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" Ah luckless speech, and bootless boast ! For which he paid full dear, For while he spake a braying ass Did sing most loud and clear. Whereat his horse did snort as he Had heard a lion roar, And gallop'd off with all his might As he had done before. "
Poems - 299. oldal
szerző: William Cowper - 1800
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Poems for Young Ladies: In Three Parts. Devotional, Moral, and Entertaining

Oliver Goldsmith - 1785 - 568 oldal
...while he fpoke, a braying afs Did fing moft loud and clear : Whereat his horfe did faort, as if He heard a lion roar ; And gallop'd off, with all his...fooner than at firft : For why .'—they were too big.. M 3 Now Now Gilpin's wife, when fhe had feen Her hufband pofting down Into the country CM away, She...

The Life of John Gilpin,: Taken from Divers Manuscripts in the Possession of ...

William Cowper - 1785 - 184 oldal
...moft load and clear : Whereat Whereat his horfe did fnort, as if He heard a lion roar ; And gallop 'd off, with all his might, As he had done before. Away...fooner than at firft : For why ?— they were too big. Now Gilpia's wife, when fhe had fcen Her hufband polling down Into the country far away, She pull'd...

Annual Register, 26. kötet

Edmund Burke - 1785 - 648 oldal
...while he fpoke, a braying afs Did fing moft loud and clear. *' Whereat his horfe did fnort, as if He heard a lion roar, And gallop'd off with all his might. As he bad done before. *' Away went Gilpin,— and away Went Gilpin's hat and wig; He loft them fooner than...

Poems, 1. kötet

William Cowper - 1786 - 756 oldal
...and bootlefs boaft ! For which he paid full dear, For while he fpake a braying afs Did fing rrioft loud and clear. Whereat his horfe did fnort as he...fooner than at firft, For why ? they were too big. Now Miftrefs Gilpin, when fhe faw Her hufband porting down Into the country far away, She pull'd out...

Poems, 2. kötet

William Cowper - 1787 - 342 oldal
...lucklefs fpeech, and bootlefs boaft ! For which he paid full dear ; For while he fpake, a braying aft Did fing moft loud and clear ; Whereat his horfe did...Away went Gilpin, and away Went Gilpin's hat and wig ; Hc loft them fooner than at firft, For why ? they were too big. Now, Miftrefs Gilpin, when fhe faw...

Poems, 2. kötet

William Cowper - 1788 - 376 oldal
...for your pleafure you came here, You fhall go back for mine. Ah lucklefs fpeech, and bootlefs boaft f For which he paid full dear ; For while he fpake,...fooner than at firft> For why ? they were too big. Now, Miftrefs Gilpin, when fhc faw Her hufband pofling down Into the country far away, She pull'd out...

Lessons in Elocution, Or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse: For the ...

William Scott - 1789 - 416 oldal
...For, while he fpoke, a braying afe Did fing molt loud and clear: Whereat his horfe did fnort, as if He heard a lion roar ; And gallop'd off, with all his...wig ; He loft them fooner than at firft : For why l-^-Thej were too big. Now, Gilpin's wife, when fhe had feen. Her hufband pofting down Into the country...

Poems, 2. kötet

William Cowper - 1790 - 300 oldal
...your pleafure you came here, . You fhall go back for mine. Ah lucklefs fpeech, and bootlefs boaft ! For which he paid full dear ; For while he fpake,...he had done before. Away went Gilpin, and away Went Gilpin'« nat and wig ; He loft them fooner than at firft, For why ? they were too big. Now, Miftrefs...

Poems: By William Cowper, of the Inner Temple Esq. In Two Volumes ...

William Cowper - 1793 - 378 oldal
...dear; For, while he fpake, a braying afs Did fing moft loud and clear ; Whereat his horfe did fhort, as he Had heard a lion roar, And gallop'd off with...than at firft — For why ? — they were too big ! Now, miftrefs Gilpin, when fhe faw Her hufband pofting down Into the country far away, She pull'd...

Roach's Beauties of the Modern Poets of Great Britain: Carefully Selected ...

James Roach - 1794 - 268 oldal
...Did {ing molt loud and clear; Whereat his horfe did fnort, as he Had heard a lion roar : And gallpp'd off with all his might, As he had done before. Away...Gilpin, and away Went Gilpin's hat and wig ; He loft ihem fooner than at firfl, For why ? they were too big. Vol. V. 20. C Now dim, down Into the country...

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