
atrocities which we have lately beheld in India.

There never was a time at which it was more essential for us-more obligatory on us -to make up our minds concerning the re- If we want to secure the repetition of such lative duties of Anglo-Indians and their na- calamities at some future day, we can secure tive fellow-subjects than at present. To it with absolute certainty, by engraving still punish the guilty, and to punish them sharply more indelibly on the native mind that sense -to use unflinching severity for the restora- of abject inferiority which is the true education of order where unflinching severity is tion for an unnatural and brutal use of temneedful-is no doubt our first duty. But all porary power. If we rule the Hindoos by that work of necessary justice would be fear alone, as we rule the brute creation, then thrown away, if we did not make it felt if that yake of fear is for a moment taken throughout India that we had inflicted this off, we shall find that they act like the brute punishment in the strictest spirit of justice creation. That we have not done so hitherto for the past, and without any intention to has been our only claim to rule India at all. make the emergency an excuse for riveting a We have shared with them our privileges. new and oppressive caste-yoke upon India- We have not treated them as the Southern a yoke as irritating and far more heavy than American Planters treat their slaves. We any imposed by their own faith. It is a mere have spread education among them. We mockery to say that we hold India in trust have taught them science and art,—and, for the people of India if we are to establish better than all, we have taught them order ourselves permanently there as a superior and justice, and tried to teach them freedom. and privileged caste, subject to different laws, If the sense of power has had an intoxicating not liable to the ordinary tribunals, enforcing effect on the most ignorant part of a still igagainst them penalties which they cannot en-norant community,-the frenzy it has excited force against us, and making them sensible has not been the result of too much moral that the line of demarcation between us and freedom and legal privilege, but of too much them is a line we can never permit them to visible physical power without any such pass. For this is the one oppressive evil humane discipline in moral freedom and legal about these caste-conversatisms, that they privilege. We may depend upon it that the shut out hope and emulation,-that they do strong hand of English authority will do not merely recognise the natural distinctions nothing for India without some preparation between the powerful and the feeble, but turn to bridge the gulf between the native races those distinctions into an iron fate, and con- and their masters. It would be the maddest tract all the scale of life to the scope of the insolence of English pride and resentment limits thus imposed. We have caste enough, to use this mutiny as the excuse for enlarging and too much, even in England. But we the exclusive legal privileges of Anglo-Indihave little of this hopeless and petrified sort. ans as Anglo-Indians, and reducing the naThere is a constant circulation of life between tive races to a state of deeper and more the upper and lower limits of society. There hopeless inequality. If we wish to uproot is no member of any class who may not find the doctrine of caste in them, we must not himself rising almost imperceptibly into the start with a proclamation of our own devout rank above him. There is no member of belief in its truth and wisdom,-in short with any class that may not find himself sinking manifestoes of the sacredness of mere race, very perceptibly into the classes below. and of the doctrine of government by fear, Wherever a stereotyped and impassable chasm such as "Zelotes" and his party have reis fixed in human society, and men find them-cently advocated in the columns of the Times. selves on the one hand irresponsible demi- We are not advocating all the special progods, on the other hand responsible only as subjects, without any remedy for the irresponsible actions of their superiors, there you have, and must have, all the seeds of the worst sort of revolution. It is abject subserviency, and abject subserviency only, which, when it finds itself with arms in its hands, will be guilty of the sickening and awful

visions of what the English settlers in India term the Black Act. But we are strongly advocating, and we believe also most seasonably advocating, its grand principle, that Hindoos should be made to feel that Englishmen have not one law for themselves and another for their subjects. We may be sure that the better class of Englishmen will gain

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instead of lose in native estimation by their | terwards. We believe that this is just the
amenability to the jurisdiction of the same most effective measure for doing away with
local courts. English energy and restless- that superiority altogether. By fortifying
ness under wrong, Englishmen's tenacity of them in an insolent and irresponsible posi-
purpose in pursuing their rights to the tion, it would sap their natural justice and
utmost, will inspire the Hindoos with far uprightness of character. By giving them
more respect and admiration when they no the artificial shield of privilege, it would de-
longer see them armed with unfair and un-prive them of the respect which their energy,
equal privileges. We want to enlarge the
field of our moral influence over the Hindoos,
not to contract it. We shall do so most ef-
fectually, by giving up all the partiality and
favoritism which hedges us in with physical
advantages, and so prevents them from re-
garding our superiority as natural and moral,
and consequently prevents them also from
aiming at a similar standard.

