
454. INFLECTIONS AND INTONATIONS. Maxims. 1. The wise man thinks he knows The author is perfectly satisfied, that most but little; the fool thinks he knows it all. 2. He, of his predecessors have depended entirely who cannot govern himself, cannot govern others. too much upon the inflections, to produce 3. He is a poor wretch, whose hopes are confined variety, instead of upon the intonations of to this world. 4. He, who employs himself well, can never want for something to do. 5. Umbrage the voice: the former, invariably makes mechanical readers and speakers; while the should never be taken, where offence was never latter, being founded in nature, makes natu- intended. 6. Deride not the unfortunate. 7. In conversation, avoid the extremes of talkativeness ral ones: the one is of the head, and is the and silence. 8. Lawyers' gowns are often lined result of thought and calculation; and the with the willfulness of their clients. 9. Good books other of the heart, and is the spontaneous cfare the only paper currency, that is better than fusion of the affections: the former spreads silver or gold. 10. No man may be both accuser, a vail before the mind; the latter takes it and judge. 11. At every trifle-scorn to take offence. nway. Is it not so? Choose ye. Nature Anecdote. A Rose. A blind man, having knows a great deal more than art; listen to a shrew for his wife, was told by one of his her teachings and her verdict. friends, that she was a rose. He replied, "I do not doubt it; for I feel the thorns daily."

There are two hearts, whose movements thrill
In unison, so closely sweet!

That, pulse to pulse, responsive still,
That both must heave, or cease to beat;
There are two souls, whose equal flow
In gentle streams-so calmly run,
That when they part, (they part?) ah no;
They cannot part,-their souls are one.
No marvel woman should love flowers, they bear

So much of fanciful similitude

To her own history; like herself, repaying,
With such sweet interest, all the cherishing,
That calls their beauty, and their sweetness forth;
And, like her, too, dying-beneath neglect.

455. IGNORANCE AND ERROR. How frequently an incorrect mode of pronunciatim, and of speaking, is caught from an ignorant nurse, or favorite servant, which infects one through life! so much depends on first impressions and habits. Lisping, stammering, and smaller defects, often originate in the same way, and not from any natural defect, or impediment. If parents and teachers would consider the subject, they might see the importance of their trust, and be induced to fulfill their respective offices in a conscientious manner: to do wrong, in any way, is a sin.

Association of Ideas. We may trace the power of association-in the growth and development of some of the most important principles of human conduct. Thus, under the feudal system, appeals from the baronial tribunals were first granted to the royal courts, in consequence of the delay, or refusal of justice; afterwards, they were taken, on account of the injustice or iniquity of the sentence. In the same way, a power, appealed to from necessity, is at length resorted to from choice; till finally, what was once a privilege is, in certain cases, exacted as an obligation. This principle is full of political and social wisdom, and cannot be too deeply studied by those, who wish to analyze the causes and motives of human conduct.

The purest treasure,-mortal ties afford,
Is-spotless reputation; that-away,

Men are but gilded loam, and painted clay.

Laconics. He who would become distinguished in manhood, and eminently useful to his country, and the world, must be contented to pass his boyhood and youth in obscurity,-learning that which he is to prac tice, when he enters upon the stage of action. There are two kinds of education; the liberal and the servile; the former puts us in possession of the principles and reasons of actions and things, so far as they are capable of being known or interrogated: the latter stops short at technical rules and methods, without attempting to understand the reasons or principles on which they are grounded.

Varieties. 1. We may apprehend the works and word of God, if we cannot fully 2. A man passes, for comprehend them. what he is worth. The world is full of judgment-days; and into every assembly, that a man enters, in every action he attempts, he is guag'd and stamp'd. 3. It is base, and that is the one base thing in the universe, to receive favor, and render none. 4. How shall we know, that Washington-was the most prudent and judicious statesman, that ever lived? By carefully observing his actions, and comparing them with those of other men, in like circumstances. 5. The union of science and religion, is the marriage of earth and heav en. 6. Mankind can no more be stationary than an individual. 7. The virtue of women is often the love of reputation and quiet.

Princes, Potentates,
Warriors, the flower of Heaven! once yours, now -lost,
If such astonishment as this-can seize
Eternal spirits; or have ye chosen this place,
After the toil of battle, to repose
Your wearied virtue, for the ease you find
To slumber here, as in the vales of Heaven?
Or, in this abject posture-have ye sworn-
To adore the Conqueror! who now beholds
Cherub-and seraph-rolling in the flood,
With scatter'd arms and ensigns; till anon
His swift pursuers-from Heaven's gates-discern
The advantage, and descending, tread us down,
Thus drooping, or with linked thunderbolts
Transfix us to the bottom of this gulf?

