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London Gaz.-Times-Ledger
Morn. Chron.--Post -Herald
Morn. Advertiser--Courier
Brit.Trav..Record-Lit Gaz
St. James's Chron--Packet..
Even. Mail.--English Chron.
8 Weekly Pa...29 Sat. & Sun.
Dublin 14-Edinburgh 19
Liverpool 9-Manchester 7
Exeter 6-Bath, Bristol, Shef
field, York, 4 -*- Brighton,
Canterbury, Leeds, Hull,
Leicester, Nottingh. Plym.
Stamf. 3....Birming. Bolton.
Bury, Cambridge. Carlisle,
Chelmsf., Cheltenh, Chester,
Coven., Derby, Durh., Ipsw..
Kendal, Maidst., Newcastle,
JANUARY, 1831.
Norwich, Oxf.,Portsm., Pres-
ton, Sherb., Shrewsb, South-
ampton,Truro, Worcester 2...
Aylesbury, Bangor, Barnst.,
Berwick, Blackb., Bridgew..
Carmar., Colch., Chesterf,
Devizes, Dorch., Doncaster,
Falmouth, Glouc., Halifax.
Henley, Hereford, Lancas-
ter, Leaming Lewes, Line.
Litchf. Macclesf. Newark,
Newc. on-Tyne, Northamp..
Reading, Rochest.. Salisb.,
Staff., Stockport, Taunton,
Swansea, Wakef., Warwick,
Whiteh., Winches.. Windsor,
Wolverhampton, 1 each.
Ireland 61--Scotland 37
Jersey 4-Guernsey 3
Nicolas's State of Historical Literature......60
Lady Place, Hurley...........
Lovelace, Wilcocks, & Kempenfelt Families 11
Notices of the Family of Copinger .......
Foreign Literary Fragments.......................
Critical Remarks on French Writers.........16
Syrian Christians of St. Thomas in India...ib.
Trial by Combat, temp. Richard II.........18
Organic Remains at Blackdown Hills, Devon 19
Geological Effects of the Deluge............21
On the Author of Choheleth.....
Dr. Johnson and Bruce the Traveller.........23
On Breaking the Line in Naval Tactics ...ib. ...ib.
On the Children of Edw. IV.........
Christening of the Princess Bridget, 1480...25
Classical Literature.
Cambridge Prize Compositions.......................... 26, 27
New Translation of the Psalms...............28
On the Greek Sapphic Ode at Cambridge...81
Game of "Micatio Digitorum'
The recent Proceedings on the proposed Re-
moval of the Screen at York Minster 38-40
Palgrave's Reply to Mr. Nicolas
Moore's Life of Byron..
A Clergyman's Advice to his Flock, &c...67, 68|
Meetings of Societies, Fairfax Papers,
Savings Banks, Letter from Mr. Tooke to
Lord Brougham on Local Courts, &c...71-74
ANTIQUARIAN Researches, 75.-POETRY ...76
Historical Chronicle.
Foreign News, 77.--Domestic Occurrences....78
Promotions, 79-Marriages, &c..............80
OBITUARY; with Memoirs of Lord Henley,
Hon. P. Roper, Count Linsingen, Visc'tess
Massareene, Capt. Sir R, C. Spencer, Archd.
Parkinson, F.R.S., T. Sherwood, M.D. &c. 81
Bill of Mortality.-Markets, 94.-Shares ...95
Meteorological Diary.-Prices of Stocks.. 96
Embellished with Views of LADY PLACE at HURLEY, Berks; the INTERIOR of a
ROOM at the TANKARD INN, Ipswich;
And a Representation of the ANCIENT DUCKING-STOOL.
Printed by J. B. NICHOLS and SON, CICERO'S HEAD, 25, Parliament Street, Westminster;
where all Letters to the Editor are requested to be sent, POST-PAID.