
it was naked and barren. As the weather was exceedingly cold, he permitted his men to cut wood out of his own parks, without sparing either pine or cypress: and when the soldiers were loath to touch trees of such size and beauty, he took an axe in his own hand, and laid it to the finest tree amongst them. After which they cut them down without scruple, and having made a number of fires, passed the night with great satisfaction.

He found, however, on his arrival at his capital, that he had lost many brave men, and almost all his horses; and, imagining that he was despised for his losses, and the ill success of the expedition, he became suspicious of his grandees. Many of them he put to death in anger, and more out of fear; for fear is the most sanguinary principle a tyrant can act from; courage, on the contrary, is merciful, mild, and unsuspicious. Thus the most timorous animals are the hardest to be tamed; but the more generous, having less suspicion, because they have less fear, fly not the caresses and society of men.

When Cyrus fell in battle, she was taken amongst the plunder of his camp.

Artaxerxes was much concerned at his son's request. For the barbarians are so extremely jealous of their women, that capital punishment is inflicted, not only on the man who speaks to, or touches one of the king's concubines, but on him who approaches or passes their chariots on the road. And though, in compliance with the dictates of his passion, he had made Atossa his wife contrary to law, he kept three hundred and sixty concubines, all women of the greatest beauty. However, when Darius demanded Aspasia, he declared her free, and said, "She might go with him if she pleased; but he would do no violence to her inclinations." Accordingly Aspasia was sent for, and, contrary to the king's expectation, made choice of Darius. He gave her up to him, indeed, because he was obliged to it by the law; but he soon took her away, and made her a priestess of Diana of Ecbatana, whom they called Anitis, that she might pass the remainder of her life in chastity. This he thought no severe revenge upon his son, but a pleasant way of chastising his presumption. But Darius highly resented the affront; whether it was that the charms of Aspasia had made a deep impression upon him, or whether he thought himself insulted and ridiculed by this proceeding.

Artaxerxes being now far advanced in years, observed his sons making parties for the crown amongst his friends and the rest of the nobility. The more equitable part were for his leaving it to his eldest son Darius, as he had received it from his father in the same right. But his younger son Ochus, who was an active man, Tiribazus seeing how much he was offended, and of a violent spirit, had also a considerable endeavoured to exasperate him still more. interest among the grandees. Besides, he hop- This he did from a fellow feeling; for he had ed to gain his father through Atossa; for he suffered an injury much of the same kind. The paid his court to her, and promised to make king, having several daughters, promised to her the partner of his throne upon the death give Apama to Pharnabazus, Rhodogune to of Artaxerxes. Nay, it was said that he had Orontes, and Amestris to Tiribazus. He kept already private familiarities with her. Arta- his word with the two first, but deceived Tirixerxes, though he was ignorant of this circum- bazus; for, instead of giving Amestris to him. stance, resolved to cut off the hopes of Ochus he married her himself; promising at the same at once; lest, following the daring steps of his time that he should have his youngest daughuncle Cyrus, he should involve the kingdom ter Atossa. But he became enamoured of her again in civil wars. He therefore declared too, and married her, as we have already menDarius his successor, who was now twenty-tioned. This treatment extremely incensed five years old, and permitted him to wear the point of his turbant erect, as a mark of royalty. As it is customary in Persia for the heir to ask a favour of him that declared him such, which, if possible, is always granted, Darius asked for Aspasia, who had been the favourite mistress of Cyrus, and was now one of the king's concubines. She was a native of Phocea in Ionia, and her parents, who were above the condition of slaves, had given her a good education. One evening she was introduced to Cyrus at supper with the other women. They approached him without scruple, and received his jokes and caresses with pleasure: but Aspasia stood by in silence; and when Cyrus called her, she refused to go. Perceiving that the chamberlains were about to compel her, she said, "Whoever lays hands upon me shall repent it." Upon which the company looked upon her as an unpolished creature; but Cyrus was pleased, and said, with a smile, to the person who brought the women, "Do not you see that of all you have provided, this only has generous and virtuous sentiments!" From this moment he attached himself to her, loved her most of all his concubines, and called her Aspasia the wise. In the printed text it is fifty. ↑ Citaris,

Tiribazus, who had, indeed, nothing steady in his disposition; but was wild and irregular. One while successful, and upon a footing with the greatest men in the court, another while unacceptable to the king, and sinking into disgrace, he bore no change of fortune with propriety. If he was in favour, his vanity was insupportable; if in disgrace, instead of being humble and quiet, he had recourse to violence and ferocity.

