
From The Leader.

Lectures on the British Poets, By Henry Reed.


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malice in an attack on the works of Campbell, added, "As a man, moreover, he is vulgarly ugly." Campbell, in fact, was handsome, but an Irish critic wrote that "he was WHAT is written about poets is generally a miserable dwarf," "a small, thin man, with not worth reading. There might be named a remarkably cunning and withered face, and some fine critics of poetry; but, for the most eyes cold and glassy, like those of a dead part, they have been a dull race, given to the haddock." Having maligned the poet's perrepetition of platitudes, or to the elaboration son, the critic proceeded to misrepresent his of false parallels or affected panegyrics. opinions. Campbell, according to these bioFew can have failed, however, to notice the graphical notes, said of Petrarch that "he gradual improvement which has taken place was a detestable donkey; " of Cervantes, in the tone of literary criticism, especially that " he was a most dull and lugubrous where poets are concerned. Formerly every jester;" of Byron, that'" he was a liar, and poet seemed to have a faction and an enemy, in heart and soul a blackguard; " of Allan and reviews were written as though with the, | Cunningham, that "he was the most infernal one object of inflicting a wound. In our liar that ever left Scotland; " of Hazlitt, that day's Gifford's virulence would not be toler-" of all the false, vain, selfish blackguards ated for a week, except by the few ante-dilu- that ever disgraced human nature, he was vians who promise immortality to the brutal- the falsest, vainest, and most selfish;" of ities of Christopher North. "If," he said, Northcote, the sculptor, that he was " a conspeaking as a reviewer of Shelley, we might ceited booby;" Shelley a filthy Atheist," withdraw the veil of private life, and tell Milton" a savage-minded wretch," Gray what we know about him, it would indeed be selfish scoundrel," and "a harmless, dirty a disgusting picture that we should exhibit; beast." That was one way of clouding the and then, "Of Mr. Shelley himself we know reputation of a dead poet. Byron says that nothing, and desire to know nothing "-two Wordsworth boasted he would not give five savage insinuations altogether contradictory. shillings for all Southey had ever written, The same presumptuous noodle who under- and Mrs. Hemans, that the same poet talked valued Shelley pretended to correct Byron of Scots wha ha wi' Wallace bled as "misannotating his proof-sheets with "Omit the erable inanity;" but we must accept these last six couplets.' Despicable stuff." testimonies very cautiously, and make sure "Strike out this section." But nothing was that we are not mistaking a jest for an opinstartling from the pen of a writer who ion. We know, however, how Wordsworth asserted that Shakspeare's most characteris- underrated Dryden, Pope, and Gray, and tic eloquence, and, indeed, the only quality in marvelled how they had been ranked among which he excelled other dramatists, was poets, and how Byron thought Milton and wit. Rhythmical modulation, according to Shakspeare had been extravagantly praised, Gifford, was not one of Shakspeare's merits. preferred Rogers to Coleridge, affected to We are almost inclined to rank Gifford with value two or three of Moore's Melodies beRymer, who described Othello as " a bloody yond all the epics ever composed, and considfarce, without salt or savor "that fills the ered as a tragedy of the highest order Horace head with "vanity, confusion, tintamarre, Walpole's play The Mysterious Mother, and jingle-jangle." Yet we can forgive these which Coleridge described as "the most dislibels upon books, as we forgive Johnson for gusting, detestable, vile composition that ever despising Paradise Lost, and declaring that came from the hand of man." Coleridge to read Lycidas a second time would be to himself, however, talked of Wordsworth's deserve death by surfeit. We have eccentric drama The Borderers as absolutely wonderopinions and silly critics among us to this ful, and containing a series of profound hour, but we have extirpated (or silenced) touches of the human heart found sometimes the venomous cowards who once spoke of a in Schiller and Shakspeare, but in Wordsbook in order that they might defame its worth always! There was no little personal author. To that race belonged the scribbler and political feeling mixed up in these diswho spoke of Hazlitt as a "pimpled fellow," cussions. The taste of the day, moreover, and the other, who, having exhausted his often misled the critics, as when the verses




called Studies of Sensation and Event-a | allowance in this respect, it is not to be mass of unintelligible, metaphysical, incohe- tioned that there is right judgment and rence were largely and elaborately praised. wrong judgment, a sound taste and a Warburton had his disciples when he foolishly annotated Pope, Gifford his admirers when he ferociously assailed Shelley, Bentham his disciples when he said that all the poetry ever written was of no more importance than a game of pushpin, and, undoubtedly, that reviewer had his dupes who wrote that Shakspeare had done nothing but spread a poisonous fume over the mind of Europe.

