
310. EMPHASIS-by prolongation, and depressed monotone: that is, quantity of voice on the first, second, or third note: it is sometimes used in the grave and sublime, and produces astonishing effects. Monotony-occurs when the voice is inflected neither up nor down, but is confined to a few words. The figures refer to the notes of the diatonic scale. The following free translation of a paragraph from one of Cicero's orations, will serve as a good illustration: but no one should attempt it, without committing it to


311. (COMMENCE ON THE FOURTH NOTE.) "I appeal to you-O ye hills, and groves of (5) Alba, and your demolished (6) altars! I call you to (8) WITNESS! (4) whether your (5) altars, your (6) divinities, your (8) rowERS! (5) which Clodius had polluted with all kinds of (6) wickedness, (5) did not (4) avenge themselves, when this wretch was (3) extirpated. (1) And thou, O holy (2) Jupiter! (3) from the (4) height of this (5) sacred (6) mount, whose lakes-and groves--he had so often (3) contaminated."

COLUMBIA! Columbia! to glory arise,

The queen of the world, and the child of the skies;
Thy genius commands thee; with rapture behold,
While ages-on ages thy splendors unfold.
Thy reign is the last-and the noblest of time;
Most fruitful thy soil, most inviting thy clime;
Let the crimes of the east-ne'er encrimson thy name;
Be freedom, and science, and virtue-thy fame.

312. The only way in which children, or adults, can be taught to read, or speak, naturally, is to memorize short or longer sentences, and deliver them in a perfectly intelligent, impressive, and unrestrained manner. Abcdarians: first teach them the sounds of

Proverbs. 1. A mind conscious of its integrity,-is a most noble possession. 2. In acquir ing knowledge, consider how you may render it useful to society. 3. Avoid undue excitement on trivial occasions. 4. When engaged in a good cause, never look back. 5. Poverty--is no excuse for sinning. 6. Never repeat in one company, what is said in another; for all conversation, is tacitly understood-to be confidential. 7. Let reason-go before every enterprise, and counsel— enemies to society; as persons destitute of honor, honesty, and humanity. 9. Divisions, and contentions are upheld by pride, and self-love. 10. Patience, when subjected to trials that are too severe, is sometimes converted into rage. 11. 12. Virtue is often Avoid match-makers. laughed at.

before every

action. 8. Look on slanderers-as

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Anecdote. Lord Albermarle-was the lover of Mademoiselle Gaucher, (Gaw-shay.) As they were walking together one evening, he perceived her eyes fixed on a star, and said to her "Do not look at it, my dear; I cannot give it you." "Never," says Marmontel, "did love-express itself more delicately."

Law-is law-law-is law; and as in such, and so forth, and hereby, and aforesaid, provided always, nevertheless, notwithstanding. Law-is like a country dance; people are led up and down in it, till they are tired. Law-is like a book of surgery; there are a great many desperate cases in it. It is also like physic; they that take the least of it, are best off. Law-is like a homely gentlewoman, very well to follow. Law-is also like a scolding wife, very bad when it follows us. Law-is like a new fashion, people are be

the vowels; then of the consonants, inter-witched to get into it: it is also like bad weather, most people are glad when they get spersing the exercises with select, or original out of it. sentences. Ex. "Time and tide-wait for no man." Or, if it is a rainy day, "This is Varieties. 1. Are we not apt to be proud of that, which is not our own? 2. It is a less a very rainy day." If pleasant, "This is a delightful day." Which sentences, after be- crime-to gnaw a man's fingers with your ing recited in concert, should be spoken by teeth, than to mangle his reputation with the class individually. In this way, even your tongue. 3. It is better to yield gracesmall children may be taught a great variety fully, than to be held up as a spectacle of of things, natural and spiritual; and an im- vanquished, yet impertinent obstinacy. 4. mense field of usefulness opened before the Really learned persons never speak of havmind of the real teacher: i. e. one who teach-ing finished their education: for they cones from the love of teaching; and no others should engage in it.