His conversing with the young prince was, therefore, adding flame to fire. "What avails it," said he, "to have the point of your turban advanced, if you seek not to advance your authority? Nothing can be more absurd than your thinking yourself secure of the succes sion, while your brother is privately forwarding his interest by means of the women, and your father is so very foolish and unsteady. He who could break one of the most sacred laws of the Persians, for the sake of an insignificant Gre cian woman, is certainly not to be depended upon in more important engagements. The case is quite different between you and Ochus, as the event of the competition: if Ochus

Pausanias says, there was a temple of Diana Anaitis in Lydia. But Justin tells us, that Artaxerxes made Aspasia one of the priestesses of the sun.

does not obtain the crown, none will hinder him from living happily in a private station; but you, who have been declared king, must either reign or die." On this occasion was verified that observation of Sophocles:

-Swift in its march

Is evil counsel

The road which leads us to what we desire is indeed smooth, and of an easy descent; and the desires of most men are vicious, because they have never known or tried the enjoyments of virtue. The lustre of such an imperial crown, and Darius's fear of his brother, furnished Tiribazus with other arguments; but the goddess of beauty contributed her share towards persuading him, by putting him in mind of the loss of Aspasia.

He gave himself up, therefore, entirely to Tiribazus, and many others soon entered into the conspiracy. But before it could be carried into execution, an eunuch gave the king information of it, and of all the measures that were taken; for he had got perfect intelligence that they designed to enter his chamber in the night, and kill him in his bed.

and that Darius, after he was convicted by in-
dubitable proofs, fell on his face and begged
for mercy, but Artaxerxes, rising in great an-
ger, drew his scimitar, and pursued his stroke
till he laid him dead at his feet. They add,
that after this, he returned to his palace, and
having paid his devotions to the sun, said to
those who assisted at the ceremony, "My
Persians, you may now return in triumph, and
tell your fellow-subjects, that the great Oro-
mazes has taken vengeance on those who
formed the most impious and execrable designa
Such was the end
against their sovereign."
of the conspiracy.

Ochus. However, he planned the destruction of both these brothers of his; and being of an artful, as well as sanguinary turn, he employed his cruelty against Arsames, and his art against Ariaspes. To the latter he privately sent some of the king's eunuchs and friends with frequent accounts of severe and menacing expressions of his father's, as if he had resolved to put him to a cruel and ignominious death. As these persons came daily to tell him in confidence, that some of these threats were upon the point of being put in execution, and the others would not be long delayed, he was so terrified, and fell into such a melancholy and desponding way, that he prepared a poisonous draught, and drank it, to deliver himself from the burden of life.

Ochus now entertained very agreeable hopes, and was encouraged besides by Atossa. But he had still some fear of his remaining legitimate brother, Ariaspes, and of his natural brother Arsames. Not that Ochus had so much to aprehend from Ariaspes, merely because he was older, but the Persians were desirous of having him succeed to the throne on account of his mildness, his sincerity, and his humane disposition. As for Arsames, he had the character of a wise prince, and was the particular Artaxerxes thought it would be great impru-favourite of his father. This was no secret to dence either to slight the information, and lay himself open to such danger, or to credit it without farther proof. The method he took was this: he ordered the eunuch to join Darius and his adherents, and assist at all their councils; and in the mean time broke a door through the wall behind his bed, which he concealed with the tapestry. When the time came, which the eunuch informed him of, he placed himself upor his bed, and remained there till he had a sight of the faces of the conspirators, and could perfectly distinguish each of them. But when he saw them draw their swords, and advance towards him, he pulled back the tapestry, retreated into the inner room, and, after he had bolted the door, alarmed the palace. The assassins seeing themselves discovered, and their designs disappointed, immediately took to flight, and desired Tiribazus to do the same, because he must certainly have been observed. While he lingered, the guards came and laid hold of him; but he killed many of them, and it was with difficulty that he was despatched However, Arsames now became dearer to at last by a javelin thrown at a distance. him than ever, and it was easy to see that the Darius was taken, together with his chil-king placed an entire confidence in him, and dren, and brought to answer for his crime before the judges which the king appointed. The king did not think proper to assist at the trial in person, but directed others to lay the charge against his son, and his notaries were to take down separately the opinion of each judge. As they all gave it unanimously for death, the officers took Darius, and led him into an adjacent prison. But when the executioner came, with the instrument in his hand which is used in beheading the capital convicts, he was seized with horror at the sight of Darius, and drew back towards the door, as having neither ability nor courage to lay violent hands upon his king. But the judges, who stood at the door, urging him to do his office, with menaces of instant punishment if he did not comply, he returned, and seizing Darius by the hair, threw him on the ground, and cut off his head. Some say the cause was tried in presence of the king,