We extract from a series of thoughtful, refined, and suggestive essays, by Henry Reed, the well-known American critic, a passage bearing on this topic:

sickly taste. There are opinions which we
their truth, an absolute and imperious self-
hold with a most entire conviction of
confidence, and a judicial assurance that the
contradictory tenets are errors. There is a
poetry, for instance, of which a man may
both know and feel not only that it gives
poetic gratification to himself, but that it
well-constituted and well-educated mind.
cannot fail to produce a like effect on every
When an English critic, Rymer, some hun-
dred and fifty years ago, disloyal in his folly,
pronounced the tragical part of Othello to be
plainly none other than a bloody farce, with-
out salt or savor,-when Voltaire scoffed at
barous piece, which would not be tolerated
the tragedy of Hamlet as a gross and bar-
by the vilest rabble of France or Italy,
likening it, (I give you his own words) to the
fruit of the imagination of a drunken savage,

"It is important, too, to shun the habit of dogmatic criticism. It is a singular but familiar fact, that men are never more apt to be intolerant of difference of opinion than in what concerns the mingled powers of when Steevens, an editor of Shakspeare, judgment and feeling denominated taste. I said that an Act of Parliament would not be need suggest no other illustration than the striking contrariety of judgment on the strong enough to compel the perusal of the merits of the most distinguished poets who when Dr. Johnson remarked that Paradise sonnets and other minor poems of the bard, have flourished in our own times, the discus- Lost might be read as a duty, but could not sion of which I shall not now anticipate by be as a pleasure, and pronounced a sweeping the expression of any opinion. To what is condemnation on Milton's incomparable this owing? Partly, no doubt, to variety of Lycidas,-when, in our own day, a Scotch character, intellectual and moral; to diversity critic, Lord Jeffrey, declared of Wordsworth's of temperament and education; and whatso- majestic poem, the Excursion, that it would' ever else makes one man in some respects a never do-in each of these opinions I know, different being from his neighbor. Each reader, as well as each writer, has his pecu- of demonstration, I know that there was as anybody may, with a confidence not short liar bent of mind, his own way of thinking and feeling; so that the passionate strains of gross and grievous falsehood. Now, if these opinions are defenceless on the score of poetry will find an adaptation in the heart of variety of mind, and safely to be stigmatized one, while its thoughtful, meditative inspira- as rash and irrational judgments, it follows tions will come home to the heart of an- that there must exist principles to guide to other. This consideration must not be lost wise conclusions. And how is a theory of sight of, because it goes far towards allaying criticism to be formed? How, in a matter this literary intolerance, which, like political in which men are apt to think and feel ser or theological intolerance, is doubly disas- differently, to have such various fancies, pre trous, for it at the same time narrows a judices, and prepossessions, how are we to men's sympathies and heightens his pride. But the variety of mind or of general dis get at the truth?"

position will not wholly explain the variety Mr. Reed puts a question, and does not of literary opinions. After making all due wait for an answer.


An interesting case, turning upon the inter- | Military Knights of Windsor. In accordance pretation of the will of Henry VIII., has come with the will, Prince Edward executed the deed! before the Master of the Rolls. King Henry And the lands thus secured being now worth declared that the Dean and Canons of Windsor should have certain lands socured to them by himself during his lifetime, or by his son, Prince Edward, upon trust, among other things, to pay twelve ponce a-day to thirteen poor men. These are now known by the anomalous name of the


about £14,000 a-year; the Military Knights contend that they should have the benefit of the increase in the value. The Dean and Canon on the contrary, claim the £14,000 a-year, de ducting the original thirteen pence a-day amounting to about £600., paid to the knights

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goue on until I had dissolved away the upper marble, and left a pure surface, even these

