
brought over to God. When men speak despairingly, as many persons are inclined to do in the present day, of missions, it is because their own zeal, perhaps, is not so warm as it was, or because the general tone and tendency of the days in which we live is to advance in mental culture, perhaps to the lessening or weakening of the moral sentiment within us.--The Dean of Canterbury at the Meeting of the London Missionary Society.

Why, we are as broad as the world; we claim kindred with all mankind, and we are the persons who insist that all mankind shall be reckoned, none left out, for to us there are no lines of clearage which we cannot easily overpass; there are no skins so dark that we cannot see some lingerings of the Divine light that fell at E first from the face of the creating God upon the creature; and there are no noses too flat to be brought in some way or other within our lines of Christian beauty. We believe that God hath made of one blood all nations of men, for to dwell on all the face of the earth. -Rev. Dr. Raleigh.

One of my colleagues had a somewhat similar experience. I refer to the Rev. William Hall, of the Methodist New Connection Mission. A most touching incident occurred just before he left. It was the day before he was leaving, and this old Chinaman came in, attended by a number of his companions, to say farewell to their pastor. Said he, "We want to say 'Farewell.' Why, bless the good man, they had been in again and again to say "Good-bye." “I am," said he, “an old man; I cannot go with you to England. I wish I could go to England and America, and tell English and American Christians what I feel; but I cannot go; and these young men here—whether they will ever go I do not know, but any rate, they won't go just now; and we have agreed to send a message to the Christians of America and England, and we want you to deliver it." Supposing you were parting from some friends whom you did not expect to see again, you would grasp each other's hands, and choke in the throat, and say, Good-bye, we may never meet on earth, but we will meet in heaven." The Chinese message, however, was grander than that. "Tell our friends yonder we shall never see them on earth, but when we get to our Father's house we will go up and down and look them up, and there, in the presence of Jesus and the holy angels, we will thank Heaven for what they have done for us."-Rev. T. Lees of Tien-tsin.




Po tax men for the support of a religion they conscientiously believe to be untrue and harmful, is unjust. Whatever is unjust is immoral, whatever is immoral is irreligious, whatever is irreligious is ungodly.

Two children were playing together. Little Jane got angry and pouted. Johnny said to her: "Look out, Jane, or I'll take a seat up there on your lips." Then," replied Jane, quite cured of her pouts, "I'll laugh, and you'll fall off."

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Zuingle, the great German reformer, was killed in battle, in the year 1531. His last words were cool and brave. Gazing calmly, and with undaunted courage, at the blood trickling from his deathwounds, he calmly exclaimed, "What matters this misfortune? They may indeed kill the body, but they cannot kill the soul."

"There will come a time," says Richard Hooker, "when three words uttered with charity and meekness shall receive a far more blessed reward than three thousand volumes written with the disdainfulness and sharpness of wit."

M. Janin, who recently died, was afflicted by a grievous malady, which affected both body and mind. His weakness, we are told, weighed upon him terribly, and some of his last words are full of pathos. To M. Houssaye, he said: "I am a great writer; I am celebrated; I belong to the Academy. Well, I would willingly give all that to be able to walk round this room alone." To another friend he remarked: “Here I am, a millionaire three times over since my father and mother-in-law died; and of what use is all this money to me? I can't eat, I can't drink, and I do not care about horses." How vain at such a time are all the consolations of earth. How priceless then the promises and hopes of religion!

A Methodist minister, called to preach at an out-of-the-way town in California, says an American paper, was informed, before entering the pulpit, that he must be careful, as many of the assembled congregation were "roughs," and would not hesitate to disturb him if his remarks didn't suit. The holy man made no reply; but having reached the desk, he took from his pockets two revolvers, and placing one on each side of the Bible, gave a significant glance around the house, and said, "Let us pray." A more orderly service was never conducted.

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S another year draws silently and swiftly to its close, it is not unfit that an Editor and his readers should interchange a few words more personal and direct than those which usually occupy our pages. In doing so now, we cannot refrain from the expression of thanks for many kindly services rendered by our numerous readers, for valued suggestions, for efforts to extend the circulation of our Magazine, and for signs of widening usefulness in our Churches. That some, at least, of the articles contributed to our pages are of unusual value, may, we think, be inferred from the fact that it is by no means uncommon for permission to be sought by our readers that particular contributions may be reprinted in large numbers as tracts and handbills, for the use of our own and other denominations.

For ourselves, though full of hope, we are not without some solicitude. The multiplication of undenominational periodicals, supported by wealthy and powerful societies or individuals, makes the maintenance of other periodicals increasingly difficult. The systematic support of denominational institutions and appliances which is given by almost all other sections of the Christian Church, is so singularly lacking in our own, that the very existence of our periodical literature may be imperilled. Yet such an issue cannot be contemplated without alarm. Our ministers scarcely ever enforce our principles, or expound and urge the improvement of our denominational methods from the pulpit. What if our press and our pulpit alike were silent? When, too, a Romanising and Ritualising literature is ceaselessly spreading its poison over the land, teaching the young, the busy, and the old, deleterious and destroying error, shall the press of the old Puritan and Nonconformist Churches be dumb? Surely this ought never to be hazarded or even contemplated for a moment. And therefore, at this season of the year, we expressly entreat our readers kindly to renew again those good offices which they have rendered in the past, that so far as the Periodical Literature of Independency is concerned, its influence, through another year, shall be maintained and enlarged in growing usefulness, efficiency, and success.


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