
that at present they cannot think right, hoping that he may recover his faculties, a thing contrary to all experience, when the disorganization of the brain has been so severe. Yet even under this awful business, good is visible; it has arrested our three amiable young men, (his nephews) in their eager pursu t atter the deceitful allurements of this transitory world, in wh.ch this poor weeping im becile was enveloped, with alt the previous requisites of a total y opposite character scoffed out of his elief by an infidel partner, his first strong and tender affections broken and diverted from their proper course, which he felt and lamented but had not pr neople suffici ent to remedy. How many hours of fruitless pers as on have we spent upon him! He loved us very much, and adm.red a virtue he felt visionary but delectable. He has often said to his youngest sister, Oh such a woman as Mrs. L. would have done every thing for me, in a wife.' I wish ardently there may be any power left to recal him, n the solitude and restraint he s under, and which he understands perfectly, and submits to with tears when seen occ.sionally by one of the young men, but never inquires after his sisters or us: he has got a great attachment to a child who belongs to the house, who often amuses him, and whom he wants to buy that he may never part with him But enough of this melancholy story, w th profound gratitude for a more fa ourable


Speaking of Dr. Priestley's farewell visit, previous to his going to America, she says,

composure the events of life; the one, just twenty years ago, beginning this worship attended by the other, to be near if disaster had happened: witnesses to truth a ove the common rate, then both silenced, one from age, the other from open persecution, never more to be seen together till the resurrection. Mrs. Lee was compieatly overset, indeed, if it had not been a communion day, so that above half were gone out before, Dr. P. would not have got away, down stairs, till din er time. The two friends were in such good health and spirits, soo hing every body with good hopes of a future happy ssue that i was quite animauing: nor are these the occasions under which my sp rits sink, so that we passed a short and cheerful dinner time; after which, the Doctor walked to Hackney to his wife and to inquire how Mr. Belsha n had one through his urst sermon There was a chance of seeing him agam on Monday but an express called them to the ship early in the morning. M. Toulmin's sermou is printing, with one he preached here few Sundays bet re very good both, but his manner and voice were the moss impressive.”

Speaking of the same eminent person, in a letter written in 1803, seven years after, she says,

"By a letter from Dr. Priestley, he is in olerable health, and very busy with s me new and useful small publicat.ons. When finished, he says he shall ret.re with thankfulness to close a happy life. Very few would feel this after such a variety of severe trials and in exile, but he can see only good under the divine government."

"On Sunday the 6th," (April, 1794,) " he came to us and attended the morning service. Mr. Toulmin, of Taunton," My deceased friend was habitu(now Dr. Toulmin, of Birmingham,) ally influenced by a deep sense of happened to preach, and a more suit- the power, the wisdom and the able sermon could not have been made goodness of God, and by a firm on purpose, being composed under the belief that all things will work impressions he had felt from the state of things his own persecution, and his son's together for good, both in life and being driven with his wife and four in death to those who sincerely children to America last year. He is an desire to do his will as revealed in excellent preacher; has pathetic tones the gospel of Christ; and she had like Mr. L.; the chapel was quite crowded, (as Dr. P. had said he should be there all the zeal, the ardour and the if the ship did not sail till Saturday,, courage of a reformer, whenever which was expected,) and a very affect- an opportunity occurred of lend ing scene it was; every body felt it on one ground or other. My station was being her aid in promoting the great tween two placid men, who bear with cause, that of the strict unity of

advantages for virtue and the divine fayour, if my own insensibility to it, had not yet I would hope so much good has been defeated the means more than it ought: acquired as to lay the foundation of going forward hereafter, and may finally end in joy unspeakable."

Where is the heart so cold, as

God as taught in the scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments, to which the life of her most exemplary husband had so long been devoted. She was far from being clated by the uncommon tribute paid to her talents, and to that extraordinary energy of mind to read this without involuntarily which enabled her to become a exclaiming, Amen, so be it? Yes, general benefactress to her rela. my friend, thy painful struggles tions and friends, and to mary with a highly nervous irritable sysothers variously connected. The tem, are now all over-they are following account of herself, drawn vanished like the deepening shades it will be confessed with no flat. of night, on the glorious approach tering pen, extracted from a let. of a summer's morning. ter written in the year 1797, will paration probably will not be long, sufficiently prove and establish and when, in some nobler mansion of our father's house," we be the transformation! meet again, how transcendent will


"You have a thousand pleasant visions and gratifications belonging to your temper, of which I am quite incapable, from my irritable frame, sadly increased by early impressions, in which pleasure was not an ingredient: duty and necessity have made me do some right things; nobody would love me if they knew me as I know myself, and therefore I never thought they did it much, and did not wonder at it. I have been more of a useful than loveable creature, from meaning well and taking pains to do

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Our se

"The change will come: this active mind,

To earth's dark scenes no more confin'd,

Shall burst the chains with glad surprize,

And in the Saviour's image rise."