PROF. FARADAY has addressed the follow-successive applications, made, of course, with ing letter to Dean Milman on the present state of the marbles in the British Museum. Royal Institution, Ablemarle Street, April 30. My dear Dr. Milman, I wish I could write any thing satisfactory, in reply to your note about the marbles in the British Museum. I examined them, in respect of their conditions to dirt, on the 24th instant; and more particularly a Caryatide, No. 128; the Shaft of a Column, No. 118; and some of the Metopes in the Elgin Gallery. The marbles generally were very dirty; some of them appeared as if dirty from a deposit of dust and soot formed upon them, and some of them, as if stained, dingy, and brown. The surface of the marbles is in general rough, as if corroded; only a very few specimens present the polish of finished marble: many have a dead surface; many are honeycomed in a fine degree, more or less; or have shivered broken surfaces, calculated to hold dirt mechanically. I found the body of the marble beneath the surface white. found very few places where the discoloration seemed to be produced by a stain penetrating the real body of the unchanged or unbroken marble. Almost everywhere it peared to be due to dirt (arising from dust, smoke, soot, &c.) held, mechanically, by the rough and fissured surface of the stone. The application of water, applied by a sponge or soft cloth removed the coarsest dirt, but did not much enlighten the general dark tint. The addition of rubbing, either by the finger, or a cork, or soft brushes, improved the color, but still left it far below that of a fresh fracture. The use of a fine, gritty powder, with the water and rubbing, though it more quickly removed the upper dirt, left much imbedded in the cellular surface of the marble. I then applied alkalies, both carbonated and caustic; these quickened the loosening of the surface dirt, and changed the tint of the brown stains a little; but they fell far short of restoring the marble surface to its proper hue and state of cleanliness. I finally used dilute nitric acid, and even this failed; for, though I could have

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care, but each time producing a sensible and even abundant effervescence, and each time dissolving enough marble to neutralize the applied acid, were not sufficient to reach the bottom of the cells and fissures in which dirt had been deposited, so as to dislodge the whole of that dirt from its place. The examination has made me despair of the possibility of presenting the marbles in the British Museum in that state of purity and whiteness which they originally possessed," or in which as I am informed like marbles can be seen in Greece and Italy at the present day. The multitude of people who frequent the galleries, the dust which they raise, the necessary presence of stoves, or other means of warming, which, by producing currents in the air, carry the dust and dirt in it to places of rest, namely, the surfaces of the marbles; and the London atmosphere in which dust, smoke, fumes, are always present, and often water in such proportions as to deposit a Idew upon the cold marble, or in the dirt upon the marble, are never-ceasing sources of injury to the state and appearance of these beautiful remains. Still, I think that much improvement would result from a more frequent and very careful washing; and I think that the application of a little carbonated alkali (as soda) with the water would be better than soap, inasmuch as the last portions of it are more easily removed. It requires much care in washing to secure this result; but whether soap or soda be employed, none should be allowed to remain behind. Dry brushing or wiping is probably employed in some cases; if so, it should be applied with care, and never, whilst the objects are damp, or from the conditions of the In several cases weather likely to be so. there is the appearance as if such a process had resulted in causing the adhesion of a darker coat of dirt than would have been produced without it; for convex, front, underlying portions of a figure are in a darker state than back parts of the same figure, though the latter are more favorably disposed dear Dr. Milman, humbly and truly yours, for the reception of falling dirt.-I am, my


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Chambers' Journal,

7. Sweden, Lapland and Norway-By Bayard Taylor, Athenæum, 8. Old Fashioned Criticism-Henry Reed's Lecture, Leader, 9. The Marbles in the British Museum-Dr. Faraday, Athenæum, POETRY.-Below and Above, 354. Evening Rhymes, 354. The Wand of Light, 370. Old Letters, 370. Autumn Verses, 370.

Christmas Phantasy, 369.

SHORT ARTICLES.-Roman Senate, 327. The Organ Boys, 353. Six Songs by Longfellow, 353. New Stereoscope, 374. Portuguese Africa, 380. Samuel Lover; Mr. Prescott in Russia, etc., 380. Will of Henry VIII., 382.