Notes. 1. Remember-the figures, placed before words in sentences, indicate the pitch of voice, and have reference to the diatonic note; they are aids to break up the monotonous delivery. 2. Still continue your efforts to smooth the apparent roughness of the notations, in regard to the dash, (-) pauses, (,;:?!) and Emphasis: glide out of the mechanical into the natural.

There is, in every human heart,
Some-not completely barren part,
Where seeds of truth-and love might grow,
And flowers--of generous virtue blow;
To plant, to watch, to water there-
This be our duty, and our care.


tinue students, as long as they live. 5. Equivo-
cation is a mere expedient-to avoid telling
the truth, without verbally telling a lie. 6.
True philosophy and contempt of the Deity,
are diametrically opposed to each other. 7.
Sensual good, has sensual truth for its object;
natural good has an order of natural truth,
and spiritual good has spiritual truth, agree-
ing with the spiritual sense of the Bible.

No flocks, that range the valley free,
To slaughter-do I condemn :
Taught by that power, that pities me,
I learn to pity them.

313. RULES. It is impossible to give rules-for reading every sentence, or indeed any sentence; much more is left to the pupil, than can be written. All that is here attempted-is, a meagre outline of the subject; enough, however, for every one who is deter-man and woman. 5. We may die of a surfeit, as mined to succeed, and makes the necessary application; and too much for such as are of an opposite character. The road is pointǝd out, and all the necessaries provided for the journey; but each must do the traveling, or abide the consequences. Be what ought to be, and success is yours.

Proverbs. 1. A great fortune, in the hands of a fool, is a great mis-fortune. 2. Too many resolve, then re-resolve, and die the same. 3. Never give the tongue full liberty, but keep it under control. 4. Character--is the measure of and an instrument. 7. If we meet evil company, well as of hunger. 6. Truth-is an ornament, for the worst, but hope for the best. 9. Though it is no reason we should keep it. 8. Provide he is wise, that can teach the most, yet he, that learns, and practices what he learns, is wiser. 10. Never be without good books. 11. Timeis the herald of truth. 12. Manners make the man. 13. Dissembled holiness, is double iniquity. 14. Conscience -is in the chamber of justice.

(3) No radiant pearl, which crested fortune wears, (4) No gem, that twinkling, hangs from beauty's ears: (5) Nor the bright stars, which night's blue arch adorn, (6) Nor rising sun-that gilds the eternal morn,(8) Shine-with such lustre, as the tear that breaks, Oratory. Eloquence--may be considered (6) For other's woe, down virtue's manly cheek. as the soul, or animating principle of disIn reading, (rather reciting) these beautiful course; and is dependent on intellectual lines, the voice commences, as indicated by energy, and intellectual attainments. Elothe figures, gradually rises, then yields a lit-cution-is the embodying form, or representle; till it comes to the word 'shine,' which tative power; dependent on exterior accomis on the 8th note; and then it gradually de-plishments, and on the cultivation of the orscends to the close; because such are the thoughts, and the feelings. Get the inside; never live out of doors; grasp the thoughts, and then let the words flow from feeling.

314. OPENING THE MOUTH. This is among the most important duties of the elocutionist, and singer; more fail in this particular, than in any other: indistinctness and stammering are the sad effects of not opening the mouth wide enough. Let it be your first object to obtain the proper positions of the vocal organs: for which purpose, practice the vocal analysis, as here presented. The first effort is--separating the lips and teeth; which will not only enable you to inhale and exhale freely, through the nose, when speaking and singing, but avoid uneasiness in the chest, and an unpleasant distortion of the features. The second is, a simultaneous action of the lips, teeth, and tongue: let these remarks be indelibly stamped upon your memory; for they are of immense practical importance.

Anecdote. Alexander and the Pirate. We too often judge of men--by the splendor, and not the merit of their actions. Alexander-demanded of the Pirate, whom he had taken, by what right-he infested the seas? "By the same right," replied he boldly, "that you enslave the world. I-am called a robber, because I have only one small vessel; but you are called a conqueror, because you command great fleets and navies."

