
The Baptist Hymnal,

We think many of our readers will be pleased to see the following, which is from a review of the Baptist Hymnal in the October number of the Scottish Baptist Magazine.

"This is in every respect an admirable book. The work of selection has been accomplished with great care, wide knowledge, and real discrimination. Most of the really best among the old hymns have been retained, while nearly all the notable hymn-writers of our own and the last generation are represented by their best work. The book contains a sufficient number of the ordinary metre hymns to abundantly satisfy the requirements of any village church; while we rejoice to find in it so many of the most inspiring of our modern particular metres, corresponding to most of the finest tunes in the Bristol and other leading tune-books. Above all, the book, being a very recent and bran-new publication, is free from the antiquated and unsingable hymns, which more or less encumber all the older collections, making them considerably more unwieldly, and not a whit more efficient, like over-stout men. In fine, we do not hesitate to say the work will take its place with the very best of the latest hymn books of the time. It is already in use in a number of Scottish churches; and we believe has given much satisfaction to them all. It manifests a real unity, and breathes a high spirit; and it has been obviously a delight to the compilers to give all possible emphasis to that boundless grace of God which, when sin abounded, did so much more abound.

"Altogether the book is a piece of careful, earnest, and excellent work; and we should advise any of our churches, which may be thinking of introducing a new hymn book, at least to examine this one before making their choice."

Notices of New Books.

Smyth, D.D. Price 6s. London: T.
Fisher Unwin, Paternoster Square.
A SERIES of very thoughtful, suggestive
discourses, by the author of "Old Faiths
in a New Light," preached, we presume,
to a congregation in New Haven of more
than ordinary intelligence and culture.
Some of the sermons we like exeeedingly;
for example, those on "God's Self-
Revelation through Life," on "God's
Forgetfulness of Sin," on "The Mission-
ary Motive," on "Time a Rate of Motion"
-a New Year's sermon, and on "The
Law of the Resurrection"-an Easter
sermon. The book is one for ministers
and other Christians who think, and are
not afraid of old truths put in a new
light. To such we heartily commend it.

LIGHT IN LANDS OF DARKNESS; a Record of Missionary Labour among Greenlanders, Eskimos, Patagonians, Syrians, Armenians, Persians, Egyptians, and Jews. By Robert Young. Price 68. T. Fisher Unwin, Paternoster Square. THE second edition of a book, which to those who rejoice in the triumphs of the gospel must have the interest of a romance, whilst in reality it is a narrative

of glorious facts. To us one great charm of the volume consists in the fact that, except in the concluding portion where it speaks of the Jews, it takes us among tribes and nations with whom we are less familiar than with those we frequently hear about from respected missionary brethren. Just now it is specially interesting to read of what is being done in the way of evangelizing the Nile Valley, and diffusing Christianity among Mohammedan nations. The book is not a complete history of Christian missions, but it is a cheering and instructive record of good work done in particular regions.


der Macleod, D.D. Price 58. Hodder and Stoughton, Paternoster Row. FOR some years the author of this volume has been in the habit of giving from ten to fifteen minutes of the morning service on Sunday to the instruction of the children present. In that brief space a children's hymn is sung and a children's sermon preached. The book before us is a selection from these sermons to children delivered by Dr. Macleod during the last three years. And a very charming selection it is. We have seen another



book of the same kind by the same author-"Talking to the Children." But the new volume is superior to the old. The author is a Pædobaptist, and his belief concerning the Baptism of Infants shews itself now and then. But the readers of the General Baptist Magazine can surely separate truth from error in regard to that matter. We therefore warmly recommend the book to parents and teachers, and feel certain they will not be disappointed.


A Selection from Outlines of Discourses delivered at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. By C. H. Spurgeon. Price 28. 6d. London: Passmore & Alabaster, Paternoster Buildings.

A VOLUME of sermon-outlines by the great preacher, prepared with a view to the assistance of brethren who on six days in the week are engaged in the shop or warehouse, or farm, and on the Lord'sday try to do good by preaching the gospel. We sympathize very heartily with Mr. Spurgeon in his purpose; and when such a man undertakes such a work, we are sure it will be well done. We have not here a collection of dry bones, but ample outlines; whilst to each sketch are appended a few short, striking illustrations. We trust the book will be extensively used, and be very useful.

of the Drink Question. By Axel Gus-
tafson. London: Kegan Paul, Trench,
and Co.