The king being informed of the manner of his death, sincerely lamented him, and had some suspicion of the cause, but could not examine into it thoroughly on account of his great age.

communicated to him his most secret thoughts.
Ochus, therefore, would not defer his enter-
prise longer, but employed Harpates, the son
of Tiribazus, to kill Arsames."
whom time had brought to the very verge of
life, when he had this additional stroke in the
fate of Arsames, could not make much more
struggle; his sorrow and regret soon brought
him to the grave. He lived ninety-four years,
and reigned sixty-two. He had the character
of a prince who governed with lenity: and lov-
ed his people. But perhaps the behaviour of
his successor might contribute not a little to
his reputation; for Ochus was the most cruel
and sanguinary of princes.

The Persians worshipped Oromazes as the author of Good, and Arimanius as the author of Evil.

+ Diodorus Siculus says, that he reigned only fortv. three years.


THE philosopher, Chrysippus, my dear Polycrates, seems to have thought the ancient proverb not quite justifiable, and therefore he delivered it, not as it really is, but what he thought it should be-

Who but a happy son will praise his sire? Dionysidorus, the Trozenian, however, corrects him, and gives it right,

generous sentiments, and persuaded besides that it was by the direction of some deity that the child had taken refuge with her, she concealed him in one of her apartments till night, and then sent him privately to Argos.

Aratus, having thus escaped so imminent a danger, immediately conceived a violent and implacable hatred for tyrants, which increased Who but unhappy sons will praise their sires? as he grew up. He was educated by the friends He says, the proverb was made to silence those and as he was vigorous and robust, he took to of his family, at Argos, in a liberal manner; who, having no merit of their own, dress themgymnastic exercises, and succeeded so well as selves up in the virtues of their ancestors, and to gain the prize in the five several sorts. Inare lavish in their praises. And those in whom deed, in his statues there is an athletic look; the virtues of their sires shine in congenial and amidst the strong sense and majesty exbeauty, to make use of Pindar's expression; pressed in his countenance, we may discover who, like you, form their conduct after the something inconsistent with the voracity and brightest patterns in their families, may think it mattock of the wrestlers.† Hence, perhaps, it a great happiness to remember the most excel-was that he cultivated his powers of eloquence lent of their ancestors, and often to hear or speak of them: for they assume not the honour of other men's virtues for want of merit in their own, but uniting their great actions to those of their progenitors, they praise them as the authors of their descent, and the models of their lives. For which reason, when I have written the life of Aratus, your countryman, and one of your ancestors, I shall send it to you, who reflect no dishonour upon him either in point of reputation or power. Not that I doubt your having informed yourself of his actions from the first, with all possible care and exactness; but I do it, that your sons, Polycrates and Pythocles, may form themselves upon the great examplars in their own family, sometimes hearing and sometimes reading what it becomes them well to imitate; for it is the self admirer, not the admirer of virtue, that thinks himself superior to others.

less than became a statesman. He might in deed be a better speaker than some suppose; and there are those who judge, from his Commentaries, that he certainly was so, though they were hastily written, and attempted nothing beyond common language.

