
neration, and thus, to no small extent, promote the kingdom of Christ in the earth."


usefulness includes Attica and Boeotia, with the neighbouring isles of Eubea, Salamis, Egina, and others. The Directors seem impressed with the necessity and utility of making the modern Greek Testament a school-book, and of supplying the clergy, who are greatly in want of the Scriptures, both for their churches and their people, with the ancient and modern Greek Testament." Extract from a Speech delivered by his Excellency Prince Galitzin, at the Sixth Anniversary of the Russian Bible Society, October 9, 1819.

"There is exhibited to the attentive eye of the Christian, a singular, and most striking feature in the accounts respecting that vast field in which the Word of Life is now sowing; namely, a most indefatigable zeal in preparing versions of the holy Scriptures in the languages of all the unenlightened na tions scattered upon the face of the earth. And in our own country this is no less manifest. In the different governments, both near and remote, in the desert and in the village, in snow-clad Siberia, and upon the mountains of Caucasus and Uralia, are to be found lovers of the Word of God, who, of their own accord, and without any earthly selfish views of gain, are engaged in the work of translating the Gospels, and other parts of the Bible, into the various languages and dialects spoken by the tribes who inhabit Russia-people who never before even heard of this Divine Word.

"The reading of the holy Scriptures is also becoming more general among us and among our villagers, who, in many places, assemble together, on the Sabbath, and other holy days, to spend them in reading their Bibles; and in some places, even the youth are occupied in the instruction of their parents who have not before been taught to read. The soldiers and sailors are likewise of their own accord seeking this spiritual food. They experience that, in their families, the Bible supplies them with lessons for the regulation of their lives, and with an abundant source of daily comfort and edification.

"But, in addition to all this, a still more gratifying prospect of usefulness is now presented to our Society. In conformity with the will of the monarch, the reading of the holy Scriptures is now introduced into all our seminaries of instruction; and this will doubtless lay a foundation for the piety of the rising ge

The following is an extract from a letter written by M. Dard, the superintendant of the school established at Senegal, on the system of mutual instruction, to M. Jomard, the secretary to the Society formed in Paris for encouraging that system throughout the French dominions. Some of the particulars will be found highly interesting; but what will a British-rather what will a Christian-reader say to the desecration of the day of sacred rest, by teaching the Negroes "elementary physics; caloric, light, space, porosity, attraction, and repulsion;" instead of the principles and duties of the Gospel of Christ? If our French neighbours will condescend to take a lesson on the best mode of raising the African character, let them look at the state of the recaptured Negroes under Mr. Johnson's truly pastoral care. There they will witness natives of almost every variety -men who have been rescued but recently, in all their barbarism, from the holds of slave vessels-beginning to cultivate the arts of social life, and not only "not slothful in business," but very many of them "fervent in spirit serving the Lord." It would be difficult to find any spot in the world upon which Christian benevolence may fix its eye at the present moment with higher satisfaction and brighter hope than Regent's Town, the chief scene of these disinterested and successful exertions. We are far from being insensible to the benevolent labours of M. Dard and his employers; and are rejoiced to see persons, of whatever name or nation, zealous for the cause of suffering Africa. But unless knowledge and civilization are made the handmaids to Christianity; unless the word of God is introduced, and a strict regard to his Sabbaths inculcated; the best part of the boon, and that which chiefly renders the remainder valuable, will be omitted.

"Nearly three years have elapsed," says the writer, "since my departure from Paris for this place; and I have now the heartfelt satisfaction of being able to inform you, that already two hundred native children, instructed under my own eyes, at Saint Louis, read with great correctness and facility. The total number of scholars since my ap

pointment, amounts to 254; of these nineteen have disappeared without profiting in any manner by their lessons; one hundred and thirty have completed their elementary courses, and a hundred and five regularly frequent the school room. But the small-pox has struck a dreadful blow at our institution; eighty children were attacked by it iu less than a fortnight, so that for a short time the school was reduced to twenty-five pupils. Thank God, however, that the malady is drawing to an end; but we have to regret the loss of two monitors general, who were the chief ornaments of our little establishment.

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"At present our roll-call increases daily: joy is depicted on every countenance, on revisiting the asylum in which they tasted the first fruits of civilization: they themselves participate in those sentiments of affection which I have uniformly manifested towards them, on reflecting that they are the first natives of Senegal who are destined to spread the blessings of instruction amongst their more remote compatriots.

