
his conduct, to remove the im- liberal sentiments and spirit, and pressions made on the mind of a a worthy character in every view. lady, in whose family he was em- The gentleman, to whose ordinaployed to work by the day, by the tion the letter refers, was the Rev. representations of the clergyman Benjamin Kiddel, a native of of the parish, who was incensed Tiverton, in Devon, who pursued at his becoming a Dissenter. It academical studies under Mr. was addressed to the gentlewoman Moore, at Bridgwater, Somersetof Lady Drake, a person of reading and of a liberal temper, the daughter of a minister in Switzerland. The effect of it is not now accurately recollected; except, that I apprehend, after a time, he recovered some share of the business of the family.

shire, and was the nephew of Mr. Moore, who gave the charge, a respectable minister at Plymouth, and author of a judicious and libera!" Essay on Fundamentals." Mr. Kiddel removed from Sidmouth to Cork; and, after some years, returned to England, and The Second Letter is a vindica- was chosen pastor, about 1770, tion of separation from the Church to the congregation of Protestant of England, on Unitarian princi. Dissenters, at Shepton-Mallet, ples; in which the point is forcibly where he finished his ministry and argued. The gentleman, to whom his days, participating in the esit was written, was a man of re- teem and attachment of his friends, ficction and good sense, a great a few years since. admirer of Dr. Foster's Devotional The Last Letter, it is remembered, Offices, a devout contemplater of was written to meet the enquiries the works of Nature, especially of a brother, in distress, who as they offer to view on the sea- hoped, by shewing some family coast. He afterwards became a connection, to recommend himself regular attendant, during my to the notice and generosity of ministry, at the dissenting meet. ing-house, in Colyton. His residence was at Seaton, on the coast, between Lyme and Sidmouth: where he carried on, with reputation, an extensive trade in the grocery line.

Hoare, Esq. of Stourhead, Wilts. If recollection does not err, his wishes were answered. After the writer's death, be who now publishes it, at the sugges tion of a worthy friend to himself and the deceased, took the liberty The Third Letter offers the senti. of communicating a copy of it, ments of the writer on an ordina- with a representation of the state tion service, to the consideration of the writer's family, to the same of his much esteemed friend and benevolent gentleman; who, so pastor, the Rev. Samuel Slater, far from taking umbrage at the a native of Ilmiuster, in Somerset- freedom, returned a handsome shire, who received his academical and polite answer; and remitted education at Taunton, and died the family 10l. a year. This letminister of the congregation of ter forms a kind of interesting and Protestant Dissenters at Colyton, curious family history: entertainMarch, 1761, in the vigour of ing in itself, and illustrating the life, greatly respected and beloved, genius and talents of the pen as a very acceptable preacher, of which dictated it.

Mr. BARTHOLOMEW HOARE, the scriptures with uncommon atit will appear by the following let- tention and judgment and openters, was a man of superior abili- ness to conviction. It is not sur ties and attainments: one of those, prising, that on a candid and whose stretch of capacity and diligent enquiry, he saw reason to energy of mind, bear them above depart from the principles of his the depressing influence of a very education. With integrity he folconfined education and a low lowed the convictions of his judg rank. He was born at Hawk- ment. Though exposed to the enchurch a parish in Dorsetshire. mity of bigots, and pressed by the That he never rose higher than to demands of a young family, he the station of a taylor in a country openly avowed the sentiments he village, called Musbury, about adopted, by withdrawing from three miles from Axminster, in the worship of the Church of Devonshire, is a proof, that fortune England and joining himself to did not smile on his birth, nor on a congregation of Protestant Dishis progress through life. But senters at Colyton, about two knowledge enriched him from her miles from his residence, in Dev. stores and probity stamped a onshire; where he, who thus putworth on his name, which riches lishes his name, contracted a friendand rank cannot communicate. ship with him, which was a solace From an early period he applied and encouragement to him at the to reading, which became, not. beginning of his ministry. Mr. withstanding the necessary sup- Hoare was a constant and regular port of himself and family required attendant on public worship: a his time to be given to the labours candid, serious and discerning of his calling, both extensive and hearer; an honourable memliberal. He was well versed in ber of the religious society to history, particularly in that of which he joined himself, and

