
and earnestness, have the irrational and inconsistent creeds of variant sects, prevented from reading and acquiring a relish for the sacred writings, and turned into the heartless and dangerous paths of infidelity, in the very outset of life. Once more, 57 the heathen demand a change. The way of the kings of the east is almost prepared; and the momentous responsibility devolves upon the true church, of furnishing a system of belief, unencumbered with sophism or cause of doubt; that the great work of their conversion may progress, with accelerated velocity, and free from the disputes, and schisms, and tumults, and above all, from that practical infidelity, which have been the opprobrium of the Christian world, in times past.

I shall conclude with a few remarks of Mr. 58 Owen, which are worthy of being attentively pondered, by Christians of every denomination. Must we not admit their applicability, though in some cases, to a limited extent, to the creed of the English church, and to all others, as well Christian as Mahometan and Pagan.

"The only certain criterion of truth is, that it is ever consistent with itself; it remains one and the same, under every view and comparison of it which can be made; while error will not stand the test of this investigation and comparison, because it ever leads to absurd conclusions.

"Had any one of the various opposing systems which have governed the world, and disunited man

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from man, been true, without any mixture of error, -that system, very speedily after its public promulgation, would have pervaded society, and compelled all men to have acknowledged its truth.

"The criterion however which has been stated shows that they are all, without an exception, in part inconsistent with the works of nature; that is, with the facts which exist around us. Those systems therefore must have contained some fundamental errors; and it is utterly impossible for man to become rational, or enjoy the happiness which he is capable of attaining, until these errors are exposed and annihilated.

"Each of those systems contains some truth with more error: hence it is that no one of them has gained, or is likely to gain, universality.

"The truth which the several systems possess, serves to cover and perpetuate the errors which they contain; but those errors are most obvious to all those who have not, from infancy, been taught to receive them.

"Is proof demanded? Ask, in succession, those who are esteemed the most intelligent and enlightened of every sect and party, what is their opinion of every other sect and party throughout the world. Is it not evident that without one exception, the answer of each will be, that they all contain errors so clearly in opposition to reason and to equity, that he can feel only pity and deep commiseration for the individuals whose minds

have been thus perverted and rendered irrational? And this reply they will all make, unconscious that they themselves are of the number whom they 59 commiserate."

I have now, I believe, noticed every particular at the two gates. The several emblems present a connected system, which includes, at the time of the final re-establishment of the Jews, all in England, or, rather, the united kingdom, who belong to the national church, and have adopted the social system. I have said, all in the united kingdom, rather than England. In one point of view at least, this seems the true intent. There appear somewhat the same reasons for including Scotland, Ireland and the islands, in the quadrangle, as for including the northern peninusula in the quadrangle which represents continental Europe. It is in this view that I have supposed the utter court, verse 37, was the north eastern part of North America, or rather, the North American continent.* When the emblem is considered in its geo- 60 graphical outline, it need not be said, that Scotland is a portion at least, of the utter court. The north and east sides of the quadrangle including those of the national church, and who have embraced the social system, at the time alluded to, or, retrospectively, the former, there is an obvious fitness in assigning the two remaining sides of the quadrangle, the one to the Catholics, and the other

* See 23.

to the Dissenters. We have seen, at gate 4, that in the MILLENIAL CITY the Catholics have no altar and no posts. They neither practice their religion, in public, nor possess any authority. It will soon appear, that the case is very similar with the 61 Dissenters. [n] It will be recollected, that soon after the time of the accomplishment of the vision, that is, the time of the permanent re-establishment of the Jews, [1923,] the social system is to become universal, in the united kingdom.* We are not given, so unequivocally to understand, that conformity to the national religion will be universal, till a somewhat later period.



It will be remembered that some particulars, of a general character, were reserved for a separate 2 consideration. And first, of the steps. At each of the gates, 6,7 and 8, there are eight steps; at gates 3 and 5, seven; and at gates 1 and 9, the number is not specified. In casting about for the reasons for the several numbers, we first turn to the Bible. We there find the number seven so distinguished, that there is little doubt this number is the basis of the emblematical arrangement. Seven days is the earliest division of time; and in commemoration of the most stupendous events on record. In the Jewish economy, a division of seven years, was re

*Not England merely. [n]

cognized; the seventh year being distinguished by observances, which made it to be called the sabbatical year. In prophecy, a still larger septennial period, of seven thousand years, may be clearly perceived. A short time before the beginning of the seventh thousand of years, reckoning from the creation, the millenial state commences. After a preparatory millenial sabbath of about one thousand years, during which, millenial institutions become universal, and a considerable portion of which may be likened to the period of the building of the second temple, when the faithful worshippers labored at the work, with arms in their hands, commences the splendor of the millenium. This glorious event is brought about, by the universal diffusion of pure Christianity, the best form of government, and the best social institutions. Thus, at gate 8 there are 3 eight steps, to signify that, at the commencement of the eighth thousand of years, the institutions, which are there figured, will universally prevail. At gate 6 there are eight steps, to signify that, at 4 the same time, pure Apostolical Christianity will universally prevail. The African church was highly distinguished, for the purity of its doctrines, and the learning of its teachers. It is chosen, on the present occasion, partly perhaps, because the two other gates, within the sphere of the primitive church, 1 and 4, were in requisition for other purposes. At gate 7 there are, in like manner, eight 5

* See 6, 8.

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