"Our little Black academy has recommenced its evening sittings: we are about to begin the translation of Simor de Nantna, and shall also put the last hand to our version of the School Pictures. We have already found a great number of Wolof, proverbs, which are well worthy of being transmitted to Europe. Geography has not been neglected; the greatest part of our monitors possess globes which they have traced themselves on the eggs of ostriches. Several understand the use of the quadrant, and know how to calculate the latitude and longitude: finally, four of the most advanced, and to whom I have given les. sons in particular since my arrival, are versed in arithmetic, elementary geometry,rectangular and spherical trigono

metry, and algebra to the second degree inclusive.

"In order to neglect nothing that can contribute to the improvement of my monitors, I determined to make them acquainted with the principles of nature: for this purpose, Sundays and Thursdays have been appropriated to the study of elementary physics: we have treated on caloric, light, the different state of bodies, space, divisibility, porosity, and on attraction and repulsion. We have also touched on the principal phenomena presented by the atmosphere, water, and electricity; but our charger, which is nothing more than a large bottle well plaistered with Spanish wax, has not always answered our wishes. We have, notwithstanding, succeeded by dint of patience: and now, so indifferent have my pupils become to the sound of thunder, whose approach formerly made them tremble in every joint, that it only furnishes them with a philosophical experiment; and while the lightnings are playing over their heads, they are merely discussing their salutary effects!"

After some minor details, M. Dard thus concludes his communication: "I have omitted no exertion or precaution that was likely to increase the number of Lancasterian schools in Africa; and in spite of the obstacles which I have frequently had to encounter, notwithstanding the pamphlets circulated by selfish individuals to depreciate the new method, I am happy to assure you of its entire success, as well as that of the honourable mission confided to me; since I can add, in proof of the assertion, that twelve monitors are ready and willing to proceed forthwith into the interior, for the laudable purpose of enlightening their ignorant brethren. So that it only remains for government to issue their orders on the subject."



THE reports and conjectures which have prevailed for some time, relative to the affairs of Spain, are at length superseded by the unexpected termination of the whole, in a complete and almost bloodless Revolution. The king, feeling it to be impossible to resist the gathering storm, prudently CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 219.

resolved to bend before it He has proclaimed the re-establishment of the Constitution of 1812, which, on his return to Spain, he had been led totally to annul; has taken an oath publicly before the Council of State, to observe and maintain it; and has issued orders for immediately assembling the Cortes, in order to de

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berated. The patriot leaders, who, after having so gallantly maintained and vindicated the rights of their king, and the independence of their nation, against the insidious wiles, and the powerful and ferocious aggression, of Bonaparte, were basely and ungratefully banished from their native land, have been recalled from their exile, and are hastening back to share in this second triumph of freedom.

liberate upon the best means of "healing the wounds of the country," and consolidating the new system of government. Had he had the wisdom, on his restoration to the throne, to have consented to such modifications of the royal power, as the altered circumstances of Spain called for, a constitution might then have been framed under happier auspices than can now be expected. He might have so blended with the ancient pre- But in the midst of the satisfaction rogatives of the crown, and the pri- with which it is impossible for us not vileges of the aristocracy, the new- to hail these happy changes, we canborn rights of the people, as to have not conceal that that satisfaction is united in his cause the universal mingled with some serious misgivings. Spanish Nation, and to have erected To some of these, arising from the his throne on the only safe and stable very nature of the new Constitution, basis-the affections and interests of we have already adverted. But what, his subjects. That opportunity was it may be asked, is likely to be the unhappily lost: a period of misgovern- aspect of this Revolution on the future ment, and oppression has succeeded: fates of South America? Republican distrust, and hatred, and resentment Governments, though they have had for unmerited injury, have taken the credit given them, by speculative poplace of confidence, and esteem, and liticiaus, for a larger portion of virtue loyalty; and it is greatly to be feared, than monarchies, have never shewn that in the compact which may be that, in fact and in practice, they are entered into between a humiliated less actuated by the evils of national monarch and an indignant and victo- ambition, and of the love of power and rious people, the gratification of the aggrandizement. We are far, therefeelings of the moment may be pre- fore, from expecting that the Cortes ferred to the solid and permanent ad- will be disposed to concede to the Spavantage of the kingdom. The Con- nishi provinces their claim of indepenstitution of 1812, indeed, was of far dence, or even to consent to any great too democratic a cast, and proceeded relaxation of the former commercial too much on the abstract dogmas of restrictions. They may offer, indeed, the French school, to permit us to a seat in the Cortes to deputies from hope that it could ever be rendered South America; but without a thorough consistent with the stability of monar- change in the principles which have chical government; and in the pre- hitherto governed the relations of the sent state of men's minds, it is to be parent state with her colonies, the latapprehended that, instead of correct-ter will hardly be seduced, even by that ing this defect, there will be a strong disposition still farther to abridge the power of the executive branch, and to degrade, if not to extinguish, the aristocracy as a separate order in the state. It were greatly to be desired, that the leaders of the popular party, profiting by the experience to be derived from the page of history, and from the living lessons which the different governments of Europe exhibit at this moment, would exercise that wise and prudent caution in the work of reform which the peculiar circumstances of Spain eminently require. In the mean time, it is impossible not to exult in some of the effects which have already proceeded from this singular Revolution. The inquisition has beensuppress ed: its dungeons have been laid bare to the light of day, and its captives li

