Aeroplane and Commercial Aviation News, 98. kötet1963 |
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408. oldal
... vehicle at the point on the Earth's orbit where the vehicle was first launched . In other words , they are suitable orbits to select in cases where recovery of the probe is intended . All the journeys outside the Earth's orbit involve ...
... vehicle at the point on the Earth's orbit where the vehicle was first launched . In other words , they are suitable orbits to select in cases where recovery of the probe is intended . All the journeys outside the Earth's orbit involve ...
438. oldal
... vehicles such as the half - conical re - entry vehicle pro- posed by A. J. Eggers , Jnr . , which would allow reasonable manœuvrability in manned vehicles at high speed . This type of vehicle is being set against the winged ...
... vehicles such as the half - conical re - entry vehicle pro- posed by A. J. Eggers , Jnr . , which would allow reasonable manœuvrability in manned vehicles at high speed . This type of vehicle is being set against the winged ...
7. oldal
... vehicle already being built at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena , California . At a distance of about 20 to 25 miles from the surface of the Moon , the mushroom - shaped instrument package will be detached and a retro ...
... vehicle already being built at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena , California . At a distance of about 20 to 25 miles from the surface of the Moon , the mushroom - shaped instrument package will be detached and a retro ...
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Aero Club Aerodrome aeronautical Aeroplane and Astronautics Air Force Air Transport aircraft airfield airframe airline Airport Airways Airwork Airwork Services application Aviation ballistic Biggin Hill Blue Streak Boeing Bowling Green Bowling Green Lane Bristol Bristol Siddeley British British Aircraft Corporation cabin Cessna Command Convair cruising Electric engine equipment Fairey flight flying fuel fuselage Havilland helicopter Hunting Aircraft ICBM industry installed instrument Kidlington launching licence Lockheed London Lycoming manufacturers ment miles Ministry of Aviation missile motor navigation operating orbit passengers payload Phone pilot pressure production programme propeller radar radio range refuelling rocket Rolls-Royce Royal Air Force runway satellite Siddeley Southend Airport space speed Squadron take-off tanks Telephone Temple Press Limited Tiger Moth traffic turbine turbojet turboprop United Vanguard vehicle Vickers Vickers Vanguard Viscount VTOL warhead weight wing