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" If we look to what the waters produce, shoals of the fry of fish frequent the margins of rivers, of lakes, and of the sea itself. These are so happy that they know not what to do with themselves. Their attitudes, their vivacity, their leaps out of the... "
The Works of the Rev. Sydney Smith - 121. oldal
szerző: Sydney Smith - 1848
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The Works of William Paley, D.D.: Natural theology

William Paley - 1810 - 498 oldal, (which I have noticed a thousand times with equal attention and amusement,) all conduce to shew their excess of spirits, and are simply the effects of that excess. Walking by the sea side, in a calm evening, upon a sandy shore, and with an ebbing tide, I have frequently...

Natural Theology, Or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity ...

William Paley - 1811 - 574 oldal
...the sea itself. These are so happy, that they know not what to do with themselves. Their attitudes, their vivacity, their leaps out of the water, their frolics in it (which I have noticed a thousand times with equal attention and amusement), all conduce to show their...

Views of the Creation

1822 - 194 oldal
...the sea itself. These are so happy that they know not what to do with themselves. Their attiludes, their vivacity, their leaps out of the water, their frolics in it, all concur to shew their excess of spirits, and are simply the effects of that excess. In watching; by...

The Pleasures of Human Life, Examined and Enumerated: With an Entertaining ...

John Platts - 1822 - 844 oldal
...the sea itself. These are so happy, that they know not what to do with themselves. Their attitudes, their vivacity, their leaps out of the water, their frolics in it, (which I have noticed a thousand times with equal attention and amusement,) all conduce to shew their...

The American First Class Book, Or, Exercises in Reading and Recitation

John Pierpont - 1823 - 492 oldal do with themselves. Their attitudes, their vivacity, their leaps out of the water, their frolicks in it, all conduce to show their excess of spirits, and are simply the effects of that excess. Walking by the seaside, in a calm evening, upon a sandy shore, and with an ebbing tide, I have frequently...

The works of William Paley, 3. kötet

William Paley - 1823 - 382 oldal
...the sea itself. These are so happy, that they know not what to do with themselves. Their attitudes, their vivacity, their leaps out of the water, their frolics in it (which I have noticed a thousand times with equal attention and amusement), all conduce to shew their...

The Works..., 3. kötet

William Paley - 1824 - 382 oldal
...water, Their frolies in it, (which I have noticed a thousand times with equal attention and amusement,) all conduce to show their excess of spirits . and are simply the effects of that excess. Walking by the sea-side, in a calm evening, upon a sandy shore. and with an ebbing tide, I have frequently...

The Works of William Paley: Natural Theology

William Paley, Edmund Paley - 1825 - 436 oldal
...water, their frolics in it (which I have noticed a thousand times with equal attention and amusement), all conduce to show their excess of spirits, and are simply the effects of that excess. Walking by the sea-side, in a calm evening, upon a sandy shore, and with an ebbing tide, I have frequently...

The Works of William Paley: With a Life of the Author, 1. kötet

William Paley - 1825 - 442 oldal
...the sea itself. These are so happy, that they know not what to do with themselves. Their attitudes, their vivacity, their leaps out of the water, their frolics in it (which I have noticed a thousand times with equal attention and amusement), all conduce to show their...

Natural Theology: Or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity ...

William Paley - 1826 - 320 oldal
...water their frolics in it, (which I have noticed a thousand times with equal attention and amusement,) all conduce to show their excess of spirits, and are simply the effects if that excess. Walking by the sea side, in a calm even$LT/hT 1 '. and alW8 " V8 ' retir7n * wi!h »'ew»?Pr-!...

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