Some time after the escape of Aratus, Dinias and Aristotle, the logician, formed a design against Abantidas, and they easily found an opportunity to kill him, when he attended, and sometimes joined in their disputations in the public halls, which they had insensibly drawn him into for that very purpose. Paseas, the father of Abantidas, then seized the supreme power, but he was assassinated by Nicocles, who took his place, and was the next tyrant. We are told that there was a perfect likeness between this Nicocles and Periander, the son of Cypselus; as Orontes, the Persian, resembled Alcmæon, the son of Amphiaraus, and a After the harmony of the pure Doric, I mean Lacedæmonian youth, the great Hector. Myrthe aristocracy, was broken in Sicyon, and se-tilas informs us, that the young man was crowdditions took place through the ambition of the ed to death by the multitudes who came to see demagogues, the city continued a long time in him, when that resemblance was known. a distempered state. It only changed one tyrant for another, till Cleon was slain, and the ad- time he did a thousand injuries to the people, Nicocles reigned four months, during which ministration committed to Timoclidas and Cli- and was near losing the city to the Etolians, nias, persons of the greatest reputation and au- who formed a scheme to surprise it. Aratus thority amongst the citizens. The commonwas by this time approaching to manhood, and wealth seemed to be in some degree re-estab- great attention was paid him on account of his lished, when Timoclidas died. Abantidas, the high birth, and his spirit, in which there was son of Paseas, taking that opportunity to set nothing little or unenterprising, and yet it was himself up tyrant, killed Clinias, and either ban- under the correction of a gravity and solidity ished or put to death his friends and relations. of judgment much beyond his years. The He sought also for his son Aratus, who was only exiles, therefore, considered him as their prinseven years old, with a design to despatch him. cipal resource; and Nicocles was not regardBut, in the confusion that was in his house less of his motions, but by his private agents when his father was slain, the boy escaped observed the measures he was taking. Not among those that fled, and wandered about the that he expected he would embark in so bold city, in fear and destitute of help, till he hap- and dangerous an enterprise as he did, but he pened to enter, unobserved, the house of a suspected his applications to the princes, who woman named Soso, who was sister to Abanti-were the friends of his father. Indeed, Aratus das, and had been married to Prophantus, the brother of Clinias. As she was a person of

* There was a gravity, but, at the same time, great perfection in the Dorian music.

already observed) were running, leaping, throwing the * The five exercises of the Pentathlum (as we have dart, boxing, and wrestling.

They used to break up the ground with the mattock, by way of exercise, to improve their strength.

began in that channel; but when he found and pretending to be travellers, get a lodging that Antigonus, notwithstanding his promises, there; after which, they were to confine both put him off from time to time, and that his him and his dogs: for that part of the wall was hopes from Egypt and Ptolemy were too re-not accessible any other way. The ladders mote, he resolved to destroy the tyrant without any foreign assistance.

The first persons to whom he communicated his intentions were Aristomachus and Ecdelus. Aristomachus was an exile from Sicyon, and Ecdelus, an Arcadian, banished from Megalopolis. The latter was a philosopher, who in speculation never lost sight of practice, for he had studied at Athens, under Arcesilaus, the academician. As these readily accepted his proposal, he applied to the other exiles; a few of whom joined him, because they were ashamed to give up so promising a hope; but the greatest part believed it was only Aratus's inexperiencet that made him think of so bold an attempt, and endeavoured to prevent his proceeding.

being made to take in pieces, were packed up in corn chests, and sent before in waggons prepared for that purpose.

In the meantime some of the tyrant's spies arrived at Argos, and it was reported that they were skulking about to watch the motions of Aratus. Next morning, therefore, Aratus appeared early with his friends in the marketplace, and talked with them for some time. He then went to the gymnasium, and after he had anointed himself, took with him some young men from the wrestling ring who used to be of his parties of pleasure, and returned home. In a little time his servants were seen in the market-place, some carrying chaplets of flowers, some buying flambeaux, and some in discourse with the women who used to sing and play at While he was considering how to seize some entertainments. Those manœuvres deceived post in the territories of Sicyon, from whence the spies. They laughed and said to each other, he might prosecute hostilities against the tyrant," Certainly nothing can be more dastardly than a man of Sicyon arrived at Argos, who had es- a tyrant, since Nicocles, who is master of so caped out of prison. He was brother to Xeno-strong a city, and armed with so much power, cles, one of the exiles; and being introduced by lives in fear of a young man, who wastes the him to Aratus, he informed him, that the part pittance he has to subsist on in exile, in drinkof the wall which he had got over, was almosting and revelling even in the day time."--After level with the ground on the inside, as it join- these false reasonings they retired. ed upon a high rocky part of the city, and that on the outside it was not so high but that it might be scaled. Upon this intelligence, Aratus sent two of his servants, Sceuthas and Technon, along with Xenocles, to reconnoitre the wall; for he was resolved, if he could do it secretly, to hazard all upon one great effort, rather than lengthen out the war, and publicly engage with a tyrant, when he had no resources but those of a private man.

