
opposed the publication of the Corpus juris Canonici, and of all bulls and decretals, in Cana Domini, &c. interfering with the temporal and sovereign authority of the State. And the Swiss Cantons in general have always resolutely withstood the interdicts and excommunications issued against them at various times by the Papal See. P. 35.

In 1426, when the Pope sent a special messenger to Basil, to publish his excommunication of the emperor Louis, the messenger was led to the highest spot of the city, and from thence precipitated into the Rhine, where he was drowned. P. $98.


The emperor of Russia nominates to all the Bishoprics in his dominions, upon the recommendation of the Ministry of Religious Worship, or the Consistory. But the Consistory neither has nor can have any connexion with the Court of Rome; for all cases of Ecclesiastical Polity are referred entirely to the Ministry of Religious Worship; and judicial cases are referred to the decision of the Senate.

At the installation of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Mohilow, in 1783, he objected to take the usual consecration oath, on account of the persecuting clause, Hæreticos persequar, &c.; and his conduct was approved by the empress Cathe

rine. Accordingly, the obnoxious clause was omitted, his Holiness not wishing to offend the Empress; and a new clause was added to the oath, concluding thus:

"I will observe all and every one of these things the more inviolably, as I am firmly convinced that there is nothing contained in them which can be contrary to the fidelity I owe to her Imperial Majesty, Catherine, and to her successors to the throne. So help me God, and those holy Gospels of God. Thus I promise and engage."

This important emendation of the Consecration Oath in Russia, was noticed not long after, by Bishop Woodward, in his Present State of the Church of Ireland, in 1786, and warmly recommended to the adoption of the Romish Hierarchy in Ireland. Accordingly, they petitioned the Pope "to remove misinterpretations of the oath by Protestants," &c. And his Holiness was graciously pleased, at an audience, June 9, 1791, to grant, that the Irish Bishops, at their consecration, and Archbishops, on receiving the pall, may use the same form of oath which was taken by the Archbishop of Mohilow. This we learn from Doctor Troy's Pastoral Letter, cited in the Report, &c. pp. 426-428.

On the suppression of the Order of the Jesuits, and their expulsion from the Roman Catholic States, Catherine II., Empress of Russia, granted

them an asylum in her dominions, with the free exercise of their worship, and licence to undertake the education and instruction of youth. And this toleration was extended by her successor Paul I., who applied to the Pope to licence the society in his dominions, by his Letter of August 11, 1800; and this was made the principal pretext of the present wily and encroaching Pontiff, to issue hist Bull for the general restoration of the Order, in 1814, of which the following is an extract. the Original, Report, &c. pp. 422–424.


"We felt it our duty to comply with the prayer of the ex-Jesuits, Francis Kareu, &c. resident in Russia, the more willingly, inasmuch as the then reigning Emperor, Paul I., had warmly recommended the establishment of the Society of Jesus in his empire, under our authority. We also thought proper to extend the same favour to the kingdom of the Two Sicilies, at the request of our dear son in Jesus Christ, Ferdinand, king of that nation; who begged that the Society of Jesus might be established in his dominions and states, as it had been in Russia; which we did, by our brief of July 30, 1804.-The Catholic world demands, almost unanimously, the restoration of the Society of Jesus.-We have therefore decreed, of our certain knowledge, and plenitude of Apostolical authority, to ordain and appoint by this our Constitution of perpetual validity, that all the concessions and faculties, granted solely by us

to the Russian empire, and the kingdom of the Two Sicilies, shall henceforward be understood to extend, as we truly extend them, to our whole Ecclesiastical States, and to all other States and Governments likewise."-Thus encroaching on the indefeasible rights of "all other States and Governments," in the genuine spirit of the most arrogant of his predecessors.

But this crafty and unprincipled order of monks most devoted to the See of Rome, of all its satellites, which, indeed, was the true cause of their re-establishment, in opposition to the wishes of all the powers of Europe, (Russia, and the Two Sicilies excepted) abused the trust and confidence reposed in them by the Russian monarchs. They perverted from the National Greek Church several of the youth granted to their care, and some women of weak and inconsiderate minds, whom they drew over to their own religion.

To correct these misdemeanors and punish the offenders, the present Emperor, Alexander, published an Ukase, or Royal Edict, dated Dec. 20, 1815, for the immediate expulsion of the Jesuits from St. Petersburgh, prohibiting them from entering the two capital cities of the empire, Petersburgh and Moscow; and ordering the Archbishop of Mohilow to replace the Jesuits employed in the Roman Catholic Churches, by other priests or monks of a different order; and reestablishing the Romish Church in Russia upon

the same footing that it was in the Empress Catherine's reign, before the innovations of 1800.

The Empress Catherine, indeed, notwithstanding her toleration of the Romish religion in her dominions, imposed several restrictions thereon. By her Ukase of January 17, 1782, she placed all their religious orders under the superintendance of the Archbishop of Mohilow and his consistory, "without daring to submit to any foreign Ecclesiastical power;" she prohibited all Bulls, or Rescripts from Rome, to be published, until they were inspected by the senate and sanctioned by imperial authority.-Report, pp. 399-405.



During the reign of Christian V., an artful plot was discovered for the restoration of the Romish Religion in the north of Europe; in which several priests, educated at the Jesuit College of Braunsberg, in Prussia, but outwardly professing the Protestant Religion, were secretly and actively employed in propagating Popery in their parishes. In consequence of this discovery, several severe laws were enacted in 1685, against Roman Catholics in general, and the Jesuits in particular.

No Romish Prelates are admitted into the king


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