The best contrived deceit--
Will hurt its own contriver;
And perfidy-doth often cheat-

Its author's purse--of every stiver.
The man, that's resolute, and just,
Firm to his principles-and trust,
Nor hopes, nor fears,—can bind.

gans. Oratory-is the complicated and vital existence, resulting from the perfect harmony and combination of Eloquence and Elocution.

Varieties. 1. Is there not the same difference-between actual and hereditary evil, as between an inclination to do a thing, and the commission of the act? 2. Whoever has flattered his friend successfully, must at once think himself a knave, and his friend a fool. 3. Unfriended, indeed, is he, who has no friend good enough-to tell him his faults. 4. If those, who are called good singers, were as sensible of their errors in reading, as they would be, if similar ones were made in their singing, they would be exceedingly mortified, and chagrined. 5. The sacred light of Scripture-should be shed upon the canvas of the world's history, as well as on that of humanity. 6. The theology of creation-was revealed to the earliest ages; and the science of creation, is now beginning to be revealed to us. 7. What is most spiritual -is most rational, if rightly understood; and it also admits of a perfect illustrationby rational and natural things: to follow God, and to follow right-and pure reason, is all one; and we never give offence to Him, if we do that, which such a reason requires.


I dreamed-I saw a little rosy child,
With flaxen ringlets-in a garden playing;
Now stopping here, and then afar off straying,
As flower, or butterfly-his feet beguiled.

"Twas changed. One summer's day I stept aside, To let him pass; his face-and manhood seeming, And that full eye of blue-was fondly beaming

On a fair maiden, whom he called "his Bride!"
Once more; 'twas autumnn, and the cheerful fire
I saw a group of youthful forms surrounding,
The room with harmless pleasantry resounding,
And, in the midst, I marked the smiling Sire.

The heavens were clouded! and I heard the tone,
Of a slow-moving bell-the white haired man was gone.

315. As Emphasis is the same thing as Accent, only more of it; so, it is inseparably connected with the Pauses; indeed, whatever distinguishes one word from the others, may be called Emphasis; which is sometimes only another name for Expression: it is, at least, one of the mediums of expression. Hence, Emphasis is often exhibited in connection with a Rhetorical Pause, placed before, or after, emphatic words, which may be elevated, or depressed, with force and quantity, according to sentiment. When this pause is made after the important word, or words, it causes the mind to revert to what was last said; and when it is made before such word, the mind is led to anticipate something worthy of particular attention. The book is full of illustrations.

Proverbs. 1. Nothing overcomes passion sooner than silence. 2. Precepts-may lead, but examples-draw. 3. Rebel not against the dictates of reason and conscience. 4. Sincerity-is the parent of truth. 5. The loquacity of fools-is a lecture to the wise. 6. Unruly passions-destroy the peace of the soul. 7. Valor-can do but little, without discretion. 8. Modesty-is one of the chief ornaments of youth. 9. Never insult the poor;

poverty-entitles one to our pity. 10. Our reputation, virtue, and happiness-greatly depend on the choice of our companions. 11. Wisdom-is the greatest wealth. 12. Pride-is a great thief.

Laconics. No more certain is it, that the flower was made to waft perfume, than that woman's destiny-is a ministry of love, a life of the affections.

Varieties. 1. Those authors, (says Dr. Johnson,) are to be read at school, that supply most axioms of prudence, and most principles of moral truth. 2. The little and short say

Tillotson,) are of great value; like the dust of gold, or, the least sparks of diamonds. 3. The idle, who are wise rather for this world than the next, are fools at large. 4. Let all your precepts be succint, and clear, that ready wits may comprehend them. 5. None

316. Ex. 1. BENEVOLENCE-is one of the brightest gems-in the crown of christian perfection. 2. Melody-is an agreeable succes-ings of wise and excellent men, (saith Bishop sion of sounds; Harmony. -an agreeable concordance of sounds. 3. Homer-was the greater genius; Virgil-the better artist: in one, we most admire the man; in the other -the work; Homer-hurries us with commanding impetuosity; Virgil-leads us with an attractive majesty. Homer-scatters with better guard against a cheat, than he, who a generous profusion; Virgil-bestows, with is a knave complete. 6. Scarcely an ill-to a careful magnificence. 4. What man could human life-belongs; but what our follies do, is done already; (8) HEAVEN and (5) cause, or mutual wrongs. 7. What our Lord earth-will witness,-if-R-o-m-e-m-u-s-t said to all, is applicable to all, at all times; f-a-ll,-that we are innocent. namely, "watch,"-and it appears to relate

Note. Prolong the words with the hyphens between the to the admission of every thought and desire, into the mind.