offer, again to recognise the sovereignty of the former. If we are right in this conjecture, is it not to be feared that hostilities will continue, and that the Cortes will have it in their power to carry them on with much more vigour and effect than Ferdinand was able to do? They will have the resources of the country more entirely at their command, and may, after they have been fully invested with the authority of the state, be desirous of finding employment at a distance, for a large part of that army which has achieved the Revolution. No government can contemplate with perfect complacency an armed body, elated with a sense of its own strength, and which has learnt to regard the efficient controul of the state as placed in their hands.

Another momentous question re

spects the Slave Trade. Spain has bound herself to this country to abolish that trade, universally and finally, in the approaching month of May. What course will the Cortes be disposed to pursue on this point? We are not without our fears respecting it. We would, however, hope, that they will embrace the opportunity of shewing their real value for liberty, as well as their gratitude to him who has broken the chains which bound themselves, by taking adequate care that the nominal, shall also prove a real, extinction of this traffic; and that the year, from which dates the commencing freedom of the Spanish Nation, shall record their unanimous concurrence in promoting, as far as depends on them, the liberation of Africa.


The murderer of the duc de Berri has not yet been brought to trial. It is supposed that many others will be found to be implicated in his guilt.Laws are likely to be passed by the chambers, for restraining the liberty of the press, and for giving to the government additional powers of arrest in certain cases.


In the Congress of the United States strong efforts have been made, which we trust will prove successful, for preventing the admission of any new State into the Union which does not consent to relinquish the right of allowing slaves to be imported into its territory. The Government seems also to have applied itself to the effecfual suppression of the American contraband Slave Trade. A national vessel has been sent to the coast of Africa, to cruize against the contrabandists; and measures have been taken to form a colony of free Blacks on that coast, into which liberated captives may be incorporated, on the plan of Sierra Leone.


Parliament was dissolved on the 29th of February, and the new elections have since been proceeding rapidly throughout the country. They have not, we are happy to say, been peculiarly marked by tumult or party violence; and indeed, considering the great interest attached to questions of internal policy at the present moment, they may be said to have proceeded

even somewhat tamely. The only place where symptoms of riot shewed themselves was Coventry, where the notorious Cobbett presented himself as a candidate; and, strange to tell, the violence of the mob was here directed against this radical writer, so as even to endanger his personal safety-a happy illustration of the proverbial fickleness of mobs. His ridiculous partiality for the bones of Tom Paine, which he had doubtless expected to have enshrined with pomp and popular acclamation in this country, seems to have disgusted even the Radicals of Coventry-a circumstance which affords ground, we hope, for the consolatory inference, that reverence for religion maintains a stronger hold on the minds of the lower classes than many are inclined to believe.