There is a wide and fundamental distinction between the absurdity of ignoring actual inferiority of race, and the duty of rendering that inferiority as light and transient as it may be by refusing to condense it into an institution. This legalization and petrifaction of the Hindoo inferiority of mind is what the rabid Anglo-Indian party wish to accomplish. They want to have their moral superiority both ways,—in their own energy and rectitude first, and in legal privilege af

on a fair field, would be certain to win. We must guard against the Oriental vice of desiring to govern by physical fear, if we would inspire the Oriental races with the virtues of the West. And we earnestly trust that the stern severity with which the recent crimes of our revolted army ought to be punished, will not be allowed to initiate in India an arbitrary Oriental policy so vulgar and shortstghted as that for which some of the AngloIndian community are now savagely crying out. Should we ever establish designedly an English caste in India,-in other words, should we ever systematically attempt to rule the, people through the worst part of their nature by adopting that worst nature for ourselves, we should sign the doom of our Indian Empire; and no manly Englishman could in his own heart wish to see that doom delayed.

FRENCH VIEW OF THE MANCHESTER Ex-paintings; all these galleries took to the railway BIBITION." We consider ourselves to be an and went by themselves to the Crystal Palace, essentially artistic people, almost as much so as where places were prepared for them. Not a the Italians, and a thousand times more so than lord, or a baronet, or an esquire, who did not the English; yet it never came into the head of make it an act of pleasure to contribute to the the manufacturers of Saint-Quentin, of Mul- adornment of the Manchester Exhibition. Never hausen, or any other great industrial centre, to was such a collection of chefs-d'œuvre seen. organize an exhibition of paintings. Even let What extraordinary things there were in that us suppose them capable of such a fancy. exhibition! First extraordinary thing-the ide Where will you find a proprietor of pictures of an exhibition of paintings originating in the willing to lend such for an exhibition at Saint-head of the city of Manchester. Second extraQuentin, at Mulhausen, or at Rive de Gier? ordinary thing that everybody should accept Not one amateur would consent to part with a the idea, and lend all the pictures that it may single canvass. Whether he is in the right or want to the town of Manchester. Third extrathe wrong I do not stop to inquire; that which ordinary thing-that people should go to see is certain is that he would keep his pictures at the exhibition. How many persons would you home, and he would show the door, with greater find in France who would put themselves out of or less politeness, to the commissioners who the way to go and see an exhibition of old might come to ask him in the name of the paintings at Mulhausen? Who would pay a founders of the exhibition. In England, on the franc for admission? Not a thousand; not five contrary, every body has lent himself with the hundred; two or three hundred, perhaps, at the greatest delight to the fancy of Manchester. It most."-French Almanack, quoted in Bentley's is known that England is one of the richest Miscellany, countries in Europe in galleries of valuable


Household Words,

1. Scottish Ballads, by the poet Alexander Smith, Edinburgh Essays,

2. The Face at the Window,

3. The Tea-Table, by Hartley Coleridge,

4. Life of John Banim, the Irish Novelist,

5. The New Colonists of Norfolk Island,

6. Explorations in North America, by Mr. Palliser, 7. Mind's Mirror-Poetical Sketches,

8. Nature's Greatness in Small Things,

9. French Justice in Algeria,

10. Marie Courtenay,


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POETRY.-I live for those who love me, 80. Tea-Table, 86. King of Denmark's Ride, 88. Domestic Bliss, 88.