317. POLITICAL ECONOMY-teaches us to investigate the nature, sources, and proper uses of national wealth; it seems to bear the same relation to the whole country, that Domestic Economy does to an individual family: for, tho' it generally relates to the wealth of nations, it leads us to examine many points of comfort and well-being, that are closely connected with the acquisition, and expenditure of property. Its connection with legislation and government are self-evident; yet every one may derive important lessons, from a knowledge of its facts and principles.

THE MOTHER PERISHING IN A SNOW-STORM. "In the year 1821, a Mrs. Blake perished in a snow-storm in the

night-time, while traveling over a spur of the Green Mountains in Vermont. She had an infant with her, which was found alive and well in the morning, being carefully wrapped in the mother's clothing."

The cold winds-swept the mountain's height,
And pathless-was the dreary wild,
And, 'mid the cheerless hours of night,
As through the drifting snow she press'd,
The babe-was sleeping-on her breast.
And colder still the winds did blow,

A mother wander'd-with her child:

And darker hours of night came on,
And deeper grew the drifting snow:
Her limbs were chill'd, her strength-was gone:
"Oh, God!" she cried, in accents wild,

She stripp'd her mantle from her breast,

Anecdote. All have their Care. Two merchants, conversing together about the hardness of the times, and observing a flock" If I must perish, save my child!" of pigeons, one said to the other, -"How happy those pigeons are! they have no bills and acceptances to provide for." "Indeed," said the other," you are much mistaken; for they have their bills to provide for as well as we."

When adverse winds—and waves arise,
And in my heart-despondence sighs;
When life-her throng of cares reveals,
And weakness-o'er my spirit steals,
Grateful I hear the kind decree,
"That, as my day, my strength-shall be."

And bared her bosom to the storm,
And round the child-she wrapp'd the vest,

And smiled-to think her babe was warm.
With one cold kiss—one tear she shed,
And sunk-upon her snowy bed.
At dawn-a traveler passed by,

And saw her 'neath a snowy vail;
The frost of death-was in her eye,

Her cheek was cold, and hard, and pale;
He moved the robe from off the child,
The babe look'd up-and sweetly smiled'

318. EMPHASIS, in connection with the Proverbs. 1. Every thing-tends to educate Rhetorical Pause. 1. A friend-cannot be known-in prosperity; and an enemy cannot be hidden-in adversity.

Passions-are winds-to urge us o'er the wave,
REASON-the rudder-to direct or save.

He-raised a mortal-to the skies,
SHE-drew an angel-down.

4. Charity-suffereth long, and is (3) kind: (4)
charity-envieth not; (5) charity-vaunteth
not itself; (3) is not puffed up; (4) doth not
behave itself (5) unseemly; (6) seeketh not
her own; (5) is not easily (4) provoked; (3)
thinketh no evil; (5) rejoiceth-not in (4)
iniquity, but (5) rejoiceth in the truth; (4)
beareth all things; (5) believeth all things, (6)
hopeth all things; (7) endureth all things;
(6) CHARITY (8) NEVER faileth.

us. 2. Always have a good object in view. 3. Actions-should be led by knowledge; and knowledge followed by actions. 4. It is better to be saved without a precedent, than damned by example. 5. There is no security among evil companions. 6. Never be unwilling to teach, if you know; nor ashamed to learn, if you can. 7. Better yourself when young; yourself inclined to be angry, speak in a low tone you will want rest in old age. 8. When you find of voice. 9. Bear-and forbear-is excellent philosophy. 10. Seek—and practice--the TRUTH, and you are made-forever. 11. Lookers on see, more than players. 12. Wake not a sleeping lion.

ning-knife of friendship, and not the monLaconics. Sincerity-should be the pruster scythe-of an unfeeling rudeness, which, for one weed that it eradicates, mows down a dozen of those tender flowers, which bloomonly on our affections.