It is conceived, that upon the whole, ministers have been losers by the present elections as far as they have hitherto proceeded. In the city of London, indeed, they have been gainers; Mr. Waithman and Mr. Thorp having been forced to give way to the lord mayor, Bridges, and Sir William Curtis. In Devonshire also, and in Leicestershire, the two Whig members have been displaced;-Lord Ebrington in the former by Sir Thomas Acland, and Mr. Phillips in the latter by Mr. Keek. The Opposition, however, have had the advantage in Buckinghamshire, Staffordshire, Bedfordshire, Nottingham, Northampton, Ipswich, IL chester, Portsmouth, and in a few other places. The radical leaders have not been very successful. The attempt of Cobbett at Coventry, and that of Hunt at Preston, have failed: but it must be recorded to the disgrace of these boroughs, that Cobbett obtained several hundred votes, and Hunt upwards of a thousand.— Mr. Hobhouse has displaced Mr. Lamb in Westminster, after a protracted contest. An effort, made by the second son of the late Mr. Whitbread, to displace Mr. Mellish in Middlesex, is still undecided. In Westmoreland, the contest has also been severe. The two sons of LordLonsdale have been seated, thoughwith great difficulty: the numbers were, Lord Lowther 1530, Col. Lowther 1412, Mr. Brougham 1349. Canning obtained an easy victory over At Liverpool Mr. a Radical who attempted to disturb his seat, and he appears to have founded his claim to the favour of the numerous electors of that town, on the open and

undisguised avowal, not only of antiradical: but of anti-reform principles. His speeches on the hustings deserve to be read as the ablest popular vindication which we have met with of those who, like Mr. Canning, are decidedly hostile to what is called Parliamentary Reform.

It is now generally believed that the QUEEN will not return to England, and that she has acquiesced in an arrangement which is to secure to her an adequate income for life, on the understanding that she shall continue to reside abroad.

In certain parts of Ireland there have occurred very serious disturbances, which it proved necessary to employ a military force to repress. Tranquillity, however, is said to have been restored; and some of the ringloaders having been apprehended, brought to trial, and found guilty, hopes are entertained that their early conviction will have a salutary influence on the minds of their deluded followers. The influence, however, of trials and executions can be but temporary. Expedients of a very different description are necessary, in order to eradicate the lawless spirit too prevalent in Ireland. We long to witness, in that hitherto neglected country, a wise and systematic effort to humanize the population by means of early moral and religious culture; and, while their minds are expanded by education, to conciliate their affections, by the union of kindness and suavity with firmness and vigilance, on the part of those who administer. the laws.

In Scotland, a momentary alarm was excited by the appearance of tumult at Culrain in Rosshire. The proprietor of a large estate in that county had given notice to his native tenantry, to the number of five or six hundred, to quit their farms. All who know any thing of Highlanders know their passionate and romantic attachment to their native soil. A shew of resist'ance was at first made, by these poor people, to the sheriff's officers who came to serve the writs of ejectment; but they required no other interference than that of their revered clergyman, to induce them to yield obedience to the laws. He had no sooner represented to them the impropriety of their conduct, than they submitted to their hard fate without opposition. We say, their hard fate: for surely it

is hard to be thus suddenly uprooted from the soil that reared them; to be expelled from the seats of their progenitors, to which their hearts had been linked, by feelings and associations of which none can estimate the force but those who have witnessed them; and to be driven to seek in some foreign clime the asylum denied them in their own. The proprietor of an estate has a legal right, indeed, to eject from his farms their present tenants, and to replace them by persons who will enter into his views of agricultural improvement. But surely, in this case, a patient and persevering effort might first have been made, to induce these poor people to lend themselves to his plans, while he kindly afforded them the instruction necessary to that end. That they are sensible to the influence of mild and affectionate persuasion, is evident from the readiness with which they yielded to the friendly voice of their pastor. And can it be doubted, that much might have been done to prevail with them to adopt the meditated improvements, had the laird, as well as the minister, shewn himself disposed to be their protector and friend; had he conducted himself towards them as a father, and exhibited to them, in his own example or that of others, the nature and effects of the changes he desired to introduce? We sincerely hope that something of this kind may still be attempted.

One of the most interesting branches of our domestic history during the present month relates to the trials for sedition which have taken place at the assizes in different places.

Various persons have been convicted of vending seditious libels; and it is to be hoped, that the practice will be checked by the determination, manifested by the government, to prosecute the offence, and by the courts and juries to punish it.-Sixteen individuals who had been apprehended for a riot at Dewsbury, in Yorkshire, pleaded guilty to the charge, and received a very lenient sentence.-The trial of Huut and others, charged with having conspired to call a meeting at Manchester for illegal purposes, and to the terror of his Majesty's peaceable subjects, commenced at York, on the 16th, and had not yet terminated on the 25th instant. On the 23d, Sir Francis Burdett was tried at Leicester for a seditious libel, and was found guilty.

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