this nation and of the Christian was looked to with deference to church. He had formed such his judgment and taste. His re. an acquaintance with the law of ligious profession was supported England, as qualified him for and adorned by industry in his many of the common offices in calling, strict sobriety of manners, the practice of it. This knowledge, integrity in his dealings, modesty united with a fund of observation, of deportment, wholly unassumderived from experience and re- ing, and benevolence of heart. flection, rendered him a wise and Kindness and affection were the judicious friend, whom to consult amiable traits of his relative chain the different transactions of life. racter. As he sat on the board Theology had engaged his parti- with his sons, "whom he trained cular attention. He had read a up to his own business, he opened number of the most valuable books their minds and poured instrucon its various subjects: and there' tion into them, by his conversa. was scarcely a religious controversy' tion. He was the counsellor of any importance, which he had among his neighbours: directing not studied with care, as he had them in difficulties, and making settled his judgment with serious. up differences. It will be conness and honesty. He had read sidered as a proof of the excellence

of his own temper, as, it was a testimony of merit in his wife, that he often declared, after an union of many years, that he had never seen any fault in her. He had, indeed, a soul formed for friendship and for domestic life. He died in November, 1767, leav. ing a widow, three sons and two daughters, several years, it is sup. posed, short of fifty. His Bio grapher, who cherishes the memory of his name, with high esteem and tender regret, then removed to Taunton, preached his Funeral Sermon to a crouded audi nce, from John xi. 11, "Our friend, Lazarus, sleepeth."


of religion, has unhappily exposed me to Lady Drake's displeasure; a consequence this, which I could not have expected, and for which I am fully sa isfied I have given no just cause in my making a proper use of that liberty, with which Almighty God has endowed me and all his reasonable creatures.

For nothing can be more evident, from the faculties of the human mind, without the assistance of revelation; than that the Supreme Being, infinitely wise and benevolent, designed us for more noble ends and purposes, than just to spend a few fleeting years in this imperfect state, and Mr. Hoare was short in stature; then return to our primitive nothdeformed in person, of prominent ing. But revelation fully assures features, his eyes piercing and his us, that the principal end of our aspect commanding respect. munificent Creator in sending us In a letter, written in the month into this world, was to train us of June before his death, he ex- up for immortality and by the pressed himself as apprehensive of due exercise of our virtues, to his approaching end. For, after render us meet to be partakers of mentioning the state of his health, the inheritance of the saints in he added: as ny constitution is light, in order to which he has very tender, and I find my strength endued us with powers and capavery sensibly to decay, I cannot cities, which have a direct ten expect to live very long in this dency and fitness to answer this world; and I wish this belief grand and ultimate end of our cremay engage me, in good earnest, ation.-It must, therefore, be the to prepare for making an happy indispensable duty of all rational creatures, to employ those talents of reason and understanding,(which are the distinguishing ornaments of human nature,) in searching out the divine will, and when disco. vered, in closely adhering thereto, in the practice of all those necessary duties, which we are thereby convinced are incumbent on us : I had promised myself the plea- these duties, I apprehend, we are sure of waiting on you in person entirely to learn from the holy with this book; (for the perusal scriptures; which to us Protesof which I return you my hearty tants is the alone, test, whereby thanks :) but am told that my late to try any doctrine or opinion conduct, with regard to matters whatsoever; and as it either.

retreat out of it."


To Mrs. M. D. Cherney, at the
Hon. George Speke's, Esq. at
Ash, near Axminster.


