

No. 3.

Boston, Saturday, May 17, 1806.


For the Emerald.

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seldom quieted by possession; not contented with present enjoyment, man is ever seeking a guarantee for the future; is alarmed by evils that may never arrive; distressed by accidents that may never happen; what his patience would preserve. and frequently losing by his zeal

In the neighbourhood of Bagdat resided a celebrated DERVISE, The moss his bed, the cave his humble


His food the fruits, his drink the chrys

tal well.

His uncommon rigidness of life had long been noticed as a proof of singular piety, and his sanctity of manners had procured for him the favour of supernatural communication: Chance carried Almozin near the place of his retirement, and curiosity led to inquiries, the answers to which his religion inculcated the necessity of believing.

The Story of ALMOZIN of Bagdat. ALMOZIN was blessed above all the worshippers of Mahomet. The smile of happiness was cheering and constant as the rays of morning, and the tranquillity of his house even and uninterrupted as the stream that flowed by his door. His possessions were not so large as to raise the jealousy of the caliph, nor so small as to create contempt from the people. He occupied his time, in the humble concerns of private life, remarked for his honour and liberality, and for a strict observance of the prophet's commands. ALMOZIN had been repeatedly solicted to preside over the city of Bag- The Dervise paused on the endat, but he preferred the continu- trance of Almozin, and pronouncance of domestick pleasure to the ed him a very unhappy man. allurements and pageantry of power. reception so different from what His wife was young, beautiful and he expected, operated on his mind affectionate; his child healthy, in- like the damps of evening on a delitelligent and dutiful; from them he cate flower, it chilled him to the experienced an affectionate tender-soul. The Dervise, to make good tess, more gratifying than the palace his assertion, with much solemnity of the Vizier, or the splendours of declared that the wife of Almozin his court. Almozin was contented would prove unworthy his confiwith the blessings, which Providence dence and love; that his son would alloted him, and felt no other wish join a faction against his lawful sovethan that accident might never in-reign, and that Almozin himself, terrupt them. notwithstanding his present possesThere is a restlessness, however, sions, would shortly be reduced to in the human disposition which is poverty and wretchedness.



Servise thus opened the vol-
And futurity but darkness shadow-
its page.
Misery began to col-

more distressing and painful than the thoughts of their approach. He ante dated the hour of misery and became

The curiosity which burnt in the bosom of Almozin is found in great

dom brings with it sufficient amusement to gratify the comprehensive mind, that can range by anticipation through the boundless tract of futurity, or call by the powers of memory all the delights that have passed to embellish the scene it would adorn.

ect her damps round the head of Al-wretched at the moment it was told mozin, and he felt by anticipation all him he should not always be happy the horrors to which he was exposed. He returned home and was met by his wife with a smile, but he mistook the smile of affection for the hypoc-er or less degrees in every individ risy of wantonness. His child ual. There is a disposition univerwould have clung round his knees, sally manifested to look beyond the but he spurned him with rudeness narrow limits, which enclose the as already a traitor. His friends powers of the mind; to read the came to visit him as usual, but the unturned page of futurity, although board of hospitality was no longer the knowledge to be gained, like spread; his liberality was changed that acquired from the forbidden to a parsimonious meanness. Im-tree in paradise, is only an acquaintplicitly believing that the other pre-ance with our own misfortunes, and dictions of the prophet would be a certain assurance of inevitable disfulfilled, he nevertheless endeavour- asters. The present moment seled to delay the evil hour of poverty by means to which poverty was a stranger. Almozin was an altered man. His mind uneasy and restless squared with no scheme of happiness. He no longer returned the affection which the partner of his fortunes always exhibited, no longer did he regard the duties of a parent, It is however a wise provision of no longer join the circles of friend- Providence that man should be igship and hilarity; a gloomy and jeal- norant of future contingencies, that ous malignity usurped the place of the decrees of fate should be shroudthat candid and liberal deportment ed by darkness, which no human by which he had always been known. eye can ever thoroughly penetrate. Whether these alterations of A knowledge of the difficulties to character produced a similar altera-be incurred would deter from entertion in his wife, his child and his acquaintance it is needless to inquire; most likely the prediction of the prophet was verified; if so, it was by the folly of Almozin and not by the wisdom of the Dervise. whether the leaf of futurity, which the Dervise exhibited, was or was not torn from the book of fate, it produced in Almozin equal unhappiness; he was tortured by anticipations which destroyed the gratifications of the present, and distressed by expecting future evils, which if they happened would not have been


prize, prescience of the evils, of life would destroy the desire of living, but uncertainty is now a motive for exertion, and precaution and prudence are virtues which this uncertainty creates.