Awake, ARISE, or be forever fallen!


the more

456. THE PASSIONS AND ACTIONS. The Laconics. 1. All men, possessed of real human mind we contemplate under two power, are upright and honest: craft is but the grand divisions, called Will and Understand-substitute of power. 2. To answer wit by reason, ing the former is the receptacle, or conti- is like trying to hold an eel by the tail. 3. Frenent, of our passions, emotions, affections; quent intercourse often forms such a similarity, the latter of our thoughts. To attend to that we not only assure a mental likeness, but the workings of mind, to trace the power 4. The more ideas included in our own words, and contract some resemblance in voice and features. that external objects have over it, to discern the more cases an axiom is applied to, the nature of the emotions and affections, extensive and powerful will they be. 5. The imand to comprehend the reasons of their being affected in a particular manner, must have provement of the internal, will also be the improvement of the external. 6. A little vice often a direct influence on our pursuits, character deforms the whole countenance; as one single and happiness, as private citizens, and as false trait in a portrait, makes the whole a carripublic speakers. cature. 7. The noblest talents may rust in indolence; and the most moderate, by industry, may be astonishingly improved.

What nothing earthly gives, or can destroy,
The soul's calm sunshine, and the heartfelt joy,
IS VIRTUE'S prize.

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Anecdote. A Good Hint. A clergyman and Garrick the tragedian, were spending an evening together; and among other topics of conversation, that of delivery was introduced. The man of the pulpit asked Garrick, "Why is it, you are able to produce so much more effect, with the recital of your fictions, than we do. by the delivery of the most important truths?" The man of the stage replied "My Lord, you speak truths, as if they were fictions; we speak fictions, as if they were truths."

the property of a truly good man, to do great and good things, though he risk everything by it.

Honor, and shame, from no condition rise; Act well your part, there all the honor lies. 457. An accurate analysis of the passions and affections is, to the moralist, as well as Action. To do an ill action is base; to the student in elocution, what the science of do a good one, which involves you in no dananatomy, and physiology is to the physi-ger, is nothing more than common; but it is cian and surgeon: it constitutes the first principles of rational practice for both; it is, in a moral view, the anatomy of the heart; discloses why and how it beats; indicates appearances in a sound and healthy state, and detects diseases, with their causes, and is much more fortunate in applying remedies. Stages of Progress. Useful discoveries and improvements generally have four distinct stages in their progress to universality. The first is, when the theory is pronounced false, contrary to experience, absurd and unworthy of the attention of sensible men. The second is, when they are claimed as having been known before; thus, depriving the medium-of all credit for more industry, discrimination and originality, than others. The third is, when they are denounced as perilous innovations, endangering the religion and morals of society. The fourth is, when they are received as established truths by every body; the only wonder being, that they should ever have been doubted, they are in such perfect harmony with the laws of the universe.

The meek-ey'd morn appears, mother of dews,
At first, faint glimmering-in the dappled east ;
Till, far o'er ether-spreads the wid'ning glow;
And, from before the lustre of her face,
White break the clouds away. With quicken'd step,
Brown night-retires; young day pours in apace,
And opens all the lawny prospect wide.
The dripping rock, the mountain's misty top,
Swell on the sight, and brighten-with the dawn.

If, on a sudden, he begins to rise,

No man that lives, can count his enemies.

Varieties. 1. The coin, that is most current among mankind-is flattery: the only benefit of which is, that by hearing what we are not, we may be instructed what we ought to be. 2. Bring the entire powers of your mind, to bear on whatever study you undertake, with a singleness of purpose, and you will not fail of success. 3. The predomi nance of a favorite study, affects ail the subordinate purposes of the intellect. 4. Vex not thy heart, in seeking-what were far better unfound. 5. In reference to certain principles and persons, unstable people cry out, at first, ALL HAIL, - but afterwards,


66 CRUCIFY CRUCIFY!" 6. Luxury is an

enticing pleasure, which hath honey in her
mouth, but gall in her heart, and a sting in
her embrace. 7. Let your rule of action be,
to perform, faithfully, and without solicitude,
the duty of the present hour; let the future
take care of itself.