WE are glad to know that this masterly
volume has reached a third edition. It
is without question the supreme work on
the question of Intemperance, far sur-
passing all other efforts of like sort in the
fulness of its information, thoroughness
of its research, skill of arrangement, and
clearness and authoritativeness of state-
ment. There are nearly 600 pages, well
printed and well bound, and yet it is
cheap, costing only five shillings. It is
the Encyclopædia of the "Drink Ques-
tion." Every Temperance worker should
have it. The man of "facts" is the man
who impresses his auditory, illumines the
mind, convinces the judgment, and
moves the will. Here are the facts, ob-
tainable with ease, and to be relied upon
to the uttermost degree. It should be
in our public libraries, Sunday school
teachers' and young men's libraries.
"Teetotal" deacons would do well to pre-
sent a copy to their pastors this New
Year's morning.
J. C.

SALVATION: The Way made Plain. By

James H. Brookes, D.D. Price 18. 6d. cloth. London: Hodder & Stoughton. WE feel a difficulty in speaking of this book; it contains so much that is good and true, and strikingly expressed, along with much that requires qualification or further explanation. For example, the writer says, "I do not ask you to 'give your heart to God,' or to enter into covenant with God that you will serve Him,' as the means of obtaining His favour; for this is wretched advice, although you often hear it urged. God is already favourable, and in His infinite love is holding out to your immediate acceptance a divine righteousness as the ground of your instant, complete, and eternal justification." Now it is gloriously true that "God is already favourable," and that we are " 'justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus," but it is also true that we must "yield" ourselves unto God, and take on ourselves Christ's yoke. Obedience is essential to faith. On the whole we think that if we were again "anxious enquirers" we should be as much perplexed as helped by the book.

Thomson, D.D. Price 2s. 6d. London:
Hodder and Stoughton.

ONE of a series of Biographies which is
being brought out under the title of
"Men worth Remembering." And most
truly does Samuel Rutherford, the Scot-
tish Covenanter, answer to that title. If
any of our young men have at present no
acquaintance with him, let them obtain
this cheap and well-written volume, and
learn all about a man small in stature
but large in soul,-one of the greatest
preachers of his age,—the writer of the
famous "Letters,' -a leading Divine in
the celebrated Westminster Assembly,-
a saint of God whose dying utterances
are enshrined in that sweet and touching
hymn which speaks of "Glory, glory
dwelling in Immanuel's land."
volume contains not only a biography of
Rutherford, but also a collection of choice
sentences from his writings.

JOHN KNOX. By W. M. Taylor, D.D.,
LL.D. Price 2s. 6d. London: Hodder
and Stoughton, Paternoster Row.
A VOLUME belonging to the same series
as the Life of Rutherford, noticed above.
Knox was not so loveable a man as
Rutherford, though more tender-hearted
than is commonly thought. But he did


a great work for his country—a work with which this generation is not, we think, so well acquainted as it should be. Let young people read this well-written volume. The facts are fairiy stated; Knox's errors are candidly admitted; but the perusal of the story of his life makes one feel that, in spite of some faults, he was a thoroughly good man, as well as a man of remarkable ability and wonderful power over his fellows.

"OUT OF EGYPT:" Bible Readings on the Book of Exodus. By G. F. Pentecost, D.D. Price 28. London: Morgan & Scott, 12, Paternoster Buildings. THE chapters contained in this volume are made up from a series of Bible Readings recently delivered in several places in London in connection with the Evangelistic Mission lately held. Having been stenographically reported, they appear in matter and style as they were spoken. We do not believe in the author's theory of types. It is a mere human fancy that the rod of Moses was intended to be typical of anything in the Christian life. Moses throwing down and taking up his rod may be used as an illustration of gospel truth, but common sense revolts from the idea of its being regarded as a fore-ordained type. Still, in this book are many striking and useful remarks and interesting anecdotes; and Christian readers, who can separate the chaff from the wheat, will find much in it to please and profit.

THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, with Introduction, Notes, and Maps. By T. M. Lindsay, D.D., Professor of Divinity in the Free Church College, Glasgow. Price 18. 6d. Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark.