319. THE THREE DEGREES OF SPEECH. There are three different modes in which one may read and speak; only two of which, unVarieties. 1. Our Orators, (says Cicero,) der any circumstances, can be right. The are, as it were, the ACTORS of truth itself; first is reading and speaking by word, and the players are the IMITATORS of truth. without having any regard to the sentiment; 2. Whence this disdain of life, in every the second is reading or speaking only by breast, but from a notion-on their minds word and thought; and the third is-read- impress'd, that all, who, for their country die, ing and speaking by word, thought and feel- are bless'd. 3. You'll find the friendship of ling all combined, and appropriately manthe world--is show; all-OUTWARD show. ifested. In the Greek language, we find these 4. Errors, like straws upon the surface flow: three modes definitly marked by specific He, who would search for pearls-must dive words, such as lalleo, EIPO and EIRO. Chil- below. 5. What you keep by you, you may dren are usually taught the first, instead of change and mend; but words, once spoke, the third, and then the second and third-can never be recalled. 6. Let thy discourse combined: hence, very few of them ever have any conception of the meaning of the words they use, or of the subject matter about which they are reading: they seem to regard these as something foreign to the object. Here we again see the natural truth of another scripture declaration: "The letter killeth: the spirit giveth LIFE."

[blocks in formation]

Ah! what were man, should HEAVEN-refuse to
To others do-(the law is not severe ;)
What to thyself-thou wishest to be done;
Forgive thy foes, and love thy parents dear,
And friends and native land; nor those alone, [own.
All human weal, or woe, learn thou to make thine
Anecdote. Mahomet-made his people
believe, that he would call a hill to him; and,
from the top of it, offer up his prayers for the
observers of his LAW. The people assembled;
Mahomet called the hill again and again to
come to him; and the hill not moving, he
was not at all abashed at it; but put it off
with a jest; saying "If the hill will not
come to Mahomet, he-will go to the hill."

When people-once are in the wrong,
Each line they add-is much too long;
Who fastest walks, but walks astray,
Is only furthest-from his way.

be such, that thou mayest give profit to others, or, from them receive. 7. Beware of ever exceeding the boundaries of truth, in any form; for the mind loses strength, whenever it puts its foot beyond the circle, or passes the boundaries.


All hail! thou lovely queen of night,
Bright empress of the stary sky!
The meekness-of thy silvery light

Beams gladness-on the gazer's eye,
While, from thy peerless throne on high

Thou shinest bright-as cloudless noon,
And bidd'st the shades of darkness fly
Before thy glory-Harvest moon!
In the deep stillness of the night,

When weary labor is at rest,
How lovely is the scene!-how bright
The wood-the lawn-the mountain's breast,
When thou, fair moon of Harvest, hast

Thy radiant glory all unfurled,
And sweetly smilest in the west,

Far down-upon the silent world.
Shine on, fair orb of light! and smile
Till autumn months-have passed away,
And labor-hath forgot the toil

He bore-in summer's sultry ray;
And when the reapers-end the day,
Tired with the burning heat of noon,
They'll come with spirits light and gay,
And bless thee-lovely Harvest Moon!

their sensible and passing forms; the world,
wearing the marks of its Maker, whose stamp
is everywhere visible, and whose character
is legible to all, who are willing to under-
stand, and would become happy.
Proverbs. 1. An oak tree-is not felled with
2. Beware of him, who is obliged to
a blow.
guard his reputation. 3. Concealing faults-is
but adding to them. 4. Defile not your mouth with
impure words. 5. Envy-preys on itself; flattery

kills more than the sword. 7. Hasty resolutions
seldom speed well. 8. Inconstancy is the attend-
ant of a weak mind. 9. Keep good company,
and be one of the number. 10. While one is base,
none can be entirely free and noble. 11. Sin-is
the parent of disease. 12. Oftener ask, than decide
questions. 13. Avoid all superfluities.