Two tasks are ours, to know-and understand,
Evil, and good, and name their various band;
But worthier far, with cheerful will, to choose
Whate'er is good, and all the ill-refuse.
Why all this toil-for triumphs of an hour?
What though we wade in wealth, or soar in fame?
Earth's highest station ends in-" Here he lies:"
And-dust-to dust"-concludes her noblest song.
Virtue itself, 'scapes not calumnious strokes.

458. THE PASSIONS. There are three Maxims. 1. A well instructed people, only, things involved in the exhibition of the pas- can be a free people. 2. To ask for a living, withsions; viz. the tones of the voice, the appear-out labor, would be to ask for a curse, instead of a ance of the countenance, and rhetorical ac-blessing. 3. No one looks after his own affairs, as tion; the first is addressed to the ear only, well as himself. 4. Fruitless advice is like pourthe latter to the eye. Here, then, is another ing water on a duck's back. 5. The more our tallanguage to learn, after the pupil has learned ents are exercised, the more will they become dethe written, and the vocal languages: how-veloped. 6. Unless the laws are executed on the ever, the language of the passions may be great, they will not be obeyed. 7. He, who toils said to be written-by the hand of Nature. with pain, will reap with pleasure. 8. The torContemplate the passions separately, and ment of envy-is like sand in the eye. 9. Laziness combined, and seek for examples to illus- often gives occasion to dishonesty. 10. The error trate them. of an hour-may become the sorrow of a whole life.

For praise, too dearly loved, or warmly sought,
Enfeebles all internal strength of thought;
And the weak, within itself unblest,
Leans, for all pleasures, on another's breast.
Friendship, like an evergreen,

Will brave the inclement blast,
And still retain the bloom of spring,

When summer days-are past;
And tho' the wintry sky should lower,
And dim the cheerful day,
She still perceives a vital power,
Unconscious-of decay.
Jealousy! thy own green food,
Thy joy-is vengeance, death, and blood!
Thy love-is wrath! thy breath-is sighs!
Thy life-suspicious sacrifice!

459. TRUTH. Some men say, that "wealth is power”—and some that "talent-is power"-and some that "knowledge-is power"- and others, that "authority-is power"-but there is an apothegm, that I would place on high above them all, when I assert, that, "TRUTH-is power." Wealth cannot purchase, talent-cannot refute, knowledge -cannot over-reach, authority—cannot silence her; they all, like Felix, tremble at her presence: cast her into the sevenfold heated furnace of the tyrant's wrath-fling her into the most tremendous billows of popular commotion-she mounts aloft in the ark—upon the summit of the deluge. She is the ministering spirit, who sheds on man that bright and indestructible principle of life, which is given, by its mighty author, to illuminate and to inspire the immortal soul-and which, like himself, "is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever."

The wintry blast of death

Kills not the buds of virtue; no: they spread
Beneath the heavenly beams-of brighter suns,
Through endless ages-into higher powers.
The scale of being-is a graduated thing;
And deeper,-than the vanities of power.
On the vain pomp of glory-there is writ-
Gradation-in its hidden characters.

Here rests his head-upon the lap of earth,
A youth-to fortune and to fame unknown;
Fair science-frown'd not-on his humble birth,
And melancholy-mark'd him for her own.
A dandy-is a thing, that would
Be a young lady-if he could;
But, as he can't, does all he can,

To show the world-he's not a man.

The course of true love-never did run smooth.

Anecdote. Father Aurius said, when Bourdaloue preached at Rouen, the tradesmen forsook their workshops, the lawyers their clients, and the physicians their sick, to hear the orator: but when I preached there, the following year, I set all things right; every man minded his own business.

Luxury. When I behold a fashionable table, set out in all its magnificence, I fancy that I see gouts and dropsies, fevers and lethargies, with other innumerable distempers, lying in ambuscade among the dishes. Nature delights in the most plain and simple diet. Every animal, but man, keeps to one dish. Herbs are the food of this species, fish of that, and flesh of a third. Man falls upon every thing that comes in his way; not the smallest fruit or excrescence of the earth, scarce a berry or a mushroom can escape him.

Varieties. 1. Without exertion and diligence, success in the pursuits of life, is rarely attained. 2. It is the business of the judge to decide as to the points of law, and the duty of the jurors-to decide as to the matters of fact. 3. The essence of our liberty is-to do whatever we please, provided we do not violate any law, or injure another. 4. A handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning. 5. Few things are more injurious to our health and constitution, than indulgence in luxuries. 6. Did God, after creating the universe, and putting it in moestimable value, whether to a nation, or an tion, leave it to itself? 7. Credit—is of inindividual.