SHORT ARTICLES.-Seymour and his Friends, 80. The Court at Biarritz, 91. Numbers and Deuteronomy, 91. Bossuet, 93. Dubufe's Adam and Eve, 93. Atlantic Monthly, 95. Disinterment of the Medici, 95. Public Record Office, 99. Conversion of Wood by MaFrench View of the Manchester Exhibition, 127.

chinery, 113. Hippopotamus, 113.


WASHINGTON, 27 Dec., 1845.

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Published every Saturday, by LITTELL, SON & COMPANY, Boston. Price 12 cents a number, or six dollars a year. Remittances for any period will be thankfully received and promptly attended to.

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From The British Quarterly Review.

name of the magician-was not less remarkMemorials, Scientific and Literary, of An-able in the eyes of men of science in the drew Crosse, the Electrician. London: nineteenth century than he would have been Longmans and Co. 1857.

to a Somersetshire peasant in the days of the NOT far from the town of Taunton there Plantagenets. Many a distinguished philosrecently dwelt a man who would have been opher listened eagerly, and with unfeigned regarded as a kind of enchanter had he lived astonishment, to the accounts of his rein a less intelligent age. The superstitious searches; and those who visited his mansion peasant would have quickened his step as he of Thunder-for such it might be calledpassed along the road, overarched with sol- gazed with surprise on his gigantic apparatus emn trees, which ran not far from the man- for gathering the electric fluid from the atsion of the magician; or if he had stopped, mosphere, and watched him with no little it would have been to direct your eye to the dread whilst he operated on the lightnings poles fastened to the summits of the tallest which lay coiled up in his Leyden jars. trees, and to tell you in a whisper that these True, his name is not extensively known exwere the wands by which the sorcerer cept amongst the followers of science, for conjured up storms, or controlled them, at Crosse was a modest, unpresuming man, a pleasure. You would be informed that this diligent student of nature, who was more wonderful being could draw fire from mist, bent upon exploring her secrets than on and extract streams of sparks from the drift-blowing the trumpet of his own exploits.. ing fog. He could entice the lightnings But careless as he was of public attention from heaven, and put them into his phials, or use them to make sport for his friends. He played with thunderbolts as if they were harmless toys, and handled the red shafts of the tempest as if he had forged them himself. And this man too, it was said, had learnt many secrets of nature, and could tell how she made her crystals, and slowly formed her minerals in the caverns of the earth-the execution of her work; and considering nay, it was rumored that he could beat her at her own work, and had actually fashioned divers substances the like of which had never yet been discovered in the ground. But stranger than all, it was believed that this great enchanter could produce creeping things that had life in them, by means of his mystic arts, for had he not thrown his electrical spells over dead minerals and poisonous liquids, and constrained them to bring forth insects which were perfect in all their parts, and as vigorous as if they had been hatched without any magical compulsion ?

whilst living, it is the more necessary that justice should be rendered to his labors now that he is dead; and therefore it is with no small pleasure that we refer our readers to the volume, in which his widow has collected some memorials of his life and researches. Brief and disjointed these certainly are; but the writer lays claim to no literary merit in

how difficult it is for relatives to wield the biographical pen with discretion, we say much when we say that she has produced a judicious and unpretending book.

Andrew Crosse was born in 1784. He was the descendant of a respectable family long established at Fyne Court, in the manor of Broomfield. It is of little moment to say that the head of the race is supposed to have come over with the Conqueror. Whose forefathers did not, we should like to know? The quantity of ancestral gentlemen who accompanied the Norman marauder appears to Much more, too, you would have heard have been prodigious; and if William could respecting the deeds of this mighty wizard, have foreseen that he was founding pedigrees all expressed in muffled tones, and doubtless by the thousand, he would assuredly have with sundry embellishments such as the pop-been proud of his genealogical achievements. ular fancy loves to employ when it approaches Young Crosse received a somewhat rambling the dim region of the supernatural. But in education. He was taken to France for a good sooth Andrew Crosse-that was the time, and learned to speak French fluently as DOCXII. LIVING AGE. VOL. XI. 9