Xenocles and his companions, after they had taken the height of the wall, reported, at their return, that it was neither impracticable nor difficult, but that it was dangerous to attempt it on account of some dogs kept by a gardener, which were little, indeed, but at the same time extremely fierce and furious. Aratus, however, immediately set about the work. It was easy to provide arms without suspicion; for almost every body went armed, by reason of the frequent robberies, and the incursions of one people into the territories of another. And as to the scaling ladders, Euphranor, who was one of the exiles, and a carpenter by trade, made them publicly; his business screening him from suspicion. Each of his friends in Argos, who had no great number of men that he could command, furnished him with ten; he armed thirty of his own servants, and hired some few soldiers of Xenophilus, who was chief captain of a band of robbers. To the latter it was given out that the design of their march to Sicyon, was to carry off the king's stud; and several of them were sent before by different ways to the tower of Polygnotus, with orders to wait for him there. Caphesias was likewise sent with four others in a travelling dress. These were to go in the evening to the gardener's,

Arcesilaus was the disciple of Crantor, and had established the middle academy.

He was not yet twenty years old.

Aratus, immediately after he had made his meal, set out for the tower of Polygnotus, and when he had joined the soldiers there, proceeded to Nemea, where he disclosed his real intentions to his whole company. Having ex horted them to behave like brave men, and promised them great rewards, he gave 'propitious Apollo' for the word, and then led them forwards towards Sicyon, governing his march according to the motion of the moon, sometimes quickening, and sometimes slackening his pace, so as to have the benefit of her light by the way, and to come to the garden by the wall just after she was set. There Caphesias met him, and informed him that the dogs were let out before he arrived, but that he had secured the gardener. Most of the company were greatly dispirited at this account, and desired Aratus to quit his enterprise; but he encouraged them by promising to desist, if the dogs should prove very troublesome. Then he ordered those who carried the ladders to march before, under the conduct of Ecdelus and Mnasitheus, and himself followed softly. The dogs now began to run about and bark violently at Ecdelus and his men; nevertheless they approached the wall, and planted their ladders safe. But as the foremost of them were mounting, the officer who was to be relieved by the morning guard passed by that way at the sound of the bell, with many torches and much noise. Upon this, the men laid themselves close to their ladders, and escaped the notice of this watch without much difficulty; but when the other which was to relieve it, came up, they were in the utmost danger. However, that too passed by without observing them; after which, Mnasitheus and Ecdelus mounted the wall first, and having secured the way both to the right and left, they sent Technon to Aratus to desire him to advance as fast as possible.

It was no great distance from the garden to

They were now, indeed, restored to their an cient possessions; but their going into houses and lands which had found new masters, laid Aratus under great difficulties. Without, he saw Antigonus envying the liberty which the city had recovered, and laying schemes to enslave it again; and within, he found nothing but faction and disorder. He therefore judged it best in this critical situation to join it to the Achaan league. As the people of Sicyon were Dorians, they had no objection to being called a part of the Achæan community, or to their form of government. It must be acknowledged, indeed, that the Achæans at that time were no very great or powerful people. Their towns were generally small, their lands neither extensive nor fertile; and they had no harbours on their coasts, the sea for the most part entering the land in rocky and impracticable creeks. Yet none gave a better proof than this people, that the power of Greece is invincible while good order and harmony prevail amongst her members, and she has an able general to lead her armies. In fact, these very Achæans, though but inconsiderable in comparison of the Greeks in their flourishing times, or, to speak more properly, not equalling in their whole community the strength of one respectable city in the period we are upon, yet by good counsels and unanimity, and by hearkening to any man of superior virtue, instead of envying his merit, not only kept themselves free amidst so many powerful states and tyrants, but saved great part of Greece, or rescued it from chains.