Novelty is necessary for happiness; occurrences which it is known must inevitably happen, af ford, if pleasant, less pleasure when they arrive, and if disagreeable, the evil, as in the case of Almozin, is increased by a dreadful anticipation of its pain. The events of futurity are purposely concealed; the cur

of conduct, and a prop

tain that conceals them is like the ark of Israel," he who touches iterality of mind.. But the shall die." But though it be as different in lower ranks of au. improper to consult oracles, and There, Insolence is a substitut soothsayers and fortunetellers as it dignity and the little power posses is ridiculous to expect their re- sed is exercised with all the vexasponses will be true, yet it is not in- tions of tyranny to give proof of his. tended we should slumber in the importance and character. darkness without exertion; room is The privateer's man is more ingiven for those calculations, which solent in examining your vessel than keep the faculties of the soul in the commander of a man of war. employment, and for that imagina-The impertinence of the porter is tim, which, like a skilful painter, more insufferable than the airs of copies nature with such exquisite his master, and the prisoner in the skill that the roughness of the rocks hands of a Constable is treated with is softened into beauty, and the ten thousand indignities, some of wildness of the cataract made de- which he undergoes before the Juslightful. The first is the energy tice, but has none to suffer in preof human strength-the force of sence of the Judge. Whether it be genius-the bold, inimitable,original that little offices are filled by men. powers of the mind: the latter is whose authority and understanding the omament, the amusement of are on a level; or whether the well life; a faculty intended to make its known proverb must be applied to evil days less unhappy, and to pre- for the cause, the effect is every vent its pleasures from intoxicating where the same. the brain; a faculty which gives gratification by a mixture of contrarient emotions, by fear and hope, and anxiety and confidence united; a faculty whose power is destroyed by that knowledge which changes hope to assurance, or converts fear to despair.

For the Emerald.



In proportion to the weakness of power is generally the insolence of command. Pleased with a "little brief authority" to which few will Eabmit, the Subaltern assumes an importance at which every body smiles, and strives to guard his official consequence by supercilious and dogmatical manners.

The abuse of power is seldom dangerous in the hands of those to whom our constitutions have entrusted the greatest share. They are commonly watched by the jealous malignity of rivalship. They have no inducement for small devia-tions, and no opportunity for large ones. But the petty larcenies, the small frauds which are committed by the epitomes of office, are more frequent because less noticed, and equally injurious because prac-tised on those who have few oppor-tunities for defence, and fewer for


But leaving the impertinence of office when it changes to imposition, view it in more harmless and more ludicrous forms."

Look on the Exchange-The The magistrate, whose jurisdic- strut, the air, the importance of the tion is extensive and important, gen-officer who is passing designates a erally derives from the elevation of commander of a man of war.-No. Lis office a corresponding elevation indeed-he is either cockswain of


castle barge, or tide-waiter at the custom house.

It is expected that Congress are -turned adrift in the harbour.

That man must be a Bank Direc- To be sold by publick auctiontor he has the port of a capitalist, Gouts, rheumatisms, consumptions looks as though he sported millions.-being a fresh assortment by the You are more correct in this suppo-Spring importations. sition-He so far directs the bank

The indian medicines have ac

as to have custody of the door, and complished many cures by virtue can shut it in your face if you callof a law of this Commonwealth. "after three o'clock P.M."

Wanted in a private family-the culprits who broke from Charlestown prison.


That man must be Chief Justice of the common law; his manner would impress you with ideas of unThe Piscataqua Bridge Lotterylimited authority; he passes with-has a fine breast of milk and good out regarding the request that is recommendations. made to him; has no ear for the importunities of plebeian inquisitiveness, but with the busy importance of immense responsibility seems concerned in a thousand avocations demanding incessant and deep consideration-Chief Justice-He is-but probably when your first impression of surprise has subsided you will be at no loss to determine what he is.