THIS is the first volume only, embracing the first twelve chapters of the Acts. The Introduction is very good



clear, scholarly, and interesting. Notes are not so numerous as most persons would expect, apparently not being intended to save Bible students the trouble of thinking. They relate chiefly to points on which historical or theological information is really needed, including, however, here and there a quaint, pithy, practical sentence culled from Matthew Henry. When complete the work will be a useful one for intelligent Christian laymen.

Book. By Alfred Holborn, M.A.
Price 28.
Annie B. Price 38. 6d.

London: Sunday School Union. USEFUL books for Sunday school teachers. The former is very carefully written, but is suited only to the higher class of teachers; the latter will be found suggestive and helpful to all. Christian women as a rule know best how to teach not only girls but also younger boys; and many a masculine intellect may learn a good deal from "Annie B."


A CAPITAL little book for all, whether Liberals or Conservatives, who wish to be able to give a reason for the political faith that is in them. Reform or Abolition of the House of Lords, the Land Laws, Disestablishment and Disendowment,-Temperance Legislation - these are some of the subjects discussed, and the arguments are briefly but fairly stated on both sides. Members of Debating Societies will find it useful.

Editorial Notes.

THE EDITORS TO THEIR READERS.-In beginning a new year's volume the editors present to their readers hearty new year's greetings. They desire at the same time very earnestly to request their aid in the extension of the circulation of the magazine. In conducting it they propose to follow in the main the same lines as in the year just closed, but hope to introduce

improvements. Thus, instead of one serial story extending through the year, which, however good, is apt to produce the impression of sameness, they intend to give a succession of shorter ones on different topics. Also, they have in contemplation some practical papers on church life and work, which they hope may be both acceptable and useful. But




they ask from their friends, both ministers and people, more than good wishes. Let each one try to obtain a new subscriber.

THE OLDEST RELIGIOUS PERIODICAL IN GREAT BRITAIN.-A few weeks ago our respected contemporary, the Christian Leader, fell into a little mistake. Speaking of the Baptist Magazine, now edited by the Rev. J. P. Barnett, of Oxford, the Leader described it as the oldest religious periodical now in existence. That honour, however, such as it is, we think belongs more properly to our own Magazine. The Baptist Magazine first appeared in 1809. But it was in 1798 the General Baptist Magazine was first published, under the editorship of Dan Taylor. True, at the end of 1800 it was discontinued under its first form for want of sufficient support. But in 1802, at the request of the Association, Mr. Adam Taylor brought out a periodical miscellany under the title of the General Baptist Repository. At first a number appeared every six months, then every three months, and at last every month. A few years ago the Association decided, chiefly under the advice of Mr. J. F. Winks, of Leicester, who spoke as a business-man, to revert to the old name of Magazine. But neither the character nor the management of the periodical was changed-only part of the name. We think then that we may fairly claim to be accounted the oldest living religious periodical in Great Britain, and trust, that though old, we are neither lame nor blind, feeble nor decrepit.

REV. T. GOADBY AND THEOLOGICAL LITERATURE. Our readers will be interested to learn that a work is completed which the Principal of the College has long had on hand-the translating and printing of Ewald's important treatise on Revelation. It is being published in one handsome volume by Messrs. T. & T. Clark of Edinburgh, the well-known publishers of the "Foreign Theological Library," and other similar translations from the German. We hope to give a more extended notice of this great work in a future number; but we see that it will be stiff reading, and cannot be dispatched like a story or volume of travels.

DR. COX AND THE "EXPOSITOR.”—It is, we suppose, very generally known by this time that Dr. Cox, in accordance with the wish of his publishers, has ceased to be editor of "The Expositor." The reason assigned is the conscientious objection Messrs. Hodder & Stoughton

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feel to assist any longer in propagating the views in regard to the future, and to questions of biblical authority, the advocacy of which Dr. Cox under his editorship permitted. Now if it had been only recently that the "Expositor" had assumed its present character, if "Salvator Mundi" had been published only a year ago, we could have understood the action of Messrs. Hodder & Stoughton. But so far as we have observed, the "Expositor' is the same in its teachings now as it has ever been. For years and years the world has known the views of Dr. Cox. He has made no secret of them, but has publicly advocated them. Neither of the editors of this magazine holds the opinions of Dr. Cox. Both have at different times spoken and written in opposition to them. But it does seem to us as though in this matter he has been shabbily treated. We have been glad to learn that Messrs. Hodder & Stoughton recognise his claim to some pecuniary compensation; but to a man who takes a pride and pleasure in his work-a work which he himself has originated-it is impossible even with the "guinea's chink" to make full amends for deprivation of it.

