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stationery were desirous of his custom. Others proposed supplying him with books, and he went on prosperously. In the mean time, Keimer's business and credit declined daily, and he was at last obliged to sell his printing house, to satisfy his creditors. He went to Barbadoes, and there lived, some years, in great poverty.

12. An apprentice of Keimer's, David Harry, bought his materials, and set up, in his place, in Philadelphia. Ilis friends were rich, and possessed considerable influence, and Franklin was afraid that he would find Harry a powerful rival. He, therefore, proposed a partnership, which was fortunately rejected. Harry was proud, dressed and lived expensively, neglected his business, and ran in debt. Losing credit, and finding nothing to do, he followed Keimer to Barbadoes, taking his printing materials with him. Here he employed his old master as a journeyman, and was at last obliged to sell his types and return to work in Philadelphia.

13. There now remained no other printer in the place but Bradford. He, however, was rich and easy, and was not anxious about doing much business. His situation as post-master, at that time, was supposed to give him some advantages in obtaining news, and distributing the papers; and he was, on that account, able to procure a great many more

11. What became of Keimer? 12. Who was David Harry? What became of him? 13. Who was now the only rival of Franklin?

advertisements than Franklin. This was of great service to Bradford, and prevented his rival from gaining upon him so rapidly as he otherwise would have done.

14. Franklin had hitherto boarded with Mr. Godfrey, a glazier, who was very much distinguished for his knowledge of mathematics. The wife of Mr. Godfrey was desirous of making a match for the young printer, and fixed upon the daughter of a neighbor, as a suitable person. She contrived, in several ways, to bring them together, and at length Franklin made proposals of marriage.

15. Franklin appears to have been equally prudent and cautious in this affair, as in every thing else. He gave Mrs. Godfrey to understand, and carry to the parents, that he expected one hundred pounds with their daughter. She brought him word that they had no such sum to spare. Franklin sent back, in reply, that they might mortgage their house.

16. The answer to this, after a few days, was, that they did not approve the match; that, on inquiry of Mr. Bradford, they had been informed the printing business was not a profitable one; that Keimer and Harry had failed, and that he would probably soon follow them. The daughter was, accordingly, shut up, and Franklin was forbidden the house.

17. He suspected that this was merely a trick of

14. Describe Mrs. Godfrey's desire of matcn-making. 15. Did Franklin show his usual prudence? 16. What as the result?

the parents, to induce him to run away with the young lady, and leave them at liberty to make what terms they pleased. He immediately broke off the connection. The Godfreys were angry, quarrelled with him, and he left the house.

18. He had always continued on friendly terms with the family of the young lady to whom he had been engaged before his visit to London. Her unfortunate marriage made her very dejected and miserable. Franklin saw her, and could not help attributing her unhappiness, in a great measure, to his own misconduct.

19. Their mutual affection was revived, but there were now great objections to the union. Her fotmer husband had not been heard of, and was supposed to be dead. All difficulties were finally surmounted, and he married Miss Read on the first of September, 1730


Library of the Junto. A public Library established. Franklin studies. His Frugality. Anecdote of the Bowl and Spoon. His Scheme of arriving at Moral Perfection. Table of Precepts. Franklin's Remarks upon it. Poor Richard's Almanac.

1. AT the time Franklin first established himself in Pennsylvania, there was not a good bookseller's

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shop any where to the south of Boston. In New York and Philadelphia, the printers were stationers, but they kept only paper, almanacs, ballads, and a few common school books. Those who loved reading were obliged to send for their books from England.

2. The members of the Junto had, each of them, a few volumes. They had hired a room, in which to hold their meetings, and Franklin proposed that they should all bring their books to that room. In this manner they would not only be ready for them to consult and refer to, but would become a common benefit, by allowing each one to borrow such as he wished to read at home.

3. This was accordingly done, and for a while answered their purpose very well. Finding the advantage and convenience of this little collection, Franklin proposed to render the benefit more general, by commencing a public subscription library. He drew a sketch of the plan and rules that would be necessary, and had them put into the form of articles to be subscribed. By these articles, each subscriber agreed to pay a certain sum for the first purchase of the books, and a yearly contribution for increasing them.

4. The number of readers, at that time, in Philadelphia, was so small, that it was with great diffi

2. What plan did Franklin propose for the formation of a library? 3. How did it succeed? How did Franklin propose to extend its advantages?

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