the wall, and to a tower in which was placed a great hunting dog to alarm the guard. But whether he was naturally drowsy, or had wearied himself the day before, he did not perceive their entrance. But the gardener's dogs awaking him by barking below, he began to growl; and when Aratus's men passed by the tower, he barked out, so that the whole place resounded with the noise. Then the sentinel, who kept watch opposite to the tower, called aloud to the huntsman, and asked him, "Whom the dog barked at so angrily, or whether any thing new had happened?" The huntsman answered from the tower, "That there was nothing extraordinary, and that the dog was only disturbed at the torches of the guards and the noise of the bell." This encouraged Aratus's soldiers more than any thing; for they imagined that the huntsman concealed the truth because he had a secret understanding with their leader, and that there were many others in the town who would promote the design. But when the rest of their companions came to scale the wall, the danger increased. It appeared to be a long affair, because the ladders shook and swung extremely if they did not mount them softly and one by one; and the time pressed, for the cocks began to crow. The country people, too, who kept the market, were expected to arrive every moment. Aratus, therefore, hastened up himself when only forty of his company were upon the wall; and when a few more had joined him from below, he put himself at the head of his men, and marched immediately to the tyrant's palace, where the main guard was kept, and where the mercenaries passed the night under arms. Coming suddenly upon them, he took them prisoners without killing one man; and then sent to his friends in the town to invite them to come and join him. They ran to him from all quarters; and day now appearing, the theatre was filled with a crowd of people who stood in suspense; for they had only heard a rumor, and had no certainty of what was doing, till a herald came and proclaimed it in these words," Aratus The Dutch republic much resembles it. The the son of Clinias calls the citizens to liberty." Achæans, indeed, at first had two Prators whose of Then, persuaded that the day they had long fice it was both to preside in the diet, and to command expected was come, they rushed in multitudes in the army; but it was soon thought advisable to reto the palace of the tyrant, and set fire to it.tween the Dutch Stadtholder and the Achæan Prætor, There is this difference, too, beThe flame was so strong that it was seen as far that the latter did not continue two years successively as Corinth, and the Corinthians wondering in his employment. But in other respects there is a what might be the cause, were upon the point striking similarity between the states of Holland and of going to their assistance. Nicocles escaped those of the Achæan league; and if the Achæans could have become a maritime power like the Dutch, their out of the city by some subterranean conduits; and the soldiers having helped the Sicyonians and lasting than it was. power would probably have been much more extensive to extinguish the fire, plundered his palace. All the cities subject to the Achæan league were gov Nor did Aratus hinder them from taking this erned by the great council, or general assembly of the booty; but the rest of the wealth which the sev-whole nation, which was assembled twice a year, in the eral tyrants had amassed, he bestowed upon the


As to his character, Aratus had something very popular in his behaviour; he had a native greatness of mind, and was more attentive to the public interest than to his own. He was an implacable enemy to tyrants; but with respect to others, he made the good of his country the sole rule of his friendship or opposition. So that he seems rather to have been a mild and moderate enemy than a zealous friend; his regards or aversions to particular men varying

duce them to one.

spring and autumn. To this assembly, or diet, each of the confederate cities had a right to send a number of deputies, who were elected in their respective cities by a plurality of voices. In these meetings they enacted laws, disposed of the vacant employments, declared war, made peace, concluded alliances, and, in short, provided for all the principal occasions of the common


There was not so much as one man killed or wounded in this action, either of Aratus's party or the enemy; fortune so conducting the enterprise as not to sully it with the blood of one citizen. Aratus recalled eighty persons who Beside the Prator, they had ten great officers called had been banished by Nicocles, and of those Demiurgi, chosen by the general assembly out of the that had been expelled by the former tyrants most eminent and experienced persons amongst the not less than five hundred. The latter had long states. It was their office to assist the prætor with been forced to wander from place to place, eral assembly but what had been previously approved their advice. He was to propose nothing to the gensome of them full fifty years; consequently by their body, and in his absence the whole managemost of them returned in a destitute condition.ment of civil affairs devolved upon them.

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