
any one being accused of this sin in the Bible: nor of any commandment which was thereby transgressed.

Q. 13. Did you ever read of any sponsors in the Bible? A. No.

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Q. 14. What do you mean by a sponsor?-A. I mean, one that promises and engages for another in baptism.

Q. 15. Did you ever read in the scriptures of any one promising any thing for another in baptism P-A. No-no promises of parent nor of child, at baptism, is ever mentioned in the Bible.

Q. 16. Whence originated the custom of promising and Vowing in baptism P-A. From the Clergy.

Q. 17. Did you ever read in the scriptures of any vows that minors or adults were under, in consequence of bap tism ?-A. None.

Q. 18. What are the promises given to baptized infants or minors in the New Testament P-A. None.

Q. 19. What are the threats denounced against them, that neglect to have their infants baptized ?-A. Many from the Clergy, but none from the Bible.

Q. 20. Is baptism a command P-A. Yes, " be baptized every one of you."

Q. 21. Should not every divine command be obeyed ?— A. Yes.

Q. 22. In what does religious obedience consist ?-A. In a voluntary act of an intelligent agent.

Q. 23. Is a person active, or passive in obeying a command ?-A. Active.

Q. 24. Is an infant active or passive, conscious orunconscious, in receiving baptism P-A. It is passive and unconscious.

Q. 25. Can a being that is passive and unconscious in suffering an action, be said to be obeying a command in that same action ?-A. By no means.

Q. 26. Can those persons who have been baptized in infancy be said, on the foregoing principles, to have obeyed the divine command "be baptized."-A.-No-impossible. Q. 27. Is baptism an act of religious worship ?-A. Yesall divine ordinances are appointed for us to worship God thereby.

Q 28. How must acceptable worship be performed ? A. In spirit and truth." God is a spirit, and they that worship him, must be worshipped in spirit and truth.-John 4.

Q. 29. Can unthinking and unconscious infants worship God in spirit and in truth?-A. No.

Q. 50. Can they, then, in conformity to these principles, be baptized, as an act of religious worship?-A. No, S

Q. 31. Is baptism appointed for the benefit of the subject?

A. Yes.

Q. 32. Are there any benefits resulting from baptism in this life -A. Many.

Q. SS. What are the benefits resulting from baptism in this life -A. They are briefly comprehended in one sentence, viz. - The answer of a good conscience toward God."-1 Pet. 3, 21.

Q. 34. In what does the answer of a good conscience consist. In three things. First, the knowledge of the meaning of baptism. Second, a belief of the fact and import of the death and resurrection of Christ, to which baptism refers. Third, in the consciousness of our own minds, that we have voluntarily and intelligently obeyed the divine command. See Rom. 6-1-6, 1 Pet. 3, 20-22.

Q. 35. Can any infant be conscious of these things in baptism; or can it afterwards reflect that it intelligently, voluntarily, and cheerfully obeyed, the divine command ? A. It is utterly impossible.

Q. 36. Is there, then, no way in which an infant can obtain by reflection or otherwise the answer of a good conscience from baptism P-A. None.

Q. 37. Can an adult, when instructed in the import of baptism, receive any consolation from reflecting that his parents had him baptized when an infant? A. No, unless it be a delusive consolation, for the answer of a good conscience can only be enjoyed, through an inward consciousness that the subject has intelligently and voluntarily obeyed a divine commandment.

Q. 38. How does any adult know that he was baptized in infancy? A. By the report of others.

Q. 39. Is there any duty, inculcated in the New Testa ment, that requires us only to have the testimony of others for our having performed it ?-A. Not one.

Q.40. Is there any promise accompanying our obedience to the commands of God ?-A. Yes. "In keeping of them there is a great reward." Psalms 19, 11-Prov. 3, 16, 18, Prov. 11, 18, Prov. 29, 18, Heb. 11, 6, 26, James 1, 25.

Q. 41. Is there any reward accompanying infant bapfism P-A. None-except "the praise of men."

Q. 42. Is there any peculiar promise accompanying baptism? A. Yes," the promise of the divine spirit as a comforter." Acts 2, 38, 39. Acts 19, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Q. 48. Who were the first persons baptized after the dispensation of the spirit commenced?-A. The three thotsand on the day of Pentecost. Act 2, 40, 44

Q. 44. What was required of them in order to baptism ? A. Repentance, or faith in Christ, which is inseparable from true repentance. Act 2, 37.

Q. 45. What were the immediate duties of those baptized on that day ?-A. Union with the Church, and obedience to all commandments and ordinances.

Q. 46. How soon were the baptized added to the Church P A. "That same day," "and they continued stedfastly in the Apostle's doctrine, in breaking of bread, in fellowship, and in prayers." Act 2, 41, 42.

Q. 47. Is this true of any infants after baptism? No, it never was, nor in the nature of things can it ever be.

Q. 48. What is the necessary qualification to all parts of Christian practice?-A. Faith.

Q. 49. Is there no Christian duty to be performed without faith in the subject ?-A. None.

Q. 50. Why so?-A. Because, without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God." Heb. 11, 6.

1, Can it then be pleasing to God to baptize or sprin kle infants ?A. No-seeing without faith, it is impossible to please God.

Q. 52. Can the infant itself in receiving this rite please God A. No; for it is destitute of faith.

Q. 53. How do you know that infants are destitute of faith. Because they cannot believe in him of whom they have never heard. As saith the Apostle, Rom. 10, 14," How shall they believe in him of whom they have never heard."