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[The following is a translation of a letter preserved by a heathen historian. It is an important document among the extraneous proofs of the real existence of our blessed Redeemer.]

An Epistle to the Senate of Rome in the days of Tiberius Cesar, concerning JESUS CHRIST, by Publius Lentilus, an officer of high rank in the Roman army then in Judea, and the only person of that nation who sent any account to Rome of so extraordinary an event as mentioned by V. Paterculus.

THERE appeared in these out days a man of great virtue, named JESUS CHRIST, who is yet living amongst us, and of the Gentiles is accepted for a prophet of truth, but his own disciples call him the son of God. He raiseth the dead, and cureth all manner of diseases. A man of stature somewhat tall and comely, with a very reverend countenance, such as the beholders may both fear and love: his hair is of the colour of the filbert full ripe, and plain almost down to his ears, but from his ears downward somewhat curled, and more orient of col

Lost yesterday evening, near the market-the Court and Jury, and seven eighths of the bar. The wardens and vestry of Trin-our, waving about his shoulders: ity church-have for sale ten pipes Brandy.

Whereas my wife Elizabethwill perform for the last time this


In the midst of his head goeth a seam or partition, after the manner of the Nazarites; his forehead very plain and smooth; his face without spot or wrinkle, beautified with a

comely red; his nose and mouth so | into the real drift of a qu formed as nothing can be repre- how the purposes of su.

hended; his beard somewhat thick, agreeable in colour to the hair of his head, not of any great length, but forked in the midst; of an innocent and mature look; his eyes clear and quick, in reproving he is terrible; in admonishing, courteous and fair spoken; pleasant in speech mixed with gravity. It cannot be remembered that any have seen him laugh, but many have seen him weep. In proportion of body, well-shaped and straight, his hands delectable to behold. In speaking, very temperate, modest and wise. A man for his singular beauty, sur-of illustrations; others have been passing the children of men.

justice might best be answ What he discovered, he WOL! speedily execute: at times, his ideas seemed to crowd so closely for ut-terance, that he laboured for words to express himself; and his words were not always most judiciously selected; but his remaaks were pertinent, his intention was right, his morality was that of the gospel.


[From the life of Lord Kenyon we se-
lect the following summary of his
character. It will be gratifying to
the general scholar and to those of
the profession who have had opportu-
nities of admiring his extensive and
profound knowledge of the law.]

been profounder scholars; the de......Other chief justices may have cisions of justice may have been adorned with more graces of eloquence, and more luminous variety

more distinguished as political characters; but there never lived a lord chief justice, who more com-pletely possessed and deserved the confidence of the publick. Implicit confidence is more than is due to any man; but confidence in moral worth, in sterling integrity, in tried abilities, and sincere regard to religion, was what Lord Kenyon eminently enjoyed. The nation at large were more than satisfied with him; they reposed in him, with a filial confidence that the great interests of morality, property, reputa-tion and marriage, were safe where. Lord Kenyon presided.

Lord Kenyon, as a judge, appeared to much greater advantage, than as an advocate. The advocate's highest merit is to do the best he can for his client. On this account, he must assume a versatility of character: he must, at times, Conceal truth, if he does not palliate sidered as a public misfortune; for Lord Kenyon's death may be con- vices. But the judge has a very he was a judge who never suffered Efferent part to act: he preserves a his political opinions to bias his le greatness and an uniformity of char-gal decisions; his religious princicter; he has but one law to go by; ples, confirmed by deep reflection, this adds strength to his remarks, chastened by humility, and enforced nd authority to his opinion. with zeal, gave a strength and a co-.......Lord Kenyon was remark-lour to his sentiments, which were ble quick, and saw, almost with ne glance of intuitive knowledge,

Lord Kenyon, born in 1733, at edington, in Flintshire. Died on e 2d of April, 1802, in the 69th his age.


in perfeet unison with the laws of the land; and who, in no instance of his official conduct, allowed his sense of duty to be, in the smallest degree, counteracted by consider-ations of a private or personal nature.

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