dublin previous to the celebrated 19th of December. He received a speci➡ fic invitation from Lord Fingal to dine at the Rotunda, and the high honour of having his name toasted, and associated with The Friends of Religious Freedom,' was beside conferred upon him. We were witnesses of the sensation that seemed to run through upwards of eight hundred noblemen and gentlemen of the first respectability, when Mr. Lancaster rose to return thanks for the compliment of hav ing his health drank, and really if we were not present, we could be never persuaded of the universal interest excited. His address had all the strong characteristics of his mind; it was plain, candid, and energetic, He confessed large scenes of conviviality neither suited the turn, of his disposition nor accorded with the maxims of his creed; but he was nevertheless gratified at the splendid illustra tion he had seen around of the effects of union, harmony, and brotherly love.' All the topics

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