A MARE'S NEST.-The Christian World of Dec. 4, contained an extract from the Liverpool Mercury to the effect that another sect of Baptists was about to be added to the national collection. The enumeration by the Mercury of the exist ing sects of Baptists, reminds us of Theodore Hook's practical joke, in which he showed some ladies the lions of a small town, and contrived to make the two or three public buildings do duty for a dozen, by calling the buildings different names as he approached the different sides. The said ladies were not more amazed at the number of important institutions in so small a place than were we when we read the list of Baptist bodies given in the Mercury. The same sects are called by different names, but the strangest thing of all is that we should be deemed the new sect "about to be added to the list"we who long ago celebrated our centenary as a new connexion, and who in our ancient form claim to be the oldest organized Baptists in the land. Dr. Clifford was good enough to set the readers of the Christian World right upon the subject the following week. The occasion of the mistake was the application recently made to the Board of Trade to give us the legal status, of which we have for some time felt the need, particularly in dealing with Foreign Mission property.

Forward Movement.


On Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 26th, the Rev. C. Spurgeon, of Greenwich, preached in the Town Hall, Nantwich, in connection with the above event. There was a large attendance, including many friends from Audlem and Crewe. Mr. Spurgeon took for his text, Prov. xviii. 10. A collection was made in aid of the building fund.

After the service the friends proceeded to the new school-room, which was formally opened. There were present on the platform, in addition to the Rev. C. Spurgeon, the Rev. Price Williams (pastor), Rev. J. Austin (United Methodist Free Church), Rev. G. Towler (Audlem), Mr. R. Pedley (Crewe), Mr. Forey, Mr. Morgan (Market Drayton), &c.

Mr. Forey reported 200 scholars on the books, whilst the accommodation had scarcely been sufficient for 100. Hence the need of the new building. The committee had worked right heartily. The cost of the school was expected to be about £500, of which £125 had been raised, and it was hoped that the projected bazaar would realize £200, leaving a deficiency of not more than £175. After a speech by Mr. C. Spurgeon, the Rev. Price Williams (pastor) stated that the old room would be converted into five class-rooms.

A tea meeting followed, at which 150 sat down. In the evening, under the presidency of Captain Cotton, Rev. C. Spurgeon gave his popular lecture on Hoarding Information; or, Lessons from Advertisements." The lecture was illustrated with dissolving views. Mr. J. D. Dutton accompanied the choir on the harmonium. Mr. Birchall, of Willaston, and Mr. W. Johnson, moved and seconded votes of thanks to the chairman and Mr. Spurgeon.

On the following Sunday two sermons were preached in the chapel by Rev. T. E. Williams, of Aberystwith. Total collections nearly £10.

News of the Churches.

All information for this department should reach REV. J. FLETCHER by the 16th of the month.


AUDLEM.-In order to pay off a small debt, and to re-furnish the chapel and school-room, the ladies have commenced a sewing class. £90 have been promised towards the £250 required, and the friends are earnestly looking for outside help towards the bazaar to be held sometime in the spring.


Anniversary sermons were preached on Nov. 16 by Rev. T. H. Smith, the services being also associated with the pastor's recognition. On the Tuesday following, the Rev. T. Graham Tarn, of Cambridge, preached to a good congregation. A public tea was partaken of by a large number of friends, and in the evening a public meeting was held, when addresses were delivered by Revs. T. Barrass (Peterborough), H. B. Robinson (Kettering), F. J. Bird (Hitchin), and the town ministers. The chair was taken

by T. T. Ball, Esq., of Burwell. Collections over £18.

HALIFAX, North Parade.-In November the young men arranged a tea and entertainment for increasing the funds of the sale of work; they presided at the trays like "old hands." The performers were all unconnected with the chapel. There was an organ recital in the chapel between tea and concert, by Mr. W. Clough. The sum of £16 10s. was handed over after meeting all expenses. - On Dec. 11th and 13th a Sale of Work was held in the school; the object of which was to clear off deficiency on church accounts, and balance to fund for painting chapel. Mr. Joseph Holt opened the proceedings in a most felicitous speech, and presented £2 10s. as a donation towards the object. The goods were exposed upon two stalls. There were also a refreshment stall, an ice cream stall,

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