Q. 51. But may there not be two kinds of baptism, one suited to believers, and one to infants destitute of faith ?A. No, for the scriptures speak only of one baptism.

Q. 55 Why did John baptize at Enon ?-A. "Because there was much water there."

Q. 56. Would not a few quarts of water baptize hundredst A. No-a few quarts might sprinkle hundreds, but could not baptize one.

Q. 57, Why did John baptize in Jordan ?-A. Because there was much water there.

Q. 58. Who appointed the sprinkling of infants ?-A. the clergy.

Q. 59. When did sprinkling become general amongst Roman pedo-baptists 3-A. The Pope in the year 1311 declared sprinkling or immersion was indifferent, either would do very well. But in England it did not become general, till after the reign of Queen Elizabeth.

Q. 60. Why do they sprinkle the water upon the face A. Because, thus the clergy have ordained

Q.61.Why do they not sprinkle the foreskin seeing the Jews tircumcised it? A. Because it would be indecent and impolite. Q. 62. Was not, then, circumcision indecent and impolite ?-A. No-fer it was commanded of God.

Q. 63. Can you give no better reason for sprinkling the face than that given?-A. No: the clergy have pitched upon it, and perhaps they had some reason for it.

Q. 64. To what is baptism compared in the New Testanent ?-A. To" a burial and resurrection"-Rom. 6. 4, 6. Q. 65. Does sprinkling the face resemble a burial? A. No. Q. 66. Does immersing the whole person resemble a burial?-A. Yes We are buried with him by baptism." Q 67. Does a child carrying away from the preacher resemble a resurrection P-A. No.

Q. 68. How then is a resurrection exhibited ?— A. After the subject has been immersed in water, and completely: overwhelmed in it; his rising up out of the water is an emblem of a resurrection.

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Դ ՐՈ T. Lambiam omnarod to any thing else in the scrip 19 བི4P࿄བi“ 9སFཕ ་ས tures? A. Yes to the regenerating influences and operation of the spirit of God: Hence we read of the washing of regeneration" and of the "baptism of the holy spirit." Q70. Is sprinkling an emblem of the operation of the spi. No.

Q. 71. What is there in immersion in water that is an emblem of the regenerating operation of the spirit ?-A. The application of water to the whole person of the subject and the consequent "putting off of the filth of the flesh" is an emblem of the operation of the spirit upon the whole soul of man, affecting the understanding, will, and affections, and the consequent "putting off of the sins of the flesh," or the old man with his deeds. This, immersion beautifully exhibits, but sprinkling cannot.

Q. 72. How shall an illiterate man know the meaning of the Greek word baptism ?--A. By enquiring how the Greek church practice this rite. It is certain they ought to understand their own language best.

Q. 73. And how do the Greek church administer this ordinance ?--A. Even to this day they immerse every subject, in all climes, and in all cases in which they may be placed.

Q. 74. Has not immersion in cold water been a dangerous practice --A. No: In the frozen regions of Russia and Canada, in the midst of the coldest winters; and in the warmest climates, in the torrid zone, it has been practiced without danger but with manifest safety to the administrators and the subjects

Q. 75. Why was sprinkling substituted for immersion P 1. To gratify the caprice, the pride, and the carnality of

the human mind.

Q76. Why were infants baptized or sprinkled, seeing there is no such command or precedent in the Bible ?-A. Why did the Israelites make a golden calf-Uzzah touch the sacred ark-and Naidab and Abihu offer strange and uncommanded fire upon the altar of the Lord? From the same principle, and for the same reason, was this practice first introduced.

Q 77. Did you ever read of infant church membership P A. Yes, in books of baptism, but never in the Bible.

Q. 78. What do you understand by infant church mem-. bership? A. Lunderstand the phraze to mean, that infants. are members of the visible church.

Q. 79. Are there any directions given in the scriptures. for the proper discipline and management of infant members --A. None: the Bible knows of no such members; it addresses all members as equally qualified by faith and grace to attend to all the ordinary duties of christianity.

Q. 80. Do we ever read of any members of the church, who are qualified for one or two of the ordinances of the church, and disqualified for attendance on the other institutions of it --A. None.

Q. 81. Can infants, then, be considered as members of the visible church, seeing they are not qualified for the observance of the ordinances of it P-A. By no means.

Q82. Is Jesus Christ represented as king, of his king. dom or church A. Yes. Rev. 19, 16

Q83. Wherein does the honor and glory of a king con sist ?--A. In reigning over a willing people; a people who love and esteem him, and serve him as volunteers; and in governing them in wisdom and justice.

Q 84. Is Christ such a king ?--A. Yes. Ps. 110, 1–2–3. Q. 85. What is the character of his subjects ?--A. They are said to be a willing people' of the truth-taught of God' born from above,' and true and faithful.'

Q. 86. Are infants of such a character ?-A. No; con. sequently cannot be subjects of his visible kingdom.

Q. 87. In what point of view are we to consider infants A. As inheriting an evil nature, conceived in sin"❝ brought forth in iniquity"" prone to evil"-guilty and subject to death, the wages of sin. See Ps. 58, 3-51-5Job. 14, 4-John 3, 6-Ep. 2, 3.

Q. 88. Can any of them be saved who die before they are

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