agrees or differs from its declara- believes and how he practises, and tions, (which as to all necessary upon what grounds he does both; truths, are plain and conspicuous) and not follow any assembly, we are consequently either to em- though of never so much seeming brace or to reject it. This is ex authority,"-" And yet (continues actly agreeable to the writings of his lordship) how confidently do A some tell us, that we must believe the great Archbishop WAKE. paragraph or two, of which, I beg them before our own reason.”leave here to recite verbatim. "That it is schism and heresy and They are as follows." In mat- I know not what besides, to doubt ters of faith (says his Grace) a man of or differ from them in any is to judge for himself, and the thing which they require us to scriptures are a clear and suffici. believe: and that much better ent rule for him to judge by: and were it to shut our eyes altogether therefore if a man be evidently and to go on blindfold under their convinced upon the best enquiry conduct, than to follow the clearest he can make, that his particular light that scripture, or reason, or belief is founded on the word of even sense itself can give us.God, and that of the church is But let them (says his grace) asnot, he is obliged to support and sume what authority they please adhere to his own belief in opposi. to themselves and raise what clamtion to that of the church; and our they can against us: when all the reason of this must be very is done, this conclusion will reevident to all those who own not main firm as heaven and clear as the church, but the scriptures to any first principies of science ; be the ultimate rule and guide of that if the scriptures be, as we all their faith. For if this be so, then agree that they are, the word of as God, and were written for our inindividual persons as well churches must judge of their faith, struction, then we must follow according to what they find in the conduct of them, and hold scripture. And if they are con- fast to the truth which they de vinced, that there is a disagree. liver, though not only a company ment in any point of faith, between of assuming men, calling them. the voice of the church and that selves the church, but the whole of scripture, they must stick to the world should conspire against latter, rather than the former, us." Thus far this metropolitan. they must follow the superior, not inferior guide."-And further, "The right of examining what is proposed to us in matters of reli. gion, is not any special privilege of the pastors or governors of the church; but is the common right soul is uncapable of force and can and duty of all Christians what. yield its assent only to evidence and conviction. The same pro soever." And again, particular person (says this great position frequently appears in a prelate) is to answer to God for very different light to different his own soul, and must examine persons from whence it is obvi. as far as he is able, both what he ous that a unity of opinions is



I could bring other great authorities, madam, were it necessary, in vindication of my conBut I think the forecited duct. passages to be clear and conclu It is certain the human sive.

not attainable in nature: it must me in particular: I am confident therefore be the duty of all Chris- they will find but little fruit in it, tians to exercise mutual forbear- besides repentance; as it can ance towards each other, and to afford them but small consolation be ready to allow all men the same in a most serious and not far-disliberty which they desire and ex- tant hour to reflect on their havpect should be extended towards ing done all that lay within their themselves. power to deprive a poor man of As I have great reason to sup- the means of procuring bread for pose Lady to be possessed of his tender helpless offspring [ more charity, than to dislike any leave the impartial world to judge person merely for following the of the provocation I have ever dictates of his conscience; so I given to such treatment: as I strongly suspect that some base have made it my constant study falsehood relating to my moral to be quiet and to do my own character has, by some ill-design. business, which I have still followed ing person been conveyed to her with the utmost application in ladyship, which I only want a order to provide a necessary subproper oppportunity to obviate. sistence for my family. And as I would fain flatter myself that no my separation was entirely free man who calls himself a minister from all venal motives, so I can of the gospel of Christ would act truly assert, that I am attached so ungenerous a part; since it is to no interest, but that of virtue their duty especially to be gentle and my Redeemer: neither have towards all men and both to prac- I made any attempts of propagattise themselves and to persuade ing my opinions, or of gaining others, to speak evil of no man: proselytes thereto; chusing rather and to do as much as in them lies, to leave all men to the direction that all bitterness, and wrath, and of their own consciences in a matanger, and clamour, and evil-speak- ter of so momentous a nature. ing with all malice be banished I shall only add further, that if from the Christian world.-How- difference of sentiments were to ever, it is too evident, that even exclude from the common intersuch are found often to forget courses of life, this must necesthemselves on some particular oc- sarily be subversive of all society; casions; wherein, according to and render the religion of Christ, all my notions of religion they (whose peculiar glory consists in ought to shew themselves examples that extensive love and charity it of every good-natured and com- enjoins) a means of filling the passionate virtue. And this is world with those destructive vices the more to be lamented from its of envy, hatred and malice: and melancholy effects: it being cer- of reducing mankind to that de. tain, that a zeal without charity plorable state in which the gospel is far more pernicious in its con- found them,-namely, to be "hatesequences, than a zeal without ful and hating one another."—I knowledge, I cannot forbear to shall dilate no longer on the unpity every such furious bigot, and grateful subject; but shall reespecially those, (whoever they lieve your patience; on which I are) who have so lately injured am sensible I have already most

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