And is there care in heaven? and is there love
In heavenly spirits-to these creatures base,
That may compassion of their evils move? [case
There is: else, much more wretched were the
Of men than beasts. But, oh! the exceeding grace
Of highest Heaven! that loves his creatures so:
And all his works-with mercy doth embrace,
That blessed angels he sends to and fro,
To serve to wicked man,—to serve his wicked foe.
How oft-do they their silver bowers leave,

To come to succor us, that succor want!
How oft-do they, with golden pinions, cleave
The flitting skies, like flying pursuivant,
Against foul fiends-to aid us militant!
They for us fight, they watch and duly ward,
And their bright squadrons round about us plant,
And all for love, and nothing for reward:
Oh! why should the Lord to man have such regard!

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460. Tranquillity appears by the open and composed countenance, and a general repose of the whole body; mouth nearly closed; eyebrows a little arched; forehead smooth; eyes passing with easy motion, from one object to another, but not dwelling long on any; cast of happiness, bordering


on cheerfulness;

Maxims. 1. The follies we tell of others, are often only mirrors to reflect our own. 2. Righteousness-exalteth a nation; but sin-is a reproach to any people. 3. The best mode o. dealing with a quarrelsome person, is, to keep out of his way. 4. Good thought, couched in an appropriate simile, is like a precious stone, set in gold. 5. Great minds may produce great vices, as well as great virtues; an honest man-is the noblest work of God. 6. Nature, and natural causes, are nothing else, than the way in which God works. 7. 'Tis use that constitutes possession. 8. No sooner is a law made, than the wicked seek to evade it. 9. One lie draws ten more after it. 10. Idleness-buries a man alive. Irresolution. In matters of great con

desiring to please and be pleased; gaity, good cern, and which must be done, there is no


humor, when the mouth opens a little more.

CHEERFULNESS IN RETIREMENT. Now my co-mates, and brothers in exile, Hath not old custom-made this life more sweet, Than that of painted pomp? Are not these woods More free from peril, than the envious court? Here-feel we but the penalty of Adam; The season's difference; as the icy fung, And churlish chiding of the winter's wind; Which, when it bites and blows upon my body, Ev'n till I shrink with cold, I smile and say, This is no flattery; these are counsellors, That feelingly persuade me what I am: Sweet-are the uses of adversity, That, like a toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in its head. And this our life, exempt from public haunts, Finds tongues, in TREES, books, in running BROOKS, Sermons in STONES, and GOOD in everything. Miscellaneous. 1. Timidity-often obscures the brightest powers of orators, at their outset; like the chilling vapor, awhile retarding the beauty of a morning in spring; but the day of success, attained by persevering efforts, when it comes, will well repay for its late appearance, and its splendor more than atone for its morning shade. 2. By taking in the widest possible range of authors of all ages, one seems to create, within himself, a sympathy for the whole brotherhood of man, past, present, and to come, and to approximate continually, to a view of Universal Truth, tho' never attaining it. 3. All good speakers and writers, are addicted to imitation: no one-can write or speak well, who has not a strong sympathy with, and admiration for-all that is beautiful.

Anecdote. A Pun. Purcell, the famous Dunster, being desired, one evening, when in company, to make an extempore pun, asked, "on what subject ?" "The king;" was the answer. "O sir," said he, "the king is not a subject."

I hate to see a boy-so rude,

That one might think him-raised
In some wild region of the wood,
And but half-civilized.

surer argument-of a weak mind, than irresolution; to be undetermined, where the case is so plain, and the necessity so urgent. To be always intending to live a new life. but never to find time to set about it; this is as if a man should put off eating, and drinking, and sleeping, from one day and night to another, till he is starved and destroyed.

Varieties. 1. Every evil, that we conquer, is a benefactor to our souls. The Sandwich Islander believes that the strength and valor of the enemy he kills, passes into himself. Spiritually, it is so with us; for we gain strength, from every temptation we resist. 2. It is absurd, to think of becoming good, in any thing, without understanding and practicing what we learn. 3. Have we life of our own? or, are we dependent on God for it, every moment of our lives!


All the moments of our lives, produce eter

nal consequences.

How sweet-the words of truth,
Breathed from the lips-we love.
One alone
May do the task of many, when the mind
Is active in it.

Coxcombs-are of all realms, and kind;
They're not to sex, or age confined,
Of rich, or poor, or great, or small,
'Tis vanity-besets them all.