a child, but totally forgot it as a man. He cian. The reader will scarcely see how, for was taught Greek before he studied Latin; and could write in the language of Hellas before he could even scrawl in his own mother tongue. For a period of more than nine years he was sent to Seyer's school, at the Fort, Bristol, where Eagles, the "Sketcher "of Blackwood, Broderip, the,naturalist, Jenkyns, Master of Balliol, and others of subsequent note, were his schoolfellows. There, as he says, he was caned, on an average, not less than three times a day for seven years, though never once formally flogged. Andrew was a wild laughing lad, passionately fond of a frolic, and doubtless entitled to a little scourging occasionally; but Seyer dealt out his blows with undistinguishing liberality. For, once, when the boy was rehearsing his Virgil, the pedagogue happened to look at the book, and found that a large portion was torn out, his pupil having repeated his lessons day after day from memory alone. Instead of expressing any surprise at the feat, the master inflicted a caning, though the leaves had been removed by a malicious schoolmate; and whenever his temper was particularly awry, the equitable Seyer would ask to look at the Virgil, and administer a dose of castigation as if the offence were perfectly new and unliquidated. During these nine years, too, Andrew never had enough to eat: the mistress compelled him to feed on "vile black potatoes," and a conglomerate of fatty refuse which was dignified by the name of "hashed mutton." One little retaliatory act on the part of the boy is worthy of mention, because it shows that his taste for mischief had something of a scientific turn. Seyer detected him one day in the process of manufacturing rocket powder, and having carried off the inflammable mixture, it was placed on the window-sill of a room, and locked up for the time. To recapture it was impossible, but it occurred to the bereaved youth that he might perhaps fire the compound by means of a burning-glass. A lens was procured; the sun was shining; its rays were speedily concentrated, and to the infinite delight of the lad a brilliant explosion ensued. "It was well," said he, "that the house was not set on fire; as for me, I was reckless of all consequences."

there are thousands of boy's equally endowed with gastric energy, who never rise to eminence in any thing. The explanation, however, is this:-the drawing-master lived at some distance from Seyer's establishment, and not far from his residence there stood a tavern where joints of beef, beautifully boiled and beautifully roasted, were exhibited in the window in alluring array. To a boy with a lively appetite, who was fed on vile black potatoes, mutton conglomerate, and other boarding-school atrocities, the vision of such dainties, all in a state of orthodox cookery, was peculiarly impressive. But to taste them was bliss; that bliss he thought he might frequently enjoy if he could obtain leave to accompany his companions on their excursions to the artist's house. Professing to be smitten with the love of the fine arts, he procured the requisite permission, and commenced a series of studies in boiled and roast., Whilst thus engaged on one occasion, his eye was attracted by a syllabus of certain lectures to be delivered on Natural Philosophy. These he resolved to attend. The second course was on Electricity; and such was the fascination this subject exercised, that his future pursuits, as he says, were at once decided. We have no doubt that the liking for electrometers and voltaic batteries would have been excited by other means, even if the tavern in question had never displayed a single joint, or produced a single drop of gravy; but we cannot deny that the rampant appetite of the youth, and the cruel cuisine of the mistress, contributed to hasten the result,

Mr. Crosse always attributed his scientific tendencies to an amusing cause: he had a good appetite, and this made him an electri

Nor was it long before Andrew introduced some of the wonders of electricity to the notice of his schoolfellows. To one so full of fun the painful surprises of the Leyden phial must have opened out a source of exquisite enjoyment. The younger lads, as might be expected, were freely victimized. A large box, without door, was set on one end in the hall, and at the back there appeared a transparency representing a place which is said to have a peculiar sort of pavement, very excellent, but very unsubstantial. A horrible object, with a pitchfork in hand, hovered in front of the view, whilst on one side there stood a figure dressed like a witch, and attended by a familiar spirit of a somewhat corporeal cast. The patient was either

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