For the last four or five years, Mrs. Lindsey's health and active when I last saw her in the Sept. powers were visibly declining, and

what was allotted to me This is not a good picture of your friend's mind, but of 1808, her constitutional nerit is a true one. has arisen from an union with one of the creased, heightened no doubt by My chief happiness vous irritability was painfully inbest, gentlest and most indulgent of human beins, and being en ployed in doing the extreme anxiety for her angelic rough work in the important station to husband, who had suffered rewhich he was called, and which kept peated slight paralytic attacks and me from the world and its temptations, was calmly approaching the last which ought to have made me better: but I have not caught his spirit, owing month of his earthly pilgrimage; to the discordant particles of which I his composed benign countenance am composed, I wish they may end seeming to with this corruptible body." say, All the days of mine appointed time will I wait, ing; it was her usual strain continued, however, her wonted until my change come." She whenever she spoke or wrote of exertions for the relief of the poor, herself. I shall give one more and especially of the diseased short specimen from a letter dated the 29th of Sept. 1806.

Nor was this an insulated feel

poor, who are usually very numerous in the little narrow lanes and alleys of the Essex Street neigh. Petitions of various

"I begin at least to address you on this memorable day, which 46 years ago began the career of my distinguished bourhood.

happy destiny, marked throughout with sorts were almost daily pouring

to per

in; the medical skill of Dr. Black- aim like the subject of it, burne was in constant requisition fect holiness in the fear of God.” for their relief, and his prescrip- It will be seen that this principle, tions were sent to an eminent afflicted as she was by the most druggist, and made up at the ex- painful nervous irritability, was pense of their generous benefac. her support and consolation, a pertress. The last letter I received petual incitement to useful and from her, seven weeks ago, was benevolent exertion; and if like dated on the 18th of Dec. and it her, they are so happy as to have has obtained with me a kind of more enlightened views than others sanctity as being her last letter. of the Christian dispensation, (that It is short, but written in her usual best gift of God to man) and to manner, containing many affecti- join in a purer worship, let them onate expressions of esteem and beware that they do not by a life regard. "You I know," she says, of thoughtless dissipation, by con"will be kind to me, whether I forming to the manners and gainwrite or not." ing the habits of the fashionable On Monday (Jan. 13th) a par. world, around them, insensibly ty of her particular friends drank imbibe its spirit; and thus bring tea with her, and she appeared discredit on the sacred name they much as usual; they were struck, bear. Let not the question which however, on taking leave, with the has so frequently been asked with fervent manner in which she pray. apparent triumph, have the specied that God would bless them; ous sanction of their name for be 66 as if," says Mr. Frend, she ing again repeated; What do ye had a kind of presage of her ap- more than others? How is the proaching dissolution." On the value and importance of your reTuesday evening, she had a slight ligious principles, exemplified in paralytic seizure, which deprived your temper and your conduct ?' her, the next day, of the use of speech and the pressure on the brain increasing, she gradually sunk into a state of insensibility, without pain or suffering of any kind, until Saturday morning the 18th, when she calmly and tranquilly expired. It was her daily prayer that her last sickness might not be long, so as to be a burden. tion those vehement theological to her friends, and her prayer was anathemas, by whatever authority heard. enforced, which consign to everlast ing perdition whoever shall presume to question the peculiar dog. mas of their own sect or party. The truly Catholic spirit, so hap pily evinced by the generous promoters of the British and Foreign Bible Society, has done much to soften and ameliorate the rancour

Happy will the writer of this imperfect memoir esteem herself, if any of those whom it may interest, and especially the young who are just embarking on the eventful voyage of human life, may be induced by the example of real excellence it exhibits, to

If, on the other hand, this attempt at the plain statement of a few interesting facts should be read by any who on some subjects think very differently from the cha racter here delineated; if it may not overcome their prejudices, at least may it improve their candor, and lead them to receive with cau


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of these little party animosities and orders, and was inducted into the distinctions, and to hasten the dawn livings of Cleobury Mortimer, and of that happy day, when all men Hanwood, both in Shropshire. At perecive" with the ven- the latter of these, which was witherable apostle, "that God is no in a mile of his principal place of respecter of persons, but in every residence, he did regular duty for nation he who feareth him and several years, edifying his hearworketh righteousness, is accepted ers, not only by the doctrines which he inculcated from the pulpit, but by the uniform in


of him."