320. EMPHASIS-by a pause just before, or after, the important word. The pause be fore--awakens curiosity, and excites expectation; after-carries back the mind to what was last said. How would a tyrant, after having ruled with a rod of iron, and shown compassion to none, speak of his own death, in allusion to the setting sun, in a tropical climate; where the sun is severely hot as long as it shines, and when it sets, it is very soon dark? 1. (5) “And now--my race-of ter-is nauseous-to the truly wise. 6. Gluttony ror—run, (6) Mine--be the eve--of tropic (6) sun; No pale (6) gradations-quench his ray; (5) No twilight (7) dews--his wrath allay: (4) With (5) disk, (like battle target)—— red, (6) He rushes--t' his burning bed, (5) Dyes the wide wave--with bloody (6) light; Then sinks-at once-- ·(2) and all is (1) Anecdote. Witty Reply. A gentleman night." The last clause, pronounced in a lately complimented a lady, on her improved deep monotone, and a pause before it, adds appearance. "You are guilty of flattery," much to its beauty and grandeur. 2. "Will said the lady. "Not so," replied he; "for all great Neptune's ocean-wash-this blood you are as plump as a partridge." "At --clean-from my hands? No: these, my first," said she,-"I thought you guilty of hands, will rather the multitudinous sea--in-flattery only; but I now find you actually carnadine: making the green-(1) one red." make game of me." Macbeth's hands are so deeply stained, that, to wash them in the ocean, would make it red with blood.


"Is this the region, THIS the soil, the clime,"
Said then the lost archangel, "this the seat,
That we must change-for heaven?

This the mournful gloom

For that CELESTIAL LIGHT? Farewell, happy fields,
Where joy-forever dwells. Hail, horrors,-hail
Infernal world! And thou-profoundest hell,
Receive-thy new-possessor!"


"Hand me the bowl-ye jocund band,”—

He said, "twill rouse my mirth ;"
But conscience-seized his trembling hand,
And dashed the cup-to earth.

He looked around, he blush'd, he laugh'd,-
He sipped the sparkling wave;
In it, he read,-"who drinks this draught,
Shall fill-a murderer's grave."

He grasped the bowl,-to seek relief;-
No more-his conscience said;
His bosom-friend-was sunk in grief,
His children-begged for bread.
Thro' haunts of horror-and of strife,
He passed down-life's dark tide;
He cursed-his beggared babes-and wife;
He cursed his God,-and died!

321. CREATION. If we studied creation more, our minds would much sooner become developed; then, the heavens, the earth, the water, with their respective, various, and numerous inhabitants, the productions, natures, sympathies, antipathies; their uses, benefits and pleasures, would be better understood by us: and eternal wisdom, power, majesty and goodness, would be very conspicuous, thro'

Mark to Hit. Never forget, that by your advancement, you have become an object of envy to those whom you have outstripped -in the race of life, and a tacit reproach-to their want of energy or capacity, which they never forgive. You must, therefore, lay your account to be made a mark for “envy, hatred, and malice, and all uncharitableness."

Varieties. 1. We have three orders, or degrees of faculties; the religious, civil and scientific; the first, regards the Deity; the second, Humanity; and the third, Nature; i. e. the Workman and his works. 2. It is the object of the Bible-to teach religious, rather than scientific truths. 3. Cannot our minds-be imbued with the spirit of heaven ;· or tainted with the breath of Hell? 4. In man, we see blended the geological, the vege-table, and animal: to which is superadded, the human; all harmonizing, and yet each successive series predominates over the preceding one; till at length, the human rises above every thing; earth-passes away, and · heaven-is all in all. 5. Let your trust be so implicit-in the Divine Providence, that all things will be disposed for the best, after you have done the part assigned, that your only I care shall be, how you may perform the greatest amount of good, of which your being is capable.

This world's a hive, you know, 'tis said,
Whose bees-are men, ('tis true as funny,)
And some-fill cells-with bitter bread,
While others gather sweetest honey;
Yet each, alike, his duty does,

Each brings what's needful for the other:
Though divers ways-they hum and buz,
Yet all obey the common mother.

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