
versation of learned and literary perfons with whom I was acquainted.

We failed from Gravefend the 23d of July 1726. For the incidents of my voyage I refer you to my Journal, where you will find all the circumstances minutely related. We landed at Philadelphia on the 11th of the following Otober.

Keith had been deprived of his office of governor, and was fucceeded by Major Gordon. I met him walking in the streets as a private individual. He appeared a little ashamed at seeing me, but paffed on without faying any thing.

I should have been equally afhamed myself at meeting Mifs Read, had not her family, juftly defparing of my return after reading my letter, advised her to give me up, and marry a potter, of the name of Rogers; to which she confented; but he never made her happy, and fhe foon separated from him, refufing to cohabit with him, or even bear his name, on account of a report which prevailed, of his having another wife. His skill in his profeffion had feduced Mifs Read's parents; but he was as bad a fubject as he was excellent as a workman. He involved himself in debt, and fled, in the year 1727 or 1728, to the West Indies, where he died.

During my abfence Keimer had taken a more confiderable house, in which he kept a shop, that was well fupplied with paper, and various other articles. He had procured fome new types, and a number of workmen; among whom, however, there was not one who was good for any thing; and he appeared not to want business.

Mr. Denham took a warehouse in Water-street, where we exhibited our commodities. I applied myfelf clofely, ftudied accounts, and became in a fhort time very expert in trade. We lodged and eat together. He was fincerely attached to me, and acted towards me as if he had been my father. On my fide, I refpected and loved him. My fituation was happy; but it was a happiness of no long duration.

Early in February 1727, when I entered into my twenty fecond year, we were both taken ill. I was attacked with a pleurify, which had nearly carried me off; I fuffered terribly, and confidered it as all over with me. I felt indeed a fort of difappointment when I found myself likely to recover, and regretted that I had still to experience, fooner or later, the fame disagreeable scene again.

I have forgotten what was Mr. Denham's dif order; but it was a tedious one, and he at last funk under it. He left me a fmall legacy in his will, as a teftimony of his friendship; and I was once more abandoned to myself in the wide world; the warehouse being confided to the care of the testamentary executor, who dismisfed me.

My brother-in-law, Holmes, who happened to be at Philadelphia, advised me to return to my former profeffion, and Keimer offered me a very confiderable falary if I would undertake the management of his printing-office, that he might devote himself entirely to the fuperintendance of his fhop. His wife and relations in London had given me a bad character of him; and, I

Was loath, for the prefent, to have any concern with him. I endeavoured to get employment as å clerk to a merchant; but not readily finding a fituation, I was induced to accept Keimer's propofal.

The following were the perfons I found in his printing-house:

Hugh Meredith, a Pennfylvanian, about thirtyfive years of age. He had been brought up to husbandry, was honeft, fenfible, had some experience, and was fond of reading; but too much addicted to drinking.

Stephen Potts, a young ruftic, juft broke from school, and of ruftic education, with endowments rather above the common order, and a competent portion of understanding and gaiety; but a little idle. Keimer had engaged these two at very low wages, which he had promised to raise every three months a fhilling a week, provided their improvement in the typographic art fhould merit it. This future increafe of wages was the bait he made ufe of to enfnare them. Meredith was to work at the press, and Potts to bind books, which he had engaged to teach them, though he understood neither himself.

John Savage, an Irifhman, who had been brought up to no trade, and whose service, for a period of four years, Keimer had purchased of the captain of a fhip. He was alfo to be a preff


George Webb, an Oxford fcholar, whofe time he had in like manner bought for four years, intending him for a compofitor. I fhall fpeak more of him presently.


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Laftly, David Harry, a country lad, who was apprenticed to him.

I foon perceived that Keimer's intention, in engaging me at a price fo much above what he was accustomed to give, was, that I might form all these raw journeymen, and apprentices, who' fcarcely coft him any thing, and who, being indentured, would as foon as they should be fufficiently inftructed, enable him to do without me. I nevertheless adhered to my agreement. I put the office in order, which was in the utmost confufion, and brought his people, by degrees, to pay attention to their work, and to execute it in a more masterly manner.

It was fingular to see an Oxford scholar in the condition of a purchased fervant. He was not more than eighteen years of age; and the following are the particulars he gave me of himself. Born at Gloucester, he had been educated at a grammar school, and had diftinguished himself among the scholars by his fuperior style of acting, when they reprefented dramatic performances. He was member of a literary club in the town and fome pieces of his compofition, in prose as well as in verse, had been inserted in the Gloucefter papers. From hence he was fent to Oxford, where he remained about a year; but he was not contented, and wished above all things to fee London, and become an actor. At length, having received fifteen guineas to pay his quarter's board, he decamped with the money from Oxford, hid his gown in a hedge, and travelled to London. There, having no friend to direct him, he fell into bad company, foon fquandered his

fifteen guineas, could find no way of being introduced to the actors, became contemptible, pawned his clothes, and was in want of bread. As he was walking along the ftreets, almost famifhed with hunger, and not knowing what to do, a recruiting bill was put into his hand, which offered an immediate treat and bounty-money to whoever was disposed to serve in America. He inftantly repaired to the house of rendezvous, inlifted himself, was put on board a ship and conveyed to America, without ever writing to inform his parents what was become of him. His mental vivacity, and good natured difpofition, made him an excellent companion; but he was indolent, thoughtless, and to the laft degree imprudent.

John the Irifhman, foon ran away. I began to live very agreeably with the reft. They refpected me, and the more fo as they found Keimer incapable of inftructing them, and as they learned something from me every day. We never worked on a Saturday, it being Keimer's fabbath; fo that I had two days a week for read ing.

I increased my acquaintance with perfons of knowledge and information in the town. Keimer himself treated me with great civility and apparent esteem; and I had nothing to give me. uneafinefs but my debt to Vernon, which I was unable to pay, my favings as yet being very lit tle. He had the goodness, however, not to afk me for the money.

Our prefs was frequently in want of the neceffary quantity of letter; and there was no fuch

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