I am sorry, Mr. Editor, to have engrossed so many of the tegrity and benevolence of his life. pages of your Repository; but the subject is of no common oc. currence; and the mere mention, when speaking of Mrs. Lindsey, of her talents and her virtues, could not have done justice to either. I am your obliged and con. stant reader,


Mr. Lindsey's secession from the church, and the 66 Apology" which he published upon that occasion, made a strong impression upon his mind, which was remarkable not only for the acuteness of its reasoning powers, but for a de gree of candour and freedom from prejudice, of which we unhappily have but few examples. He was induced to consider more deeply

Brief Memoir of the Rev. Edward than he had hitherto done, the


Died on Saturday the 1st of February in the 69th year of his age, the REV. EDWARD HARBIES, of Ascott, in the county of Salop.

foundation upon which, what are termed, gospel mysteries are laid. He studied the sacred writings, and a number of the best compositions which have been given to the world upon this momentous He was the eldest son of an subject; and the result of these ancient and respectable family, inquiries is well and forcibly exreceived the early part of his edu- pressed by himself, in a sermon, cation at the free grammar school preached at the Unitarian chapel, in Shrewsbury, and was after- in Shrewsbury, a few months wards entered as a student at before his death:-" There have Magdalen College, Cambridge; been many excellent books written where, in due time, he took the by great and good men, with the degrees of Bachelor and Master best design, to reduce Christianity of Arts. His ancestors had been to the belief and worship of the warm supporters of what are call- One True God; but the plainest ed high church principles, and book on this subject is the New the writer of this heard him, within Testament." the last six months, mention with Thus convinced that "Our self-congratulation, the change Lord is One, and his Name One:" wrought his mind, during his "that there is but One God, residence at college, chiefly by a pe- the Father; and one mediator rusal of Locke's "Letters on Gov- between God and men, the man ernment," and the "Independent Christ Jesus;" he found himself Whig." At the usual time he took unable conscientiously to read

many parts of the church liturgy; which he accordingly did, in severhe could only worship the Lord al successive sermons. After this his God. No threefold being, to time, he regularly did duty on be united and separated at plea- Sundays at his own house, adopt. sure, was the object of his adora- ing first the form of prayer used at tion! He could only bow down the chapel in Essex Street, and before the God and Father of our afterwards one composed for a Lord Jesus Christ; and with feel- congregation in the West of Engings similar to those of his late land, consisting of ten services. excellent friend Mr. Evanson, he A few of his neighbours thought left out of the service all that ap- with him, and constantly attended; peared objectionable. His con- but as he seldom touched upon gregation seemed by no means doctrinal subjects, the few strandispleased with what he did; in- gers who occasionally dropped in, deed the church was never so re- had no chance of having their gularly well filled as during his preconceived opinions shaken, and, ministry in it. But some person, of course, notwithstanding the improbably of the neighbourhood, pressive manner in which he deprompted perhaps by an attach- livered the service, and the high ment to tenets into the scriptural respectability of his character, the foundation for which he had never number of his hearers did not incandidly inquired, wrote to the crease.

bishop of the diocese an anony- His life from this time passed mous letter, stating the manner in in a succession of useful and honwhich the duty at Hanwood was ourable employments: he was a performed. This letter, the bishop builder, a planter, and the kindest inclosed in one of mild remon. strance to Mr. Harries, who on the receipt of it could no longer hesitate respecting the course he ought to pursue. His living at Cleobury he had before resigned, on account of a required residence; and the advowson of Hanwood being his own, he immediately resolved to dispose of it.

and most indulgent of landlords; never adding a shilling to the rents of his cottagers, but on all occasions desirous of increasing their comforts, and relieving their wants. Nor were his benevolent exertions confined to his family and neigh. bours: on many occasions, he stood forward as the powerful advocate of right and justice, and was happy in being the means, more than once, of materially benefiting those whose cause often falls to the ground for want of an able and disinterested defender.

During his ministry in the church, and omission of many parts of the liturgy, he seldom if ever enforced his own particular opinions, doubting perhaps of the strict propriety of doing so in that His bodily frame was strong, place, restricted as the clergy and would probably have lasted of the establishment are, in their long, had it not been for an ininterpretation of the scriptures: ward complaint, from which he but before he finally quitted it, at times suffered much, and which he judged it necessary to state to he was well aware was likely at his hearers, (who usually consisted length to terminate his life: but of double the number of his parish- he endured with true Christian ioners,) what those opinions were; fortitude, ardently praying that

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