True happiness-had no localities;
No tones provincial; no peculiar garb.
Where duty went, she went; with justice went ;
And went with meekness, charity, and love.
Where'er a tear was dried; a wounded heart
Bound up; a bruised spirit-with the dew
of honest suffering soothed; or injury,
Of sympathy anointed; or a pang
Repeated oft, as oft-by love-forgiven;
Where'er an evil passion was subdued,
Or Virtue's feeble embers fanned; where'er
A sin was heartily abjured, and left;
Where'er a pious act was done, or breathed
A pious prayer, or wished a pious wish-
There was a high-and holy place, a spot
Of sacred light, a most religious fane.

Faith-is not built-on disquisition's ruins.

[blocks in formation]

Ah! Juliet, if the measure of thy joy

Be heaped, like mine, and that thy skill be more
To blazen it, then sweeten, with thy breath,
This neighbor air, and let rich MUSIC's tongue
Unfold the imagin'd happiness, that both
Receive, in either, by this dear encounter.
See! my lord, [veins
Would you not deem it breath'd, and that those
Did verily bear blood? O sweet Paulina,
Make me think so twenty years together;
No settled senes of the world can match
The pleasure of that madness.



If wanting worth,

Are shining instruments

In false ambition's hand-to finish faults
Illustrious, and give to infamy renown.

Tis easiest-dealing with the firmest mind, [kind.
More just, when it resists, and when it yields, more
A mirror-has been well defined-
An emblem-of a thoughtful mind,
For, look upon it-when you will,
You find-it is reflecting still.
Life-is a sea, where storms must rise;
'Tis folly-talks of cloudless skies;
He, who contracts his swelling sail,
Eludes the fury of the gale.
Anecdote. A painter-was employed in
painting a ship, on a stage, suspended under
her stern. The captain, who had just got
into the boat to go ashore, ordered the cabin
boy to let go the painter. The boy went aft,
and let go the rope by which the painter's
stage was held. The captain, surprised at
the boy's delay, cried out," Confound you for
a lazy dog; why don't you let go the paint-
er ?"
"He's gone sir," replied the boy,
"pots and all."

Maxims. 1. The abuse of money is worse than the want of it. 2. Revenge is a mean pleasure; but no principle is more noble, than that of forgiving injuries. 3. Without friends, the world is but a wilderness. 4. Flattery to ourselves-does not change the nature of that which is wrong. 5. When a man is not liked, whatever he does is amiss. 6. If a man is unfortunate, and reduced in the world, it is easy to find fault with him. 7. A pure heart makes the tongue impressive. 8. A man's best fortune, or his worst-is a wife. 9. Health is better than wealth. 10. Unexperienced persons think all things easy.

Free Schools; or the road to Honor open to all. When the rich man-is called from the possession of his treasures, he divides them as he wills, among his children and heirs. But an equal Providence deals not so with the living treasures of the mind. There are children, just growing up in the bosom of obscurity, in town and country, who have inherited nothing but poverty and health, and who will, in a few years, be striving, in stern contention, with the great intellects of the land. Our system of free schools, has opened a straight way from the threshold of every abode, however humble, in the village, or in the city, to the high-places of usefulness, influence and honor. And it is left for each, by the cultivation of every talent, by watching, with an eagle-eye, for every chance of improvement; by bounding forward like a gray-hound, at the most distant glimpse of honorable opportunity; by grappling, as with hooks, the prize, when it is won; by redeeming time, by defying temptation, and scorning sensual pleasures; to make himself useful, honored and happy.

Varieties. 1. God, who loveth all his creatures, and is no respecter of persons, would have us be good for our own sakes. 2. What is the difference, between the love of being wise, and the love of wisdom? 3. Every age has its own predominant features, taste and propensities, that each may be fitted, and inclined, to discharge the offices allotted to it. 4. God has planted in the irrational brute, memory, sense, and appetite; but to rational man-he has given all these, and superadded thought, intelligence, will, immortal reason, and undying affection. 5. All orders of good and truth are capable of an infinite display of the varieties, proper to that order; and of an infinite multiplication of each.

Music! thou rest of life, and balm of age,

To cheer man's path-through this dark pilgrimage,
In every state-be thou my partner made:
By night, by day, in sunshine, and in shade;
Teach me, while here, the strain that angels sing,
From hearts devout, to Heaven's Eternal King;
Tune my last breath-with pure seraphic love,
And hymn my passage-to the choir above.

So very still, that echo-seems to listen;
We almost hear-the music of the spheres,
And fancy, that we catch the notes of angels.

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