A Woman's Thoughts About Women-the first article in this number-is a very pleasant one. Long ago we saw dear Aunts going through the process; and in later years have friends of our own youth now ceasing to be young. Were it said that they are growing more like Angels, they would think it flattery, and yet of some of them it is doubtless "A middle-aged angel" is an old wish of ours.


Poor Hooker! The Judicious Hooker!" His works were an all-sufficient consolation to him. What a spite that his wife should have destroyed some of them. This shadowy notice of his Life, will draw many readers to his incomparable Writings.


WASHINGTON, 27 Dec., 1845.

Or all the Periodical Journals devoted to literature and science which abound in Europe, and in this country, this has appeared to me the most useful. It contains indeed the exposition only of the current literature of the English Language; but this, by its immense extent and comprehension, includes a portraiture of the human mind, in the utmost expansion of. the present age. J. Q. ADAMS.

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BEFORE the art of" stealing a thought and clipping it round the edge" had reached its present perfection—in the days when authors were more studious of displaying their erudition than affecting originality, and a false taste made them garnish their compositions with scraps of learned quotation-Latin sentences headed with, as St. Augustine saith, did not rarely occur in sermons.

The faithful no doubt were greatly edified and refreshed by the mouthing of the Latin of the father, and it is to be hoped they were still more so by the translation into vernacular speech of his quaint golden sayings, stuck on the thorns of scholastic theology, through which shepherds not a few delighted to lead their flocks.

the venerable Bishop of Hippo preaching to a congregation of rude soldiers, much in the manner of the author of "Village Sermons." On the other hand, Dr. Pusey, who, in his preface to the confessions in the "Oxford Library of the Fathers," tells us that catholic antiquity, rightly and devotionally studied is calculated to satisfy the cravings of earnest souls, and "to provide a haven for those weary of modern questionings," recommends Augustine as one in whom the stream of catholic truth flowed strong and deep, although there floated on its surface straws and sticks of predestinarianism and other idiosyncrasies of opinion.

His writings were carefully preserved by the church; but the truths they contained remained for a long time dry and unproductive as wheat in a mummy's hand. His sayings were read, admired, and classified by the Dryasdust theologians of the middle ages, of the ninth century in particular. At Indeed, few authors are better adapted for last they became living germs of doctrine, quotation. The writings of Augustine are thought, and action, in the souls of Luther, auriferous to an uncommon degree, and have Calvin, and Jansenius. Although, however, attracted swarms of diggers philosophical, both Luther and Calvin had closely studied theological, psychological, and pietistic; for the theology of this father, and were much the precious metal not only is held in suspen-indebted to it, it is only Jansenius and his sion by the full-flowing stream of language, followers that can, with any propriety, be or is detected sparkling in minute grains called Augustinians. His book, published amid much that is mere sand, but is found after his death, at which he had worked abundantly in solid nuggets. Interspersed for twenty years, was entitled "Augustinus,” through the ten folio volumes filled by the and was professedly an account of the opinBenedictine edition of his works, are many ions of this father. Augustine, thus evoked sentences of compressed wisdom, and many from the shades by Jansenius, was in the pithy, profound, and pious sayings, to adopt seventeenth century nearly as formidable to, a metaphor of his own, strung like pearls on Jesuits as he had been, alive, to Donatists, . the links of a golden chain of argumenta- Pelagians, and Manicheans; not alone by the strength of his single arm, but by rousNone of the ancient church fathers af- ing and influencing, among others of name fected his own times more, or transmitted and worth, such spirits as Blaise Pascal, Anmore influence to future ages. He has at-thony Arnauld, Nicolo, and Quesnel. In his tracted towards him men of the most oppo-own day, he was the great champion of or site tendencies; and his authority has been thodoxy, and the antagonist of separatists claimed for opinions the most conflicting. and heretics; for his love of truth made him › Mr. Maurice tells us that he finds his gospel war with falsehood to the knife, and his love in Augustine and Mr. Kingsley, who in of peace made him labor vigorously to put "Two Years Ago," and elsewhere, publishes down the divisions that were distracting the a gospel very much according to Maurice, in church. The work he did required one. the close of his "Hypatia," introduces to us specially fitted for it, and in looking at the DOCXVI. LIVING AGE. VOL. XX. 25


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